Big Brother 2
Move In Day
Group 1: Nicole, Shannon, Monica and Hardy.
Group 2: Bunky, Krista, Justin and Mike.
Group 3: Autumn, Sheryl, Kent and Will.
Head of Household (HoH) Competition - “Wheel Of First Impressions”
The “Big Brother Wheel of First Impressions” was placed in front of the houseguests. They will spin the wheel and it will land on two characteristics. You will then pick two houseguests that you think those words best describe. The rest of the house will then vote on which of those two you would prefer as Head of Household.
The competition came down to Sheryl and Mike “Boogie”. The houseguests voted in favour of Boogie.
Boogie won HoH.
Nomination Ceremony
Boogie nominated Nicole and Sheryl for eviction.
Julie announced that the producers expelled Justin for breaking the rules after he threatened houseguests with violence and physical intimidation. Justin had threatened violence such as when he told Hardy that "This time I’m going to punch her (Autumn) right in the stomach". The final straw was an incident in the kitchen. Krista had been drinking. She and Justin started to kiss.
Justin asked Krista “Would you get mad if I killed you?” Justin then picked up a large kitchen knife, again asking if Krista would get mad if he killed her. He put the knife to her throat as they kissed. He then took the knife away momentarily, before putting it back to her neck after being encouraged by Krista. They kissed again before Justin returned the knife to the drawer. Justin was then called to the diary room.
Big Brother then woke the houseguests to inform them that Justin has been removed from the house due to violating the rules about violence after repeated warnings. The houseguests were asked to pack up Justin’s belongings.
Sheryl was evicted by a vote of 5-3.
Votes to evict Sheryl (5): Hardy, Kent, Autumn, Bunky and Krista.
Votes to evict Nicole (3): Shannon, Will and Monica.
HoH Competition - “To The Mat"
Julie asked the houseguests a series of questions about the houseguests and the house. They had to answer correctly in order to stay in the competition. The last houseguest standing will become the new HoH.
Question 1: If you think the majority of the original 12 houseguests gave us a home address that falls west of the Mississippi River, remain on your mat.
Answer: Less than half did. Kent and Monica answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.
Question 2: If you think the awning directly above the kitchen door is green in colour, step forward.
Answer: The awning is tan. Hardy answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.
Question 3: The nine of you playing this game told us your favourite section of the daily newspaper. If you think that the Life and Entertainment section was the most popular answer, remain in place.
Answer: Life and Entertainment was the most popular answer. Shannon answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.
Question 4: If you believe the direction you are currently facing is primarily north, step forward off the mat.
Answer: You are facing southwest. Will and Autumn answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.
Tiebreaker Question: How many times combined have the original 12 houseguests been legally married? Whoever comes closest to the actual number without going over will become the new HoH.
Answers: Bunky 6, Nicole 6, Krista 7.
The correct answer was 8.
Krista won HoH.
Nomination Ceremony
Krista nominated Autumn and Kent for eviction.
Autumn was evicted by a vote of 7-0.
Votes to evict Autumn (7): Hardy, Monica, Bunky, Boogie, Will, Nicole and Shannon.
Votes to evict Kent (0): None.
HoH Competition - “By The Numbers”
Julie will ask a series of questions about the 9 remaining houseguests. Each answer will be a number from 0 to 9. If you are correct, you stay in the game. If you are wrong, you are eliminated. The last houseguest standing will become the new HoH.
Question 1: How many of you who are still in the house have a birthday in the month of July?
Answer: 2. Bunky, Will and Kent answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.
Question 2: If all of you still in the house sat at the dining room table right now, how many seats would remain empty?
Answer: 3. Monica answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.
Question 3: At last week’s food competition, how many of the nine of you weighed more than 150 pounds?
Answer: 5. Nicole answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.
Question 4: How many of you still in the house currently have either children or step-children?
Answer: 3. Everyone answered correctly.
Question 5: How many of you still in the house have earned a high school degree?
