Big Brother 22 Day 25 - Kevin wins the Power of Veto

August 29, 2020

1:17 PM: Feeds went down to pick players for the veto competition.

1:41 PM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Enzo, Kaysar, Kevin, Bayleigh, David and Tyler.

1:51 PM: Enzo vented to Tyler about Da’Vonne wanting him to nominate David. He said that this is his HoH, not hers, and Da’Vonne is going to get herself backdoored soon. Tyler said he is stuck between wanting Dani out and wanting Da’Vonne out. They discussed that Dani is working with everyone and is the source of a lot of things. Enzo said he is close to backdooring Dani. Tyler said that he might if he wins HoH next week. Enzo brought up that Dani was probably one of the votes for Janelle. Tyler agreed.

2:05 PM: Cody joined Enzo and Tyler. He brought up that Dani is constantly on the defensive. As for Nicole, he said that she loves Enzo. Enzo asked if she is still going to love him when he backdoors Ian. Cody and Tyler both said no.

2:14 PM: Ian asked David what he would do if he wins the veto. David said that he wants to talk to Enzo. He mentioned not wanting to ruffle feathers but also that he knows you cannot change your position if you are on the outskirts and don’t ruffle any feathers. Ian said he is worried that he is on the outskirts. David said he believes that Ian is, which is why he is having this conversation with him.

2:29 PM: David, Ian and Kaysar noticed that a large number of people had gathered in the HoH room. Kaysar asked if they should go see what’s going on. David said yeah. Ian said that it sends a chill down his spine when he sees that happening and is not up there. All three decided to go up to the HoH room together.

2:45 PM: Kaysar spoke to Bayleigh about the need to make a move. He explained that the people controlling the house have a monopoly on who gets to talk to who. He said that simply being friends will not be enough to keep you safe. He talked about there being an alliance that is picking them off while laughing about it. He mentioned that Tyler told him that the campaigning wouldn’t matter last week, and also that David went around telling people that he was staying as soon as he went on the block. Kaysar suggested that it’s simply an excuse when they say that they are in trouble for being associated with Janelle. Bayleigh told Kaysar that he is being a little bit condescending. She said that she has heard of all of these points before and sees it for herself. Bayleigh placed the blame for what is going on on Janelle and Kaysar’s decision to compete for safety together in week one. Bayleigh was also frustrate with Kaysar for bringing up her gameplay during BB20, telling her that she is a sitting duck and saying that she has no power in this game. She told Kaysar that she lived through new school gameplay and therefore knows the style more than him, so it would have been beneficial had he come to her sooner.

3:02 PM: Bayleigh told Da’Vonne that Kaysar thinks that he knows everything. She didn’t like that he was putting pressure on her to win the veto and use it on him. She was also bothered by what she viewed as a condescending tone from him.

3:06 PM: Bayleigh vented to Tyler about Kaysar as well. Tyler said that Kaysar is trying to make Bayleigh feel that she is backed into a corner when in reality he has no clue. Tyler said that he will clock Kaysar in the veto competition and he will not use the veto on him.

3:24 PM: Bayleigh and Da’Vonne discussed that Enzo has mentioned potentially backdooring Ian. Da’Vonne wondered why Kevin chose David to play in the veto competition. Da’Vonne said that she needs Kaysar to win the veto and then she is going to have a real conversation with the six about David telling her that he is in a guys alliance. She said that she will tell Enzo to put him up if it’s not true. Bayleigh said that Enzo does what he wants to do. She asked if Da’Vonne really thinks that David would put her up. Da’Vonne said yes.

3:39 PM: Da’Vonne asked Kevin why he didn’t pick her for houseguest’s choice. Kevin said he needed to pick someone that would decrease Kaysar’s odds of winning. Da’Vonne said that she is a little bit offended. Kevin admitted that Da’Vonne scared her last night since he wasn’t sure where she stood. Da’Vonne asked Kevin if he is working with David. Kevin said no more so than he is working with anyone else. Da’Vonne asked if he is including her in that. Kevin said no since they have a Final 2.

3:48 PM: Christmas and Memphis discussed that Kaysar will not have the votes if he is on the block. Christmas wondered what would happen if David ended up next to him. Memphis said that Kaysar would still go which is almost better since Kaysar would nominate Cody and Tyler. Christmas said that David might nominate the two of them and then put Cody or Tyler up if one of them win the veto. She said she thinks that David needs to go next.

3:54 PM: Enzo told Christmas that David had better not use the veto. Enzo said that he wants Christmas to win HoH since she will stir things up. Enzo talked about not wanting Kaysar to win the veto. He said that he may make a big move if that does happen.

4:17 PM: Kaysar told Memphis he feels like he is the only one willing to take a shot. Kaysar said he thinks that people at home are screaming for them to do something. If no one will do anything, Kaysar said it’s probably best that he goes home. Memphis told Kaysar that him winning the veto is the best case scenario, and then Kevin winning may be second best. Kaysar said that’s only good if David goes up next to him, which he doesn’t think that Enzo would do since he will want to put someone up that ensures that he leaves.

