Big Brother 22 Day 45 - Da'Vonne and Kevin are nominated for eviction

September 18, 2020

10:18 AM: David asked Da’Vonne if she wants to talk about yesterday. Da’Vonne said no.

10:18 AM: Kevin asked David if he and Da’Vonne have talked. David confirmed that they have not. He said they are getting out played. He mentioned that the others are having meetings in the middle of the night, and they plant seeds to get the three of them to argue, which works every time. David said that they are getting outplayed and manipulated. He talked about having tried to throw people off about them working together yet Da’Vonne keeps falling into the traps that are being set for them. David said he doesn’t mind going out on stage knowing that he stayed true to his colour. He talked about not wanting to be target by people who look like him and are calling him Uncle Tom. Kevin told David that people are going to ask questions and they have to stick to the narrative that they backed out of evicting Tyler, so the votes had to be from others. The two discussed that they are likely to be nominated next to each other.

10:23 AM: Christmas filled Memphis in on her power. She told him that she didn’t want him to have to worry about one of the powers this week. Memphis said that makes him feel better. He let Christmas know that The Committee is completely safe this week. Memphis spoke to Christmas about getting to the Final 2 together. He said he doesn’t necessarily think that he has a chance against her but he doesn’t want to go up against a single mom like Da’Vonne either. Christmas said it’s All Stars and she does not want to drag somebody to the end who has not won a competition. She said she wants to be sitting there with someone where it could be anybody’s game. As for this week, Christmas said Da’Vonne and Kevin are the closest so she believes that one of them needs to go this week. Memphis said he has a plan in mind and would like for everyone to back him up when he tells them who he would like to see evicted this week.

10:31 AM: Kevin told Da’Vonne that David is either genuinely mad and hurt or he is a liar. Kevin talked about David saying he is hurt that he is trying to make this work since week two yet Da’Vonne believes Nicole over him. Da’Vonne said that David is a liar. Kevin said he can sense that David is lying since he dodges things. Kevin told Da’Vonne that David said he has to deal with the narrative that he is an Uncle Tom. Da’Vonne said it’s because he is one.

10:45 AM: Memphis told Cody that he has a plan but he is going to try to keep all of the information to himself because he feels like people are talking too much. Memphis assured Cody that The Committee is safe. Memphis brought up that the goal is for he and Cody to get to the Final 2. He talked about bringing Enzo in to solidify a Final 3 deal today.

10:52 AM: Cody, Enzo and Memphis met up in the HoH room. Memphis told them that this is the Final 3. He named the alliance “The Wise Guys”.

10:54 AM: Once Memphis was alone with Enzo, he let him know that the two of them are the actual Wise Guys. He said that Christmas is going to be the other one, as Memphis had previously talked to Enzo about creating two Final 3 deals with the same name.

10:56 AM: Memphis told Christmas and Enzo that they are the Final 3 and the alliance will be called “The Wise Guys”. When Christmas pointed out that she is not a guy, Memphis said it’s just a term that is used and she is street smart.

10:57 AM: Memphis told Enzo that this is the only way for them to get to the end, since they will have two soldiers, Christmas and Cody, working for them. As for this week, Memphis said that he has a plan and he wants everyone to evict the person that he says. Memphis assured Enzo that he is good.

11:23 AM: Memphis let Dani know that he has a plan but he will not be sharing it with anyone. Dani asked if it’s a backdoor plan. Memphis said it’s just a plan. He reassured her that The Committee is safe and that there is nothing to be alarmed about. Dani said she supports Memphis but the thing to think about is leaving the person off of the block who is least likely to win the veto. Memphis said that the goal is to get rid of one of Da’Vonne, David or Kevin. They then discussed the plan for further down the line. Both agreed that Tyler is a threat who they would not want to be competing against in the end game.

