Big Brother 22 Day 31 - Bayleigh and Da'Vonne are nominated for eviction

September 4, 2020

9:06 AM: Feeds went down for the BB Basement twist.

1:27 PM: Feeds returned.

1:28 PM: Bayleigh and Da’Vonne went into the bathroom to get away from people, as Bayleigh cried that everyone is scared of her. She was frustrated because she doesn’t know why people feel that way.

1:32 PM: Enzo and Ian discussed that they are almost at a point where they do not even care anymore. They talked about the powers making things a total crapshoot. Enzo said that he will have to talk to Dani since she is upset with him. Enzo talked about people getting caught in things and then trying to drag others into it.

1:40 PM: Enzo asked Nicole if Dani is alright. Nicole revealed that Dani is still mad at Enzo. She asked that Enzo not tell her that she said that, because she is mad at everyone. Enzo said that he is going to talk to her.

1:42 PM: Nicole told Ian that Bayleigh went up to Dani to say that three people confirmed that she is coming after her. Nicole figured that those who said it are now sweating buckets since they are probably about to be exposed. Ian and Nicole said that they feel fine since it was not them.

1:44 PM: Dani told Enzo that Bayleigh was trying to turn everything around on her. Enzo said he think that Bayleigh and Da’Vonne are still going on the block anyway. Enzo explained that Bayleigh came to him to ask about Dani, so he told her to go talk to Dani. Enzo claimed that he stayed out of it. Dani said she isn’t mad at him. Enzo said Bayleigh is desperate since she is on the outskirts.

1:48 PM: Christmas asked Kevin is Bayleigh is okay. Kevin said she is crying because something is going between her and Dani. Kevin told Christmas he thinks that someone is causing friction between the two in order to create a distraction. Christmas assumed that it was Kaysar. Kevin said he is 99% sure that it was not Kaysar. He told Christmas he worries that people across the board are trying to make people feel that they are an important member of something when in reality they are just expendable pieces.

2:27 PM: Christmas and Da’Vonne discussed that the powers could throw a wrench into the plans for the week. Da’Vonne told Christmas that people are planting seeds to Dani and Nicole about her and Bayleigh, and vice versa. She suggested that they could all be getting played. Christmas wondered who Bayleigh’s source was. Da’Vonne said that she will not even tell her. Da’Vonne pointed out to Christmas that she did not go after her during the knockout competition, even though she had many chances to, because she trusts her. Christmas said that she cannot tell the nominees that she is putting them up. She said she hopes that makes sense. Da’Vonne said she has got Christmas no matter what and hopes that she does what is best for her game.

2:29 PM: Dani cried in the bedroom. Tyler let Dani know that she has a team around her and also has people that are her friends. Tyler said that if people want to take things personally, that’s on them. He advised Dani not to let anyone victimize themselves when Dani is not the aggressor. Tyler added that he has been through it with the same sort of individual, and he let himself feel like a terrible person until this day because that person made him believe that he was doing something terribly wrong.

3:11 PM: Dani told Nicole that she got one of the powers. Dani said her power give her the ability to let the outgoing HoH compete the following week. The power can be used in one of the next three weeks. Dani said that the power is trash. Dani mentioned having a bad feeling about things. She talked about Enzo usually being cool and collected but he was not during their conversation. Nicole said there is no way that Enzo is playing them. Dani was bothered that Enzo said Bayleigh and Da’Vonne approached him, Cody and Tyler to ask if she is coming after them but none of them told her about it until now. Dani said it would be so stupid of Cody to be playing her since she tells him everything. As for Tyler, Dani said he is lying so hard and she is going to throw him under the bus.

3:20 PM: Da’Vonne joined Dani and Nicole. She told Dani that when she found out that Dani was allegedly coming for her, she said that she will have to get her first if it’s true. Da’Vonne said she heard that Dani was commenting on how comfortable she and Bayleigh were during Enzo’s HoH week. Dani said that doesn’t even make sense since they are aligned. Dani said multiple people came to her with the idea of backdooring Bayleigh. Dani swore that she has not said anything about getting Da’Vonne out. Da’Vonne said that she only has one source, whereas Bayleigh has been saying that she has multiple. Dani asked if it’s Tyler. Da’Vonne confirmed that it was. The girls agreed that it has to stay there. Dani said Tyler has talked about backdooring Bayleigh and has said that she is an emotional player so you cannot get on her bad side. Da’Vonne wondered if they would be able to get Christmas to target Tyler.

3:21 PM: Christmas told Tyler she doesn’t understand what’s going on since the girls will not reveal their sources. Tyler said he thinks that it might be Ian and it’s stemming from Kaysar. Christmas questioned if Bayleigh is going to cut her when she puts her up. Tyler said he tried so hard to talk her down today but it was impossible for her to not victimize herself. Tyler said Bayleigh cannot handle it when things do not go her way. Tyler told Christmas he knows that he will be the scapegoat because Bayleigh hates him. Christmas let Tyler know that she won a power, and she is not going to tell anyone but him because she trusts him 100%. Christmas said that her power is called “The Blocker”, and through the next three veto ceremonies she can block herself from being the replacement nominee. Christmas said that she has to use it after the veto is used but before the replacement nominee is named. If Christmas wins the veto and uses it on someone, she can use her blocker to protect somebody else.

