Big Brother 22 Day 39 - Da'Vonne wins the Power of Veto

September 12, 2020

8:20 AM: Feeds went down for the veto player pick

8:56 AM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Dani, Kevin, Tyler, Da’Vonne, Enzo and Ian. Nicole will be the host.

9:04 AM: Memphis talked about putting David on the block next week after the way that he lied about using the power. Enzo said he made himself a target to everyone by doing that. Tyler said it gives them the easiest excuse ever to put him up.

9:09 AM: Cody asked Nicole about the formation of the girls alliance. Nicole said that it was formed between her, Da’Vonne and Dani, and then Christmas was brought into the mix afterwards. Cody said Dani keeps telling him that Christmas is the one who did it. Cody thinks that Dani is trying to get him to believe that Christmas will be after him first. Nicole said that Christmas wouldn’t do that.

9:17 AM: Dani told Nicole that she wants the nominations to stay the same. She stressed that Kevin cannot win the veto. Nicole let Dani know that Da’Vonne really thinks that Tyler is the target. Dani said that scares her if Kevin ends up leaving. Dani said that she will have to have a long talk with Tyler after this, since she is now in a really bad spot with him.

9:41 AM: Cody spoke to Memphis about the Dani and Tyler situation. Memphis said Dani tried to explain it to him but he wants to hear it from Tyler, as Tyler has some explaining to do if Dani was correct. If not, he said that Dani will have some explaining to do since she nominated one of their own. They discussed that Tyler is playing messy. Memphis said he doesn’t want to throw Tyler under the bus unless he for sure was screwing them over.

9:58 AM: Kevin told Da’Vonne he hopes that she will try to win the veto. He suggested that she may be an option for the replacement nominee, since it would be the path of least resistance for Dani. Kevin said he hopes that Da’Vonne would save him even though it may put her in a situation with Dani. Da’Vonne said it is what it is. Kevin hoped that Dani would take a shot at someone in Tyler’s circle now that she fired a shot. Da’Vonne said she plans to try to get Memphis on the block with the intent of sending him out if Tyler wins the veto. Kevin thought that people may want to keep him around due to his injury. Da’Vonne argued that he isn’t injured based on his performance on the wall.

10:25 AM: Enzo told Cody that he wants to win the veto and that he is considering using it on Tyler. Cody didn’t think that it would be the right play since Dani wants Tyler to go. Both guys agreed that Tyler leaving is not best for their game, but Cody wasn’t sure if it would be worth sticking their necks out for him. Cody said he explained to Dani that Tyler isn’t coming after him, so there better not be any pushback from her about who he wants to go after if he does this for her this week. The guys hoped that they would be able to rally the votes for Tyler without Dani feeling slighted. Cody thinks that Kevin would have to slip up in some way in order for that to be possible. Cody is bothered that Dani thinks she is running the whole house and can control everything.

11:17 AM: Da'Vonne talked to Dani about her plan. Dani said that she would like for nominations to stay the same. Da’Vonne said she would not want to put her through more stress. She admitted that Kevin asked her about whether or not she would use the veto on him. She said that she was half asleep so she did not give an answer. Dani assured Da’Vonne that she is not even being considered as a potential replacement nominee. She said that Da’Vonne is in the no touch zone.

12:16 PM: Dani told Nicole she doesn’t understand what Tyler is trying to do since he told Da’Vonne that she is coming after her and now he is trying to get her to nominate Da’Vonne. Nicole said she is scared to tell him anything. Nicole brought up that Ian really trusts Dani, and he doesn’t think that he would go up as the replacement. Dani said that she would never put Ian or Da’Vonne up.

12:22 PM: Dani told Memphis that she is stressing out about potentially having to put four people up. She said that they have options now that Tyler is on the block. Memphis said he needs to hear from Tyler what happened, so he is going to ask him. Memphis didn’t understand why Tyler would sabotage the chances of the six. He said that he will ask Tyler why Dani would put him up. Memphis clarified that he isn’t against taking Tyler out but he wants to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

12:31 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

2:26 PM: Feeds returned. Da’Vonne won the Power of Veto.