11:35 AM: Memphis told Nicole that he will be keeping his plan to himself but everyone in The Committee is safe. Memphis said he would like that people vote a certain way, and it wont be to evict a Committee member, so it shouldn’t be an issue. Nicole agreed. Nicole said that although she hasn’t won a competition, she voted Ian out which showed her loyalty to the alliance.

11:40 AM: Memphis told Kevin that he is mulling over six potential nominees. He clarified that it doesn’t mean he has anything with the remaining people.

11:43 AM: Nicole told Dani that she wants Kevin out this week. Dani said that she does too if it’s David nominated next to Kevin. Dani said that she will not vote Da’Vonne out because that would be stupid. When Nicole said that she doesn’t want to vote David out, Dani asked if she would evict Da’Vonne over David. Nicole said probably not. Dani said that it would be stupid to do so.

11:50 AM: Memphis let Da’Vonne know that he has six people in mind. Da’Vonne told Memphis that she has been consistent in trying to work with him since early on in the game. She reassured him that she is not coming after him. She also let Memphis know that her using the veto was a one time thing, so he does not have to worry about her changing his nominations if she wins it again and she is not on the block. Memphis said he sees Da’Vonne as part of the plan to get through the next couple of weeks. He talked about not liking to look ahead any further than that. He suggested that they talk more about it later on.

11:55 AM: Memphis told Tyler that this will be a pretty straightforward week. He said that his plan has some moving parts involved but The Committee is not involved with that, and he is going to keep the plan to himself. Tyler talked about there seeming to be a rift between David and Da’Vonne and Kevin now that they believe David voted to keep him.

12:02 PM: Memphis told David that if they shake hands and he promises not to use the veto, he will keep him off of the block this week. Memphis made it clear that David cannot tell anyone about it since nobody else know. Memphis said that if he hears something, David will then become public enemy number one. Memphis mentioned that their rapport has gotten better and it would be good to do what David said in terms of not going after each other even though people expect them to. David agreed to the plan for the week and they shook on it.

12:26 PM: Kevin and Tyler discussed the votes. Kevin said that he and Da’Vonne pulled out of what they thought was a setup, and they voted to keep him. Kevin said that there would be two fishy votes. Tyler said there is no way that it is David. Tyler said he is so annoyed about Nicole moping around since he is still there. Looking ahead, Kevin assured Tyler that he would not nominate nor backdoor him if he were to win HoH.

2:03 PM: Nicole told Tyler that her intention was never to cause Da’Vonne and David to have a fight about personal stuff, as has happened as a result of the 5-3 vote. Tyler said that Da’Vonne and Kevin believe Nicole voted to evict him. Nicole said that Da’Vonne questioned her about it yesterday, saying that she needs her to promise that she voted to evict Tyler before she goes in on David about it. Nicole said that she had to promise Da’Vonne. This week, Nicole said that she is voting Kevin out if he is on the block even though Memphis wants them to vote a certain way. Tyler said that they ultimately get the say and he doesn’t think that Memphis will mind.

2:14 PM: Da’Vonne told Dani that David keeps trying to talk to her about what happened yesterday but there is nothing that he can say to her. Da’Vonne said she let Kevin know that she will be really upset if he is the one that backed out last minute, because she is talking sh*t about David. She said Kevin swore to God that it wasn’t him. Da’Vonne brought up Nicole saying that it wasn’t her either. Da’Vonne said she thinks that Nicole would have kept Ian even if she was the only one to do so, so there would be no reason for her to have flipped.

4:03 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

4:57 PM: Feeds returned. Memphis nominated Da’Vonne and Kevin for eviction.

5:01 PM: Memphis told Kevin that Da’Vonne using the veto on him was an easy excuse for him to make these nominations.

5:05 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne he feels bad, though he thinks that the reasoning was a cop out. They agreed that what happened yesterday didn’t help either.

5:11 PM: Nicole told Da’Vonne and Kevin she is surprised that David wasn’t nominated. Da’Vonne said same but not really if they are all working together. Da’Vonne said that would explain why David set them up yesterday.

