Big Brother 22 Day 33

September 6, 2020

12:00 PM: Nicole asked Da’Vonne what her plan for the day is. Da’Vonne said that she has to work on David. Other than that, she said that she would like to let people breathe today. Da’Vonne asked if Nicole could try to find out who Christmas wants to keep. Nicole said she is pretty sure that Christmas wants to keep her.

12:43 PM: Da’Vonne told Dani that she plans to leave everybody alone today except for David. Da’Vonne figures that Bayleigh would have Cody, David and Enzo’s votes. Dani said that she may have Tyler as well. She also let Da’Vonne know that Memphis told Nicole that he wants Bayleigh to stay. Dani told Da’Vonne that they need to plan ahead to figure out how they can get the votes to evict Tyler. She said that it would be their best bet to try to get him out if it’s a double eviction on Thursday. Da’Vonne agreed. Dani said she thinks that Tyler would have to go up against someone like Memphis.

1:36 PM: Da’Vonne told Nicole she doesn’t think that she has the votes. She said she thinks that she has four but she does not know what Memphis is going to do. She wondered if it would be worth asking Christmas to talk to him. Nicole said that would be good. Nicole told Da’Vonne she thinks that she will stay. Nicole promised that she will get Da’Vonne to stay if the nominations do not change. Nicole advised Da’Vonne not to panic since Bayleigh is not doing that, and will not be good if she starts running around and freaking out. Da’Vonne admitted that she is starting to panic. Nicole said Bayleigh has three sure votes while Da’Vonne has four, so she needs to get one of Cody, David and Memphis.

2:07 PM: Kevin encouraged Bayleigh to use this moment with Tyler to make him feel like she is good with him. He said that if Bayleigh does end up staying, he can use this as a gesture that Tyler showed trust in her. Bayleigh said she is going back in forth in her head in terms of should she believe Tyler or should she believe the distraction. Kevin said he thinks that she has no choice but to believe Tyler at this point. The two discussed wanting to make it to the end of the game, and not just be one of the first to jury. Kevin said that they will have to start making big moves beginning with next week. Bayleigh agreed. She said she is not afraid to do that and neither is Kevin. Kevin thinks that David would not be scared to make a move either. Kevin advised Bayleigh to make Christmas feel comfortable with her in ways such as offering her x number of weeks of safety, so that Christmas sees the value in keeping her.

2:16 PM: Bayleigh told Christmas that she went over everything in her head and decided that she wont try to get her to use the veto, Christmas said she appreciates that. When Bayleigh asked who Christmas prefers to see stay, Christmas said that she is leaving it up to the house. Bayleigh asked if Christmas has a read on what the house is thinking at this point. Christmas said she doesn’t really know but everyone adores her. Bayleigh talked about having wanted to work with Christmas, though Christmas brought up that Bayleigh and Da’Vonne were besties from Day 1 and she knew that she would always be behind that. Bayleigh asked what’s different about her and Da’Vonne compared to Ian and Nicole. Christmas said Nicole has never told her that Ian is her untouchable. Bayleigh pointed out that Nicole said Ian is her best friend in the house and that he would not touch her. Christmas said she was not around for that.

2:49 PM: Bayleigh told Enzo that Dani talked to Da’Vonne and figured out that Tyler was the one behind things. Bayleigh said Dani spilled everything that Tyler has been saying about her. Bayleigh suggested that Tyler had been talking about her to Dani and then had been flipping it around. Enzo reassured Bayleigh that he would love to see her stay this week. Bayleigh said that she would have Enzo and Cody’s backs if she were to stay. Bayleigh talked about needing to secure Tyler’s vote, so she does not want him to know that she is onto him. Enzo revealed that Tyler has been saying that he probably wants her out. Enzo suggested that Bayleigh work on Cody and Dani.

5:00 PM: Christmas looked on from the HoH room, waiting to see who came out of the have-not room. She worried that Tyler was in there with Bayleigh and Da’Vonne when in actuality it was only Bayleigh and Da’Vonne in there. She was concerned about Tyler having a side alliance with them. She said that Tyler is her Final 2 so she needs to know if he is not being truthful and honest with her.

5:20 PM: Bayleigh and Da’Vonne wondered what it would take for Christmas to use the veto. Da’Vonne figured she would need a group of people to approach her to show her that she has the votes. Da’Vonne said that they would need one more in addition to the two of them, Dani and Nicole. Bayleigh said that David would do it and Ian might even do it as well. Da’Vonne said they could try to say to take Tyler out. Bayleigh figured that people would vote Tyler out if he ended up on the block. Da’Vonne said that if people are smart, nobody would keep him.

5:50 PM: Christmas found out that Tyler was not in the have-not room. She said thank God that he wasn’t, and she is so glad that she does not have to backdoor him this week.

