Big Brother 18 Day 13

June 27, 2016

9:00-10:00 AM: Paulie told Frank that he can deal with the things that Bronte says but he cannot deal with Jozea telling Bronte to go say those things. Paulie said that side thinks that he will be going home by a vote of 8-2. Bridgette came outside. After she went back in, Paulie said that the girls were pointing out that either Bridgette, Bronte or Natalie are always popping in. He said that he is over Bridgette’s little giggling act. Frank said the one thing they can see for sure is that the girls like Bridgette and Bronte are not secretly smart like they had once thought that they may be.

10:00-11:00 AM: Jozea told Paul that he spoke to Da’Vonne this morning and she said that he doesn’t have to worry because the vote is going to be a landslide. Jozea said he knows that Da’Vonne is good and that she is with them. Paul said he will trust Jozea’s intuition. Jozea figured that Da’Vonne would not want her circle of people to be Nicole and Paulie as opposed to people like Paul, Zakiyah and himself. He felt that Da’Vonne had been voted out the last time because it was not a diverse cast. Jozea said it’s cool that he has has faith in everybody to walk into the diary room and say the same name on eviction night. Jozea asked Paul about his plan in the event that he wins HoH. Paul said he will be nominating James and Tiffany right off the bat. Should one of their alliance members win the Road Kill competition, Paul said he would like to have Michelle join them on the block. If anyone were to use the veto, he said that he would nominate Corey. Jozea asked Paul if he wants James or Tiffany to go first. Paul wants James to go first because he believes that James is the mastermind. As for Tiffany, Paul said that they are now all onto her and she is not fooling anyone anymore. Jozea argued that Tiffany is a mastermind as well. Paul disagreed. He explained that Tiffany is a stirrer who will throw things out there and watch the chaos happen.

11:00-12:00 PM: Bronte pulled Paulie aside to talk to him about a comment that she made towards him last night. She apologized and let him know that he brings out a really sarcastic side in her. Paulie assured her that it is fine. Bronte pointed out that everyone is talking about how he said he can’t wait for her ass to be in the hot seat and then she replied that Paulie wont be there to see it. She felt that everyone had went silent after that even though she was just playing. Bronte admitted that it was a mean comment. She said she doesn’t know why Paulie brings this side of her out. Paulie explained that he was not upset about her comment but he was angry with the way that Jozea reacted to it because he laughed about it and clearly wants him out of the house. Paulie did not like that Jozea is telling people that he wants him out but will not say it to his face. Paul told Frank that they have a solid six. He said that it would be a solid seven with Frank. Due to that comment, Frank said that forgetting about him and adding him in as a seventh is making him want to change his vote. Paul attempted to explain why he had miscounted and not included Frank in his numbers originally. Paul discussed that he has trust in their group. Frank pointed out that he made an alliance with people the week that he was HoH on his season, only to have them put him on the block the very next week. He told Paul that trust can only go a week at a time in this house. He added that the vote can quickly go from 7-4 to 6-5 the other way. Paul said he is very confident in the seven that he listed off as being on their side. Paul hoped that everything would go according to plan because he thinks that they will then be sailing for a while after that. Paul told Frank that he hopes to get down to seven with their group and then they can shake hands and play.

2:00-3:00 PM: James and Paulie discussed Bridgette. Paulie said he wanted her to be the Road Kill replacement nominee so that he could see how she would react. He said that she did exactly what he expected, running to the other side. He bought up that people are telling Bridgette that he nominated her and she is buying it. Frank joined them. James said Bridgette had them all fooled. Frank disagreed and said the only reason that Bridgette is on the other side right now is because she really believes that they have the majority. James said Bridgette going to where the power is wont benefit them when they are on the block and need to know that they have someone who will stay true to their alliance. Outside, Nicole told Corey that she likes playing with Paulie more than she liked playing with Cody. She sees Paulie as someone who is out for blood. Corey said he really wants the whole other side gone. He hoped that Da’Vonne and Zakiyah would not drop the ball on them. Nicole didn’t think that Zakiyah would but she thought that Da’Vonne might. Nicole said she would still like to target Bronte before Victor because she is someone who will continually slide by. As for Victor, Nicole said he is someone who can be a target in front of her.

3:00-4:00 PM: Frank told Da’Vonne that he believes he will be able to have Bridgette’s ear more so than the other side will if she ends up winning HoH next week. He figured that she would be right back on their side once Jozea leaves. Da’Vonne voiced her concern about Paulie having spent the night in the HoH room, cuddling with Zakiyah. She said that she is willing to stick her neck out for Zakiyah but not for a showmance. Frank agreed that it is a bit of an issue. However, he said that Zakiyah seems smart enough to have fun with it but not be into it. Frank suggested that backdooring Paulie could be an option once Bronte and Victor are gone. Frank admitted that he likes Paulie and would want to keep him around for a little bit if not for the situation with Zakiyah. Frank thinks that Zakiyah trusts both he and Da’Vonne the most of anyone in the house. Da’Vonne feared that Zakiyah would become more attached to Paulie the longer that he is in the house. Frank said they could always nominate Paulie as the third nominee if they win the Road Kill competition. Frank said he hopes Paulie doesn’t get butt hurt that he has to end up getting him out. Da’Vonne figured that he wouldn’t since his brother has been through the game and he knows how it works. Frank said he is concerned about it because Paulie thinks that he is bros with he and Corey. Da’Vonne them spoke to Nicole who told her that Victor was saying some mean things about James earlier today. Nicole said Corey told James about it. Nicole then brought up that it was weird that Paulie slept up in the HoH room last night. Nicole said that showmances are scary. Da’Vonne said Paulie and Zakiyah are cute together but they can be cute in September once the show is over.

