BB17 Day 18 - Shelli settles on her plan for the replacement nominee

July 5, 2015

12:00-1:00 PM: Concerned that Shelli may not go through with the plan, Austin and Liz discussed that Liz will need to talk to Shelli again today. Austin told Liz that she needs to let Shelli know that she will work with her at least until jury. Vanessa entered the room and they filled her in on that plan. Vanessa liked it but said to make sure that it does not get out that Liz is offering that, or else Meg will go offer the same thing. Liz started to question if Da’Vonne was even the target. Austin felt that she was, otherwise it would have gotten out by this point that she is not. Austin then went outside and talked to Audrey. Audrey mentioned that she had told Shelli that she wants to work with him and Vanessa if they have to pick sides. Austin brought up that he hopes that Liz isn’t nominated. Audrey asked if that is being tossed around as an option. Austin told her that it is and also mentioned Meg as a possibility. They agreed that Meg would definitely stay over Da’Vonne, though Audrey pointed out that Meg is one of the people that she was told that she cannot go after. That led Audrey to believe that Meg would not be nominated. Audrey discussed that Meg is really close with James and Jeff, also getting closer with Jason. Audrey figured that Meg could become Jason’s new Da’Vonne once Da’Vonne leaves.

Audrey felt that the best case scenario would be for herself, Austin, Liz or Vanessa to win HoH this week. Both agreed that James winning would be the worst case scenario. Austin said that he would backdoor James if he wins, putting him up against Meg. He did tell Audrey that he would make people think that he was going to backdoor her. They hoped that the outsiders such as John and Steve would not side with the big group. Austin felt that he could sway Becky if she were to win, while Audrey thought that she would not be workable. Audrey observed that Becky gravitates towards Jeff and Clay. Elsewhere, Jeff went to Shelli to fill her in on a few things that he heard last night. He said that Jason told Meg that she should expect to go up since her going up would ensure that Da’Vonne goes home. Jeff said that Meg replied by saying that she would be pissed if she went on the block without being talked to first. Therefore, Jeff suggested that Shelli should talk to Meg about it sooner rather than later. He also told Shelli that Jason was discussing that he knows that it would be best for his game if Da’Vonne does end up going.

1:00-2:00 PM: Da’Vonne talked to Vanessa and said that hopefully it is not her time to go, because she still has a lot of things to do. Da’Vonne said that she will not just roll over and die. Da’Vonne told Vanessa that if she could persuade Shelli that she should be in this game longer then she would appreciate it. Da’Vonne pointed out that Vanessa is not one of her targets. Vanessa said that she would think it over and see if there is anything that she can do. Da’Vonne then talked to James. They both expect that Da’Vonne is the target this week and that Meg will be the replacement nominee. They agreed that Meg would ensure that Da’Vonne goes home since she is so likeable. James figured that the other options would be Liz or Vanessa. He also mentioned that they could always backdoor him and then try to work with Da’Vonne again. Da’Vonne said that she would not be having that, since the only people that she gave her loyalty to in this game are James and Jason.

Da’Vonne pulled Shelli aside and told her that she doesn’t feel that it is her time to go. She asked Shelli to consider nominating Audrey next to her and letting the house decide who should go. Da’Vonne said that she would have a fresh start with Shelli if she were to stay. Shelli mentioned that she felt uneasy with Da’Vonne because they separated early in the game for whatever reason, which they are both at fault for. Shelli then said that she begun to question if Da’Vonne was only talking to her because she needed her. She pointed out that Da’Vonne had info last week and yet she was left out and not brought in to the big group until people decided that Audrey could not be trusted. Da’Vonne said that she was up in the HoH room fighting to keep Shelli off of the block, even before Clay was. Da’Vonne again asked Shelli to nominate Audrey next to her. Shelli said that it was a big move to put Da’Vonne on the block and it could come back to bite her if she saves her. Da’Vonne explained that it would not since the people close to her are also close to Clay, so they would keep them safe. She also told Shelli that it would be the better move since there will be a lot of people questioning Shelli if she sends her home before Audrey. Da’Vonne assured Shelli that neither her nor Clay are her targets and that she would want to put a core group together to get to jury if she stayed. She said that she sees how much Shelli trusts Audrey after so much she has done, so she knows that Shelli is capable of trusting her if they work together as well.

