Big Brother 22 Day 24 - Enzo nominates Kaysar and Kevin for eviction

August 28, 2020

11:08 AM: Enzo asked David who he thinks the two votes were. David said that nobody will admit but people will throw names around. He talked about Cody having asked him in front of people about his vote, which he found odd. Enzo told David that the two of them and Tyler need to stay loyal.

11:20 AM: Enzo asked Bayleigh who she thinks that the votes were. Bayleigh asked Enzo if he was one of them. When Enzo denied it, Bayleigh said she thinks it’s a trap to pin it on her. She mentioned David and Memphis as potential options. Enzo let Bayleigh know that he has the best connection with her out of all of the girls. He said that they are on a different level. Bayleigh agreed and said that she would be fine no matter which way things went if they ended up at the end together.

11:30 AM: Kaysar let Enzo know that he has got his back. Enzo said that he plans to talk to everybody before making his decision. Kaysar asked if that means that he will be going on the block if everyone says his name. Enzo said no and that he is doing this for him. Kaysar brought up that he likes competitors and doesn’t like floaters, so that’s why he respects Enzo so much.

11:36 AM: After Kaysar left the room, Enzo spoke to the cameras and said Kaysar is a good guy but he didn’t talk any game with him for four weeks, so he cannot trust him right now.

11:41 AM: Tyler asked Enzo if he is thinking of nominating Kaysar and Kevin. Enzo said he is thinking of putting a pawn up next to Kaysar. Enzo said that the two of them and Cody can run through this house. Tyler said he believes that Dani was one of the two votes. Enzo said that he is starting to think the same thing, and he believes that she was trying to get Bayleigh and Da’Vonne in trouble.

11:49 AM: Dani asked Enzo what was up with the two votes last night. She said that it had to have been Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Enzo said he would think that it was them or Kevin.

11:52 AM: Enzo let Dani and Nicole know that they are good with him. Dani asked Enzo if he is thinking of putting Kaysar up. Enzo said Kaysar and a pawn. When Enzo mentioned Kevin as a possible pawn, Dani suggested that David may be a better pawn since it would be easier to mend things. She told Enzo that Kevin has said that he would be mad about being a pawn. Enzo said the thing about David is that everybody is coming after him so he would rather keep him around as a target.

11:54 AM: Cody joined Dani, Enzo and Nicole for a Core Four meeting. Enzo let them know that they are all good this week. Cody said that Kaysar has got to go since he is projecting things onto “the other side”, which he views them as. Da’Vonne and Kevin waited outside of the HoH room, making the Core Four worry about how to leave the room without being noticed. They decided to invite Da’Vonne and Kevin in, telling them that they are just hanging out. Kevin then asked if he can make his pitch to Enzo. Feeds were down for the duration of the conversation.

12:12 PM: Enzo spoke to Da’Vonne about the Slick Six being the strongest people in the house. He said that they can run through the house. Da’Vonne agree. Enzo talked about it being the two of them, Bayleigh and Cody once they get down to four.

12:23 PM: Cody told Christmas he thinks that Kaysar will be going up next to someone. Cody said that Kaysar is the biggest issue for his own personal game since he keeps saying his name. He told Christmas that Ian let him know what Kaysar was saying.

12:27 PM: Nicole asked Cody if Enzo mentioned backdooring Ian. Cody said that he did but he wont actually do it. Nicole worried that Enzo didn’t trust her enough to tell her about it. Cody said that Enzo spews everything to him. Nicole said it’s crazy how much she has helped Ian already, and it’s not worth it for her if Ian doesn’t put the same work in for her. Nicole said the goal is for it to pay off by going on the block next to Ian at some point.

12:47 PM: Ian told Enzo that one of the nominees is pretty clear but he is wondering what the plan for the other one is. Enzo told Ian that he will not be going on the block. Enzo asked that Ian protect him if he wins HoH. Ian agreed and said he feels like he is due.

1:25 PM: Bayleigh told Da’Vonne that right before the vote Dani told her she feels terrible and thinks that she is going to get the brunt of it since Janelle will take it personally if she votes her out. She said Dani then told her afterwards that she would not be made if Bayleigh was one of the votes. Da’Vonne told Bayleigh that Kevin is going to be the pawn. Bayleigh said that there will be a meltdown. She thinks that Kevin will be caught off guard by that. The girls didn’t understand why David wouldn’t go up instead. Da’Vonne told Bayleigh she wants them to make it to the Final 2 together but she is not dumb enough to think that Tyler wouldn’t take Bayleigh. Da’Vonne said that she would like to work Enzo like Bayleigh is working Tyler. They talked about potentially working as a four at some point and having Enzo and Tyler take each other out, leaving them with someone neutral that they could beat. Da’Vonne said that no matter how close they get to Cody, he will always take Dani and Nicole. Bayleigh threw Enzo’s name into the mix as well. Bayleigh pointed out that Dani is getting snappy and she snapped on both David and Tyler last night.

4:17 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

5:20 PM: Feeds returned. Enzo nominated Kaysar and Kevin for eviction.

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