Big Brother 22 Day 41 - Dani nominates Ian as the replacement nominee

September 14, 2020

9:05 AM: Memphis went to Dani to let her know he thinks that she should let Da’Vonne do whatever she is going to do. He said he thinks that Dani is overplay the game since the end result will end up being the same as if she doesn’t do anything. Memphis pointed out that the remaining Committee members are the ones that will actually be voting, meaning that they will look like the bad guys. Memphis explained that Dani can still come off in a good light which is better for them since they do not want to end up on the block next to each other. Memphis said that Dani is not going to get Da’Vonne to change her mind in front of everyone if she couldn’t get her to do it already. Dani said Da’Vonne did not flat out tell her that she is using the veto yet. Memphis said to shoot her shot if that’s the case, but he doesn’t want her to be implicated.

9:20 AM: Dani told Nicole that Memphis came and said what she was thinking. Dani said she does not want to make Da’Vonne look stupid, and Memphis told her that she is overplaying. Dani then told Nicole that she cannot give a vote to Ian. Nicole said she has a plan. She talked about getting other votes to flip against Ian so that she could vote for him. Dani said that they cannot attempt that since Ian needs to feel like he is the pawn. Nicole said she wont make Dani break a tie but Da’Vonne is going to figure out that she voted Ian out, and then she will be dead to her. Nicole asked if she could go ask Da’Vonne to please not use the veto since Ian is going to go up. Dani said to do it. They discussed that Da’Vonne wont see the issue anyway since she is under the impression that Ian is staying over Tyler.

9:27 AM: Nicole continued to tell Christmas and Dani that she will look sketchy for voting Ian out. She said it will prove that there is an alliance in the house, and then her cards will be shown and people will view her as a monster. Nicole said that she wants to vote to keep her friend but she cannot even do that. They discussed telling Da’Vonne that they are unsure if they have the votes to keep Ian due to the alleged guys alliance.

9:39 AM: Christmas filled Memphis in on what was happening in the HoH room. Memphis said that Nicole is making herself look even more suspicious. He talked about it not making sense to freak out over someone not in the alliance leaving unless you have something with them.

9:43 AM: Nicole talked to Dani about a plan to have Da’Vonne flip her vote by telling her that Ian is coming after her. She said it would appear fine if Da’Vonne flips on her but not the other way around, and then she could quickly forgive Da’Vonne for it. Dani said that Da’Vonne is not going to keep Tyler. Dani asked that Nicole back her in nominating Ian. She said she needs Nicole to help convince him that he is a pawn. Dani said Da’Vonne expects this move to put her in the best spot in the house but it’s going to destroy her game.

9:56 AM: Nicole asked Da’Vonne if she has decided what she is going to do. Da’Vonne said no. Nicole said she didn’t sleep last night because she is so stressed after finding out that Ian would be the replacement nominee. Nicole said she is scared that David will flip due to a guys alliance. Da’Vonne said David would not do it since he holds Tyler responsible for what happened with Bayleigh. Da’Vonne said it would be 4-4 with Dani needing to break the tie, and she has every reason to send Tyler out. Nicole pushed that Ian is a bigger target and there is a chance that David would flip. Da’Vonne said she gets what she is saying but Kevin has made it clear that she will lose his jury vote and his friendship if she doesn’t use the veto. Da’Vonne added that she lost a friend last week and is now being told to trust the house that it wont happen again. Da’Vonne asked if it will cause something between them since Ian would be going up. Nicole said she doesn’t want Da’Vonne to use the veto but she is not going to hold it against her.

10:17 AM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

11:41 AM: Da’Vonne used the Power of Veto on Kevin. Dani nominated Ian as the replacement nominee.

11:43 AM: Ian asked Nicole if she knew that it was going to be him. Nicole said no. Ian said that he didn’t either. He mentioned liking how he won the game but is being considered as the ultimate pawn for this week.

11:45 AM: Nicole told Christmas it kills her a bit that Ian was told that he is the pawn but he isn’t really the pawn. She said that she got too close to him. Nicole said she is mad at Da’Vonne. She thought that she had gotten through to her with her talk prior to the veto ceremony. Nicole said she and Dani are supposed to be Da’Vonne’s allies, and they begged her not to use the veto, but she used it anyway. Christmas said it’s selfish since Kevin knew that he had the votes.

11:47 AM: Ian let Dani know that he does not want her to be feeling bad for him. Dani said she feels horrible but he was the only person that she could nominate in order to ensure that Tyler leaves. Ian said that even if he goes, it’s just a game.

11:58 AM: Christmas told Dani that Da’Vonne’s speech was extra. Dani said it was also so long. Dani said she doesn’t fully trust Tyler after everything that went down, so she would like Christmas' help in making sure he knows that she was not coming after him and she has been campaigning for him. Dani said Tyler is going to need to act like he is for sure going home.

12:06 PM: Christmas, Dani and Nicole discussed that Da’Vonne rubbed them the wrong way by being so chipper. Nicole again brought up being bothered by Da’Vonne using the veto after they begged her not to. Dani said it shows that Kevin comes before everyone else for Da’Vonne. Dani said Da’Vonne cannot see the bigger picture and she thinks that this move leaves her in a good place with everyone in the house.

