Big Brother 22 Day 42

September 15, 2020

10:07 AM: Christmas spoke to the cameras. She said she knows that Nicole will keep Ian if she can find a way. Christmas said that tells her that Nicole is willing to get rid of an alliance member for Ian, meaning that Ian is her untouchable. Christmas added that Ian has got to go since he is too good at the game. She mentioned that he has already won and got his money. While Christmas said the same about Nicole. she clarified that she cannot take that shot at her. Christmas talked about wanting to continue to work with Nicole since she can trust her to an extent. Lastly, Christmas said that Cody has to go soon since he is a really good competitor.

10:15 AM: Christmas told Memphis she feels as though Nicole is legitimately trying to save Ian. Memphis disagreed. He figures that she is putting on a front that she is trying to save Ian in order to get his jury vote. Christmas and Memphis then discussed that Enzo would be a great third for them to work with. Memphis said that they have to wait for the right time to bring him in.

10:52 AM: Enzo told Memphis that Ian has already asked five times if he is voting for him. Memphis thinks that Ian is a totally different person now than he was for the first five weeks of the game. Memphis let Enzo know that he has been mulling over an idea that the two of them can create two three person alliances. Memphis explained that they will be in each of them with a different third person. He said that the plan relies on them making it through another two weeks since they could lock it in at that point to essentially give them four of the remaining eight. Memphis told Enzo the crazy part is that they are going to use the same name for each of the alliances.

11:14 AM: Dani pointed out to Memphis that Ian is not coming after either of them. She said that Nicole has Ian in her back pocket, which is something that is good for now. Memphis agreed that there are reasons to get Tyler out but said that it comes down to what he is most afraid of. Dani said she really likes Tyler but she wonders if they will get this shot again or if Tyler is going to go erratic ones again if he stays. Memphis said his concern with Ian is that he has played them all for the past five weeks as he is now a totally different person. Dani brought up that Ian will be going after Da’Vonne. On the flip side, she said that Tyler would help them with winning competitions.

11:51 AM: Dani told Nicole that Memphis talked about not having seen this side of Ian until now, and he suggested going with what they know in Tyler. Nicole said that she is not going to push anything with Memphis. She figured that it would come off as biased if she did so. Dani said she tried to say everything bad about Tyler but it did not get through. She let Nicole know that Memphis wants Tyler gone first out of those in The Committee. Though Nicole said that Tyler would put her and Dani up, they agreed that they cannot convince everyone to evict him.

11:58 AM: Dani asked Tyler who he would nominate if he were to win HoH next week. Tyler said that there are three options, in reference to Da’Vonne, David and Kevin. Dani asked if he would really nominate Da’Vonne. Tyler swore on everything that he would. Dani said that Kevin will have to go next. She told Tyler that he is gunning for him and Cody, and he is pissed off at her. Tyler asked Dani if she will keep him in the event of a tie. Dani said that she will but it had better not be a tie.

12:35 PM: Tyler let Christmas know that when a yeller talked about a Final 2 and a power, Kevin claimed to hear “Tyler”. Tyler said that they may have yelled that the two of them have a Final 2 and that Christmas has a power. Tyler worried that they will no longer be able to put in a good word for each other due to that. Tyler brought up Dani asking him who he would put up. Tyler said he told her that he would not put her up. Christmas said it is in Tyler’s best interest not to put Dani up. Tyler agreed.

2:05 PM: Cody told Enzo he doesn’t like that Dani and Nicole are planning to act surprised when Tyler stays. He doesn’t want the two of them to come off looking bad. Enzo said they can tell Da’Vonne what they are going to do. Enzo brought up that he trusts Memphis more than he trusts Dani and Nicole. Cody said that Memphis is never going to throw Enzo up. Enzo briefly brought up that he kind of feels like getting rid of Tyler. Cody suggested that it would make it tougher for him to keep Enzo off of the block. He also said that Ian would be a vote for Nicole if they end up on the block next to her. Enzo said he doesn’t trust Da’Vonne not to put Cody up if she wins. Cody said that he is going to nominate her if he wins HoH. Cody said that either Da’Vonne or Kevin have got to go next week.

2:23 PM: Nicole joined Cody and Enzo in the HoH room. She said she understands that Tyler needs to go but it’s the hardest thing ever for her. She mentioned thinking that Tyler would put her up. When Cody said Tyler talked about keeping her safe if she votes for him, Nicole said that she doesn’t trust him. Nicole talked about the need for a 5-3 vote. She plans to claim that David is the one who flipped and caused it to go from 4-4 to 5-3 to evict Ian. She suggested that doing so would stop her from looking like a monster for voting Ian out and it would create paranoia surrounding David. Nicole questioned if they will ever get Tyler in this position again. Cody said the same about Ian. Nicole said they would but he also would not nominate any of them. Nicole said she has complete control over who Ian would nominate. Nicole said the Core Four is her priority but she doesn’t think that now is the time for Ian to go. Nicole talked about wanting to save face and feel like a decent human being considering she cannot even look at Ian right now. Nicole added that she cried all day yesterday.

