Big Brother 22 Day 30 - Kaysar is evicted; Christmas wins HoH

September 3, 2020

1:45 PM: Tyler mentioned to Ian that they didn’t get a chance to compare notes yet. Ian said that with what happened outside the other day, they have to have each other’s backs. Tyler agreed. He said that they have to call it “The Insurance Policy”. Ian said that’s good. Tyler let Ian know that the target on Bayleigh and Da’Vonne is growing. He added that there is something brewing between those two and Dani. Tyler told Ian that he hasn’t heard his name but he could see people using him as a pawn. Ian asked that Tyler help him if he goes up, which Tyler agreed to. Tyler said that he needs Ian in the game and will let him know if he is mentioned as a pawn or a backdoor.

1:54 PM: Dani told Cody that Kaysar is telling people that the two of them are leading everyone and are double dipping. Dani talked about Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, David and Kevin working together. She said that they are likely going to nominate her next to Cody.

2:05 PM: Cody told Nicole that Ian must be playing both sides. He heard through Bayleigh that Ian said that Dani and Nicole were trying to get him to nominate Bayleigh and Da'Vonne. Nicole said she didn’t even try to get Ian to do that. Nicole said it’s the ultimate betrayal. Cody and Nicole discussed that Ian tried to get them to throw HoH to him. Nicole said that Ian has got to go since he is playing her hardcore. They agreed that Ian has jumped in front of everyone as their number one target.

2:14 PM: Tyler let Kaysar know that he is going to be keeping Christmas. Kaysar said it was obvious that it was going that way. Kaysar let Tyler know that he would like to be friends with him. He told Tyler that he has all of the alliances mapped out in his head. Tyler told him to blow it up in his speech, which Kaysar said that he may do. Kaysar said that it has been awesome playing with Tyler.

2:16 PM: Nicole told Christmas that Ian is playing both sides. She said he went to Kaysar to say that she and Dani have been trying to get him to nominate Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, and then it go back to Bayleigh and Da’Vonne.

2:17 PM: Feeds went down.

5:26 PM: During his eviction speech, Kaysar told the houseguests that they all suck when it comes to gameplay and strategy. He said that Cody and Nicole have been running the house since Day 1, and they have a secret alliance to get them to the end. He also said that there is a guys alliance involving Cody, Enzo, David and Tyler. Finally, he said that Cody is in another alliance with Dani and Nicole.

5:31 PM: Kaysar was evicted by a vote of 10-0.

5:48 PM: The HoH competition took place. It was a knockout style competition. Christmas won HoH. The results were as follows:

Kevin advanced over Ian
Cody advanced over Nicole
Da’Vonne advanced over Kevin
Memphis advanced over Cody
Dani advanced over David
Da’Vonne advanced over Bayleigh
Memphis advanced over Dani
Da’Vonne advanced over Tyler
Christmas advanced over Memphis
Christmas won over Da'Vonne

5:59 PM: Julie revealed that the BB Basement will unleash three powers into the house. A competition will be played completely in the dark.

9:10 PM: Feeds returned.

9:10 PM: Bayleigh told Da’Vonne that Ian apparently ran back to Nicole to apologize to her for spreading rumours to Kaysar, saying he thought Bayleigh and Da’Vonne were coming for him. Ian said Kaysar made up a lie that Nicole was telling him that. Bayleigh then talked about Dani staring her down in the kitchen and not saying anything when she apologized if she had done anything to her. Bayleigh said that she cried afterwards.

9:15 PM: Christmas told Tyler that the obvious play is to nominate Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Tyler let Christmas know that those two are coming after Dani now. He asked if people are leaning towards going after those two. Christmas said she hasn’t got a lot of names so far but she feels as though she would be protected next week if she makes that move. Christmas said she believes that Bayleigh should be the one to go out of those two. Tyler said that he is fine with that. Christmas said Bayleigh is more vocal, emotionally driven, and a better competitor than Da’Vonne. Tyler mentioned that they should leave people in the game that are coming after each other. Christmas told Tyler that Bayleigh and Da’Vonne agreed with Kaysar’s plan to put Dani and Tyler on the block in order to backdoor Cody. After mentioning Dani’s name a couple of times, Tyler eventually said he thinks that Bayleigh and Da’Vonne is Christmas’ best bet. Tyler told Christmas to prepare herself for the wrath of Bayleigh. He suggested locking herself in the HoH room after nominations so that Bayleigh will find someone else to yell at. He figured that it would be Dani. Tyler told Christmas that Cody, Dani and Nicole are all sweating so this will make them feel so much better about Christmas.

9:38 PM: Enzo and Kevin discussed targeting Dani. Kevin pointed out that they need five votes. He listed off the two of them, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, meaning that they would need one more. Enzo said he doesn’t think it would matter who goes up since people will want Dani out. Kevin threw Nicole’s name out there as an option since Ian would then keep Nicole. Enzo said that is a good idea.

