Big Brother 22 Day 43

September 16, 2020

9:53 AM: Memphis told Christmas that Nicole was still talking about giving Ian her vote yesterday, since she wants to keep her relationship with him. Memphis said he joked to Nicole that they can send her to jury next week if she wants to go hang out with him. Christmas said that Nicole would be putting Dani in a bad spot if she votes to keep Ian. When Christmas mentioned that Nicole is upset about having to lie to Ian, Memphis said she should be straight up then.

12:06 PM: Ian told Enzo that he needs his vote of sure. Ian said that Dani will break the tie in his favour. Ian reassured Enzo that he is not coming after him and that he is nowhere near the top of his list. Ian said he thinks that his potential votes are Cody, Nicole, Christmas, Da’Vonne and Kevin. Ian was frustrated that Kevin is being wish washy with him after making a “pawn pact” to keep each other.

12:17 PM: Enzo told Nicole that Ian just made a good pitch to him. Enzo said that he is about to just keep Ian. Enzo pointed out that Ian’s pitch was so good. Nicole said that Ian is going after Da’Vonne and Kevin, not them. Enzo agreed that Ian will not be after him but said that neither is Tyler.

12:27 PM: Ian let Kevin know that he needs his vote to stay. Kevin said that Ian is going to have to start winning if he stays. Ian claimed that he has been trying to win. Kevin then told Ian he doesn’t believe that Dani made this decision on her own. He suggested that Dani is either in on it or she was played. Kevin advised Ian that those close to him are the ones playing him. He brought up that Tyler has people campaigning for him and guaranteeing safety on his behalf, so he doesn’t even have to offer anything because he has an alliance.

12:47 PM: Ian told Nicole that Kevin is saying those he thinks are close to him are actually not. Ian assumed that Kevin was referring to Cody and Nicole. Ian said he is playing it off as though he is distanced from Nicole a bit but he is 100% with her. He said that Kevin will go up if he wins HoH. Nicole asked why Kevin is saying that they are not close to Ian. Ian said Kevin is trying to say that he is being set up, which Nicole said makes her so mad. Ian also mentioned Kevin saying that Dani is either in on it or was duped and he is going to be leaving.

12:52 PM: Nicole filled Cody in on what Kevin had said to Ian. Nicole said she thinks that Da’Vonne, David and Kevin will flip to make it 8-0 to evict Ian. Cody said that Kevin saying their names, because of the wall yeller, proves that he is as clueless as they thought that he was.

12:56 PM: Nicole told Dani that Kevin is a huge problem. She proceeded to tell her what Kevin had said to Ian. Nicole worried that the vote will confirm everything that Kevin thinks due to the yeller. Dani said it ruined Cody and Nicole’s games. When Nicole said she doesn’t think that anyone will vote to keep Ian, Dani suggested having Christmas, Enzo and Memphis tell him that they are not keeping him, and then Cody and Nicole can say that they cannot go against the house. Nicole was on board with the plan.

1:37 PM: Cody told Dani it’s becoming clear that Da’Vonne and Kevin need to be on the block as opposed to David and Kevin. They discussed the Kevin and Ian conversation. They figured that Da’Vonne is feeding Kevin the information. Dani said it’s crazy that Da’Vonne trusts them so little that she wont even ask them about it. Cody admitted to being frustrated that Dani didn’t nominate Da’Vonne this week.

1:57 PM: Nicole talked to Tyler about the Kevin conversation. She then looked for clarification as to why he went to Dani about a discussion they had in regards to something that happened on the wall. Nicole felt that Tyler had thrown her under the bus. Nicole asked that Tyler trust her and not throw her under the bus again. She said that she is voting to keep Tyler and that Ian will be leaving, so she will have to start leaning on others and would like to be closer with Tyler moving forward.

2:25 PM: Ian asked Cody if he has his vote. Cody said yeah. Ian said that’s good since he is without a paddle if he doesn’t have Cody and Nicole voting for him. Ian said that he is debating targeting David or Kevin next week.