3:57 PM: Christmas informed Tyler that David is pushing hard for her to keep him. Christmas wasn’t sure if Da’Vonne and Kevin were in on that as well, or if David is just testing her. Tyler said it gives her an excuse to vote his way since she can say that David convinced her.

3:59 PM: Memphis told Christmas he feels as though people are trying to flip the house to keep Ian. Christmas said she is getting the opposite feeling and thinks that people are trying to get Ian out. Memphis said that’s great then. He thought that Dani and Nicole were trying to keep Ian. He said it’s concerning that they are trying to get rid of a Committee member. They discussed that it is too soon for that.

4:16 PM: Dani spoke to David to let him know that he was never her target. She said that her target for the week was obvious the entire time, implying that it was always Tyler. David said he feels as though there would have been some communication if he was actually good. Dani said he is right that she should have talked to him about it more.

4:33 PM: Christmas asked Nicole why it’s so weird when the four girls get together. Nicole said it’s because they don’t trust Da’Vonne and she doesn’t trust them. Nicole mentioned that she tells Da’Vonne nothing because she will fact check it all. Nicole let Christmas know that Da’Vonne said something about her and David talking a lot. Christmas found that to be weird. Christmas told Nicole that Kevin said it doesn’t make sense that Ian is a pawn. She figured that they are trying to fish for information. Nicole said that they have to blindside them.

5:02 PM: The four girls met up in the HoH room. Da’Vonne asked if they agree on one target and do that moving forward, or how does it work. Nicole said she is open to having different targets but talking what’s best for all of their games together. Christmas agreed. Nicole said if there is one person coming after her that doesn’t win comps much, and another person going hard after two of them, that second person would probably have to be her main target. Da’Vonne agreed.

5:15 PM: Ian campaigned to David. While he would not name names in terms of who he would nominate, Ian assured David that he is safe with him if he wins HoH. Ian explained that he is not in a position to throw names out there and potentially lose votes.

5:17 PM: Dani told Christmas and Nicole that she wants Kevin out next week. She pointed out that he is coming second in every competition, he is shady, he is everywhere, and he is coming after them. Christmas let the girls know that Kevin said Ian is too juicy to have as a pawn, so he doesn’t believe that Ian is actually a pawn. Nicole said they probably want her to be down a number. Dani and Nicole agreed that if the other side wants to keep Tyler it’s because they want to make a move against the two of them.

5:34 PM: Christmas wondered why the other side is working so hard to flip the vote when they think that Tyler is going home. Dani said she promises that it’s because Da’Vonne is trying to pit her and Tyler against each other so that she can coast by while they go at each other.

6:13 PM: Kevin told Ian the way he sees it, Ian has him, Da’Vonne and Nicole locked, so he needs one more and then he should be fine. Ian thanked Kevin. Ian said he wants to take back what he said about being bitter if he goes.

6:16 PM: David told Christmas about his talk with Dani. He said that of course in hindsight she is going to say that he was never the target. David said he doesn’t care to go the way that Dani wants him to this week since she put him up and he was going to be a victim of her gameplay. David talked to Christmas about Ian throwing her name out there. On the other hand, he said that Tyler would not be coming after either of them. Christmas agreed. David said nobody would ever think that they are working together. He said he feels as though they can outnumber the people who want Ian to stay. David said the two of them and Enzo would keep Tyler, and if he can get Da’Vonne to see the light, they would have Kevin as well.

6:48 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne it seems like the four dudes are voting for Tyler, so they need one more. Da’Vonne said it’s Kevin. She told him not to do it. Da’Vonne told Kevin that Christmas has been pushing for Ian to go according to David and Enzo. Kevin said he does not like the way that she is playing the game. Kevin wondered why Tyler isn’t campaigning. Da’Vonne said he thinks that he has the votes. She assumed that those votes are Christmas, Cody, David, Enzo and Memphis. Kevin said he wants to keep whoever will weaken the other side the most. While they both said they don’t know who that is, Da’Vonne said the obvious answer is Ian. Kevin wondered if they could convince David to keep Ian by telling him that it would put the blood on Dani’s hands. Kevin said that if Dani then keeps Tyler, they know that it was all a facade. Da’Vonne said that it would show David’s cards as well. She told Kevin that they would have to stick to their guns and evict Tyler, and then they know what David did if it’s not 4-4. Looking ahead, Da’Vonne told Kevin that you need to put up Cody and Dani, and then put Nicole up if one comes down. Kevin said that he can do that. Da’Vonne said he thinks that they need to get Tyler out. Kevin agreed but said he is going to agree with people even if they say that Tyler needs to stay. They agreed to gather information and then compare notes before making a decision on Wednesday.

9:05 PM: Nicole told Dani that Kevin is saying Ian should stay no problem. Dani pointed out that Kevin has been talking to Christmas about evicting Ian. Nicole said that pisses her off. Dani assumed that Kevin is going after Cody and Nicole.

9:08 PM: Kevin asked David what he is thinking. David said send Ian out to weaken the alliance. Kevin asked if that’s what people are thinking. David said Christmas and Enzo are on board. Kevin advised David to be cautious with Christmas. He reminded David about what happened to Bayleigh when Christmas twisted her conversation with her.

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