Big Brother 22 Day 40

September 13, 2020

12:25 PM: Nicole asked Dani what Cody wants this week. Dani said he wants her to do whatever she can to convince Da’Vonne not to use the veto, and then they can vote Kevin out. Dani asked Nicole if she will vote Ian out if he goes up. She pointed out that she will have to break a tie if Nicole votes for him. Nicole said she would want to vote for Ian but she does not want Dani to have to break a tie. Nicole said that evicting Ian will be the hardest thing that she has to do in this game. Dani said they need to pull out every trick to get Da’Vonne not to use the veto. Dani told Nicole that Cody said they could potentially bring Da’Vonne in as a five with the remaining Slick Six members and Nicole, but he doesn’t want to do it until after the veto ceremony. Dani told Nicole that their two goals are 1) convince Da’Vonne not to use the veto and 2) get Tyler out if they want that to happen.

12:49 PM: Nicole told Cody that she is not going to vote Ian out. Cody said that he will be if Ian is sitting next to Tyler, but Nicole doesn’t have to vote him out. Nicole said Dani is claiming that it will be 4-4 if she keeps Ian but he is like her brother so she cannot do that to him. Cody asked if Nicole would really make Dani break the tie. Nicole said Ian will not end up on the block.

1:38 PM: Kevin asked Da’Vonne if they could use this as an opportunity to get a bigger target out of the house and then they could recruit Tyler. Da’Vonne said she is going to have a conversation with David since he is waiting for her, and then they can talk about this later.

1:41 PM: David told Da’Vonne he is getting the vibe that people are trying to make it seem as though they want to keep Kevin so that Da’Vonne doesn’t use the veto, and then they lose a number. David said that a lot of people who don’t usually talk game with him now are. He believes that they are doing it because they are looking for a way to keep Tyler. David brought up that even Ian said that Da’Vonne will have a lot of enemies if she uses the veto. Da’Vonne said that she probably will but she doesn’t care. Da’Vonne told David that she is not telling him or Kevin what she is going to do. Da’Vonne stated that ignorance is bliss.

1:52 PM: Dani told Enzo that people are throwing his name out there as an option for the replacement nominee. He specifically said that Christmas and Tyler have mentioned Enzo. Enzo said that he is willing to tell Da’Vonne that he will vote Tyler out if that means that she will not use the veto. Dani said she doesn’t care who goes at this point as long as the veto is not used. Dani figured that everyone would have to be on board with getting Tyler out or else it would draw lines and not be worth it. She doesn’t think that Christmas and Memphis would agree to that plan. Da’Vonne told David that the upcoming HoH is very important since they need to keep the power. She added that David is playing very well. She said that as long as the continue to compare notes, she thinks that they can flip the house upside down.

2:02 PM: Dani asked Kevin who he would nominate if he were to stay. Kevin said he was advised that David and Memphis would be a good option. Dani didn’t buy it that Kevin would go after David. She said that they are close. Kevin explained that Memphis screwed over his friend, Nicole, and David continues to lie to him about his power. Dani said that would be a good idea since it will not draw any lines.

2:25 PM: Nicole asked Dani who Kevin said that he is targeting. Dani said he is considering David and Memphis since someone told him that it would keep the blood off of his hands. Dani said Kevin doesn’t think that the veto will be used, since Da’Vonne is telling him that she does not know.

2:32 PM: Memphis told Cody that if Dani wants them to vote Tyler out, she can go f*ck herself. Memphis said he believes that Dani is even willing to put him or Christmas up as a pawn in order to secure Tyler leaving. Cody said there is no way. Cody said that Ian would go up.

3:02 PM: Nicole let Kevin know that he wants him to stay. Kevin asked if he would have her vote, to which Nicole responded yeah. Nicole said they clicked on Day 1 and she does not think that he is coming after her. Kevin said that he will pay her back 100%.

3:07 PM: Christmas and Memphis discussed that if neither of them end up being the replacement nominee, it would be Enzo. Neither believe that Dani would nominate Ian. Memphis said that he did not like Dani’s demeanour yesterday when they were meeting as a group. Christmas said it made her feel uncomfortable. Memphis said that he is going to nominate David and Ian if he wins HoH, and then he will put Da’Vonne up if another nominee is needed.

3:28 PM: Enzo told Da’Vonne that he doesn’t trust Tyler at all, so he is willing to get him out of there this week. Enzo said that the two of them and David can evict Tyler, plus he can get Cody on board as well. Enzo suggested that the two of them, Cody and Dani can replace Tyler in the Slick Six and still work together. Da’Vonne added that they can bring Cody back in if they can take away the people around them.

3:40 PM: Cody asked Nicole if she is going to get Da’Vonne to not use the veto. Nicole said Kevin is trying to get the votes since he doesn’t think that Da’Vonne will use the veto. Cody asked how Da’Vonne is going to react to a blindside. Nicole said it wont be a blindside since they are going to ease her into it. Nicole brought up that she doesn’t want to vote Ian out so they are going to have to get someone else to flip.

