BB17 Day 23 - Nominations are made; Jason and Meg win the Battle of the Block

July 10, 2015

9:00-10:00 AM: Austin and Vanessa spoke to John. Vanessa said that she thought about what he said. John mentioned last night that he would rather go up and throw the Battle of the Block than to be a replacement nominee. Vanessa told John that if he is willing to throw the competition for her, both her and Austin will not nominate, backdoor or vote him out until at least one week in to jury. Vanessa mentioned that he will be up with a strong person and it might be difficult to throw the competition, though he will to try to. Vanessa asked if he is comfortable with that. John said that you have to do what you have to do. Vanessa asked if there is anything else that they can offer him. John said not that he can think of. Vanessa said that she wants Audrey out and needs to know that someone will throw the competition. John asked if he is going up with Audrey. Vanessa said that she would have to backdoor Audrey. She asked if there is anyone that John would not want to throw the competition next to. He said Becky. Vanessa said that it will not be her and that she is willing to offer Becky the same deal that she offered him.

Vanessa spoke to James and told him that her plan this week is to target Audrey. She explained that she needs pawns to go up in order to achieve that goal. She said that she wants to put up people that are not emotional and she noticed from her talk with James that he is one of the most logical people there. She told him to know that if he does go up it is strictly for those reasons and that Audrey is her target. James said that he respects her decision. Vanessa then spoke to Audrey, telling her that the only way that they can get through this week is if people believe that they are backdooring her. Vanessa assured Audrey that it will not actually happen. She explained that some combination of Jason, James, Meg and John are going to be nominated and that there is an obvious backdoor option that will be left over that is not her. Vanessa did say that she wants to talk to Audrey more later, since people were saying that she was the other vote for Da’Vonne. Audrey said that she would never give Da’Vonne that satisfaction. Vanessa said that people have mentioned that Audrey and Da’Vonne made a last minute agreement, though Audrey told her that she was just nodding and going along with what Da’Vonne said.

10:00-11:00 AM: Earlier, Clay and Shelli were told by Vanessa that John had offered to go up as a pawn to throw the competition again. Clay and Shelli went up to the HoH room because Clay felt bad that John was going up again when he already did this last week. Clay wanted to offer to go up in his place, though Shelli was not on board with that. Austin and Vanessa told him that they cannot risk that. Shelli again asked if John was asked to throw the Battle of the Block. Vanessa said yes. After Clay and Shelli left, Vanessa said that Clay is wanting to go up as a pawn because he wants to win it in order to save James. She said that he is trying to keep his options open on both sides. Austin does not want to remain HoH but he told Vanessa that if he does he will have to be the one to backdoor Jeff. Vanessa agreed that it has to be done. Austin said that it will be bloody but he will put the top hat on and say “surprise”. The plan remains for Austin's nominees, Jason and Meg, to win and dethrone him.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned following the nomination ceremony. Austin nominated Jason and Meg for eviction, while Vanessa nominated James and John for eviction. Austin spoke to Jason and Meg afterwards, telling them that there is no way that they will go home. Jason said that it can happen, because they are on the block. Jason was frustrated that the same people keep going up on the block every week. Austin explained that he had to choose pawns in order to backdoor Audrey, but everyone is on board with that plan and will not vote them out. Jason said that they can say that for now but once the final nominations are locked in things can change. Austin told them that it was a tough decision, since he doesn’t know what to believe and everyone was in his ear. Jason suggested that the people throwing others under the bus are the ones that Austin should not be listening to. He said that if he is HoH next week he will not nominate Austin, because he is actually going to make game moves. Austin assured them that he does not want them to leave and that he wants them to win the Battle of the Block. Jason and Meg agreed that with this pairing it is tough to see it that way. They believe that they will have a very tough time beating James and John.

12:00-1:00 PM: Vanessa asked John if he is still cool with throwing the Battle of the Block competition. John said that he thinks that it will be a tough pair to throw the competition against and still make it look good, since Jason and Meg are not the favourites to win this one. Vanessa said that it would be great if if John can throw it. If not, Vanessa asked that John not lie to her and pretend that he tried to throw it. John said that he will throw it. He asked who knows about that portion of the plan. Vanessa said that Austin, Clay and Shelli know about it. Vanessa told John that even if James win the PoV, there is a 0% chance that John will go home over Audrey. Vanessa also told John that she would like to work with both him and Becky moving forward. John said that he feels the same way. Liz headed up to the HoH room and told Austin and Vanessa that Jeff is still questioning her. Vanessa told Liz to know that they are going to backdoor Jeff, so she will only have to deal with him for a few more days.