Answer: 9. Boogie answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.
Question 6: How many of you in the house are shorter than 63 inches?
Answer: 0. Everyone answered incorrectly.
Question 7: How many of you still left in the house have the letter “N” in the name engraved on your house key?
Answer: 5. Everyone answered incorrectly.
Tiebreaker Question: What is the sum total of the ages, in years, of all of the people still left in the house?
Answers: Shannon 241, Hardy 290.
The correct answer was 300.
Hardy won HoH.
Nomination Ceremony
Hardy nominated Shannon and Will for eviction.
Shannon was evicted by a vote of 6-0.
Votes to evict Shannon (6): Boogie, Krista, Bunky, Monica, Nicole and Kent.
Votes to evict Will (0): None.
HoH Competition - “Higher, Lower”
The houseguests will be asked a series of questions about them and the Big Brother house. The correct answers will be either higher or lower than the number Julie states in each of her questions. The houseguests will have to decide if the correct answer is higher or lower. The houseguests must answer correctly in order to move on. The last houseguest standing will become the new HoH.
Question 1: Is the number of cots in the house higher or lower than 3?
Answer: Higher (4). Everyone answered correctly.
Question 2: Last week America voted to give you a new toaster. Is the number of actual slots in that toaster higher or lower than 3?
Answer: Lower (2). Bunky, Will, Monica and Krista answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.
Question 3: This week you had a laundry competition. Is the number of clothing items each of you was required to switch during that competition higher or lower than 4?
Answer: Lower (3). Everyone answered correctly.
Question 4: Was the total number of tennis balls that you all caught during the last food challenge higher or lower than 35?
Answer: Lower (33). Everyone answered incorrectly.
Question 5: Is the number of burners on the kitchen stove higher or lower than 3?
Answer: Higher (4). Everyone answered correctly.
Question 6: The women recently out-rode the men on a mechanical bull. In the first round, was the minimum number of seconds the men had to ride higher or lower than 15 seconds?
Answer: Higher (30). Nicole answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.
Tiebreaker Question: In the food competition “Catch Of The Day”, what was the total cost in dollars and cents of all of the groceries you won?
Answers: Mike $187.00, Kent $700.00.
The correct answer was $1,248.34.
Kent won HoH.
Nomination Ceremony
Kent nominated Boogie and Krista for eviction.
Boogie was evicted by a vote of 4-1.
Votes to evict Boogie (4): Bunky, Hardy, Nicole and Monica.
Votes to evict Krista (1): Will.
HoH Competition - “Face The Facts”
Julie will ask a series of questions, the answers to which appear on the cube. On four sides of the cube the houseguests will find the faces of their former housemates, Sheryl, Autumn, Shannon and Boogie. On the fifth side will be Kent. If the answer is none of those five people, the houseguests must use the side that is blank. Answer incorrectly and you will be eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing will become the new HoH.
Question 1: Who on your cube is married?
Answer: Kent. Everyone answered correctly.
Question 2: Of the houseguests on your cube, whose real home is located closest to the Big Brother house?
Answer: Boogie. Everyone answered correctly.
Question 3: Who is the youngest houseguest on your cube?
Answer: Autumn. Everyone answered correctly.
Question 4: Which houseguest on your cube has the oldest child?
Answer: Sheryl. Everyone answered correctly.
Question 5: Which houseguest on the cube has been married only once?
Answer: None. Dr. Will, Bunky, Krista and Monica answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.
Question 6: Which houseguest served in Desert Storm?
Answer: None. Everyone answered incorrectly.
Question 7: Who is the tallest houseguest on your cube?
Answer: Boogie. Nicole answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.
Hardy won HoH.
Nomination Ceremony
Hardy nominated Kent and Will for eviction.
Kent was evicted by a vote of 4-0.
Votes to evict Kent (4): Monica, Nicole, Krista and Bunky.
Votes to evict Will (0): None.