3:55 PM: Kevin ran through various scenarios with Da’Vonne including trying to target Christmas and bring Tyler in with them. Da’Vonne told him that if that’s what he really wants then maybe she should use the veto on Tyler. Da’Vonne then went back to discussing scenarios in which Kevin is off of the block. She figures that Christmas, Ian or Memphis would go up in his place. Kevin thinks that it will be Christmas. Da’Vonne told Kevin that everyone is trying to make him feel comfortable so that she doesn’t use the veto, and they have been using the exact same script. Da’Vonne admitted that one reason why she doesn’t want to use the veto is that Kevin said last week that he doesn’t want them to look like a duo. Kevin argued that everyone already knows who the pairings are and that he meant that in a sense of he did not want to seem to be giving preferential treatment to Da’Vonne over Bayleigh. Kevin said they talked about making their power count, which would not happen if the veto is not used. Da’Vonne said she needs to have a conversation with Dani because she wants to make sure that Enzo would not go on the block. Kevin said that Enzo would have the votes anyway. There was also plenty of concern over Tyler potentially having a power. They thought it was possible that both Christmas and Tyler may use powers this week.

6:29 PM: Feeds went down.

2:14 AM: Feeds returned.

2:14 AM: Dani told Da’Vonne that she really doesn’t want to be the one that has to nominate Ian. Dani asked if there is anything she can do to convince Da’Vonne not to use the veto. Da’Vonne said she will work to ensure that Ian gets the votes. Dani argued that she will have four people after her. Da’Vonne disagreed. Dani told Da’Vonne that Kevin will come back to her even if she doesn’t use the veto. Da’Vonne said he wouldn’t if she doesn’t use the veto on him. Da’Vonne explained that she will not get his jury vote. Dani said if you are not there in the end, it doesn’t matter, so you have to be careful about your moves. Da’Vonne set she is not set in stone either way but she is trying to come up with scenarios that work for both of them. Da'Vonne said her fear is she will have a problem with Kevin if she doesn’t use it or with Dani if she does use it. Dani asked which one is going to help her more. Da’Vonne asked if Dani is saying that they will have issues. Dani said she will be very upset if the veto is used. Dani reiterated that she really doesn’t want to put Ian up. Dani said she knows 100% that they can get the votes to keep Kevin. Dani also argued that using the veto straight up says that she is tight with Kevin so it’s a big move. Da’Vonne pointed out that Ian and Nicole say that they are best friends so what’s the difference. Da’Vonne brought up that the house didn’t care about her and Bayleigh being up there, or Kevin being up there, but it’s an issue if Ian or Nicole might be in danger. She said certain people are to be protected but they don’t care about the others. Da’Vonne told Dani that Tyler would be leaving, and she put in work with David and Kevin for her, so Ian is the only one that she would have to worry about. Dani said that Kevin is not beneficial to Da’Vonne in this game. Da’Vonne pointed out that the same votes that are there for Kevin will be there for Ian. Dani talked about how she would have to break a tie if Cody and Enzo keep Tyler. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t know what to do. Dani said they can go to bed and talk tomorrow.

3:07 AM: After Da’Vonne went to bed, Dani went downstairs to wake up Cody. Dani told him that Da’Vonne is going to use the veto. Dani asked if she is caring too much that it is Ian and she should let him go, or she should do what she has to in order to make it not happen. Dani said she could tell Tyler in the morning to trust her, and then get everyone but Tyler together prior to the veto ceremony or during the veto ceremony to say please not use the veto and then have everyone raise their hand if they will vote Tyler out. Dani said the problem is Da’Vonne thinks that Ian would have the votes. Dani was annoyed that Nicole told Da’Vonne that she backs her 100% in whatever decision she makes. Dani said she is frustrated because it should not be Ian going during her HoH. Cody figured that Nicole put that out there to look good with Ian. They discussed it’s not right that Kevin threatened Da’Vonne about not getting his jury vote if she doesn’t use the veto. Cody said that Ian will feel better if Dani has people raise their hand that they will vote Tyler out, but both agreed that Ian will have to go. Dani said Nicole is done if she forces her to break a tie in that scenario. Cody said that tomorrow will seal Da’Vonne’s fate in this game. They proceeded to discuss the plan to have Dani interrupt the veto ceremony to ask people to raise their hands. Cody said this makes him want to blindside Kevin even if Da’Vonne doesn’t use the veto.

3:26 AM: Dani headed downstairs to wake up Christmas, Memphis and Nicole to have a meeting in the HoH room.

