Big Brother 22 Day 27 - Enzo nominates Christmas in Kevin's place

August 31, 2020

9:37 AM: Enzo let Cody know that Dani is starting a lot of stuff. Enzo said he is thinking that they should get rid of Kaysar still but Dani is messing her game up. Cody said Tyler was upset that they didn’t let him know that Dani told Nicole about the Slick Six. Enzo said that Tyler now has doubt about them because of it. Enzo said that he is done with Dani. He advised Cody to play nice with her for the time being. Cody said that Dani is trying to put a wedge between everyone. Enzo called her very sloppy. Enzo said that Kaysar even told him that Dani is playing the entire house. Enzo let Cody know that Bayleigh and Da’Vonne pitched getting rid of Dani last night but he said that it’s too crazy of a move for right now. Cody revealed to Enzo that he is in an alliance with Christmas, Dani, Memphis, Nicole and Tyler. He said that he could reel Tyler back in by telling him that they should let Enzo know about the alliance in order to make them a three. Cody said that Christmas and Memphis were behind the creation of that alliance.

10:41 AM: Cody and Enzo discussed that they need to meet up with Tyler to get back on track. Enzo said that his eviction order is Dani, Da’Vonne and Nicole. Cody said that his would be Da’Vonne, Dani and Ian. Both agreed that they would want to keep Bayleigh over Da’Vonne. Cody said that if Da’Vonne needs a push, he will tell her that Dani told Nicole about the Slick Six. Enzo added that he will tell Da’Vonne that Dani has been coming after her for weeks.

10:57 AM: Christmas told Enzo that Dani looked spooked when she brought up to her that Janelle said they were mentioning her name in a conversation. Christmas said she told Dani that she is there to squash it. Enzo said Kaysar was telling him that Dani offered him and Janelle an alliance, and then she turned the whole house on them when they said no to it. Enzo suggested that Dani wants Kaysar out so badly because he knows what she is up to.

11:16 AM: Enzo told David that the house is going to explode soon. He admitted that he is going to because he can no longer take the fakeness. Enzo let David know that Kaysar was throwing his name out there for the replacement nominee. Enzo complained about the girls not winning anything but trying to get him to do what they want. David told them to win a comp. The two discussed Dani being involved in a lot of things across the house.

11:46 AM: Da’Vonne let Dani know that she had a dream about Dani trying to convince a guy to get her out of the house. Dani asked if it’s like one of those dreams where you dream that you are being cheated on and then you wake up mad at them. Da’Vonne joked that she was pissed. Dani asked which guy it was. Da’Vonne said she does not know.

11:55 AM: Da’Vonne told Bayleigh that she had a dream about Dani going to a guy, not Tyler, to tell him that she needs Da’Vonne out of the house. Da’Vonne said that it was so vivid in her dream.

12:05 PM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

1:26 PM: Feeds returned. Kevin used the Power of Veto on himself. Enzo nominated Christmas as the replacement nominee.

1:34 PM: Bayleigh asked Christmas if she knew that she was going up. Christmas said not really but she knew that there were not many options to choose from. Bayleigh said that she was surprised by it. Christmas said she got a chance to talk to Enzo afterwards, and she gets it.

1:40 PM: Tyler apologized to Da’Vonne for being distant of late. He said he felt as though she was being distant too, and he thought that he lost all progress with her after the David incident. Da’Vonne denied that. Tyler then revealed that Dani asked him why Bayleigh and Da’Vonne are so comfortable in Enzo’s HoH room, so he told her that it’s because they are in an alliance. Tyler said that Dani also went up to Enzo to tell him to watch out because the whole house thinks that she and Bayleigh are comfortable with him. Tyler said it’s only because Dani is spreading it. Da’Vonne called Dani weird and said that she is next. They talked about trying to get someone outside of the Slick Six to target Dani, which Tyler didn’t think would be too difficult.

1:52 PM: Enzo asked Kaysar if he liked the replacement nominee. Kaysar said that he did not. Enzo acknowledged that he didn’t put David up like Kaysar had wanted, but he claimed that he did consider all of his options. Enzo explained that he has a good relationship with David. Kaysar said he would have had a hard enough time getting the votes against David, so he knows that he does not have them against Christmas.

2:01 PM: Da’Vonne looked to clear the air with David in regards to the Cody and Tyler situation last week. Da’Vonne said that Tyler brought it up to her, and that she respected his wishes in terms of only fact checking with Janelle. She said that once Tyler brought it up, she went to Cody who told him that David said she was worried about a guys alliance. Da’Vonne reminded David that he told her that he was involved in a guys alliance, and she didn’t blow that up even though she was hurt by David saying that to Cody. The two talked about not targeting each other moving forward.