5:15 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne he thinks that the sequence was initiated when Bayleigh and Da’Vonne went on the block next to each other. They discussed that the sequence was disrupted when Da’Vonne used the veto. Kevin said the big alliance has been confirmed after this. Da’Vonne told Kevin that she cannot pick David if he gets houseguest’s choice. Da’Vonne said that she will choose Nicole and Kevin should choose Dani. Kevin said he was thinking of picking Enzo, which Da’Vonne thought was good. Da’Vonne brought up that Memphis said he would keep her over Bayleigh if she protected him with David, yet David is not on the block. Da’Vonne said that means they are aligned or Memphis plans to backdoor David. Kevin said he is damn near convinced that there is a big alliance that includes Dani and Nicole at this point. Da’Vonne thought that they may have been involved initially but were dropped to plus ones last week.

7:53 PM: David spoke to the cameras about how “he wont play with minorities”. David said he voted the way they planned, he did the game plan and yet Da’Vonne referenced him being Uncle Tom when he went along with her plan.

8:02 PM: David told Da’Vonne and Kevin that Cody follows him around whenever he is alone. David suggested that they are up to something.

8:35 PM: Da’Vonne spoke to Kevin about how she should have trusted her gut telling her not to believe David when he shook her hand and said that he wont change his vote. Kevin said that they both should have listened to their guts. Kevin said that Dani was even saying don’t do it, which makes him think. Kevin threw it out there that Dani may have told Nicole to vote the other way so that she didn’t have to get the blood on her hands by breaking a tie. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t think so because of the way that Nicole looked at her. Kevin pointed out that David will not straight up say that he voted to keep Ian, instead opting to say that he stuck to his word.

8:51 PM: Dani came by and asked if this is confirmation that David is with them or if she is missing something. Da’Vonne said it is unless he gets backdoored, which she highly doubts. D’Alene and Kevin explained their theory that Cody, Enzo and Tyler are together, and David and Memphis are plus ones for that group. Da’Vonne said that David is on a 7 or 14 day trial. Dani brought up that there may have been a power used to flip a vote. She told Da’Vonne and Kevin that Nicole talked to her about that possibility.

10:10 PM: David told Kevin he is frustrated because he could have went against his word but he chose not to and stuck to it because there is a greater goal. He mentioned that Da’Vonne wont believe him because of what people warned her about him. Kevin later asked if David would use the veto if he were to win it. David paused but the noted that someone else would have to go up if he did that. David said that it would give them another week. He said he expects that Da’Vonne and Kevin would choose him to play since he is the most likely to use the veto.

10:47 PM: Da’Vonne heard David out. He told her that he knows she will not believe him about the vote but she will see when the season is over. David apologized for flipping back and forth in the days leading up to the vote but he said he decided to go against Tyler when Kevin told him about how Tyler plays, and when he thought about how Bayleigh was sent out of the house. David told Da’Vonne that he voted the way that they agreed. Da’Vonne told him that she wanted to hear the full sentence. David said “I voted Tyler out of the Big Brother house”. Da’Vonne told David that she is on the block because of the vote, which she believes was him. She let David know she hopes that she is wrong because David sabotaged both of their games if not. Da’Vonne said she has worked to keep David safe since Day 1. David reminded Da’Vonne that if she is right, it means the words that triggered him will be coming at him tenfold compared to last season.

11:15 PM: Da’Vonne spoke to the cameras. She said she knows that she came off bitchy with David but she will apologize to him later. Da’Vonne explained that she needed him to feel bad so that if he sabotaged her game he can go fix it. Da’Vonne said she thinks that David did it but she felt bad for him and wanted to give him a hug.

11:21 PM: Da’Vonne told Kevin that David did it. She said that when David said “I vote to evict Tyler”, his eyes started watering and he was shaking and breathing fast. Da’Vonne called David a lying little fool.

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