Big Brother 22 Day 38 - Dani nominates three after a power is used

September 11, 2020

10:44 AM: Nicole asked Dani what she is going to do. Dani said that David and Kevin will be her nominees but Kevin is going to hate her. She said she plans to tell him to please trust her. Dani said she will tell Kevin that she will throw the veto to him, even if it’s not true, in hope of making him feel better. Nicole asked if there is a bigger plan. Dani said she is trying to decide that. She mentioned that backdooring Tyler is an option. When Nicole said that Tyler feels very safe, Dani disagreed. She explained that Tyler approached her last night to say that if she comes after him or backdoors him, he gets it because he deserves it. Nicole said she will support whatever Dani wants to do but she would take out a number from the others first. Nicole said that Da’Vonne, David and Kevin are close to controlling the votes. Dani pointed out that there wouldn’t have many options but to backdoor Tyler if he veto is used.

11:25 AM: Dani let Memphis know that she is never coming after him. Memphis says he feels the same way about her. Dani filled Memphis in on what happened with Tyler last week. She said that he was throwing her under the bus, and he explained that he wanted to go home before jury. Memphis said it pisses him off since they chose to align with Tyler and he was not upfront about his intentions early on. Dani admitted that he will always wonder if Tyler is still coming after her. Memphis questioned if they should backdoor Tyler. He said that he is not against anything but they would have to look into the votes. Dani said she thinks that Christmas is the only one who would be mad about it. They agreed to keep the plan in their back pocket in case the veto is used. Memphis suggested that Dani try to get Tyler’s word that he will not come after her for the time being.

11:53 AM: Kevin assured Dani that he has always been on her side and that he will never nominate or backdoor her until there is no choice to because they are at the end of the game. Kevin asked if he is in jeopardy this week. Dani said no but she said she is going to be honest about needing pawns that are good at competitions. Dani stressed that she would not want Kevin to leave. She asked for his honest opinion about that idea. Kevin said that he would feel some type of way about it, and he wouldn’t want that to impact their friendship which he would like to continue outside of the house. Dani asked if he would feel better about it if she could guarantee the votes to keep him. Kevin said yes but he instead pushed for David to go up. Dani said she is considering him as the other nominee. Kevin continued to talk about how David would be the better pawn.

12:26 PM: David told Dani to let him know if she needs anything from him after she is done with her meetings. Dani said she likes David so much but she doesn’t know what she is going to do as of now.

12:30 PM: Enzo talked to Dani about how quickly Da’Vonne dropped out of the HoH competition even though she was just on the block. Dani said that it was two minutes in, and David fell quickly too. Enzo said he debated if he should make a move or go the safe route of David and Kevin. Dani said she thinks it’s best to go the safe route for now and then decide on a move later if the veto is used. Enzo said he is willing to use the veto if Dani wants to make a move.

12:38 PM: Kevin cried while talking to Da’Vonne. He was frustrated that he keeps getting nominated which makes him feel expendable. Kevin said he feels so betrayed by people. Kevin explained that Dani wants a pawn who is good at competitions. Da’Vonne asked if Kevin suggested that David is stronger than him. Kevin confirmed that he did.

12:38 PM: Dani told Cody that Kevin basically said he is not going to be her friend if he goes to jury this week. Dani said she would feel horrible if Kevin left the day before his birthday. Dani told Cody that she is losing a jury vote if Kevin goes. She asked who Cody would vote to evict out of David and Kevin. Cody said he would do what Dani wants. Dani said that she would want Kevin to stay as long as they can secure that he is not coming after them.

1:26 PM: Da’Vonne let Dani know that she has her back in whatever she wants to do. Dani said she is kind of thinking of a bigger plan, and Da’Vonne knows what it is. Dani admitted to being scared about the powers and scared about upsetting two people. She mentioned that Kevin would likely be one of the two nominees. Da’Vonne said that’s why Kevin is downstairs crying. Dani said she felt so bad cause she likes him so much. Dani explained that Kevin is the perfect person to stay if he is on the block. Da’Vonne added that they would have the votes to keep him. Dani asked who Kevin would go after. Da’Vonne said the same person that Dani is trying to go after this week. Dani asked for Da’Vonne’s help with settling Kevin down. Da’Vonne said that she will do that and he will be fine. Da’Vonne asked if David is going up next to Kevin. Dani confirmed that she is leaning that way. Dani said she needs to make sure that the votes are there if she puts up Tyler. She worried that the boys are close. Da’Vonne believed that they will have the votes to evict him.