2:31 PM: Dani mentioned to Christmas and Cody that Kevin pulled Da’Vonne into a room. Both Cody and Christmas said there is no way that Da’Vonne is going to use the veto.

3:21 PM: David told Kevin that he won the Disruptor power that was played last night. Kevin said that David had great acting skills. David talked about wanting to tell Da’Vonne so that she does not think that he is a part of some other group that is protecting him. He believes that Da’Vonne is skeptical of him at times for that reason.

3:48 PM: David asked Da’Vonne if she thinks that she is going to save Kevin. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t know since she would like to see where Dani’s head is at. David explained that doing so would force Dani to show more of her cards and get blood on her hands, plus it would guarantee that the two of them and Kevin can move on to next week. David let Da’Vonne know that he had the power and used it. Da’Vonne said she knew it. She told David that she is so proud of him.

3:54 PM: Da’Vonne headed to the HoH room to talk to Dani. She first opened up to Dani about her read on the entire house. She admitted that she is struggling since she knows that she is just a plus one to the Cody, Dani and Nicole trio. Dani insisted that they do not have a Final 3. Dani assured Da’Vonne that she wants to go all of the way with her. Da’Vonne listed off the people that Dani and Nicole have. She explained that she needs Kevin to stay in the house for her game. She suggested that Memphis could go on the block. Dani said she does not see him as a threat. Dani asked if that means that Da’Vonne wants to use the veto. Da’Vonne said she believes that she would be stupid not to since she appears to be on the outside of a big alliance. Dani said her only option would be to put up the ultimate pawn if Da’Vonne uses the veto, though she did not know who that would be. Da’Vonne then shared that Christmas has a power. She said that she was next to Christmas when she got it. Da’Vonne said she will ultimately not use the veto if Dani thinks that it will put her in a compromising position. Dani said she is not going to tell Da’Vonne not to use it, and she will not hold it against her if she does.

4:20 PM: Dani told Christmas that Da’Vonne isn’t sure what she is going to do. She questioned what she should do if the veto is used. Christmas said that there are only two options, referring to the two outside of The Committee. Christmas said it does not make sense to cannibalize their strong and talented alliance.

6:29 PM: Tyler told Da’Vonne that he doesn’t want Kevin to go but he doesn’t want to go either. Tyler said he knows that he is gone if he stays on the block. Da’Vonne said she thought that he had the numbers, but Tyler said that he doesn’t. Da’Vonne said that she needs to have a deep conversation with Dani prior to making a decision. Tyler said he will not hold it against Da’Vonne or Dani no matter what happens. Da’Vonne promised to let Tyler know what she is going to do prior to the veto ceremony.

6:39 PM: Dani told Nicole that Da’Vonne is going to use the veto. Dani said Da’Vonne would feel stupid not to, so she is not going to tell her not to do it. Nicole said that Da’Vonne should not want to put Dani in a bad position in the event that she uses it and someone has a power. Nicole also brought up that Kevin is coming after her and Cody. Nicole said she thinks that they could get her to not use the veto. Dani said that if they were to do that, they would have to vote Tyler out or else they will completely lose Da’Vonne’s trust. Dani said that she is not about to make Da’Vonne look stupid by sending Kevin out. Nicole said that she would rather lose Da’Vonne than a member of The Committee. Dani said that Ian would be her only option to put up if the veto is used. Dani also revealed that Da’Vonne knows that Christmas has a power. She told Nicole that she cannot tell anyone about that. Dani questioned Nicole about saying something to Tyler about her being paranoid in reference to Tyler saying that Dani told him to drop in the HoH competition. Dani asked why she would go to Tyler. Nicole denied it but Dani said Tyler specifically told her that Nicole said it to him. Nicole claimed that it must have got back to him since she told Cody. Dani said that she wants to ask Cody about it then.

