BB17 Day 24 - John wins the Power of Veto

July 11, 2015

9:00-10:00 AM: Austin and Vanessa discussed that they are concerned about Liz. Rather than sleep up in the HoH room like they offered to let her, she went downstairs to sleep with James. They were worried that she could slip up or get panic and let it slip that she is a twin. They said that Liz kept saying how scared she was to be down there but it didn’t look like it. Austin thought that he was putting his game on the line too much for her. They mentioned sitting Liz down and explaining to her again what exactly their concerns are. Austin pointed out that Julia wont act this way at all, so it will be totally different in a couple of days. He felt that Liz was putting Julia in a bad spot, since she will get cornered and she is not as strong as Julia, so she may cave in and tell people. Vanessa also mentioned that Liz likely has concerns about Austin being in a relationship. Vanessa explained the Cody and Christine situation to Austin, saying that nobody wants to be booed when they leave. She thought that it made total sense that Liz would have concerns about how is being perceived with Austin.

10:00-11:00 AM: Liz went up to the HoH room and told Austin and Vanessa that she is switching places with Julia sometime in the next hour. Vanessa asked Liz where she slept last night. Liz said in bed with James and told her that James did not say anything at all. Austin asked why she went down there last night when he told her to stay up in the HoH room. Liz said that she didn’t want to crowd a small double bed and also that she doesn’t want to make it obvious that Austin and Vanessa are in on this with her. Austin said that it made him angry that she was in bed with the two targets that they hate. Liz said that Steve was helping her out and trying to get James and Jeff to leave her alone. Vanessa suggested that sharing a bed with Steve may be a good idea, since Steve can protect her. Austin said that he is sick of watching the others harass her and it is really bothering him. Liz was called to the diary room. Austin and Vanessa told her to fill Julia in on her talks with James and Jeff, since they can fill her in on what has been happening with them.

Austin told Vanessa that the thing with Liz is not about him wanting a showmance and her not wanting to showmance him. Vanessa said that they need to get to the bottom of this issue because Austin cannot be distracted in the game. Vanessa pointed out that they have a ton of alliances and he needs to have his head in the game in order to avoid slipping up. Austin said that part of it may be that he is feeling this connection with Liz that she isn’t feeling, though sometimes she makes it seem as though she is feeling it too. Vanessa said that she can sense Liz pulling away a little bit. Austin said that’s why he is angry. Vanessa told him that he is also pushing forward, which is not helping the situation. Audrey made her way up to the HoH room and interrupted the conversation. They told Audrey that the best case scenario is that she wins the PoV. Both Austin and Vanessa said that they would let her win if possible. Vanessa discussed that they need a reason to not target Audrey. They talked about getting Vanessa, Audrey and Meg in a room to confront Meg about lying about what Audrey told her with regards to Da’Vonne getting votes the other night. They agreed to do that later today. Vanessa felt that it Audrey's name was cleared it would make it easier to justify not targeting her.

11:00-12:00 PM: Julia reentered the house and spoke to Austin and Vanessa. Vanessa told Julia that she has to remember that Steve doesn’t know that Clay and Shelli know about the twins and Clay and Shelli don’t know that Steve knows about the twins. Julia asked why they decided to tell Steve. Austin said that he is loyal and they brought him in, which is something that nobody would ever suspect since he hates Steve. Austin told Julia that he was upset with Liz last night and told her that before she left. He said that they will need to figure out the sleeping arrangements. Julia said that she will be sleeping with Austin. She also said that she hates James and would never get in to bed with those people. Julia figured that Liz did not know the extent of how bad things got and how mean James and Jeff were being to her.

12:00-1:00 PM: Players were picked for the veto competition. Vanessa picked Shelli, James picked Audrey and John picked the houseguest’s choice chip and chose Austin. Austin, Shelli and Vanessa discussed that things could not have gone any better with regards to the player selection. They said that the best case scenario would be to let Audrey win the veto, so that they have an excuse for leaving nominations the same if that is what they decide on. Should they decide to backdoor Jeff, they said that they could use the veto and pretend that they thought that Vanessa was going to backdoor Audrey. Austin told Julia that that people know that the twins switched. He said that Jeff just told him that. Vanessa pointed out that Jeff doesn’t realize that Liz came in to the house for the past 24 hours, so they are expecting Julia not to have the birthmark on her back when in reality she does have it.