1:43 PM: Dani told Nicole that Kevin basically said that they will not be friends if he goes home this week. Dani asked if Nicole would vote David out over Kevin if nominations remain the same. Nicole said that she would do that if Dani wants her to. Dani told Nicole that she let Memphis know about Tyler, and Memphis is furious about it. Dani said she thinks that Christmas is the only one who would be upset about Tyler going. Dani said she plans to get Tyler to give his word to her because she will need it if the veto is not used. Dani mentioned that she will look like a scumbag if she then nominates Tyler, but Nicole said she has to say what she has to say.

1:58 PM: Dani let Tyler know that she is good with him. Tyler said that he will be forever indebted to Dani if she doesn’t put him up. Dani said that she is not going to, and she suggested that they make a verbal agreement not to go after each other until it is Final 6 and only The Committee members remain. Tyler said he will take it a step further and tell Dani that he will not come after her until the Final 4. Dani said that Tyler can now stop making comments about her backdooring him. Tyler said he would backdoor him if he were her. They discussed that the plan is to nominate David and Kevin. Tyler asked if Da’Vonne would be the third option. Dani said she doesn’t know. Tyler told Dani that he will gun for the veto if she wants to pick him to compete. Tyler again said that if Dani nominates or backdoors him, he will not be mad because he deserves it. If she doesn’t do it, Tyler said that he will be hers.

2:22 PM: Christmas and Dani discussed that there are only five options outside of The Committee. Christmas said she doesn’t think that Da’Vonne should go up. Dani said that she is not going after a girl. Christmas said that she wont be doing that anymore either. Christmas said that she is good with whatever Dani decides as long as it’s not cannibalizing their alliance.

2:36 PM: Ian told Dani that his preference would be that she not come after him, Cody or Nicole since the four of them are aligned. Dani said she can’t believe that he would even say that. When Dani asked Ian who he would nominate, Ian said someone like Memphis since he does not talk game with him. When Ian asked what Dani is thinking, she said she is kind of wavering since she doesn’t want to hurt feelings, but David has not talked game with her all season.

3:47 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

4:56 PM: Dani nominated David and Kevin for eviction.

5:06 PM: Dani told Kevin she doesn’t think he realizes how much she genuinely likes him and cares about him. Dani said that she will be his campaign manager. Kevin said that he will fight like hell to get off of the block. He told Dani not to feel bad.

5:27 PM: Dani told Cody that Tyler said he is not going to come after her until Final 4, and said that she can come after him sooner. Dani said it makes her wary when deals are too good to be true.

6:34 PM: Nicole told Dani she doesn’t think that Tyler would have put her up this week. They agreed that it would have made everyone mad had Tyler decided to do that.

6:35 PM: Da’Vonne told Kevin that has been very adamant about him being a pawn. Da’Vonne said she believes her. She mentioned that Dani was crying because she made her feel bad. Da’Vonne assured Kevin that he has four votes locked.

7:10 PM: David told Da’Vonne he thinks that he is the target. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t think that he is since Dani has said that they have had deep conversations about personal life. David said they did once but they haven’t talked any game. David said that he is perceived to be the bigger threat. David talked about it sucking that he is up against Kevin since that means losing another number.

8:07 PM: Enzo asked Cody if Dani and Nicole are down with the Core Four. Cody said 100%. Enzo asked if Dani would be willing to backdoor someone if he wins the veto. Cody said that Dani would want to put Tyler up. Both agreed that they cannot have that happen, so they need to keep the nominations the same. Cody talked about targeting Ian next week if they happen to win HoH. Cody said that it’s about time Nicole stepped up and won something if she is going to try to tell them that they have to send the right people home. Enzo said enough with the champs. He claimed that he would nave nominated Ian and Nicole if he had won this week.