12:12 PM: Cody joined the girls in the HoH room. He said that Da’Vonne’s speech was so long winded. Nicole said she cried because Da’Vonne took her on a rollercoaster, making it seem like she wasn’t going to use the veto. Cody said he knew exactly what Da’Vonne was doing. He claimed that Da’Vonne or her friend will be going very shortly, so she benefited for one week by making this move. Dani reminded Nicole that she cannot be crying. She explained that Ian is intuitive and will pick up on it. Nicole said she only cried because she was mad at Da’Vonne.

12:19 PM: Dani reassured Tyler that she is not coming after him and she did not mean what she said in her speech, but she has to keep vocalizing that she is after him. Tyler said he gets it. Dani said she hopes that Tyler doesn’t want to come after her for this. Tyler swore that he will not be doing that. He added that they are now even, and it could be beneficial for them to be hiding in plain sight like they are enemies. Dani told Tyler that it will be a 5-3 vote. Both agreed that they cannot have it come down to a tie. Dani filled Tyler in on the meeting that she held with The Committee last night. Looking ahead to next week, Tyler said that they need to nominate Da’Vonne and Kevin since they are now a clear pair.

12:25 PM: Ian told Kevin that part of his reason for being there is to show that he can play a game and lose without throwing a tantrum, which has been an issue in his life. They discussed having no clue that Ian would be going up. Ian said it’s part of the game and if he loses, he wants to lose with grace. Ian said it’s telling that Dani nominated him but it is what it is. Ian acknowledged that there may be a big alliance and that he may be going home.

12:52 PM: Da’Vonne and Enzo discussed that Ian isn’t a pawn since there will be people that want him out as well. Da’Vonne asked Enzo who would vote to keep Tyler if they decide to go that route. Enzo said Memphis hates Ian, and if he votes to evict Ian, Christmas would as well. Da’Vonne and Enzo said that they are down for whatever this week. They don’t think that either nominee will be coming after them next week.

1:02 PM: Dani told Enzo she feels like she is now in the worst spot and Da’Vonne does not care. Dani said they were counting the votes last night and Da’Vonne said she didn’t trust Cody or Enzo to follow through. Enzo asked who is going. Dani said Ian. She told Enzo that Da’Vonne, David and Kevin are going to be blindsided by that. When Enzo said that it may end up being 4-4, Dani said she already told Nicole that she cannot give Ian a pity vote.

1:41 PM: Nicole told Cody that she is exhausted and she has never had to be so micromanaged while playing before. Cody said Dani does that because she is running around to everyone. Nicole wasn’t happy that she is being told to evict Ian and that she has no say in what she does. Cody said he is not telling her what to do but rather what could hurt her game wise. They discussed that Dani’s game is to run to everyone to tell them information first, such as when she told Tyler about last night’s meeting.

1:50 PM: Enzo told Tyler to put Dani on the block. He said that Tyler cannot trust her. Tyler said hell no. He said he has to be real nice though and act like he deserved it. Enzo and Tyler laughed that Dani’s HoH was a mess and she is getting rid of someone that was not even coming after her. Both agreed that Enzo should have been put up instead.

1:55 PM: David told Da’Vonne that Ian is a master game player. He talked about getting Ian out so that he can no longer help the group strategize. Da’Vonne asked what they would do with Tyler moving forward. David said he does not trust Tyler but he is always going to be a target. David thinks that Tyler would go after Dani before he would come after them. Da’Vonne worried that keeping Tyler is dangerous.

2:02 PM: Da’Vonne told Tyler that she wants to talk to him about using the veto. He asked if she thinks that this saved him. Da’Vonne explained that Kevin had the votes to stay but she doesn’t know if Ian does. Tyler said that he will only need one more if he has Da’Vonne, David, Enzo and Kevin. Da’Vonne asked Tyler if he ever said to Dani to put her on the block. Tyler said no. He told Da’Vonne that he is coming after Dani and he is going to let everyone know it. When Da’Vonne asked if Tyler is working with Christmas and Memphis, Tyler said no.

2:13 PM: Nicole asked Cody to explain to her why he wants to keep Tyler. Cody said there is no reason for him to stick his neck out for Ian when their alliance has won 5 of 6 HoHs. Nicole argued that Cody is not thinking long term, but Cody countered that by saying that she is thinking too shortsighted. Nicole mentioned that their alliance may be after each other as early as next week. Cody said he is willing to put a Da’Vonne up, unlike Dani and Nicole. Nicole said that she would do it at this point. Nicole believes that her game will be blown up when she votes Ian out, and it will come off as though if she is willing to do this to him, she will do it to anyone. Nicole questioned why Dani cannot break a tie. Cody said that she can. Cody assured Nicole that he will have her back if she votes to force a tie. Nicole said she knows that she cannot do that. She worried that someone would vote Tyler out to frame her for it. Nicole hoped to get David to vote Ian out. She said it would give her reason to go after Da’Vonne since Da’Vonne promised her that worst case scenario it would be 4-4 and Ian would stay.