HoH Competition - “Pushing It To The Limit”
The houseguests will go one by one, sliding their key from one end of the table to the other without going over the line at the end of the table. The closest to the end without going over, will become the next HoH.
Will’s key landed in the green bathroom zone.
Monica’s key landed off of the board.
Krista’s key landed in the light green dining room zone.
Nicole’s key landed in the blue bedroom zone.
Bunky’s key landed in the light green dining room zone.
Nicole won HoH.
Nomination Ceremony
Nicole nominated Krista and Monica for eviction.
Krista was evicted by a vote of 3-0.
Votes to evict Krista (3): Bunky, Hardy and Will.
Votes to evict Monica (0): None.
HoH Competition - “Big Brother Road Trip"
The HoH competition will take place in two parts, with two people moving on to the second round. In Part 1, 12 questions will be read out. The first to drive their remote control car into the pole on the correct state and yell out the state will receive a point.
Scores: Hardy 7, Bunky 3, Will 2, Monica 0.
Hardy and Bunky advanced to Part 2 of the HoH competition.
The backyard was turned into an all terrain obstacle course. Each obstacle has the name of an evicted houseguest. When the whistle sounds, the houseguests will have 60 seconds to remove their blindfold and study the course. A clue will then be revealed to assist in completing the course. The clue was that the houseguests must knock down the flags in the eviction order, from first to last.
Times: Hardy 2:07, Bunky 2:20.
Hardy won HoH.
Nomination Ceremony
Hardy nominated Bunky and Will for eviction.
Bunky was evicted by a vote of 2-1.
Votes to evict Bunky (2): Nicole and Hardy*.
Votes to evict Will (1): Monica.
Hardy cast the tiebreaking vote.
HoH Competition - “Strange Bedfellows"
A replica of the HoH room was placed in the backyard. The houseguests had to grab their Big Brother key and take a seat on the bed, making sure that their feet did not touch the ground. The houseguests were told to place their key in the nomination box on the bed and not let go. One hand must be kept on the key at all times. The houseguests may not leave the bed for any reason and may not sleep. The last houseguest remaining will become HoH.
Minutes into the competition, Big Brother tempted the houseguests with an offer, saying that the first person to ring the bell will get a weekend spa getaway for two in Santa Barbara when the season ends. Everyone declined the offer.
During the competition a banner plane flew overhead, signed by Nicole's husband, saying that Nicole's husband is betrayed and hurt by what went on between Nicole and will in the hot tub.
After 3 hours, Big Brother offered to bring the houseguest that dropped out of the competition in a limo to their favorite fast food restaurant. Everyone declined the offer.
Hardy offered Will and Monica a mystery envelope. They had 60 seconds to take the offer. Will dropped out of the competition. Will won the oversized peanut butter jar prop from the food competition.
Order to drop out of the competition: Nicole (3 hours 12 minutes), Will (3 hours 52 minutes).
Monica won HoH.
Nomination Ceremony
Monica nominated Hardy and Nicole for eviction.
Hardy was evicted by a vote of 1-0. Will cast the sole vote to evict.
Final HoH Competition - Part 1
The seven evicted houseguests were asked to give positive and negative words to describe each of the houseguests. The answer to each question is one of the three remaining houseguests. There will be seven questions in all and each correct answer will be worth one point. The two houseguests with the most points after Part 2 will advance to Part 3.
Question 1: According to Autumn, one of you is truthful, one of you is consistent, one of you is disloyal and one of you is brave. Which one of you does Autumn think is brave?
Answer: Nicole. Nicole answered correctly.
Question 2: According to Kent, one of you is quiet, one of you is obsessive, one of you is immature and one of you is energetic. Which one of you does Kent think is energetic?
Answer: Will. Everyone answered correctly.
Question 3: Among the words Krista used to describe each of you are openminded, reserved, funny and strong. Which one of you does Krista think is strong?
Answer: Monica. Monica and Will answered correctly.
Question 4: Among the words Shannon used to describe each of you are sincere, assertive, sexy and aggressive. Which one of you does Shannon think is aggressive?