2:28 PM: Nicole let Christmas and Enzo know that Kevin told Ian that they are playing him and he is going home. Nicole asked how Christmas and Enzo would feel about being honest with Ian. Enzo said he is good with it and will do it tonight. Christmas said she had planned to come clean anyway. Nicole said she didn’t want to look like a monster, and if everyone votes against Ian it would allow for her to keep her friendship with him on the outside. Afterwards, Christmas and Nicole vented about Dani. They didn’t understand how Ian ended up on the block over Enzo. There were talks about them not even being included in the decision making process.

2:45 PM: Tyler campaigned to Kevin. He said his biggest hopes for votes are Cody, Da’Vonne, David, Enzo and Kevin. Kevin said that he will talk to Da’Vonne and David tonight. When Kevin brought up talking to Christmas as well, Tyler said that he doesn’t expect to get her vote.

3:08 PM: Ian let Memphis know that he will be gunning for those who jerked him around as opposed to those who were straight up with him like Memphis was. Memphis let Ian know that as of now he will be keeping Tyler. He explained that Ian is the better player and is smarter than him.

3:14 PM: Ian told Cody and Nicole that he doesn’t have Memphis’ vote. Ian said he thinks that his game is over. Cody told him to relax. Ian asked Nicole if she thinks that he has the votes. Nicole said she thinks that he could potentially get four, which led Ian to believe that he doesn’t have the votes. Nicole said she doesn’t know.

3:17 PM: Feeds went down.

4:28 PM: Feeds returned.

4:35 PM: Ian told Nicole that he does not want to be the first to jury. He said that he is not going to do any press if he goes. Ian said that Nicole will be out an ally on Dani’s HoH. Nicole said that she wants him to stay so bad. She said that Ian is her best ally in the house. Ian told Nicole that Dani tanked all of their games if he goes, which is the same thing that she did on Season 13.

4:44 PM: Ian campaigned to Christmas. He said he needs her vote along with Cody’s, Enzo’s and Nicole’s. Ian reassured Christmas that she would be 100% safe with him as HoH, and he would like to play the game with her. Christmas said David told her that Ian threw her name out before the last HoH competition. Ian said that David is lying and all that he said is that he is not Christmas' untouchable. Ian said that David and Kevin are his targets.

5:01 PM: Kevin and Nicole discussed keeping Ian. Kevin said that they can talk if they are able to secure a fourth vote but they cannot stick their necks out otherwise. When Nicole asked if Da’Vonne is on board, Kevin said he doesn’t know after everything that has happened.

5:04 PM: Nicole told Da’Vonne that she will try to get Christmas to keep Ian if she has her and Kevin. Da’Vonne said it wont happen since Christmas has been campaigning for Tyler. Da’Vonne said they are working together in some capacity and he was up in her HoH room for the entire week. Da’Vonne told Nicole to try but be careful with her since she is messy. She mentioned that the guys may have got to David since he so badly wants to be a part of them. Da’Vonne said Kevin is terrified that this is a setup since if the three of them are the only votes for Ian, she and Kevin will be done if Tyler wins HoH. Nicole argued that her and Dani would be in trouble first.

5:19 PM: Christmas told Nicole that Ian is laying it on heavy. Christmas said Ian doesn’t get that she has Tyler and has protection from the guys. Christmas argued that four people will be coming after her if she keeps Ian but nobody will be if Tyler stays. Nicole asked if Christmas is going to tell Ian that she is voting him out. Christmas confirmed that she still plans to do that later even though he gave her a great pitch. Nicole said that Da’Vonne, David and Kevin are all voting Ian out as of now since there is not a fourth vote. Nicole talked about how she will need to explain to Ian that being his only vote will make her a target.

5:48 PM: Ian told Dani he is pretty sure that he is going tomorrow. He said that he is 85-90% sure that he will be leaving. He talked about David and Kevin being the ones spearheading the whole thing. Ian said he would prefer it if Cody, Dani, Nicole and Tyler were playing her the whole time, otherwise it feels like he is being ganged up on by inferior players.

