BB17 Day 93 - Steve wins Part 2 of the final HoH competition

September 18, 2015

4:00-5:00 PM: Vanessa was called to the diary room. Liz and Steve suspected that it could be because Part 2 of the HoH competition is about to begin. Liz headed off to the bedroom, saying that she is so nervous and cannot control her nerves. Liz said that she will chill in bed and wait for her fate to be determined. Steve joined Liz in the bedroom. He asked her if she believes that she knows how things are going to play out. Liz said no. The two agreed that if Dr. Will talks to the jury then they are likely to vote based on game and less so on a personal or emotional level.

5:00-6:00 PM: Vanessa returned from the diary room. She said that it had nothing to do with the competition. Her visit was with regards to a medical issue due to injuries from the competition. Liz said that she really has a strong feeling that the competition will be today. Steve said that he could go ask but they wont tell him. He asked and the person that he spoke to said that they do not know. Liz didn’t believe them. Steve felt that it could be the truth, since they all have different responsibilities. Liz said that the one thing that she detests about Big Brother and will not miss is the feeling that she gets while waiting for a competition to begin. Vanessa said that she loves it. Steve said that he is on the same page as Liz.

6:00-7:00 PM: Liz told Vanessa that she had a dream that Austin was hitting on Jackie in the jury house. Vanessa asked if she is worried about it and how she would feel if Austin flirted with Jackie but didn’t do anything with her. Liz said that she would be jealous. Vanessa pointed out that Julia is there to keep an eye on things and can report back on everything that happens. Vanessa asked Liz if she thinks that things will work out between her and Austin once they are outside of the game. Liz said that she thinks so and she hopes so. Vanessa was wondering if everyone, including Jace, will be there at the finale. Liz and Steve said yes. Liz said that she is so excited to see Jace. Steve said that he has a man crush on Jace. Liz asked who the others thought would win America’s Favorite. Steve guessed James. Vanessa suggested that Liz or Steve would get it if they finished third. Liz felt that Johnny Mac has a good shot, since the amount of applause that he got was “insane”.

11:00-12:00 AM: Feeds returned following Part 2 of the HoH competition. Steve won Part 2, defeating Liz by approximately three minutes. Liz headed off to shower. Steve told Vanessa that it’s done. Vanessa said that they are now in the finals. Steve said that he never would have guessed that they would pull this off. Vanessa said that they will definitely sit down and tell Liz that they are taking each other, though it’s best not to do it right away. Steve said that he will trust Vanessa’s judgment. Vanessa suggested telling her on Sunday or Monday, to minimize the time that Liz will have to campaign to them. She also did not want things to be awkward. Steve pointed out that Cody and Derrick gave Victoria the courtesy of letting her know that they will be taking each other and he would love to do the same for Liz. Vanessa agreed that it is the right thing to do. Steve said that they now have $50,000 guaranteed. Vanessa said that it is insane and it will change Steve’s life. Steve mentioned winning the final HoH competition. Vanessa questioned why he has to win it, implying that he is going to the end either way. Steve said that he is not going to throw it and neither should she.

1:00-2:00 AM: Liz was alone in the kitchen and broke down crying. She apologized to Julia. Liz said that she is so stupid and she hates herself. Liz said that her mom is going to be so upset. She apologized again. Liz said that she is such a loser. Liz eventually told herself to stop because she is going to be okay, though she went back to crying. She said that it is so embarrassing. She apologized to the live feeders, saying that it is kind of an emotional moment and this game will do that to you.

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