Big Brother 18 Houseguest Bio: Paul Abrahamian

June 14, 2016

Age: 23
Hometown: Tarzana, CA
Current City: Tarzana, CA
Occupation: Clothing designer
Three adjectives that describe you: Honest, spontaneous, and energetic.

Favorite Activities: I love to play music, so a jam session is always good.  I love going to shows and concerts for the crowd surfing, mosh pits, stage diving, [and] all the fun stuff.  

Traveling, hiking and sightseeing are definitely solid activities. I enjoy the outdoors, like the woods and mountains. I'm a thrill seeker, so [I like] essentially anything that can fuel that. I do enjoy a good night out with friends at a fun speakeasy bar in L.A., like Davey Wayne’s and No Vacancy.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brotherhouse?  
I'd say adapting to everyone's personalities, dynamics, likes, and dislikes all at once. Also, feeling people out and seeing just how much of my blunt and dry humor they can take. I'm not worried about it; I thrive on situations and circumstances like this. 

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?  
If there's one trait that I'm confident about, it's that I'm sneaky. I'm very observant, remember things and handle high stress situations well. I’ll probably use people's weaknesses against them. It's very hard to get underneath my skin, but very easy for me to get underneath yours, so I think I can mentally crack any member. I'm really good at getting people to do what I want [and] getting them to think they're on top of a situation when, really, they're not.

My life’s motto is… 
To live my life in such a fulfilling way that when I'm on my deathbed, there's nothing left for me to experience.

What would you take into the house, and why? 
First, [I’d take] my guitar because I love to play and write music. I think it could be fun to have it in the house and start live jams with other housemates. Also, beer and my dogs. That’d be great.

Check out the bios of the other Big Brother 18 houseguests here.