Big Brother 22 Day 35

September 8, 2020

10:22 AM: Dani told Nicole that they really need to watch the guys. She said that she is not there to be taken out by a frat, and there are only going to be four girls left. Dani said she doesn’t even know who her target is now that she squashed things with Tyler. Nicole said she would nominate two guys but it would be weird. She mentioned that she wants Kevin out. Dani asked if Nicole would ever try to backdoor Tyler. Nicole said probably not because Cody would be pissed. Dani said there isn’t really anyone else to go after.

11:05 AM: Dani told Enzo that she is not mad at him and Cody but she doesn’t get why they didn’t come to her to give her a heads up about what Tyler was doing. Enzo explained that he tried to stay out of it and advised Bayleigh to talk directly to Dani. Enzo said Dani is right that they should have said something.

11:15 AM: Christmas talked to Memphis about how something from last night has the potential to ruin her career and her life outside of the house if it is run with. Christmas said that it is a false accusation but if she did something to justify that accusation, she needs to know so that she can correct her actions. Memphis said he thinks that Christmas would know if she did anything wrong.

11:23 AM: David asked Christmas what led to Bayleigh and Da’Vonne being on the block. He said they were blinded by it and would tell him that Christmas is good. Christmas asked David if he feels like she had his back, which he replied yeah to. David then asked if it was her move or if it was the move that others needed her to make. Christmas talked about how the girls never once asked her to work together or invited her into an alliance. She said that she was caught highly off guard by Bayleigh asking her about her untouchable. She said she can assume that there are other couples in the house but Bayleigh gave her information that she is with Da’Vonne. As for the Tyler situation, Christmas said Bayleigh has shown that she was taking her nomination personally, contributing to her decision not to use the veto.

11:51 AM: Dani and Da’Vonne talked about what Tyler said to them. Da’Vonne said she thought that he was lying until he brought Black Lives Matter into it, because she doesn’t think that someone would use that for gameplay. Dani said you would be disgusting to do so. Da’Vonne said she was watching the guys while she and Christmas were fighting, and they were all looking on as if they were thinking “yes, they are going to take each other out”. Da’Vonne told Dani that she is on the block so this cannot get back. Dani swore. Da’Vonne asked if Tyler told her that he was going to tell them that he was lying about everything. Dani said yeah. Da’Vonne let Dani know that Tyler specifically said that he was not lying about Dani coming after her. Dani said that makes her so mad. Da’Vonne assured Dani that she and Nicole are good with her if she wins HoH. Dani said the same in return.

1:02 PM: David told Enzo that Cody, Dani, Ian and Nicole went into a room together this morning and then came out one at a time. Enzo said that they could be connected with Christmas and Memphis. David said he spoke to Christmas earlier and was planting the seed that people are laughing at her decision. Enzo asked if David thinks that Christmas would keep Bayleigh. David said he is trying to slowly plant that seed. Enzo said he likes them both but he would prefer that Bayleigh stay. David agreed.

1:11 PM: David told Bayleigh that “The Four Horsemen” had a meeting this morning. Bayleigh asked if it’s the ones that they think. David said yeah. David told Bayleigh that Christmas got set up and she has to understand that she is not high on the hierarchy. He said that she is sixth at best. Bayleigh said that she is maybe even worse. Bayleigh said she is frustrated because she now knows that this has been a plot to get her out from the beginning, and she didn’t know that she has been sabotaged the whole time. David encouraged Bayleigh to talk to Tyler and tell him that she loves him. He said it repeatedly until Bayleigh told him to stop. David said Tyler is good at manipulating in that way so you have to play it back to him.

1:37 PM: Bayleigh told Memphis that she and Tyler were supposed to start over but she found out that Tyler didn’t follow through with it. Bayleigh explained that Tyler has been sabotaging her and then said that he felt guilty about it so he was going to ask Christmas to put him up as the replacement nominee. Bayleigh said she would lay things out there in a normal situation but she cannot do that to Da’Vonne. Bayleigh let Memphis know that she would not touch him if she were to win HoH. Before the talk wrapped up, Memphis talked to Bayleigh about getting drinks together on the outside, which she agreed to.

3:32 PM: David let Da’Vonne know that he campaigned to Tyler for Bayleigh. He said he is testing Tyler to see if he tells the group and then it gets back to Da’Vonne to create friction between them. David said he thinks that the house is leaning towards keeping Da’Vonne but he has to test Tyler in order to see if he is a part of the group.