Vanessa told Austin that she thinks that it may be good if he wins the veto. She explained that people will be more afraid of them if they show that they will be out for revenge due to what happened to Jace. She said that he could win the PoV and then say at the veto ceremony that he is getting his revenge, so he is not using it. Austin thought that it could backfire and make them come after him even more. He also said that he wants to get Jeff out this week. Vanessa said that it is not optimal. She said that James is the bigger target and needs to go this week, followed by Jeff next week. Audrey joined them and asked what the plan is if John wins the veto. Vanessa said that she will have to nominate Jeff. Audrey mentioned that she would like to give John the opportunity to talk her in to using the veto on him if she gets it. Vanessa said that she asked Audrey not to use it, so that would be betraying her. Audrey said that she wont do it then.

1:00-2:00 PM: As discussed earlier, Audrey and Vanessa spoke to Meg in hope of clearing things up. Audrey said that she thinks that there is a big misunderstanding. The night before the eviction, Audrey told Meg to step up her social game. There was a disagreement on what else she said. Audrey felt that she did not name any names. Meg said that she did indeed name Austin, Vanessa, Liz and Becky as the people that were trying to flip the house. Audrey also said that she did not say that they were trying to flip the house. They continued going back and forth and didn’t solve anything. Vanessa said that she believes that they could both be telling the truth. She explained that Audrey may not have been saying names and was just very concerned about Da’Vonne staying, so she wanted Meg to watch out for herself. On the other hand, she said that Meg may have taken things in a different way than Audrey had intended them to be taken but she did not do so maliciously. Both Meg and Audrey began crying at one point. They ultimately decided that they would not reach a conclusion. Vanessa assured Meg that she is not mad and wouldn’t target her over something like this, because she just wanted to understand what happened.

While Audrey and Meg were talking, Jeff was downstairs talking to others about how this Liz is different than the one that was there yesterday. John wanted to take a look at the tooth again, since he figured that the one with the fake tooth would be there then. Meg made her way downstairs and told people that Audrey is a liar. They discussed what happened upstairs. Jeff told Jason, James and Meg that he is afraid that Vanessa will not pull the trigger on Audrey. They also talked about how this Liz is not as chatty as the one yesterday. Jeff in particular noticed that this one will not talk to him. Upstairs, Vanessa told Austin, Audrey and Julia that Meg’s energy seemed off to her during the confrontation. Audrey said that Meg started crying as soon as she named off the group of people that she is working with. Vanessa thought that Meg took things personally and will be mad at her moving forward. Vanessa wanted to have a talk with Audrey and James later, catching him in his lie and giving her reason to use for not nominating Audrey. Vanessa later said that she thinks that Meg is manipulating the situation in order to try to get her to target Audrey, which she will not do.

Austin told Julia and Vanessa that Jeff noticed that the scar on “Liz’s” arm is gone. However, he said that Jeff does not want to confront Liz about being a twin because he thinks that it would get them instantly evicted for being caught. Austin said that their plan is to get Liz out the week before jury. Austin brought up that they caught Julia saying that she is not good at cutting hair while Liz said that she was. Julia said that Liz hasn’t even cut hair. Austin told her that John noticed that she has been trying to hide her smile from him. She said that it’s because she has a fake tooth and the dentist will obviously know.

2:00-3:00 PM: Austin and Julia continued to talk. Austin wanted to know which twin he has spent more time with. Julia said that she has been in the house more. She said that Liz entered on the first night but she replaced her the next day and stayed until Sunday. They discussed Liz sleeping with James last night. Julia said that she will need to put Liz in her place, telling her to stop talking to those people. Julia said that Liz doesn’t realize how bad they were to her. Austin asked if she can slap Liz for sleeping with James. Julia said yes. Austin pointed out that she didn’t understand why he was upset with her for doing that. Julia said that Liz should know it’s because her sister hates James. She said that she told Liz that James is her #1 target and that she will not talk to James or Jeff anymore. Julia said that she is the older sister and will tell Liz that she needs to stay away from Jeff.