9:45 PM: Nicole cried to Dani and Tyler that her talk with Bayleigh did not go well. Nicole said multiple people confirmed to Bayleigh that she is coming after her. Nicole said Ian claimed in front of them that he did not say that and that Kaysar is lying. Nicole assumed that Da’Vonne is upset with her since Bayleigh made a comment that “friendships are ruined”. Nicole wondered if Ian is throwing her under the bus left and right. Dani said no. Tyler also told her that Ian did not betray her.

9:58 PM: Dani told Nicole that she is willing to throw Ian under the bus to mend fences. Nicole said not to do it just yet. Dani agreed. When Nicole asked Dani who she wants gone, Dani said Bayleigh. Dani and Nicole agreed that Kevin cannot be trusted. Nicole worried that Tyler would go tell Bayleigh what she was saying about their conversation. Dani assured her that Bayleigh and Tyler are not close. Dani said she is starting to trust Tyler a bit more since they have been opening up to each other.

10:01 PM: Christmas informed Cody that Kaysar talked to Bayleigh and Da’Vonne about putting Dani and Tyler on the block in order to backdoor him. She added that they were apparently down for that plan. When Cody asked about Christmas’ plan for nominations, she said that the choice is obvious.

10:10 PM: Bayleigh looked to get clarification from Ian as to what made him feel as though he was being targeted. Ian said that he is a paranoid person. He told Bayleigh that Kaysar twisted things and made it seem like Nicole was saying that Bayleigh would nominate him. Ian claimed that Kaysar was trying to drive a wedge between him and Nicole. Bayleigh said she is tried of being tricked and lied to, and she feels as though her conversation with Ian was a trap the other day. Ian denied it. Ian said that he screwed up. Bayleigh said he really didn’t since his friends get to stay around while everyone is looking at her. When Bayleigh got up, Ian called her “Day”. He then apologized for it.

10:18 PM: Bayleigh filled Da’Vonne in on her talk with Ian. She said he admitted to having been fishing to see what they were thinking. She brought up Ian calling her Day. Bayleigh said that’s another issue since she and Da’Vonne are the same person and she doesn’t even have her own identity.

10:26 PM: Da’Vonne told Kevin that there is plan to take her and/or Bayleigh out. Bayleigh explained that Ian has been running back and forth with information. She believes that Ian caught them in a trap. She said that Ian has now been caught, and Kaysar did not twist anything.

10:35 PM: Bayleigh told Enzo she thinks that Dani is spilling everything. Enzo said that she will do anything and everything to keep herself safe. Bayleigh said her issues is that Dani can go around throwing fits and yelling but the minute that she does it, it’s a problem. Enzo said that he wants the right person to go this week. He pointed out that Dani knows too much about all of their games.

10:44 PM: Ian spoke to Nicole about owning what happened. Nicole said that proves to her that he was not trying to intentionally hurt her. Nicole said it hurt her when she heard that Kaysar was saying she told Ian to nominate Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Nicole said that she wouldn’t have even put them up together had she won.

10:47 PM: Da’Vonne pulled Nicole aside to find out what is happening between the two of them. Nicole said she thought that Da’Vonne had something to do with Kevin picking her and Cody in the knockout competition. She said it seemed as though Kevin looked to Da’Vonne and she gave him the go ahead. Da’Vonne said that she did not even look at Kevin, and she was actually looking at Memphis. Da’Vonne questioned Nicole’s celebration when Christmas won. Nicole claimed that she would have done the same for Da’Vonne. Da’Vonne then talked about Dani having picked her in the competition. Nicole said she cannot speak for Dani but she would not have picked her. Da’Vonne said she knows that Dani is Nicole’s friend but she could have given her a heads up that somebody was after her. Nicole said she thinks that Dani and Da’Vonne need to talk to clear things up. Da’Vonne stressed that she has no reason to go after Dani, so she was caught off guard. Before things wrapped up, the two agreed that they need to talk more frequently.

11:08 PM: Christmas and Nicole laughed about Nicole’s reaction after Christmas won HoH. Nicole said that Da’Vonne asked her about it. She claimed that her game flashed before her eyes. Nicole told Christmas about Kaysar going to Bayleigh to say that Ian was being encouraged by her and Dani to put up Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Nicole admitted that there is some truth to it but she did not straight up say it to Ian.

11:23 PM: Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, David and Kevin talked about working together. Da’Vonne talked about Kevin wanting them to do a hands in, in order to feel that it is actually an alliance. Bayleigh said she needs Kevin to realize that he is being selfish before doing that. Da’Vonne said that she is willing to do it but she needs Kevin to be invested in her story. They talked about Kevin not listening to their warnings about Dani. When the group talked about Ian, David and Kevin encouraged them to play nice with Ian in order to avoid being obvious. There was fear that he would go to the other side if not.

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