Big Brother 22 Day 44 - Ian is evicted; Memphis wins HoH

September 17, 2020

12:41 PM: Ian let Da’Vonne know that David agreed to keep him and shook on it last night. Da’Vonne asked if Ian is sure. He said yes. Da’Vonne told him that David just asked her which way they are voting. She suggested that David may have been lying, but Ian didn’t see why he would do that considering he would just be making a juror angry at him.

12:43 PM: Da’Vonne told Kevin that David shook Ian’s hand and said that he would vote for him. Kevin told Da’Vonne to ask David.

12:44 PM: Da’Vonne spoke to David. She asked if he shook Ian’s hand and said that he will vote to keep him. David said yeah. Da’Vonne asked if they are keeping Ian. David said he doesn’t think that Ian has the votes either way. Da’Vonne said that he would have the votes if the two of them, Kevin and Nicole all keep him, and Dani breaks the tie. David said that they should put it on Dani. Da’Vonne asked if David is sure since he cannot switch it up on them last minute. David again said to let it be on Dani.

12:47 PM: Da’Vonne told Nicole that David said he is voting to keep Ian. Da’Vonne said her mind is blown since it contradicts everything that he has been saying.

12:52 PM: Ian told Kevin he really wants to stay. He said that he needs Da’Vonne’s vote and Kevin’s vote in order to do so. Kevin said that he will need to talk to David. Ian swore that David shook on it that he would keep him. Kevin still wasn’t convinced that David would do it.

12:55 PM: Kevin asked David if Ian has his vote. David said yeah. He explained that it will be a tie vote and Dani is going to have to choose. David said that he wants Dani to show her cards. Kevin said he wants Dani to get the blood on her hands as well.

12:56 PM: Kevin told Ian that he needs to stop crying because David is going to back out if he shows his cards, but he did say that he is voting for him. Ian said he has a chance then.

12:58 PM: Kevin let Da’Vonne know that David shook his hand and swore on it that he will be keeping Ian. He added that David wants Dani to get the blood on her hands.

12:59 PM: Kevin told Dani that David shook on it that he is keeping Ian, and he wants Dani to have to make the decision. Dani said David wants her to look like a jerk but as long as everyone is in, that’s fine. Kevin said David wants her to get the blood on her hands. He asked if Dani will vote Tyler out. Dani said yeah.

1:04 PM: Dani told Nicole that this is going to end up being worse than before in terms of the votes. Nicole said she plans to say that she didn’t flip to make it 5-3. Nicole said David is going to know that she flipped. Dani said that nobody will believe him. Dani suggested putting it in Ian’s head that she has doubt in her mind because she doesn’t trust Da’Vonne, David and Kevin.

1:08 PM: Dani told Da’Vonne that Kevin said David wants her to get the blood on her hands. Da’Vonne said David shook her hand yet she still feels weird. Dani agreed. They discussed reconvening closer to the vote.

1:11 PM: Nicole told Dani it’s gutsy of her to pull back her vote. Dani told Nicole that she cannot vote for Ian. Nicole promised that she will not. She said that her cards will be shown after this. Nicole said she needs Tyler to say something to David to make it look like he was the one that flipped. Nicole brought up that she could say someone may have used a power to cancel her vote and double up someone else’s.

1:17 PM: Nicole told Ian she getting excited that Da’Vonne, David and Kevin may actually keep him but she doesn’t really trust them at all. Ian said he has nothing else at this point but he is not going to get his hopes up.

1:18 PM: Kevin confirmed with Ian that he is going to work with whoever keeps him. Kevin asked if it would be in a formal way. Ian said yes. He agreed that a deal could be made to work together until the final six. The two shook on it. Kevin told Ian that he still has to act like he is going home.

1:22 PM: Nicole told Christmas that she is going to vote Ian out since she is loyal to The Committee. She said she plans to deny that she flipped. Nicole talked about trying to figure out what she will say when she casts her vote. She mentioned saying it’s the toughest vote she has made in three seasons. Nicole explained that she does not want the audience to think that she is a monster.

1:37 PM: Dani told Tyler that if it is a vote of 5-3, Nicole is going to say that David flipped. Dani suggested that Tyler go up to David and thank him in front of people so that Da’Vonne and Kevin are mad at David. Tyler said that he will pull David aside at the last minute to make it seem like he got him to flip.

1:43 PM: Dani filled Cody in on the plan for the vote and on how Nicole is going to attempt to place the blame on David. Nicole came by and asked that Cody please try to win HoH since David is going to target her after he finds out that she flipped.

5:40 PM: By a vote of 5-3, Ian was evicted from the Big Brother house. Da’Vonne, David and Kevin voted to evict Tyler.

5:59 PM: The HoH competition got underway. The first houseguest to correctly assemble their puzzle and buzz in will become the new HoH.

9:14 PM: Feeds returned. Memphis is the new HoH. Christmas and Cody are the have-nots for the week. They were chosen by Da’Vonne and David respectively.

9:22 PM: Cody told Dani that all he wants is for Memphis not to target David this week. Cody argued that it would be a waste. Dani thinks that David and Kevin will be the two nominees. Cody said that he is not sending David home. Dani agreed that Kevin needs to go first out of those two. Cody didn’t understand why you wouldn’t nominate Da’Vonne next to Kevin. Dani said Cody is forgetting that David has been after Memphis.

9:35 PM: Christmas asked Memphis for his thoughts on Da’Vonne, David and Kevin. Memphis said he is least concerned about Da’Vonne out of those three. Christmas agreed that she is the least concerning competition wise but she stirs things up. Christmas said that Kevin is the biggest concern since he is good at competitions.

9:51 PM: Memphis let Nicole know that he plans to talk to people tomorrow as opposed to tonight.

9:57 PM: Dani and Kevin discussed that Memphis doesn’t want to talk to anyone tonight. Kevin figured that his mind is already made up anyway.

9:59 PM: Cody told Nicole that he does not want to send David home this week. He said that it would be a waste and that he would prefer to send Da’Vonne home. Nicole agreed that it doesn’t make sense to go after David when Da’Vonne are Kevin are paired up.

10:00 PM: Nicole told Tyler that he needs to be meaner about her when talking to Da’Vonne. She wanted to ensure that people she believe she didn’t flip her vote. Tyler said Da’Vonne is telling him that she kept him but he is hearing from others that she is mad at David.

10:03 PM: Nicole told Cody that David went up to Memphis to tell him that they should keep up their charade of not liking each other. Cody said it’s a good thing since he wants to keep David off of the block.

10:26 PM: David told Cody that whatever happens happens. Cody suggested that David try to play up that people will continue to think that he and Memphis are after each other in order to make him not target him. David said he would prefer to go on the block and have a chance to fight for the veto if he is someone that is being considered as a target this week.

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