2:00-3:00 PM: Liz went to Shelli and said that she wanted to finish up their conversation from yesterday since they got interrupted. She said that Meg would be 100% safe if on the block, while it would be 60/40 if she goes up. Liz said that she is scared and super nervous. Liz pointed out that Meg is loyal to the other crew, such as James and Jeff. On the other hand, Liz said that the only people that she is close to are Austin and Vanessa and that they would like to work with Clay and Shelli. Liz said that she will win an HoH soon and she will not go after Clay or Shelli. Liz mentioned working together at least until jury. Shelli said that she wants to work together as well. Liz mentioned James as someone that she would like to target soon, possibly after Audrey is gone. Shelli told Liz not to worry, because as soon as the idea of nominating Meg was brought to her attention she was on board with it. Shelli told Liz that she will not be nominating her. Liz thanked Shelli and said that she only has her word in this house and she has to stick to it, so she will not be targeting Clay and Shelli.

5:00-6:00 PM: Shelli talked to Clay about her conversation with Da’Vonne. Shelli said that Da’Vonne made some really good points and had her thinking and worrying about her decision for a minute. Shelli said that once she went outside and thought it over, she realized that she has seen too many people go against their gut feeling and later regret it, so she has to stick with her original plan. Clay asked Shelli if she has talked to Liz or Meg about the replacement nominee situation. Shelli said that she talked to Liz and told her that she is not going up. Clay then asked if Shelli is for sure going to nominate Meg. Shelli said yes. She wondered what the best strategic move would be in terms of telling James and Meg about the plan. She was concerned that if she tells them too soon it could get back to Da’Vonne. Clay pointed out that it could be a good thing because then they would know that one of those two leaked. Shelli felt that they would never be able to figure out who it was that told Da’Vonne. Either way, Clay thought that Shelli should talk to them sooner rather than later.

8:00-9:00 PM: Audrey mentioned to Clay that Austin is quite concerned that the votes could flip if the replacement nominee is him, Liz or Vanessa. Clay said that he agrees with that. Audrey then asked Clay if they know who the replacement nominee will be. He confirmed that they do. She followed that up by asking if it is her. Clay said that it is not, because Shelli would never do that to Audrey. Audrey said that’s why she is glad that Shelli, not Clay, is the HoH this week. Clay said that he wouldn’t have done it to her either. Audrey said that she is going to win HoH next week and then the whole house will freak out.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jeff told Austin that the two of them, Clay and Liz may be able to stick together. Jeff said that he is working on something so that Liz may not even have to go on the block. Jeff pointed out that Da’Vonne could swing the votes if she is up against Da’Vonne. Austin agreed. Jeff then brought up that they have to get Audrey out because everyone is starting to like her again. Austin said that it’s because people see a vulnerable person on their own and she is so good at spinning it that she will be their best friend until the end. Jeff then questioned where Vanessa’s head is at. Austin explained that she is trying to get numbers on her side right now and she would be down for Jeff to approach her. Austin assured Jeff that Vanessa is not after him. Jeff asked Austin if he thought that Vanessa could possibly be America’s Player. Austin suggested that it may be Audrey. Jeff thought that Austin could be on to something. Austin pointed out that it may be the reason that Audrey will not make a serious alliance. Jeff also thought that it would explain why Audrey started so many rumours.

10:00-11:00 PM: Da’Vonne and James discussed the potential replacement nominee. James said that nobody has told him anything yet, likely because they know that he is close with her. James told Da’Vonne that he would give her his vote and will probably tell Shelli that ahead of time so that there is no surprise. James figured that Meg or Liz would go on the block. Da’Vonne didn’t think that she would get any votes if up against either of those girls. She figured that people want her out because they think that Jason will be lost without her and also because they blame her for being the head of the eight person alliance even though she was not. Da’Vonne wondered why nobody is talking about nominating Austin. She told James that he should be in a good spot since people do like him a lot. Jason and Meg joined them and discussed the situation. Jason told the others that they would be dumb to nominate Meg and would be causing themselves some unexpected problems if they did that. Meg laughed and said especially if nobody talks to her about it.