2:23 PM: Cody, Enzo and Tyler met up in the HoH room. Tyler said they have a lot of ammo to use against Dani, including the fact that she told Nicole about the Slick Six. They agreed that there is no Slick Six. Cody said that it’s the three of them trying to navigate through everything else. Cody worried that taking a shot at the wrong time could implode their numbers. They discussed that it’s a fine line since they need to go after Dani and Da’Vonne before those two target them. All three agreed that Bayleigh can be an asset to them once Da’Vonne is out of the picture.

4:13 PM: Tyler gave Enzo a heads up that Da’Vonne asked him if he and Cody know what he told her about Dani, and he said yes. Tyler wanted Enzo to be prepared in the event that Da’Vonne asks him about it. Tyler reiterated that he told Da’Vonne about Dani trying to get him to target her.

4:48 PM: Da’Vonne asked Enzo how he found out that Dani was coming after her. Enzo said that Tyler told him. Enzo pointed out that the Slick Six is done if Dani comes after Da’Vonne, but Da’Vonne said that Dani wont care since she has a Plan B. Enzo said that they have the ammo they need to use against Dani when the time is right.

5:17 PM: Enzo let Cody know that Tyler told Da’Vonne that they know about Dani coming after her. Enzo said he thinks that Tyler is trying to have Da’Vonne go after Dani. Cody said Tyler is screwing them by throwing their names out there, cause Da’Vonne could now go to Dani and say that they knew about it. Cody feels that Tyler and everyone else are dragging he and Enzo down. Enzo told Cody that Tyler is fine with them saying to Dani that he is the one who said it.

5:31 PM: Kaysar told Da’Vonne the one thing that he knows almost for certain is that there is a core four. He said that it consists of Cody, Dani, Nicole and Tyler. He added that he thinks that they are using Enzo.

5:34 PM: Cody told Enzo that they were in a good spot but a combination of Dani, Da’Vonne and Tyler messed it up. Cody said that he will be playing dumb from now on. Enzo said that the girls are talking too much game.

6:35 PM: Memphis told Dani that Christmas asked him if she is good. Memphis said he told her yeah since that was the whole point of putting her up. Dani said she told Christmas that she does not have to campaign to her. Memphis said that she doesn’t have to campaign to anyone. Dani thought that it would be best for her to campaign to the others so that it doesn’t look like she feels too safe.

7:38 PM: Dani told Tyler that she has been thinking a lot about Da’Vonne. She said that she really really likes her but you can’t forget certain things. However she said that it’s really smart to put things behind you in this game. Tyler said when somebody is not doing that for you, you have to take notice.

8:32 PM: Dani asked Ian what his ideal plan would be. She brought up that Nicole is targeting Bayleigh. Ian said that he has heard David’s name from her as well, and his plan would likely be similar to that. Dani suggested that it would be good to break up a pair before jury starts. Dani said she does not know who she would nominate next to Bayleigh if she decided to target her.

8:41 PM: Ian asked Nicole if she would throw HoH to him if it came down to the two of them. Nicole said that she definitely would. When Nicole asked what Ian’s plan would be, he said that he would do whatever she would want to do.

8:46 PM: Nicole let Dani know that Bayleigh has said that she will be giving Christmas some information for her to use if she wins HoH. Dani wondered who Bayleigh would throw under the bus. Nicole said she has a weird feeling that it will be Cody and Dani. Dani said that she would be pissed if Bayleigh threw her name out there.

10:07 PM: Ian and Kevin discussed that there is a core that everybody thinks that they are a part of. Ian said yesterday told him what he already knew, referring to the wall yeller who said that Nicole and Cody are playing everyone. Ian said that the true core is only two people, Cody and Nicole, and then there are other groups that are told that they are core. Ian likened it to an octopus or a bug, with the legs being the groups of people that think that they are core, and with Cody and Nicole being in the middle. Ian said that yesterday shook a lot of people. He claimed to have already been on to it but he acknowledged that it confirmed what he was already thinking. Kevin told Ian that Nicole probably knows that he would be the one at risk if they end up nominated together. Ian said he would be the who goes. Ian admitted that he would not nominate Nicole if he wins HoH. Kevin said that she would have to be weakened. Ian said that the game will be blown wide open if he wins HoH. Ian said he was thinking that he was in the core for a while but then he realized that there is only one core, and a lot of people think that they are in the core. Ian reiterated that the core of Cody and Nicole has been in front of them the whole time. Ian said that Derrick was setting them up for success preseason.

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