1:00-2:00 PM: Austin, Clay, Liz, Shelli and Vanessa talked game in the HoH room. They discussed what will happen in the worst case scenario if Jeff wins the PoV and saves James. Shelli said that Audrey or Steve may have to go then. Vanessa said that Steve can be manipulated and Audrey is alone. Vanessa suggested that the only option would be to target Jackie. Shelli understood Vanessa’s logic once she explained some more things. Shelli then pointed out that it may be best if no backdoor plan has to happen, with either James or Jason being evicted. She told Austin and Vanessa that the house will not be upset at them if they don’t have a chance to backdoor Audrey. If they do get a chance and don’t take it, Shelli felt that it could damage some relationships. Austin and Vanessa weren’t concerned about that. Vanessa brought up that people were throwing Clay and Shelli under the bus, questioning why they are not the targets. Austin said that both of his nominees felt that way. Liz told them that Jeff was saying that he doesn’t know why Clay and Shelli are not the targets due to being a power couple. Vanessa also revealed that Jeff said that once he realized that Clay and Shelli were inseparable he knew that he could no longer stick to their alliance. After hearing all of that, Clay and Shelli said that they are on board with backdooring Jeff.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned following the Battle of the Block competition. Jason and Meg won, dethroning Austin. James and John remain nominated. Vanessa will be the HoH for the week. John and Vanessa discussed that James was terrible at the competition. John said that he was wondering if James threw it. Vanessa said that she did not ask him to, so if he did it was part of some other plan. John told Vanessa that he is not worried even if he ends up staying on the block with James at the end of the week, because he should have the votes. Vanessa agreed that he would definitely have the votes. Vanessa then spoke to Austin. She said that James brushed her off when she went to talk to him after the competition. Austin said that James may have to go. He suggested that he may be able to control Jeff if James is out of the picture. Vanessa said that Jeff is freaking out and she thinks that he knows. Austin said that Jeff brought up before the competition that he is alone with James now, since he is cutting off Jason and Meg. Austin said that if nominations are kept the same, Jeff will come to him and will trust them. Austin thought that Jeff would go after Clay and Shelli. Vanessa said that it scares her to have both James and Jeff on the block together, since one of them will survive and they are great competitors. Austin disagreed about Jeff being a good competitor. Austin said that they have so many options to go with Jeff and manipulate him, though they should take him out this week if they can.

Vanessa also said that Austin needs to manage Liz because she needs to stop drinking. There was alcohol at the competition. Vanessa was concerned that they put their games on the line for her. She said that if it gets out that Liz is officially a twin and that they were hiding it, they will be targeted. Vanessa also mentioned that Liz is pigging out and the weight thing is going to be noticeable. Vanessa said that it bothers her because it is her game on the line. Austin said that it’s really obvious right now that she is different, so everyone is going to know pretty soon. He said that they may need to think about a Plan B. They discussed saying that the twins don’t get to enter together until week six, rather than five. Vanessa said that they may be forced in to a tough decision if Liz will not put the hard work in to protect this secret. Austin said that they obviously don’t want it to get out but at least Liz would be a target ahead of them if it happened. Austin felt that they are in a great position right now. He said that everyone is upset with Shelli and Clay, not them. Austin questioned if Clay is a twin. Vanessa said that she really thinks that he might be. They agreed that his hair has changed a lot. Austin felt that Shelli would know about it if so. They also both observed that Clay stays ripped even though he never works out. Austin figured that he was working out in sequester, since Liz said that’s all that they do there. Vanessa said that it’s the only thing that would make sense, since they wouldn’t do girl twins without boys.

7:00-8:00 PM: Jeff and Austin chatted about Liz acting differently lately. Austin said that she is totally different than the one yesterday. Jeff felt that this was the fun hot Liz in the house right now. Austin asked if they should podcast her tonight. Jeff said that maybe they should. Austin suggested that they pull in Clay to solidify things between the three of them. Jeff wasn’t so sure about that, since he is concerned that Shelli has gotten to Clay. Jeff mentioned that he was really upset with Meg and Jason today, as was James. Austin thought that they could maybe work something out with James then. Jeff said that James even mentioned that they need to ax either Jason or Meg. Jeff preferred to keep Meg around but said he is fine with Jason going. Austin said that he would be okay with that too. That being said, they discussed that Jason could be someone that would take out Shelli for them.