3:00-4:00 PM: Clay and Shelli informed Vanessa that Meg was upset after her talk with Audrey and Vanessa. They felt that Meg was worried that Audrey may no longer be targeted. John was also in the room during this discussion. He said that she cannot win the PoV and they are good. Vanessa told them that Meg was being emotional and would not listen to anything that she said during their conversation. She said that all that she wanted to do was understand what happened and she went about it as nice as possible, though Meg just wanted to get mad and cry at Audrey. Vanessa suggested that Meg’s behaviour could end up changing her mind about her decision. After John left, Shelli told Vanessa that Jeff was saying that they should go upstairs as a group to tell Vanessa that she will be targeted if she doesn’t target Audrey. While Vanessa initially said that gives her reason to nominate Jeff, she backtracked and said that she needs to stick to the plan to get James out if possible. Vanessa told Clay and Shelli that she was trying to spin things a bit while John was in the room, hoping that she could plant seeds and he could spread it, preparing people for her decision to not backdoor Audrey. Prior to the feeds going down for the veto competition, Austin and Clay were making a case for targeting Jeff before James. However, Vanessa said that she does not want to get any extra blood on her hands.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned following the veto competition. John won the Power of Veto. Vanessa told Austin he will never convince her he didn't throw PoV. She said they discussed today it's better they have PoV over John, yet she watched him throw it to John. Vanessa was upset and said that she just wanted one person that she could count on. Austin apologized and said that he was trying. Austin said he tried to slow down because he didn’t want to look like a beast, since everyone was thinking that he was doing too well. Vanessa said it’s fine and that he cannot act mad, because it would be extremely bad if it gets out that she was rooting for him over John. Austin apologized multiple times and said that he will do whatever he can to help Vanessa next week, even if it means taking a bullet for her. Vanessa said that she needs a reason to nominate Jeff that outweighs the reasons for nominating Audrey and being the house hero. Austin said that Audrey is not a direct threat to her. Austin said that they could always nominate Jackie and evict James. Vanessa said that Jeff would be upset by that anyway, so she should just put Jeff up if she is going to make him mad anyway.

Vanessa said that Shelli told her that Jeff was talking about getting a group to come up to the HoH room to tell her that if she doesn’t backdoor Audrey then she will be next. Austin thought that they could use that against Jeff. Vanessa also wanted a reason that she can give to John, Becky, Jason and Meg, or else those people will come after her. Austin told her that people think that Clay and Shelli are controlling her, implying that they may take the blame. Vanessa was concerned that if they don’t sell this extremely well that their alliance will be outed and that they will now be viewed as the new insiders. Vanessa momentarily considered nominating Audrey, though she said that it would be dumb to leave both James and Jeff in the game. Austin agreed with her. Vanessa said that Audrey is someone that can help her come up with a reason for backdooring Jeff. She thought of calling Jeff up to the HoH room to tell him that she wants James out and she needs him to be a pawn since he is the one closest to James. Depending on how he reacted, Vanessa said that they could make Jeff the target. She said that it may be better to target Jeff since Jeff and Jackie are a stronger pair than James and Meg are. Austin told her that her reason for nominating Jeff can be that he is the male Audrey, having deals with everyone and manipulating them all.

6:00-7:00 PM: Vanessa asked Audrey for help making up a reason to backdoor Jeff. She said that there isn’t really a logical reason to put him up. She did say that he seems to be making deal to bring everyone to jury, so she could go around asking everyone if they got offered the same thing. Audrey also suggested the same thing that Vanessa had considered before, that you could tell Jeff that he is going up as a pawn due to how close he is with James. She said that the house could then flip on Vanessa without her knowledge and vote James out, even though she was pretending that he was just a pawn. Vanessa still wanted something better. Austin joined them and suggested saying that everything that everyone is pinning on Audrey has really been Jeff. James and Clay came upstairs and broke up the conversation.

7:00-8:00 PM: Vanessa told Shelli that she needs to talk to her about something. She asked if Shelli has noticed anything about Clay. Shelli questioned what it was, saying that Vanessa is freaking her out. Vanessa said that she thinks that Clay is a twin. She explained that his hair is different, one has a cut on his knee and one is thinner. Shelli said that she is always up close with Clay and there are not differences on his face. Vanessa asked if Clay has told Shelli about it. Shelli said that he wouldn’t let her know even if it was true. Shelli did say that sometimes he looks skinnier and sometimes he looks more cut. Vanessa also felt that one Clay was friendlier with Jeff than the other. Shelli said that she doesn’t think that he is a twin but she will play along and investigate. She asked Vanessa to tell her when she thinks that Clay switches.

8:00-9:00 PM: Vanessa came out of the diary room and had a card to read to the houseguests. It read “Houseguests, as everyone knows, Gronk said no have-nots this week…but the party is about to kick in to high gear. Any time Gronk calls you to a party, you must go and do what he says. If you don’t show up, that’s a party foul and that will make you have-not for the week. Show up and don’t disappoint Gronk”.