5:05 PM: Feeds went down.

5:35 PM: Feeds returned.

5:47 PM: Bayleigh and David discussed that they would prefer to have Kevin stay over Kaysar. Bayleigh said that once the veto is done, she is going to have to check Kaysar and tell him to leave her alone if he tries to push her again. David asked if Bayleigh would change the nominations if she won. Bayleigh said no. David said that he kind of wants to but he doesn’t think that he would do it. He worried about who the replacement nominee would be.

6:13 PM: Bayleigh told Da’Vonne that David is not as far off of the deep end as she thought that he was. Bayleigh said David told her that his trust with the boys is completely broken now. Da’Vonne didn’t want him thinking that that was her fault. Bayleigh said she tried to gather if David is coming after her, which she doesn’t think that he is. Bayleigh said what makes her the most uneasy right now is that Nicole follows Dani around like a puppy, and then Ian follows her, so they could easily be replaced by those two. Da’Vonne asked Bayleigh about Christmas. Bayleigh said that Christmas is not even close to think about her, so don’t worry about it.

6:38 PM: Christmas and Nicole talked about who should go first out of Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Nicole pushed for Bayleigh to go first, while Christmas leaned more the other way. Christmas said that she is okay with taking the shot at those two next week. Nicole said that anyone who was attached to Janelle has got to go. She talked about not being able to get a jury vote from any of those people.

6:47 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

9:24 PM: Feeds returned. Kevin won the Power of Veto.

9:36 PM: Cody told Dani that Enzo will probably nominate David. Dani figured that Enzo would have too much respect for David after he came so close to winning the competition. Dani figured that Ian may go up on the block. Both Cody and Dani agreed that Kaysar would have to go over Ian.

9:44 PM: Ian asked Dani who she thinks will be nominated. Dani said she has no idea. She told him that she would have guessed David before the competition. Ian said he hopes that it isn’t him. He mentioned that he would be a risky pawn. Ian pointed out that Enzo has a good relationship with everyone so you never know what’s going to happen.

9:52 PM: Enzo told David that he isn’t a rookie anymore after his performance. Enzo let David know that he impressed a lot of people.

9:55 PM: Nicole told Dani that Bayleigh and Da’Vonne’s comfort level is out of this world. She said Christmas told her that Bayleigh came to her today to say that she feels completely comfortable. Dani said that Nicole should definitely tell the boys about that. Dani and Nicole discussed that they would prefer to get Bayleigh out before Da’Vonne. Nicole asked if Enzo would make a move this week. Dani said hell no. She added that they have to get Kaysar out. When Nicole said that he sucks at comps, Dani said that his mouth is too much. Dani told Nicole that Ian may go up but he should have the votes to stay. As for next week, Nicole mentioned nominating David and Kevin with a plan to backdoor Bayleigh.

10:25 PM: Dani asked Christmas and Nicole who they think that Enzo will nominate. Nicole said maybe David. Christmas wondered if he would nominate someone that he wants out. Dani said that it would have to be pawn. Christmas then said that David could go up since Kaysar would still be leaving.

10:33 PM: Bayleigh told Cody that whoever goes on the block next to Kaysar will stay. Cody said that it will come down to who will be pissed off the least by going on the block.

10:34 PM: Enzo told Bayleigh and Cody that this is the best time to be a pawn since everyone is going to vote to evict Kaysar. Bayleigh asked if Enzo has another option to put up. Enzo said that he has nothing. He told her that he had options had Kaysar been the one to win the veto. Cody asked if it’s worst case scenario. Enzo said no because Kaysar will be going home.

10:39 PM: Kaysar asked Ian if he would vote to keep him. Ian said that it will depend on who he is nominated against. Kaysar told Ian to make sure that he doesn’t end up next to him. Ian said that he really doesn’t want to be nominated. Ian called Kaysar the only intelligent person that he has ever met in the house. He clarified that Kaysar is definitely smarter than him.

10:59 PM: Nicole asked Cody who he thinks is going up. Cody said he doesn’t know but Enzo makes it seem like whoever it is will be the pawn. Cody asked if Ian would be okay with being the pawn if Enzo has the talk with him. Nicole said she doesn’t think so. Nicole told Cody about Christmas saying Bayleigh told her that she feels very comfortable in the house. Cody and Nicole discussed that they would nominate David and Kevin if they win HoH. Nicole said that the backdoor would be her first option in that scenario. When Nicole told Cody that Dani said Bayleigh would nominate her, Cody suggested that Dani is saying that so that Nicole will go after Bayleigh.

11:05 PM: Cody asked Enzo what he is thinking. Enzo said he does not know but Kaysar is gone. Nicole told Enzo to nominate whoever would be the least mad at him. When Cody brought up putting Ian up, Enzo said no. Nicole told Enzo that it’s fine if he has to nominate Ian as a pawn.

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