6:02 PM: Tyler apologized to Bayleigh and Da’Vonne. He said he feels guilty because he expected that what he said to them was going to come back around but then it didn’t, meaning that they trust him. Tyler said he knows that the girls want to stand for something bigger, and he sees how badly they want to be there, so he is going to ask Christmas to use the veto so that he can go on the block and go home. Tyler said he owes that to them. Tyler told Bayleigh and Da’Vonne that they deserve better and he is sorry for anything that he has said about them. Bayleigh told Tyler that Da’Vonne should be the one to come off of the block because she deserves to be there more than anybody, and she feels guilty that Da’Vonne got dragged into their drama. Tyler said he is willing to do whatever he can to fix their games, including saying that he was lying about Dani coming after them, to keep Dani at ease, even though he was telling the truth about it. Bayleigh and Da’Vonne told Tyler that this is a brave and courageous thing that he is doing. Tyler said that he is not trying to be some hero. Da’Vonne said that they are the ones that get tossed away, so it means a lot that he is offering them a life vest.

6:30 PM: Bayleigh and Da’Vonne began discussing the votes in the event that Tyler is on the block next to Bayleigh. Da’Vonne thinks that Bayleigh would have her, Dani, David, Enzo and Kevin. Da’Vonne added that this sets the spiral in motion that could lead to the two of them, David and Kevin being in the final four. The girls wondered if Christmas would be on board with the plan. Bayleigh said Tyler is the type of person that would call a house meeting, and then that will put her on the spot. They then discussed who has a power. Bayleigh thinks that Dani and David have one. Da’Vonne said that Christmas has one. The other name that they threw into he mix was Kevin, but Bayleigh believes that David has one over him.

6:49 PM: David and Enzo discussed that they want to keep Bayleigh over Da’Vonne. David thinks that he could get Kevin on board with that. Enzo asked if they are going to vote Bayleigh out if Christmas wants her to go. David said no. He said that he does not care once the nominations are locked in tomorrow.

7:21 PM: Ian told Christmas that he is leaning about 70% towards keeping Da’Vonne right now. Christmas said that she has a similar feeling.

8:00 PM: Tyler told Christmas that he wants to have a conversation with her. He said that he is going to come clean about some things that have been bothering him. Tyler said he appreciates how open Christmas has been with him with everything, and he appreciates how she has trusted him 100%. Christmas asked if there is something that she needs to know. Tyler said he feels like he is the reason why Bayleigh and Da’Vonne are on the block. Feeds then cut away.

8:07 PM: Bayleigh and Da’Vonne discussed there being another wall yeller today. Da’Vonne said Kevin brought it to her attention that they always happen when Ian is out in the yard, so somebody is trying to wake Ian up and get him to detach. The girls then talked about Tyler speaking to Christmas. Da’Vonne said they should make it known that Tyler said he will campaign to go home if he is put up.

8:44 PM: Dani told Nicole that Christmas and Tyler have been up in the HoH room for two hours. Dani assumed that Tyler was trying to get her put on the block. Nicole said there is no way that he is trying to do that. Dani said that Tyler has got to go. Nicole said she knows. Dani said if it comes down to it, she will call Tyler out in front of the house. Dani said she tried to go into the HoH room but Christmas said they need to finish talking. Nicole began wondering if Tyler is throwing her under the bus for knowing about the Slick Six. Dani said that he wont do that.

9:05 PM: Bayleigh asked Da’Vonne if it’s possible that this could be a ploy for Tyler to look good on TV, yet it wont really happen and he is going to stay. Da’Vonne said “no, because…” and then the feeds cut.

9:21 PM: Nicole told Dani that Christmas and Tyler are still talking. Nicole said that Christmas looked spooked when she went there to ask her to play cornhole. Dani assumed that it is obviously going down. Nicole said that she would never forgive Christmas if she put Dani up.

9:33 PM: Tyler left the HoH room.

9:46 PM: After having an off camera discussion with Christmas in the HoH room, Da’Vonne caught her again in the storage room. Da’Vonne said she still wants to have a four with Christmas, Dani and Nicole. They talked about getting together with those girls to go over it. Christmas mentioned that she is not allowed to say what she is going to do tomorrow but she wants Da’Vonne in the house. Christmas said that her conversation with Tyler threw her for a loop. Christmas said she officially has to think about it but she is not uncertain about what she is going to do. Da’Vonne said that’s all that she needed to hear. Christmas clarified that she isn’t sure which way the votes would go if Tyler is on the block.

9:49 PM: Tyler asked Bayleigh if she and Da’Vonne are feeling good. Bayleigh said yeah. She told him that this is the craziest thing that she has ever experienced in life. Bayleigh asked if Christmas was receptive to Tyler. He said yeah. Bayleigh said no matter what, they should enjoy their week and spend some time together. She told Tyler it feels like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders regardless of the outcome. She pointed out that it has been two years now and she has never even had an enemy, so she wants to make sure that they get to enjoy each other. She told Tyler that it’s a big deal and that he has been nice to her for the past two days. The two then hugged.