Answer: Nicole. Nicole and Will answered correctly.
Question 5: Among the words Sheryl used to describe each of you are steadfast, insightful, amusing and explosive. Which one of you does Sheryl think is explosive?
Answer: Monica. Will answered correctly.
Question 6: Among the words Bunky used to describe each of you are hardworking, sincere, funny and arrogant. Which one of you does Bunky think is arrogant?
Answer: Will. Everyone answered correctly.
Question 7: Among the words Boogie used to describe each of you are strong, funny and loyal. Which one of you does Boogie think is loyal?
Answer: Nicole. Everyone answered incorrectly.
Part 1 Points: Will 5, Nicole 4, Monica 3.
Final HoH Competition - Part 2
The houseguests were given the opportunity to earn an additional 7 points by completing seven household chores in order. They had 6 minutes to complete as many as possible.
1. Put a slice of bread in the toaster and push the lever down to toast it
2. Remove all of the food items from the kitchen island and deposit them into the plastic bin on the storage room shelf
3. Pick up all eight towels sitting in the bathroom and throw them into a bin
4. Squeegee the window outside four times
5. Remove all of the balls from the pool with the net
6. Run to the windows that had the evicted houseguests’ pictures and pull down the shades in reverse order of eviction
7. Take the toast out of the toaster, put peanut butter and jelly on it, eat it and open your mouth and say “Big Brother 2”
Part 1 Points: Will 5, Nicole 4, Monica 3.
Part 2 Points: Nicole 7, Monica 6, Will 5.
Total Points: Nicole 11, Will 10, Monica 9.
Nicole and Will advanced to Par 3 of the Final HoH competition.
September 11th Terrorist Attacks
Big Brother called the houseguests to the diary room in order to inform them about the terrorist attacks. Monica's cousin Tamitha worked in the World Trade Center and went to work that day. Tamitha was still unaccounted for at the time that Big Brother spoke to the houseguests.
Final HoH Competition - Part 3
The houseguests will be asked 7 questions that will test their knowledge about everyone and everything that the have experienced. Each correct answer will be worth one point.
Question 1: Which houseguest got stuck with the sleeping bag on the floor on the first night in the Big Brother house?
Answer: Kent. Nicole and Will answered correctly.
Question 2: Which Big Brother houseguest was the first to jump in to the ice cold pool during the competition against the Survivors?
Answer: Hardy. Nicole and Will answered correctly.
Question 3: Which houseguest was the first to step out of the car in your very first food competition?
Answer: Boogie. Nicole answered correctly.
Question 4: In one America’s Choice question, what item received more votes than both a massage chair and a pull up bar?
Answer: Toaster. Nicole and Will answered correctly.
Question 5: In the Big Brother Food Pyramid, Krista was asked if you were eating a Bartlett, Bosc or an Anjou, what fruit would you be eating. What was Krista’s incorrect answer?
Answer: Mushroom. Nicole and Will answered correctly.
Question 6: In the competition that involved the giant key slide, which houseguest overshot the HoH zone and slid their key off the end of the lane?
Answer: Monica. Nicole and Will answered correctly.
Question 7: In the Dirty Dozen competition, who was the first houseguest wearing a bikini to jump in to the pool of mud?
Answer: Boogie. Nicole and Will answered correctly.
Nicole won HoH.
Monica was evicted by a vote of 1-0. Nicole cast the sole vote to evict.
Jury Vote
Nicole and Will were allowed to nullify one jury vote. Will nullified Bunky’s vote and Nicole nullified Shannon’s vote.
Bunky voted for NICOLE - nullified
Shannon voted for WILL - nullified
Autumn voted for NICOLE
Krista voted for WILL
Hardy voted for NICOLE
Mike voted for WILL
Kent voted for WILL
Sheryl voted for WILL
Monica voted for WILL
Will won Big Brother 2 by a vote of 5-2.
Will won the $500,000 grand prize. Nicole won the $50,000 prize as runner up.