Big Brother 18 Day 20 - Victor is nominated in Paul's place

July 4, 2016

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned following the veto ceremony. Paulie used the Power of Veto on Paul. Paulie nominated Victor as the replacement nominee. Victor told Paul that he knew this was going to happen. He said that they will have to get the votes to get Tiffany out. Paul went to Paulie and thanked him for trusting him. Paulie pointed out that he did exactly what he said he would do. Paul said he trusted Paulie to do so and that is why he didn’t ask him about it every day. Da’Vonne and Frank were chatting on the hammock. Nicole joined them. Da’Vonne told Frank that Tiffany wants him out pre-jury. Frank said that he still wants Victor to go this week but Tiffany needs to go soon. He figured that they have at least two more week of team competitions, so Corey and Nicole can throw them in order to ensure that Tiffany does not win HoH. Frank said they would like to go after Bronte next but Tiffany can be the backup option. After Bronte is gone, he wants Tiffany to be targeted. Nicole said hopefully they can nominate Tiffany as the Road Kill nominee or else she will freak out. Da’Vonne figured that Tiffany would expose everything. Frank mentioned that Paulie told him Tiffany had let him know that he won the Road Kill competition last week. They discussed that Paulie and Tiffany are very close. Da’Vonne and Nicole later spoke alone in the bathroom. Da’Vonne said she would rather Tiffany go up as a Road Kill nominee and then they can tell her everything they told her this week. Da’Vonne said that she would point out that Bronte is after more of their people. Nicole said it’s true. She told Da’Vonne that Tiffany would never nominate her right now and break up their alliance. Da’Vonne agreed but said she cannot tell Frank that. Nicole said that Tiffany is the only person threatening Frank’s game right now. Da’Vonne asked if somebody is going to take Frank out, why not have it be Tiffany. Da’Vonne let Nicole know that Michelle has been saying that she could never send Frank home before jury. She didn’t understand why when Frank would send her home in a heartbeat if he had a reason to. Nicole said they shouldn’t focus on Frank right now. Da’Vonne said the only reason she is focused on Frank right now is because he is so focused on the girls. She said she is trying to figure out why that is.

12:00-1:00 PM: Victor told James that he is not going to lie to him. He then said “I’m the one that won”. James asked if he was talking about the Road Kill. Victor said yes. James said he appreciates Victor not nominating him since he probably could have. Victor said he could have and some people were telling him that he should have. Victor explained that he saw the backdoor move coming and figured that he would have a better chance to get the votes against Tiffany. He also said that he doesn’t want to lose a strong teammate. Bronte and Natalie joined in on the conversation. Victor told them that he has been close with Nicole since Day 1. He said he thinks that he has her vote to evict Tiffany. He also said that Nicole could get Corey to vote Tiffany out even though he already wants to do so.

1:00-2:00 PM: Victor spoke to Frank. Frank said he is curious if Paulie made this move in order to keep people from thinking that they are together. Frank said he did not know that it was coming. Victor asked if Frank is going to vote Tiffany out. Frank said yes because Tiffany does not want him in the house. Victor asked Frank to promise that he would vote that way. Frank said he would as long as he doesn’t find out that it’s going to be 9-1. Victor didn’t think that it would be. He said that he will have Paul and Natalie, and may be able to get Corey and Nicole. Victor then pulled Nicole in. He asked if she is still voting Tiffany out. She said yeah and asked if that is the plan. Frank said he is voting her out as long as they are not the only ones doing so. Victor said he has five votes then. Frank said they could talk to Paulie about breaking the tie. Victor thought that Paul could talk to Bridgette as well. Nicole asked Victor if he would keep her safe. Victor said yeah. Victor then spoke to Da’Vonne who told him that she doesn’t feel the need for him to go. Da’Vonne said that she wants Tiffany out. Victor said to vote her out then because he is not after Da’Vonne and can keep her safe. Victor then let Da’Vonne know that he nominated Tiffany. Da’Vonne ran over to Victor, hugged him and said that she wants her gone. Victor headed up to the HoH room to talk to Paulie. Paulie said that it was a personal, emotional decision. Victor said he doesn’t feel salty about it because he did vote for Paulie to go. Victor told Paulie not to be nervous that he would gun for him if he stays. Victor said it seems as though more people want Tiffany out and he feels pretty confident that she is the one going home as of now. Victor said he meant it when he said that he and Paulie could go far together. He suggested that they need a core group that could include people like Frank and Paul. Paulie said that they can think about bringing in two girls would be smart too. Victor brought up that Tiffany makes people feel awkward because she is always observing and never says anything. Paulie said that someone else will go home if Victor can get five votes to go elsewhere. Victor figured that he currently has six votes going towards Tiffany.

3:00-4:00 PM: Bridgette told Frank that she is forced to have blind trust in him because he hasn’t talked to her in a week. Frank said they are both safe and therefore he didn’t feel that he had to. Bridgette said she has to figure things out on her own because nobody includes her in what’s going on. Bridgette let Frank know that she wants to trust him but it’s hard when she is not included. Frank said that he talked to her all last week and has said that he is about his team first and foremost. Bridgette pointed out that she has to find things out from people not on their team.

4:00-5:00 PM: Bridgette and Frank spoke in the HoH room. Bridgette said it feels like Frank doesn’t think that she can keep her mouth shut. Frank said that’s not it. He asked for some information about what Bronte and Natalie have planned. Bridgette said it’s obvious that they want all of the guys out. Frank said that is silly. Bridgette told Frank that she doesn’t want to turn on them until jury because there goal is to get to jury. Frank said one of them is not going to be making it to jury. Bridgette asked if it’s Bronte. Frank told her that was a good guess. Bridgette asked which girls are worried about Bronte. Frank said all of them and asked who she thinks isn’t. Bridgette brought up that Tiffany has been talking to Bronte and Natalie. Frank said Tiffany is talking to them because she wants him out before jury. Frank said it’s not going to happen. He then said that Tiffany is not going to make it to jury. He told Bridgette that Tiffany would be going next week if he had it his way. Frank told Bridgette that he would take her all the way to the end with him if he can. As for Michelle, Frank said he doesn’t want her there at the end because she is too big of a fan and would do well in the mental competitions.