9:00-10:00 PM: Vanessa went over this week’s plan with Steve. She said that she feels as though Jeff is the tougher competitor than James and has a social game that James doesn’t. Steve agreed. Steve asked who Vanessa thinks would go home if James and Jeff are nominated together. Vanessa said that she can guarantee that Jeff will go. Steve suggested that Vanessa let Audrey talk to her as much as possible over the next few days, making it obvious that it is happen, so that people will think that Audrey got to her and influenced her decision. He thought that it could lessen the blame that Vanessa takes on. Audrey, Austin and Julia discussed that Jackie and Jeff may be in a relationship. Austin then brought that theory to Vanessa, saying that they are either married, engaged or get a million dollars if they make it to the Final 2 together. Julia mentioned that Jeff and Jackie shared a bed on the second night and Audrey swore that she heard them kissing.

10:00-11:00 PM: Vanessa told Austin that she is doubting herself about whether or not she should put Jeff up over Jackie. Austin said that it has to be Jeff. Vanessa told him that she doesn’t have any justification for making that move. Vanessa wanted a big argument to take place between Jeff and someone, exposing him as a liar so that she can be the hero that evicts him rather than someone that is doing it for no reason. Vanessa thought that it would be good to have Austin, Clay, Shelli and Jeff get in a room and then Austin can call Jeff out on having said that the is keeping him close until he cuts him next week. Vanessa then spoke to Clay and Shelli about the plan. They did not want it coming back on them that they told Austin about Jeff coming after him. However, Clay assured Vanessa that it will be their turn to make a move next week and that Vanessa can fade into the background. Clay said that they are committed to the group the whole way through. They discussed that both of them and Shelli feel that Becky would be a good person to have on their side. Vanessa suggested that they make a deal with her not to nominate each other or vote each other out until jury.

11:00-12:00 AM: Vanessa asked Clay if there is any way that he is a twin. Clay said no. Vanessa said that she is either losing his mind or Clay is a twin. Vanessa said that it’s fine if he is a twin and that he will protect him all the way. Clay asked what gave it away. Vanessa said that Clay’s brother has a cut on his knee that he doesn’t have and their beards look different. The biggest thing that she noticed was the hair. Vanessa offered to help fix his brother’s haircut because it is noticeably different. Clay eventually told Vanessa that he is lying and he does not have a twin. She continued questioning him about it for a while longer. Clay said that he wanted to do the same thing to Shelli, fooling her into thinking that he is a twin. He proceeded to do so, along with Vanessa. Shelli was speechless for a bit. Clay eventually said that he was kidding. Shelli said that Vanessa got her upset when she talked about it, because she went downstairs and began questioning if she is being stupid.

12:00-1:00 AM: Vanessa and Audrey discussed the plan. Vanessa was still looking for a reason to backdoor Jeff. She then began questioning Audrey, asking her how many Final 2 deals she has made. She said that Da’Vonne approached her on Day 1, she had a commitment with Shelli and she was close with Clay and Shelli but they turned on her. Audrey also mentioned that she told Austin that they need to look out for each other within the first couple of days, though no Final 2 deal was made. Audrey told Vanessa that she either needs to backdoor her or trust her at this point. Vanessa said that she will not be backdooring Audrey. Vanessa said that she has reason not to trust James but she feels evil and as though she is being used if she goes after Jeff for everyone else. Audrey suggested that Vanessa make the best move for her game, though she believes that Jeff is the more dangerous player.

1:00-2:00 AM: Vanessa told Jason that there is a risk that Audrey is innocent and that she could be taking her out over nothing, even when Audrey is not personally coming for her. Jason said that there is that risk. He did say that he knows for a fact that Audrey mentioned the names to Meg when she told her to work on getting votes. Jason also said that Audrey did tell him that she was the second vote to save Da’Vonne last week. Jason pointed out that people may target Vanessa if she doesn’t nominate Audrey. She said that based on the conversations that she is having, she does not know that Audrey would go home over James. Jason told her that if nominating Audrey is not what her gut is telling her to do, then it is not the move to make. Jason advised Vanessa to do what’s best for her game but also consider that Audrey is really really really good. He also thought that Audrey could be America’s Player, which is something that they could figure out if Audrey is on the block and cannot vote.

Vanessa told Jeff that she is being bombarded with information and she is feeling conflicted. Vanessa said that she doesn’t know if Audrey would go home if she nominates her. Vanessa also said that she doesn’t know that Audrey has personally wronged her. Jeff said that he is someone that has worked with Audrey and he knows that she wronged him and has made up numerous rumours. He also said that Audrey is highly manipulative and there is a consensus that all of the drama in this house comes back to her in some way. Vanessa asked if the plan in week one was always to backdoor Jace. Jeff said 100%. Vanessa then told Jeff that James lied to her and said that Audrey convinced him to target Jace at the last minute. Vanessa then spoke to James, who admitted that his plan was always to backdoor Jace. When confronted about lying to her, James admitted that he did. Vanessa said that it seems as though James opportunistically threw Audrey under the bus, so there are two things that he has done that she does not like. James said that Jace insinuated that Audrey was to blame and that was the story going around at the time. He also said that he lost respect for Audrey when she stayed in bed for a couple of days and admitted to him that it was strategy. James eventually apologized and told Vanessa that he will respect her decision. He said that if she does decide to help him out then he will do what he can to return the favour.