8:00-9:00 PM: Austin, Liz, Steve and Vanessa created a “Freaks and Geeks” alliance. They have confirmed to Steve that Liz is playing the game with a twin. Steve said that everyone in the house knows and are 100% sure of it. Steve said that he thinks that trying to hide it is a waste of time at this point. Steve asked if Liz knows how long she needs to last in order for her sister to enter the game. Liz said that they need to last through six weeks and make it top the Top 10. Steve said that the angle that they may need to play is that it is better to have both twins in the game than to have an evicted houseguest return. They discussed bringing more people in to an alliance in order to have more numbers. Steve said that their options are Clay and Shelli or Becky and John. Austin, Liz and Vanessa all said that they would prefer working with Clay and Shelli. Vanessa said that she will later bring Clay, Shelli and Steve in and tell them all about Liz being a twin. Vanessa told Steve to pretend that he is just hearing this for the first time. Vanessa informed Steve that Audrey is not the target this week. He said that he is happy to hear that. Vanessa said that she doesn’t care if James or Jeff is the one to go. Steve said that Jeff is dangerous due to his mouth and James is dangerous due to being strong in competitions. Vanessa felt that it was best for her personally if James is the one to go, but she said that she can be convinced otherwise. Austin wondered what would happen to Jackie if Jeff leaves. Steve said that the glue would be gone. Liz agreed. Austin mentioned that he could possibly pull Jackie in to be a fringe member. Steve agreed that targeting Jeff would cut Jackie off.

10:00-11:00 PM: John went to Becky and told her that things went better than he thought. He said that Audrey is going home. Becky told him that she was hearing that people threw her name out there as a backdoor option. John said that he is being told that it is Audrey. They agreed that they can trust Austin and Vanessa. John informed her that they said that they would keep them both safe at least until there are only ten people left. Up in the HoH room, Austin, Clay, Liz and Vanessa went over the plan for the week. Vanessa said that right now she feels that the safest bet is for her to send James home. Vanessa asked Clay if he would be okay with leaving nominations the same if he wins the PoV. He said that he will do whatever she wants him to do. Austin said that he is concerned that the vote could be flipped against John if he is up there against James, so it would be better to have Jeff on the block as well. Austin said that they could talk to James and explain to him that this move was about Jeff and that he needs to go up since he is the male Audrey. Clay began giving reasons for why Jeff should be the one to go. Vanessa told him that there is no reason why it cannot wait a week, since James is strong too. She did not want to get more blood on her hands. If the nominations don’t stay the same, Vanessa did say that she would be willing to backdoor Jeff. She eventually said that they can reconvene after the veto competition to make a final decision.

1:00-2:00 AM: Meg spoke to James and Jeff about how she was scared that it felt as though nobody care if she left when she was nominated. Jeff said that maybe that was a plan for others but it was not for them. Meg asked what Austin said to Jeff. Jeff told her that he basically said that Jason and Meg were throwing names out there, such as his, Jackie’s, Clay’s and Shelli’s. Jeff pointed out that it’s not about nominating who hasn’t been on the block. Jeff also said that Jason should apologize to him, otherwise he will stay on his bad side. Jeff said that Jason was acting like Da’Vonne. Jeff said that it sucks when they have Jason wavering from their group. Jeff mentioned that they had something good going but Jason will be on his radar if this keeps up. Meg told Jeff that he doesn’t understand the paranoia when you go up on the block. She said that you snap out of it. Jeff said that he will talk to Jason. Meg said that a bit of understanding might help.

Austin spoke to Shelli and said that right now the plan is for either James or Jeff to leave. Shelli wondered if John would leave if he stayed on the block. Austin said that they have Steve for sure and he is trusting Becky’s vote, but he does not want to rely on Audrey. Shelli said that she feels like she is becoming a target. Austin said absolutely, because Jeff is throwing that out there. Shelli said that if Jeff does that he will not have Clay anymore. They agreed that ideally John will come off of the block. Austin said that Steve is really on board with things and he believes that they can really trust him. Austin thought that Liz needs to confide in people in order to tell them the truth. Shelli said that nobody else can know. Austin said she is right and that Liz really needs to lay low.

4:00-5:00 AM: Shelli told Liz that they cannot let people find out that they are covering for the twins. Shelli said that Vanessa is on board with bringing her along but she is concerned that they are not serious about it. Liz wondered if they should come clean about it. Shelli said that they cannot do that. Shelli assured Liz that nobody is talking about it right now, even questioning if they are wrong about there being twins. They discussed that Julia has to be more bubbly and needs to cover up. They made it sound as though Liz will be swapping with Julia tomorrow. Liz pointed out that the good thing about them working together is that nobody knows. Liz said that she knows that they are putting a lot on the line for her and Julia and it sucks that it has to be that way. Shelli told her that it’s fun and it’s the twist, so don’t give up.

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