5:00-6:00 PM: Bridgette continued to spill info, telling Frank that people think he and James are secretly close. Bridgette said Tiffany doesn’t like Frank. He asked if Bridgette knows Tiffany’s secret. Bridgette said that she does but Tiffany doesn’t know that she knows. Bridgette later told Frank that people think he and Corey are close and they are afraid of that. Meanwhile, Natalie spoke to Da’Vonne about being a girls girl and wanting a girl to win the season. Da’Vonne agreed and said that there are a lot of strong girls in the house. Natalie let Da’Vonne know that she is rooting for her. She said there are a lot of people who she would be disappointed about winning. Da’Vonne agreed and later told her that she is glad they spoke because it seems like people are trying to keep a wedge between them.

6:00-7:00 PM: Frank spoke to Michelle about Tiffany wanting him out before jury. They discussed Tiffany getting close with Bridgette, Bronte and Natalie. Michelle said those girls approached Tiffany about getting the girls together. Frank said it’s Tiffany who is trying to get in with them because she wants him out. They then discussed Bridgette. Frank encouraged Michelle to squash things with her. Michelle asked Frank if he would take her further than Bridgette. Frank swore that he would. Michelle pointed out that Bridgette would be a good person to take Tiffany out since she will listen to what Frank tells her.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned after the houseguests enjoyed a 4th of July party. Victor spoke to Bronte. He told her that he thinks they will be good this week. Bronte said that she hasn’t talked to anyone yet. Victor said he has been trying to get the votes to evict Tiffany. Victor then spoke to Paul who told him that he should be fine. Victor agreed. He said he doesn’t know where Natalie’s head is at though and it’s weird. In the bathroom, Da’Vonne quickly filled Nicole in on her earlier talk with Natalie. Da’Vonne explained that Natalie said she is all about empowering women. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t want to let Natalie get to jury because she is a vote for James. She didn’t think that Natalie would come after either she or Nicole at the moment though.

9:00-10:00 PM: Bronte, Natalie and Tiffany spoke in the bedroom. Tiffany said that it is going to be a 10-0 vote. She said that Paul wont want to go against the group after they did him a favour this week. Natalie said that she has been reassured that Victor is going home which is all that she needed to hear. Bronte hoped that the girls could make it through the next two weeks in order to make it to jury. They discussed what they would do if they win HoH. Natalie said she would not want to nominate a girl. Tiffany said she feels close to all of the girls and would not put one up either. Up in the HoH room, James told Corey, Frank and Paulie that every time he walks into the London room, he sees Bronte, Natalie and Tiffany huddled up. Frank said Bridgette told him earlier that Tiffany is trying to get in with the girls. Paulie said Tiffany is feeling weird about the girls in their alliance and thinks that she is on the outs. James said she is doing the same thing as her sister by saying that she is on the outs and and has nobody. James figured that Tiffany would be the ringleader of the new group. Frank said she is trying to get him out. Paulie said they cannot let Tiffany win HoH. Frank suggested that James throw HoH for his team and Corey throw HoH for his team. He wanted this to happen for the next two weeks so that they could get both Bronte and Tiffany out.

12:00-1:00 AM: Michelle talked to Tiffany about her plan for if she wins HoH. Tiffany said that she isn’t sure what she would do. She said she would speak with the group about it. As for Michelle, she said that she would want to make a deal with the Road Kill winner that she would not nominate them as the replacement if they would nominate Bridgette for her since she cannot nominate her teammate. Tiffany didn’t think that Bridgette would be after Michelle. She said Bridgette would go after one of the guys. Michelle said that Frank wouldn’t let her do that. Tiffany said Bridgette is a lot more independent than people give her credit for. She figured that Bridgette would make her own decision. She let Michelle know that Bridgette has mentioned Frank being a big player that they need to worry about but not just yet.

1:00-2:00 AM: Bridgette and Bronte discussed their HoH plans. Bronte thought that it would not be worth it to make a move against Corey, Frank, James or Paulie at this point. She explained that even if they get one of them out, the other two that they nominated would take them out the following week. Bronte said she would be more willing to take a shot once they get to jury. Bronte is considering making a deal with either Frank or James if she wins HoH, telling them that they can control her HoH if they keep her safe the following week. Bronte thinks that Corey, Frank, James, Nicole and Paulie are working together as a Final 5. She sees the outsiders who will soon be picked off as herself, Bridgette, Natalie and Paul. Bridgette asked how Bronte feels about Tiffany. Bronte said she likes Tiffany but thinks that she gets frazzled. Bridgette agreed. They worried that Tiffany would throw them under the bus during one of those moments in which she gets frazzled.

2:00-3:00 AM: Zakiyah told Da’Vonne that she believes Michelle is under Frank’s thumb. Da’Vonne pointed out that she flat out said that she cannot send Frank home before jury. Zakiyah said she wonders how the house dynamics would be if Frank were to leave. Da’Vonne admitted that sending Victor home is not best for her game since he is not after her. She feels that it is best for Frank’s game. Da’Vonne said she is going to do it but people better back her when she gets HoH. Da’Vonne said you have to look out for yourself first when you win HoH. She said that Tiffany or Frank has got to go when she wins HoH.

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