5:56 PM: Ian told Dani and Nicole that the conversation with Christmas did not go well, so he is about 90% sure that his game is over. He said that he needs Christmas’ vote because it doesn’t seem like he has Da’Vonne, David or Kevin.

5:59 PM: Feeds went down for the halfway party.

8:22 PM: Feeds returned.

8:25 PM: Tyler asked David what he is thinking. He mentioned that Kevin is feeling good about him staying. David said he is scared of Tyler, and he then proceeded to talk about Tyler getting Bayleigh out even though he said that he wanted them to be cool. Tyler said he did not get Bayleigh out and he tried to leave. David pointed out that Tyler is still there. David also expressed concern that Tyler never initiates game talk with him. Tyler asked David multiple times if he will be voting to evict him. David said he needs more time to think things over.

8:39 PM: Da’Vonne and Dani agreed that they will have to take a hit this week and then picking things up from there next week. Da’Vonne asked Dani if she is going to use her power. Dani said she doesn’t think so. Dani explained that she is hated by half of the house right now and she needs to get herself out of the spotlight. When Dani asked Da’Vonne who she would nominate, Da’Vonne said that Kevin would have to be a pawn since he owes her. Dani didn’t buy it. As for the other nominee, Christmas, Memphis and Tyler were all discussed.

9:17 PM: Enzo reminded Tyler that he now knows where he stands with Dani and therefore with Nicole as well. Tyler agreed and said he has been playing nice with Dani. Tyler said he thinks that Da’Vonne needs to go since she knows too much. Enzo said that Cody plans to put her up. Tyler said he thinks that Da’Vonne, David and Kevin are possibly trying to make it seem like it will be an 8-0 vote so that it can be 4-4 if Nicole gives him a sympathy vote.

9:40 PM: Ian told Dani and Nicole the problem is that Da’Vonne and Kevin don’t think that he has Cody’s vote, which is a good thing since they don’t want to do what Cody wants, but he needs Cody and Nicole to keep him. Ian said that he is not going to roll over and die. Dani said he has a few options. Ian asked that they please not lose faith in him. He said he can see it in Nicole’s eyes. Dani said Nicole feels bad.

9:45 PM: Ian told Nicole that he will wish he was never on the show if he leaves tomorrow. Nicole said she doesn’t want Ian to leave and she has been sticking her neck out for him. Ian said that he will always hold Dani a little bit responsible for this.

10:10 PM: Nicole told Dani that Ian is going to scream about them as he leaves if she does not give him a pity vote. Dani didn’t think so. When Nicole continued to say that he would, Dani said this is outrageous and she is going got say something to Ian. Dani told Nicole that if they make sure nobody else is voting for Ian, Nicole can.

10:38 PM: Nicole told Ian she prays that he gets the votes but she asked what happens if everyone says that they are evicting him. She suggested that Tyler would come after her if she evicts him. Ian said he doesn’t even have Nicole’s vote then. She told him that’s not it. She said that her game will be tanked if Ian leaves. Ian said that he still wants Nicole’s vote. When Ian asked if Nicole thinks that he has any shot at staying, she said yes.

10:46 PM: Ian spoke to Dani about his plan for the votes. Dani assured Ian that they are fighting for him but said that he needs to take it easier on Nicole since she is doing all that she can and it’s not fair to ask her to hurt her game. Ian said he understands.

10:54 PM: Dani let Nicole know that she is losing patience with Ian. She filled Nicole in on her talk with him and warned her that Ian plans to pull people into the storage room prior to the vote. Nicole said she needs people to tell Ian that they are voting him out when he does that.

11:07 PM: Nicole told Da’Vonne that Ian wants her to vote for him. Da’Vonne said it’s not smart for her to do that. Da’Vonne suggested that Nicole let Tyler know beforehand if she plans to vote him out. Nicole asked Da’Vonne to let her know which way she is voting. Da’Vonne said that she will do so.

11:23 PM: Ian made his pitch to Enzo once again. He brought up that if he can get one vote, he thinks that he can get the rest that he needs. Enzo said he feels like people are playing Ian but he will talk to the houseguests again. Enzo didn’t commit to giving Ian a vote.

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