6:50 PM: While Dani went to look for Cody, Nicole said to herself that Cody has got to cover for her. She said that this is going to be awkward. She said Dani will forgive Cody but she would not forgive her.

6:52 PM: Memphis told Christmas they can all tell Da’Vonne that the plan is to keep Kevin, and then they can flip last minute. He said the problem is how to get her not to use the veto. Memphis said they need to convince Da’Vonne that the two of them, David and Enzo will vote with her to keep Kevin. Christmas said that they would probably need Nicole in on the plan as well. Christmas talked about Dani saying she has limited options if Tyler won the veto. Christmas said she was thinking don’t even look at her, yet Dani said that she, Enzo or Memphis would have to be the pawn. Christmas noted that Cody and Nicole were not mentioned. Memphis wondered why Dani is protecting Ian. Christmas said Cody, Dani and Nicole are working with him in her opinion. Memphis said he doubts it but maybe. Memphis told Christmas that they have no reason not to keep Tyler. Memphis mentioned that it would be ballsy of Da’Vonne to use the veto. Christmas said she may make it political in order to use it, as that would be a good reason. Memphis said he is going to have a problem with it if Dani nominates Enzo over Ian. He was bothered that she said that she cannot put Ian up.

6:53 PM: Dani returned but was unable to get Cody as he was talking to someone else. Nicole said she doesn’t ever want her not to trust her. Dani said it wasn’t about trust and was more so about why would she say that. Nicole said she said it to Cody. Dani said that is strike two for him. Dani pointed out that getting rid of Tyler would cut that off and would make her feel better about Cody since she only ever questions him when Tyler is in involved. Nicole said that she will vote Tyler out. Dani talked about trying to cut a deal with Kevin to ensure that he will not go after Cody and Nicole. Nicole said she should have known that Tyler was a problem based on what he did to Dani. Nicole apologized to Dani for giving her a hard time about the Da’Vonne thing at first. She said she is bothered about the small Tyler incident that involves her so she can only imagine how Dani feels. Dani said she will have to convince Da’Vonne not to use the veto or else she is going to have to put Ian up.

8:27 PM: Nicole told Da’Vonne that she will support her in whatever she decides. Nicole said she will promise not to vote Kevin out if she does not use the veto. Nicole admitted to being a bit worried about Kevin putting her up. Da’Vonne said that Kevin is not coming after her. Da’Vonne pointed out that Dani and Nicole both have Cody, and Nicole has Ian, yet she would be solo if Kevin happens to leave. Nicole reiterated that she will not vote Kevin out but she understands if Da’Vonne wants to use the veto.

9:07 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne he grilled David and confirmed that he had the power. Kevin said David wants to get the two of them together to tell them, so act surprised. Da’Vonne revealed that David had already told her, so she didn’t understand why he would say that. Da’Vonne let Kevin know that Tyler is counting David as one of his votes. Kevin said David told him that he is voting for him.

11:08 PM: Feeds went down.

1:57 AM: Feeds returned to sleeping houseguests aside from Cody and Dani.

2:01 AM: Dani told Cody that she is not touching The Committee cause that would be foolish. She said that pissing of Da’Vonne or getting Ian out would piss her off on a personal level. Dani asked what Ian could say that could impact them if she has to put him up in the worst case scenario. Dani didn’t think that they had told him too much. Cody said Memphis wouldn’t care, Da’Vonne probably already has it in her head, as does Kevin. Cody said Enzo wont care. Cody said it would suck personally since Ian has grown on him so much but he doesn’t think it would be bad game wise. Dani worried that the blowback would be directed her way. Cody disagreed since he and Nicole would be the ones voting him out. Cody talked about how he cannot believe that Da’Vonne would put Dani in this position. He also said that using the veto will put a huge target on Da’Vonne. Dani agreed and said it’s one of the worst things that she could do for her game. Cody said it will be impossible for him to not put her on the block if he wins HoH next week. Cody brought up that no one would send Tyler home over Ian.

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