2:31 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne that he is receptive to either nominee staying but he would want Tyler to align with them if he were to stay. Kevin figured that Tyler would not want to break a deal since he knows that it would cost him jury votes and that’s why he lost last time. David, Da’Vonne and Kevin discussed that Christmas will not vote to evict Ian. When the idea of potentially keeping Ian came up, David questioned how they could trust a deal from him. David believes that Ian is throwing competitions and lying to them. They then went back to talking about saving Tyler. Da’Vonne pointed out that Tyler will always be attached to Cody.

2:49 PM: Da’Vonne told Kevin that Tyler terrifies her and she wonders if she should take the shot at him now. Kevin said that’s why he is 50/50. Da’Vonne said that eliminating Ian would get rid of the snoop, the mole and the brains from the other side.

5:47 PM: Ian told Kevin that he is starting to worry that he may actually be the target. Kevin said what worries him is that people are talking about how it’s interesting that someone who does not appear to be a pawn was put up. Kevin asked if Ian would be willing to align with others aside from Nicole if he were to stay. Ian said it will come down to who votes for him to stay. He said that if he finds out that Nicole is playing him, that would be a problem. Kevin told Ian that if he has him, Da’Vonne and Nicole, he would need two more. Ian said that he would hopefully have Christmas and he is trying to work on Enzo as well.

6:23 PM: Nicole told Enzo that she is Ian’s #1 and she knows that Tyler would come after her. Enzo said he doesn’t care who goes this week. Nicole said they cannot keep Ian because it’s not smart.

9:18 PM: Enzo and Kevin discussed being undecided about the vote. Kevin said Ian told him that if he does not keep him it would be a red flag to others, which Kevin saw as a threat. Enzo brought up that Ian has already won his money but he said he doesn’t think that Ian is going to come after them. Kevin said he wont go after anyone since he will keep throwing competitions.

9:30 PM: Dani told Nicole that she talked to Ian and he is freaking out and told her that those who don’t vote for him and cause him to leave will not get his jury vote. Dani encouraged Nicole to enjoy her last few days with Ian. She asked if Nicole thinks that she made the best decision. Nicole said she doesn’t think that Dani had another option for her game. Dani said she feels bad because Ian doesn’t have a fighting chance this week.

9:35 PM: Ian told Memphis that Tyler is one of the top players in the house. He said when you have a clean look at someone like that, it would be crazy to send him out instead. Memphis agreed but said he feels the same way about Ian. Memphis let Ian know that he wants to talk to Tyler before giving it some more thought.

9:43 PM: Dani told Da’Vonne that she is not mad at her. She said that it has been a crappy day and nobody wants to be put in that position but she gets it that Da’Vonne had to look out for herself. Da’Vonne said she is confident that Ian has the votes. She mentioned that he only needs four. Dani said that she really doesn’t want to have to break a tie and be put on the spot again this week.

9:51 PM: Christmas let Enzo know that she has been keeping her distance so that they are not associated and put on the block together. She said that people would put her up with Memphis, not Enzo, as of now. Christmas told Enzo that he was the other option for the replacement nominee. She claimed to have gently pushed Dani away from nominating him. Christmas clarified that Dani was considering him as a pawn, not a target.

10:16 PM: Dani told Nicole about her conversation with Da’Vonne in which she counted out four votes for Ian. She said Da’Vonne did not care at all when she said that she doesn’t want to have to break a tie. Dani said it’s shocking.

10:19 PM: Dani asked Tyler if it’s just her or if he thinks that Da’Vonne is trying to pit them against each other. Tyler said 1000%. Dani let Tyler know that he floated the idea to Da’Vonne of creating the Sly Five alliance by cutting Tyler and adding Nicole. She said that it’s not an actual thing.

11:15 PM: Ian told Nicole that if he goes home on someone else’s mistake, he will not vote for those that are most responsible. He said that people will be held accountable for it. Nicole said that Ian leaving is bad for her. Ian said it’s bad for a lot of people except for one or two. Ian said that if Tyler is able to slip out of this, he will make it to the Final 2. Ian called Tyler the best player there. Nicole assured Ian that she will be campaigning for him to stay. Ian pointed out that Nicole will have a hell of a time if he goes and leaves jury, since nobody else will be okay with a winner winning for a second time.

11:26 PM: Nicole told Dani that Ian made some points about how Tyler will be sitting in the Final 2. Nicole said that Ian has a feeling that he is leaving after talking to people. Nicole said she is trying to accept it but she feels like it’s a mistake. Dani said she hears what Nicole is saying but The Committee will not want to keep Ian. Nicole said it’s only two people. Dani said that they will be in the worst spot if they go against it. Nicole said she feels like her target will get so much bigger as the only winner. Dani told Nicole that if she really feels that way, she can talk to Memphis and let him know how she feels. Nicole said that she will try. Dani warned Nicole that it probably wont work.

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