3:43 PM: Christmas told Nicole that the girls do not want to reveal their source. Nicole said that they just did. She said that she swore to secrecy so it has to stay between them. Nicole revealed that the source was Tyler. Nicole said that Dani and Da’Vonne ware talking about wanting him to be backdoored this week. Nicole said she isn’t sure if Dani is really on board with that or if she is just saying it to Da’Vonne. They agreed that it is still best to nominate Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. Christmas said she doesn’t think that Tyler actually is the source. Nicole said she thinks that she could possibly trust Da’Vonne more than some of the guys, so they need to remain open to that. Nicole talked about leaving the possibility of a backdoor option open.

4:04 PM: Dani told Christmas she thinks that Tyler is starting a lot of stuff. She accused Tyler of trying to turn the girls on each other. Christmas said she doesn’t know how to process this. She said that there are a couple of ways to handle this but she does not want the alliance to implode. Christmas suggested that they stick to the alliance until they get to six, and then they can keep that information in their back pocket to use at that point. Christmas said that Bayleigh still needs to go. Christmas told Dani that Kaysar was going around campaigning for her to go on the block next to Tyler, so it was him who was pushing to get her out.

4:22 PM: Da’Vonne filled Kevin in on the things that Tyler has been saying about Bayleigh. Da’Vonne stressed that Tyler is bad. Da’Vonne said it would break Bayleigh’s heart if she knew half of the stuff that Tyler has been saying. Da’Vonne talked about a plan to get Tyler backdoored this week. She hoped that Nicole could help due to her relationship with Christmas. Kevin let Da’Vonne know that he has a bad feeling for her and for Bayleigh this week. He explained that Christmas made it sound like he would not be happy with what she is about to do.

4:35 PM: Dani and Nicole continued to discuss the events of the day. While Dani said that she believes Da’Vonne, Nicole said that she wasn’t so sure about that. She talked about Da’Vonne being desperate right now so her move had brilliant timing. That being said, Nicole talked about wanting to work with Da’Vonne moving forward. She said that she cannot trust Bayleigh though. The girls agreed that they would have to keep Da’Vonne.

5:24 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

6:27 PM: Feeds returned. Christmas nominated Bayleigh and Da’Vonne for eviction.

6:28 PM: Following nominations, Christmas was sobbing in the HoH room. Kevin checked in with her and said he thinks that they will understand. Kevin said her having this type of reaction shows that the move was hard for her.

6:33 PM: Bayleigh told Christmas she is not mad at her but she went out on a limb and thought that she could trust her. Bayleigh stressed that she had wanted to work with Christmas. Christmas said that Bayleigh and Da’Vonne can put her at the top of their target lists, but Bayleigh said that she is not a threat to her game. Christmas talked about feeling that she was on the outside and was only given information from them when necessary. She also said that since Da’Vonne is Bayleigh’s untouchable, she knew that she was never going to rank higher than her.

6:45 PM: Christmas let Da’Vonne know that she meant everything that she said to her. She had talked about wanting Da’Vonne to win an HoH. Christmas mentioned the girls being a duo. Da’Vonne asked why them given that there are other duos. Christmas said that there are no other confirmed duos. Da’Vonne said it sucks since they told people that Christmas was their untouchable and they had talked about bringing her and her untouchable in to create a four.

6:56 PM: Nicole told Cody that she is trying to play it cool since for once they are not the hot topic. Cody said that nobody would have been on to them if not for what happened outside. Nicole talked about being willing to take second place against Cody. Cody said there is no way that he would beat her but he didn’t think that he would beat Derrick either.

7:17 PM: Da’Vonne let Bayleigh know that Tyler was saying a lot of things. Bayleigh talked about knowing from jump that it could have been a trap with him. Da’Vonne told Bayleigh to carry on like she does not know what is going on with him. Bayleigh said that’s fine. Da’Vonne said she thinks what tipped Bayleigh over the edge today was Tyler. Bayleigh agreed. She brought up him saying that it was her fault and that she blew up his game. Bayleigh mentioned that they could try to get Tyler on the block next to her.

8:31 PM: Bayleigh told Dani she feels completely played by Tyler since she went out of her way to protect him. She said it feels personal. Bayleigh said she heard that Dani was after her for the first time over a week ago, and her mood did not change until it persisted. Dani said she understands. Bayleigh said it frustrates her because it felt like a trap. Dani said Tyler told her he thinks that Bayleigh is trying to get him back for last time. Dani let Bayleigh know that she talked to Christmas about what was going on but she didn’t want to hear it right before nominations. Bayleigh said that they will see what happens with the veto. Dani apologized for what she had done to Bayleigh. Dani said it was a red flag that Tyler immediately asked if Bayleigh blamed him. Bayleigh said Tyler accused her of blowing up his game by confronting Dani, because she will be able to narrow it down. Dani said Tyler talked to her about Bayleigh getting in so many fights during her season and blacking out. Bayleigh said she got into one fight and it was with him, and that sucks cause she is not a mean person.

9:34 PM: While David was alone in bed, he said that he really wants to get Cody and Dani out. He talked about wanting to get Memphis out as well since he took a shot at him.

9:52 PM: Dani told Nicole that Enzo guessed that a power could be to play in back to back HoHs even if you win. The girls theorized that Enzo must have one of the powers even though he denied it. They think that Kevin has one as well.

10:25 PM: Da’Vonne spoke to Kevin about avoiding her since she has been nominated. Kevin said he is trying to unplug. He talked about not being able to handle Bayleigh being mad at him. He said Bayleigh immediately accused him of knowing about this. Da’Vonne said it’s because she saw him comforting Christmas after nominations. Kevin said he does that with every HoH.

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