10:04 PM: Christmas, Da’Vonne, Dani and Nicole met up in the HoH room. Christmas talked about keeping Da’Vonne this week. Dani and Nicole said that they are on board. Da’Vonne said that they can get cracking as long as she makes it through this week. The girls then discussed possible alliance names but did not settle on one.

10:34 PM: Christmas told Dani and Nicole that Da’Vonne is going to go to work and she wants to be in this alliance. Nicole asked Christmas which alliance comes first to her. Christmas said that The Committee comes first but she is expecting that someone will take a shot at it before they get down to six. She added that she would like Da’Vonne to be in the Final 6 with them, and she is not going to put her up again or share information about her with The Committee.

10:38 PM: Da’Vonne came back upstairs to use the bathroom. When she left, Nicole told Dani that Da’Vonne does not trust them. Dani asked why she would say that. Nicole said because Da’Vonne came back in when there is a bathroom downstairs. Nicole also brought up how weird it is that Bayleigh, Da’Vonne and Tyler are all in a good mood and Christmas is not saying anything about her conversation with Tyler. Dani said there is no way that Christmas will backdoor her after they just made an alliance.

10:42 PM: Da’Vonne told Christmas that including Bayleigh in the girl alliance would make them even more powerful. They discussed that the other girls do not know what is going on with Tyler. Christmas said that she does not want to bring it up since Tyler does not want to tell the house. Da’Vonne said that they can bring Bayleigh in and then take her out once they are getting down to four. Christmas said she doesn’t know if she will be able to influence the house to vote that way, but Da’Vonne promised her that the votes to evict Tyler are there. Christmas asked how Bayleigh feels about what she did. Da’Vonne said her feelings were hurt but she explained to her that she cannot take it personally, and now she is no longer upset. Christmas agreed that Bayleigh would be a great ally but she did not now how the other girls would feel about it. Christmas also expects that there will be questions and backlash after the veto ceremony. Da’Vonne said that Tyler plans to be upfront about it and say that he did this to her and Bayleigh, so they must have found a way to send him home. She added that they cannot tell the full backstory, so it will appear as though they are getting their revenge for Tyler screwing them over. Christmas worried that people may then see her, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne as being close.

11:08 PM: Dani told Cody that Tyler must be trying to get her backdoored. Cody said there is no shot that it’s going to happen. Dani said she knows what’s happening but she needs Christmas to tell her. Cody said Tyler has not told him anything about it and normally he would. Dani said she has not been paranoid until the last few days in the house. Cody reiterated that there is no shot that she is going on the block.

11:21 PM: Da’Vonne asked Dani if there is no way that they can get Christmas to use the veto. Dani asked if she meant to put Tyler up, which Da’Vonne responded yes to. Dani said she briefly talked to Christmas about using it. She asked if Da’Vonne has approached her. Da’Vonne said that she will do it tonight, but then she later said that she may just leave it alone.

12:06 AM: Feeds cut in towards the end of another conversation between Christmas and Tyler. Christmas told Tyler to sleep on it. He said that he would. She told him that they can talk in the morning.

12:22 AM: Dani told Cody she is freaking out because she thinks that she is being backdoored. She let Cody know that Christmas formed a girls alliance with the four girls not including Bayleigh. She said something feels not right. Cody didn’t understand what Tyler could have went to Christmas with to get her to turn on Dani. He pointed out that it wouldn’t make sense to make a girls alliance and then turn on Dani. Dani said that Christmas would have to be switching sides, which doesn’t make sense. Dani said she talked to Christmas about Tyler before nominations and she became very defensive. Cody said he thinks that Dani is overthinking things.

12:40 AM: Christmas told Cody and Dani that Bayleigh is angry with her and Da’Vonne had to talk her out of it and keep her in check all week. Cody said that Da’Vonne would be better to stay since she will be good with Christmas. Christmas said Da’Vonne is convinced that she will not stay over Bayleigh. She told Cody and Dani that she is not going to talk to anybody about it until after the veto ceremony.

12:46 AM: Dani asked Christmas if Tyler was talking crap about her. Christmas said no. Dani told her not to lie. Christmas said he is concerned because he feels the tension. Dani said she hasn’t even done anything to him. Dani wondered if she should go attempt to squash it. Christmas said that it would be a good idea to do so.

12:48 AM: Da’Vonne told Bayleigh that Christmas gave her the vibe that she was not going to use the veto. Da’Vonne explained that her big fear is that the two of them will team up, so she had to tell her that Bayleigh threw her under the bus and she is not going to forget that. Da’Vonne said the more that she talks to Christmas, the more that she realizes that this was a plan to target Bayleigh. Bayleigh encouraged Da’Vonne to do what she has to do. Da’Vonne said that all bets are off once Bayleigh comes off of the block on Thursday.

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