8:14 PM: Dani cried to David. She said she knows it feels personal due to their talks that they have had but it is not. Dani explained that she has tried to talk game with David so many times but he will not tell her anything, so she doesn’t know where he sits.

8:25 PM: Feeds went down.

8:49 PM: Feeds returned. David played The Disruptor to save himself. Dani nominated Tyler as the replacement nominee.

8:50 PM: Dani swore to Tyler that she does not want him out. She said that she didn’t know what to do. Dani assured Tyler that he has the votes. Tyler asked if Dani would keep the nominations the same. He assumed that she would not want to nominate another person. Dani preferred to get people to swear that they will vote for Tyler. Tyler said the move makes sense since people know that he did sketchy stuff to her, and now they will never suspect that they are together.

9:02 PM: David denied having used the power. He told Da’Vonne and Kevin that some people are playing chess. He mentioned that Christmas has been really nice to him lately, so maybe she was feeling guilty.

9:07 PM: Da’Vonne spoke to Kevin about Christmas potentially having saved David. She also said that it could be David and he is just acting. Memphis came by to say that he called David out for winning and then crying before he even sat down at the reveal tonight.

9:12 PM: David asked Nicole if she saved him. She said that she did not. David said he is excited but he is trying to figure out what is going on.

9:13 PM: Tyler told David he doesn’t expect him to say that it was him but he will not hold it against him. Tyler said that the same thing happened to him during his season and he won the veto.

9:17 PM: Dani told Christmas that she doesn’t know what to do if Tyler takes himself off of the block. She said that the only options for pawns that would be guaranteed to stay are Christmas, Enzo and Memphis. Dani talked about preferring to have the nominations stay the same. Christmas said this is actually really good since Tyler has the votes.

9:26 PM: Dani let Memphis know that they have the votes to keep Tyler as of now, and that’s what they are doing. She said that Christmas or Enzo will have to go up if Tyler wins the veto. Dani is hoping that Christmas will offer herself up again.

9:28 PM: Dani and Ian discussed that they have the votes to do whatever they want this week. When Ian asked what she wants, Dani said that they need to wait for the veto to figure it out.

9:31 PM: Dani congratulated David. He asked if it was her who saved him. Dani asked David if it was him. David denied it.

9:32 PM: David asked Cody if he saved him. Cody told David that he won the comp fair and square and it is making people feel some type of way since he is asking them all. Cody suggested that he either roll with it or admit that he won. David said or somebody could tell him.

9:35 PM: Nicole told Dani she feels like Da’Vonne knew about this. Dani said she kind of feels the same way. Nicole theorized that it could be Kevin who used the power if they had to use it on someone else. Dani said that Kevin would have sealed his own fate if so.

9:46 PM: Kevin asked David what his initial instinct was. David said it was Tyler but then Tyler would not have wanted to make himself vulnerable. Kevin said it had to have been somebody who knew what Dani was going to do. Kevin asked who has been acting weird around David. He said Christmas. They discussed that Christmas and Dani have been close of late. Kevin suggested that whoever used the power wants David to take the fall for it.

9:53 PM: Dani and Enzo discussed David’s poor acting skills. Enzo said that everyone would have respected David had he said that he won, yet now they are all going to hate him. Dani said that she wants Tyler to stay. Dani mentioned wanting to get Christmas to offer to be a pawn if Tyler wins the veto. If Kevin wins, Enzo suggested that Da’Vonne should go up since she hasn’t won anything and he doesn’t like that people are getting free passes.

10:11 PM: Dani told Nicole that she is putting up a pawn if Tyler wins the veto. She asked for her help in working on Christmas. Cody said that he will be playing to win the veto and he will tell Tyler that he cannot use it since he can’t make Dani nominate a fourth person. They talked about Tyler needing to trust that he has the votes.

10:22 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne he believes that it wasn’t David. Da’Vonne narrowed it down to Christmas, David, Ian or Tyler. Da’Vonne talked to Kevin about a plan to get Tyler out. She said that David, Enzo, Ian, Memphis and Nicole are on board with it.

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