3:43 PM: David spoke to the cameras. He said that the core four is Cody, Dani, Ian and Nicole, and those four want the rest of the houseguests to take shots at each other. David said that he will not be taking a shot at Memphis if he wins HoH, since he would be putting up two of those four. If one comes down, he said that he would nominate a third one of them.

3:48 PM: Da’Vonne told David that with that core it is very important that whoever stays links up with Enzo. She said that his eyes are beginning to open up tremendously. Da’Vonne asked where Christmas stands with them. David said that they will look out for her now that she made a move for the group.

3:53 PM: Bayleigh told Da’Vonne that she will not be grovelling at Tyler’s feet. She brought up David telling her to say that she loves Tyler. Bayleigh said she will not be telling that boy that she loves him. Bayleigh said she feels like Memphis will be voting for Da’Vonne since he told her that they should go for drinks once they get out of there. Da’Vonne said that if she wins HoH, she will be shooting. Bayleigh said that she should do that and that it is not too soon to do so.

4:12 PM: Da’Vonne told Bayleigh about her talk with Dani, and how he said that he would tell them that he was lying yet he told them that he was not lying. Da’Vonne said she feels like Tyler is trying to do Dan type tricks. Da’Vonne said that they are not going to make Tyler look like the golden child. Bayleigh felt that that’s what happened during their season.

5:35 PM: Enzo asked Christmas if she thinks that Da’Vonne would go after Tyler for Bayleigh. Christmas said she thinks that Da’Vonne would come after her and Tyler, but she may go after Ian since she called him her untouchable. Enzo brought up the girls thinking that the veto would be used. Christmas said she never told them that she was going to use it.

7:12 PM: Dani told Nicole that Tyler has until Thursday to go to Bayleigh and Da’Vonne to say that he was lying, otherwise she is going to get him out. Dani said she would backdoor Tyler but she does not know who the pawn would be or if they would have the votes.. Nicole said she doesn’t think that the votes would be there. Dani said she would tell Cody that he is going to lose to Tyler if he does not vote him out, plus he will not be on her team. Dani said she thinks that Cody and Enzo have a Final 2 deal. Nicole said that they probably do. She compared them to brothers and said that they will never turn on each other. Nicole mentioned that she didn’t want Ian on the jury since he told her that he would feel selfish letting someone win twice. She thought that it was a mean thing to say to her considering she is the only other one that it would apply to.

7:34 PM: Christmas asked Dani and Nicole if Da’Vonne talked to them about the girls alliance. Dani said Da’Vonne only told her that she was upset about everything last night. Nicole said that she has barely talked to Da’Vonne. Christmas said she doesn’t get why Da’Vonne is upset. She said that their thing with Tyler is not her responsibility. Dani asked if Tyler requested to be nominated. Christmas said he talked to her about it but she said that she is not going to do it and disrespect the game in that way. Dani said Tyler told her that he wanted to go home before jury so badly that he was trying to get her after Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, and vice versa, so that once one of them won HoH they would compare notes and evict him. Dani brought up that Tyler tried to leave multiple times but they would not let him.

8:05 PM: Nicole asked Christmas if she would be willing to mend things with Da’Vonne for game purposes. Christmas said she would have to think about it. Nicole said it would be stupid for them to go after each other. Christmas said that she does not want to go after Da’Vonne.

8:34 PM: Cody told Enzo that he wants David or Kevin to go since those two could flip and join the girls at some point, which would give that group the numbers. Cody said that he would go after some combination of David, Da’Vonne, Ian and Kevin if he were to win, but Da’Vonne would be the last of that group that he would target. He explained that Da’Vonne could be good for them since she might throw someone like Christmas on the block. Cody discussed that he needs Tyler to get his head in the game since he is a comp beast who they need on their side.

9:25 PM: Cody came out of the diary room after receiving news that his grandfather had passed away.

9:33 PM: Tyler asked Cody what’s wrong. He let Tyler know about his grandfather passing away. Cody said that he didn’t want to make a big deal of it in the house. Tyler asked if it’s okay that he let everyone know. Cody said yeah.

9:42 PM: Tyler let the houseguests know about the passing of Cody’s grandfather. They all came by to check on Cody and to offer their condolences.

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