4:00-5:00 PM: Da’Vonne, Michelle and Nicole chatted in the backyard while Bronte, James and Natalie were talking by the pool. Da’Vonne said she hopes that James doesn’t really like Natalie. Da’Vonne did not want James to be attached to a woman in the house. Michelle said she was thinking about saving Natalie until last on that side of the house. However, she is now thinking that Paul may be the best option. Both Da’Vonne and Nicole agreed. Michelle said she is worried that James may get too comfortable and leak information to the other side. She mentioned that James slipped up and called Tiffany “Vanessa”. Nicole pointed out that Tiffany and Vanessa look so alike and if you don’t know Vanessa who is one of the best players ever then you don’t know the game well. Michelle wondered if Cody and Vanessa gave their siblings tips. Nicole believes that Cody would have told Paulie exactly what to do. She said she guarantees that it wasn’t to work with her. Nicole thought that Paulie was immediately thinking that she had it out for him.

5:00-6:00 PM: Natalie told Bronte that she loves Paulie to death but he knows so much about the game because of his brother. Bronte didn’t understand why Nicole would have nominated Paulie to begin with. Natalie said it could be bad blood. Bronte figured it would have been smart for Nicole to bring Paulie in because she knows him. Natalie said Tiffany, Michelle, Nicole, Corey and Frank are always together. Bronte said she is nervous because she feels like they have a trick up their sleeve that they don’t know about. Natalie pointed out that the vets have played this game before and know it all. Bronte said they are really going to have to think of something if Jozea goes home. Bronte expects that Victor will go on the block because he is one of the biggest all around threats. Bronte said the others think that James is the mastermind behind everything. Natalie said James is smart and that’s why she watches what she says around him. Natalie told Bronte that she does not want James to go home unless she finds out that he is trying to backdoor them or throw them under the bus. They discussed how the guys use the girls in the game and therefore they will let them go when the time comes. Bronte and Natalie agreed that they will have to play dirty once the boys start coming after them.

7:00-8:00 PM: Nicole headed up to the HoH to speak to Da’Vonne. She had walked in on Frank, James and Tiffany talking and felt that something was up. Nicole wanted to know if Da’Vonne had heard anything about what James, Bronte and Natalie were talking about earlier. Da’Vonne said James told her that he was simply trying to see where their heads were at. Da’Vonne said she knows that they have their Eight Pack alliance but any information that she gets is for the returnees. Nicole said she has their backs like crazy. Da’Vonne told Nicole she meant what she said when she brought up going to the end with Nicole. She added that she doesn’t see herself sitting next to anyone else. Nicole agreed and said it would be an uphill battle to get there. She said it would be the best case scenario for sure. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t want to sit next to Frank or James at the end because they would get all of the votes. Da’Vonne told Nicole that she is struggling with the Fatal Five alliance vs the four returnees alliance. Da’Vonne figured that they cannot be the ones to take Frank and James out. Nicole said she is a bit worried about the Fatal Five. Both Da’Vonne and Nicole are concerned about Tiffany but neither thought that she would stab them in the back. Da'Vonne's concern is that Tiffany will give up information during a time of weakness.

9:00-10:00 PM: Zakiyah went up to the HoH room where Da’Vonne and Tiffany were chatting. Zakiyah was irritated with Bronte. They discussed that Bronte had said if you are an actress, dancer, model or singer, you will be the first one out of the house. Da’Vonne said she did not know if it was specifically about Zakiyah but she fits into three of the categories. Da’Vonne said that she has been trying to get James alone all day but he will not leave Bronte and Natalie. She wanted to find out exactly what the conversation was. Zakiyah brought up that Bronte has the hots for Paulie. Zakiyah clarified that Paulie is not her man and that she is single. Zakiyah wanted to confront Bronte but Da’Vonne told her not to make the mistake that she made last season.

10:00-11:00 PM: In the bedroom, James decided to straight up ask Bronte, Jozea, Natalie and Paul if they are going to vote out Bridgette or vote out Paulie. James said he feels as though everyone is leaning towards Paulie so that’s okay. Jozea said he has a secure team of people which is a hell of a lot of people. Jozea explained that they are obviously going to keep him. On top of that, he said that they really like Bridgette. Natalie wondered why Paulie is so comfortable. Paul mentioned that he spoke with Paulie earlier and gets the impression that he has accepted that he will be leaving. Paul didn’t think that there was a grand scheme going on that they do not yet know about. Jozea said he would love for Bridgette to have no votes cast towards her. Paul said the majority has agreed that Jozea is staying and he would put money on Bridgette getting either one vote or no votes cast against her.

11:00-12:00 AM: Bridgette, Jozea and Paul headed out to the hot tub. Jozea said that James’ question was very awkward. Paul said they should give him the benefit of the doubt because he may be on their side. They discussed that the plan for nominations next week is to nominate James and Tiffany. James would be the target. Bridgette didn’t understand why the guys are so afraid of James. As for the other veterans, Bridgette said she loves Frank and made a promise not to betray him. She said that she will stick to her word and will not vote against him even if her allies are taking him out. Jozea felt similarly about Da’Vonne. He said that he would like to help Da’Vonne get to jury so that she can make some money for her daughter. Jozea felt that their alliance would end up going down in history since they were together from the start. He said it will comfortable running the house since you don’t have to stress about anything. Jozea expects that they will be sitting pretty for the next five weeks.

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