2:00-3:00 AM: Jeff told Clay and Jason that Audrey has brainwashed yet another person. He felt that she goes after the emotionally weak ones. Austin joined them and Jason told him that Vanessa is talking about not going after Audrey now. After Austin left, Jason said that it was so clear in Austin’s eyes that he knew that James was the target all along. Jeff pointed out that Austin was after James before and may be pushing his agenda this week. Upstairs, Austin told Vanessa that Jeff is flipping out. Audrey joined them and said that Jeff is talking about revolting and bringing everyone up to the HoH room to tell Vanessa that she needs to nominate her. Vanessa told Audrey that she doesn’t have to worry and that she hopes that James does do that so he can go on the block next to James. Vanessa said that her talk with James and her revelation that he opportunistically threw Audrey under the bus was all that she needs to decide that he needs to go. However, she said that James handled the conversation as well as he could have and that if someone else is going to put the target on themselves that is their fault. Vanessa still wanted a reason to nominate Jeff. Austin said that he would work on that because Jeff needs to be on the block with James.

4:00-5:00 AM: Clay said that he has heard that Jeff wants to target him or Shelli because he did not want to work with them together. Jeff denied it and questioned who had said that. Clay said it was brought to his attention that someone said it. Jeff said that he absolutely did not say that, though maybe he said something earlier on in the game that got misconstrued. He said he could have said Clay is getting too close to Shelli and he said that to Jackie. Clay said that Jackie didn’t talk to him. Clay asked if him and Shelli together makes him uncomfortable. Jeff said no. Jeff said that this sounds like an Audrey thing. Jeff told Clay that other people may have said that, such as Jason. Austin then asked if Jeff has been throwing him under the bus the last couple of weeks. Jeff said he has been working with Austin the past couple of weeks. Austin said that James just told him to watch his back with Jeff and that people were telling him during his HoH that Jeff doesn’t have his back. Jeff said that James has his back against the wall and is doing what he can, because he is the only person that is skeptical of him right now.

Austin asked Jeff why his name is getting dragged through the mud. Jeff told Austin that it’s because James thinks that he is going home and is doing what he can. Clay then asked Austin what Jeff talked to him about. Austin said that Jeff told him that Shelli cannot be trusted and that they cannot trust Clay until Shelli is out of the picture. Jeff said that’s complete BS. He asked Austin what he is trying to pull. Austin said that he wants to know who is lying to who. He told Jeff that he thinks that he has been playing like a fool. Jeff said that this is insane and he has no idea what Austin is talking about. James and Vanessa entered the room. Vanessa asked if Jeff has ever said that Austin is a target for him. Jeff said no. Vanessa asked if Jeff said that he cannot work with Shelli and Clay as a couple. Jeff wasn’t admitting to it, so Vanessa said she would put her hand on the bible and say that he said it. Jeff mentioned that Vanessa was trying to get him to enter her alliance. Vanessa said that Jeff is tripping and that he told her that he was going to pull her in to a meeting, so he better not dare turn it around on her. Vanessa told Jeff that he said that the reason that he didn’t have the meeting was because he couldn’t trust Clay and Shelli together. Vanessa then walked away and said that he is a liar and walked away.

Jeff admitted to Clay and Shelli that he did say to Vanessa that he can’t work with them together, though he did not remember it. Jeff explained that Vanessa tried including everyone but Clay in it. Jeff told Clay and Shelli that he could not expose what they had, so he left their names out of it. Clay said that Jeff should have told them what he said. Jeff said that he didn’t think that it would be that big of a deal. Jeff assured them that he is not after them and that the only person that has discussed breaking them up is Jason. Clay said that he had Audrey stab him in the back and do this and Jeff is the last person that he thought would do that. Jeff said that he is not doing it and he does not know what Austin is trying to pull right now. Shelli said that Jeff told her multiple times that he wants Austin gone. Jeff said that he did but then they started getting along once they podcasts begun. Clay said that Jeff just told him that he wanted Austin out. Jeff said that was because Austin is after James and is upstairs pulling the strings this week. Jeff felt that Audrey was getting in to their ears and letting them know how to break them.

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