3:30 AM: The Committee, aside from Tyler, met up in the HoH room. Dani let them know that Da’Vonne is going to use the veto, so she plans to interrupt the veto ceremony to have people raise their hand saying that they will evict Tyler. Dani said she doesn’t care what they actually do but she wants to try get Da’Vonne not to use the veto. Memphis said it doesn’t sound like a good idea to have their alliance raise their hands. Dani said she will get every person in the house to do it. Memphis asked if Dani is allowed to do it. Dani said she will talk to the DR to tell them that she is going to. Memphis said it might go through Da’Vonne’s head that her, David and Kevin are the only ones not in an alliance. He said he would feel that way if everyone did something like that.

3:41 AM: Memphis asked The Committee if this is worth it to save one person considering that Da’Vonne will be pissed off and could win HoH. Christmas said they are a week away from having the numbers to steamroll. Memphis said he isn’t against it but it’s one thing to play the game and another to make someone look like a fool, which is what they will be doing. Dani said she doesn’t know if she likes making Da’Vonne feel stupid. Memphis said she respects the game so maybe they can explain that it was a huge game move.

3:45 AM: Cody wondered if they went about things the wrong way by telling Da’Vonne that Kevin is safe since she doesn’t see why it matters if she uses the veto. Nicole said it’s still putting Dani in a bad spot. Memphis said it’s worth trying to get Da’Vonne not to use the veto but he thinks that she will still use it. Christmas suggested telling Da’Vonne that they are all going to be pissed if she uses the veto, because they may have to go on the block. Cody said they might as well take a chance doing something that could prevent the veto from being used since they are more likely to go up if Kevin stays. Nicole agreed. Memphis suggested having a meeting prior to the veto ceremony so that Kevin and Tyler are not there. Dani joked that she could get the nominees to leave the veto ceremony. Christmas said Da’Vonne would be able to hear how badly they all don’t want the veto to be used. Cody worried it would look bad if Dani comes off as being so tight with people that she can get them all to join a meeting to raise their hands. Dani said that’s why she wants to do it during the veto ceremony.

3:55 AM: Memphis again suggested a meeting prior to the veto ceremony. Memphis said that Da’Vonne may get offended if Dani tries to ruin Da’Vonne’s one win by stealing her thunder during the veto ceremony. Nicole thought that doing it beforehand would be worse since Da’Vonne would have time to process things.

4:00 AM: Nicole said she is willing to make any last ditch effort to reduce the numbers from 3 (Da/Vonne/David/Kevin) to 2 (Da’Vonne/David) in the HoH competition. There were further discussions of asking Kevin and Tyler to leave the veto ceremony following their speeches, so that the others can be asked to raise their hands if they will evict Tyler. Nicole said Dani should ask production if she can have the nominees leave since it would be a good idea to do so. Christmas and Memphis agreed.

4:09 AM: Memphis brought up that if Da’Vonne uses the veto and then sees that they saved Tyler, she is going to be even more pissed. Memphis argued that they otherwise would have a chance that their relationships with Da’Vonne could be useful in terms of getting someone else like Ian on the block. Dani said that Ian is going up if the veto is used. Memphis said that they would be the votes to save Tyler, so it may be a bad idea to have the meeting. Nicole agreed. Dani said that Da’Vonne is 100% going to use the veto if they don’t do this. Memphis said he likes the idea but not the repercussions for next week. Once it was mentioned that Enzo could vote with them, Memphis said that might save them since Da’Vonne would think that Enzo is with them and then he might go on the block instead of a Committee member. Memphis said that their best bet is to loop themselves in with Enzo. They talked about letting him know beforehand to raise his hand.

4:23 AM: After the meeting broke up, Nicole told Cody that this is going to give Da’Vonne reason to put her on the block if she raises her hand and flips. Cody said Da’Vonne is going on the block if he wins HoH. Nicole said she is going to be heartbroken that Ian is leaving. She said she should go up to Da’Vonne to tell her to please not use it since Ian is leaving if so. Cody said Da’Vonne is expecting that Ian will stay in a split vote with Dani breaking the tie. Nicole said it’s going to look like she voted Ian out because she is in a big alliance. Cody said they knew a line would be drawn at some point. Nicole said it’s hypocritical of Dani to want her to vote Ian out when she will not vote Da’Vonne out. Nicole said she is not going to vote Ian out when he is her best ally and friend. Cody said Nicole has her and Dani. He asked how many best allies she needs. Nicole argued that Da’Vonne has way more than she does. Cody said one of hers isn’t going anywhere since she won the veto. Nicole said Cody has Dani, Enzo, Tyler and her. Cody said he would vote Tyler out but not against Ian. Cody said it’s due to The Committee, not because of anything else.

4:35 AM: Nicole told Christmas that she will vote Ian out but it’s going to take her a couple of days to accept it. She said it’s a personal thing. She mentioned that Ian would not ever touch her because they have that bond. Nicole said that Dani doesn’t want to be forced to break a tie but she is going to make her expose her entire game if she has to evict Ian in order to avoid a tie vote.

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