2:00-3:00 AM: Shelli spoke to James, Jeff and Meg about her plan for the replacement nominee. Shelli explained that the only thing that she can do to ensure that Da’Vonne goes home is to nominate someone that she is super close to. Shelli then revealed that that person is Meg. Shelli said that not a single person would vote Meg out. Jeff said that it is a smart move if Shelli wants Da’Vonne to go. Meg told Shelli that she knew that it was coming and that all that she asks is that Shelli has her back in the coming weeks. Shelli assured her that she would. Meg said that it sucks but she doesn’t think that she will go home. James said that Da’Vonne wont even campaign, since she said that she would not if Meg is put on the block. Meg mentioned that she is terrified about the upcoming twist. Clay said that he doesn’t think that it would be something that saves Da’Vonne. They discussed that Jason is the only one that will give his vote to Da’Vonne, which is fine. Shelli also made it clear that she is on board with Audrey going next and that when Audrey comes up in to the HoH room uninvited she does not talk game with her.

Meanwhile, Becky was chatting with Austin and Liz. While Shelli was talking to the group upstairs, four different people tried to enter the HoH room. Becky, Jackie, Audrey and John were all asked to give them a minute to talk. Becky went to Austin and Liz and said that she knows that she is on the outside but she is scared about formalizing something with the outsiders since people like John and Steve don’t want to win HoHs. Austin pointed out that Becky is on the outside and the others just showed her that. Becky agreed and said that she is on board with the outsiders since she is clearly not welcome upstairs. Austin told Becky that him, Liz and Vanessa are gunning for HoH. Austin brought up that Clay and Shelli are playing both sides and therefore Clay will not want to win HoH. He said that Jackie, Jeff, James and Meg are the only ones on the other side that will try to win HoH this week. Austin said that he is nervous about James but not everyone up there is wanting to backdoor them. Becky said that Clay and Shelli make her nervous and one of them has to go before jury. She figured that one of them getting to the Final 2 would have a huge advantage with someone campaigning for them in the jury.

James went to Jason and told him that Shelli was feeling them out to see how the house feels about Audrey going and also to see how Da’Vonne is feeling about things. Jason acknowledged that Da’Vonne is done if anyone other than Audrey goes on the block tomorrow. James said that Meg will absolutely be the replacement nominee if they want Da’Vonne out. Shelli brought Becky and Jackie up to the HoH room to fill them in on the plan next. They both agreed that nobody would vote Meg out. Becky said that she is on board with the plan to target Da’Vonne even though she had wanted Audrey out this week. However, Becky asked that Shelli help her out in the event that Audrey wins HoH. Becky’s concern was that she told everyone that she was going after Audrey this past week. Shelli agreed to help, but she clarified that she isn’t talking game with Audrey.

3:00-4:00 AM: Jason spoke to Clay and Shelli, letting them know that he has to give Da’Vonne his vote and also that he is not going to leave her isolated up until Thursday. Jason was crying throughout much of the conversation. Clay and Shelli were fine with that and pointed out that people questioned Austin when he voted against Jace. He said that Da’Vonne was someone that he always felt that he could trust, even though he has had trouble connecting with people. Shelli said that she feels so awful. Jason told her that he understands that it is a game and that they will all have their time. Clay assured Jason that both him and Shelli want to be on his side. They said that Jason has a whole group of people there for him and that he has another week to build on those relationships since Audrey is going to be the next one to go. Jason said that he wont even be playing the pawn game with Audrey next week, opting instead to let her play the Battle of the Block. He explained that he wanted people to see that he came to play. Jason let Clay and Shelli know that he is not holding this move against them and he is not looking at it as a personal attack against him. Jason also said that he will not even bother trying to campaign for Da'Vonne.

4:00-5:00 AM: Jason told Da'Vonne that they have awoken the beast. He said that he will stay and fight in their honour. They discussed that this whole move is being done for Audrey. Meg then joined them. Da’Vonne mentioned that Meg is going to be put up tomorrow. Meg said “yeah, I know”. Meg mentioned that they wanted to put up the closest person to her. Meg then left. Da’Vonne pointed out that Meg said that they told her that she is going up. Jason said that James talked to him and didn’t tell him the truth, so he knows that he can’t trust any of these people but he has to trust Meg. Da’Vonne agreed but pointed out that the only way that he can 100% have Meg is if he gets someone else to take Jeff out of the house. Da’Vonne was upset that everyone sat around and knew the plan but acted like they didn’t. Jason said everyone knew except for the two of them. Jason pointed out that they could have picked anyone to put on the block and Da’Vonne would still go home, yet they are doing this to Meg. Jason said that he will get Audrey’s head on a platter next week.

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