Big Brother 22 Day 46 - Tyler wins the Power of Veto

September 19, 2020

8:00 AM: Feeds went down to pick players for the veto competition.

8:43 AM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Memphis, Da’Vonne, Kevin, Dani, Nicole and Tyler.

8:45 AM: Nicole let Da’Vonne know that she is going to use the veto on her. She said she thinks Memphis expect them to be scared to use the veto.

8:47 AM: Dani told Da’Vonne that she will either throw the veto or she will win it and take one of them off of the block.

8:49 AM: Memphis told Tyler that David would have fought so hard to stay if he was on the block. Tyler didn’t understand why David wasn’t picked to compete. Memphis said that Da’Vonne and Kevin sealed his fate. Tyler pointed out that there is a rift between those two and them, meaning that he is on an island. Memphis said that David has got to go. Memphis said that he will tell Da’Vonne and Kevin his plan later, and he will get the chance to take David out himself if he wins the veto. Tyler said that he is down to get David out but he sees that it will be a duo vs two singles if David leaves. Memphis said he doesn’t see an angle where he can use David in the game. Memphis told Tyler that Christmas talks too much, and that’s who he was referring to yesterday when he said that people talk. Memphis told Tyler that he wants the veto to be used, so it would likely be best for Dani, Nicole and Tyler to throw it.

8:49 AM: Christmas wondered why Da’Vonne picked Nicole to play. Nicole said Da’Vonne thinks that she sucks at comps. Christmas asked if Da’Vonne talked to her about throwing it. Nicole said she didn’t talk to her at all. They discussed that Da’Vonne had nobody else to pick.

9:28 AM: Kevin told Da’Vonne he thinks Memphis told people to say that they would use the veto on them, but they were actually instructed to throw the veto. Da’Vonne said that either way they have to win it. Kevin asked why Memphis would tell them that he has a plan to talk to the players after they are picked. Da’Vonne said she thinks that Memphis wants someone to come down. Kevin said Memphis is not letting them know the true plan because he does not want it getting back to David.

10:13 AM: Memphis spoke to Da’Vonne and Kevin. He told them that everything worked out exactly as he planned. He said neither of them are going home. Memphis explained that he didn’t want to tell them yet cause there was a 50/50 shot that David would get picked to play. Memphis said that everyone else is going to throw the veto competition. He apologized for putting them on the block but said he couldn’t let David get wind of the plan. Memphis asked that they keeps this between them.

10:43 AM: Memphis told Nicole he thinks that she should throw the veto unless she wants the blood of David on her hands. Nicole said she may fight for it cause she wants to win something. Memphis said he is fine with that if she uses it, otherwise he is fine with getting the blood on his hands.

12:58 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

4:27 PM: Feeds returned. Tyler won the Power of Veto.

4:29 PM: Memphis spoke to Tyler who wasn’t committing to using the veto. Memphis said that if they don’t get rid of David, he should have just put him not he block since the point was to get rid of him. Memphis said it makes him question why they want to keep David around. Tyler asked if they can talk to The Committee since David is sitting on an island. Memphis talked about being concerned that Dani almost beat him in the veto competition even though she was told to throw it. Tyler also questioned why Dani and Nicole were even picked to play. Tyler suggested that they talk to Cody to get his thoughts on David leaving. They also mentioned talking to Christmas. Memphis said that she is pumping Da’Vonne down his throat, and she is being obvious about it. In the event that the veto is not used, Memphis asked what would happen. Tyler said that Christmas, Cody, Enzo and himself can vote to evict Da’Vonne. Memphis said it’s definitely Da’Vonne who goes if the nominations don’t change.

4:56 PM: Cody told Memphis that there is something weird going on between Dani, Nicole and Da’Vonne. They discussed that the girls were upset about Tyler winning. Memphis admitted that his plan was to get rid of David but he asked if they have the votes to evict Da’Vonne. Cody said that they do 100%.

5:01 PM: Christmas told Memphis that Nicole has said that she would not be able to nominate Da’Vonne. Memphis said they can talk to Tyler to tell him not to use the veto. Memphis let Christmas know that he had planned to backdoor David. Christmas said that Dani and Nicole cannot know that. Memphis said he told them because he tried to get them to throw the veto competition. Christmas said they didn’t do it. Memphis took that to mean that they want Kevin gone that badly, but Christmas said it could be that they want Da’Vonne to stay.

5:11 PM: Memphis told Christmas, Cody and Tyler that they should grab Dani and Nicole to discuss the vote. Memphis said that Da’Vonne should probably be the one to go out of her and Kevin. Christmas brought up that Da’Vonne is good with Dani and Nicole, plus she is okay with David, so she could have the numbers in another week or two.

5:26 PM: Christmas told Memphis she is 95% certain that the girls have a thing and it’s in their best interest to keep Da’Vonne. Christmas told Memphis that the decision is up to him. Memphis argued that it’s obviously not since he wanted everyone to throw the veto. Christmas pointed out that the girls will wonder why Memphis isn’t upset at Tyler. Memphis said he is and that he already yelled at him. He questioned what Tyler’s angle is since he is claiming that he doesn’t care who goes home. Christmas said the competitor in them doesn’t allow them to throw competitions.

5:32 PM: Memphis told Da’Vonne that the plan did not work. Da’Vonne asked if Tyler is saying that he is not going to use the veto. Memphis said he isn’t sure yet, and he is just as annoyed at Dani as well. Memphis told Da’Vonne that he does not want to lose her for his own game.

5:43 PM: Da’Vonne made a pitch to Tyler, telling him that she approached him on Day 1 to work together, she used the veto last week to help him stay, she voted to keep him, and she convinced Kevin to do the same. Da’Vonne added that Tyler tried to sabotage her game yet she did not retaliate and has not talked badly about him. Da’Vonne said she knows how much Tyler adores the guy that Memphis wants to target but he tried to get Tyler evicted on Thursday.

5:48 PM: Memphis asked Dani where the votes would fall. Dani said they have the votes to take out whoever they want. Memphis asked who that would be. Dani suggested evicting Kevin over Da’Vonne but said that they can get Tyler to use the veto. Memphis said he isn’t sure about that.

5:50 PM: Cody let Nicole know about the Final 3 deal that was made between Enzo, Memphis and himself. Nicole asked if Cody thinks that Dani will tell Enzo about The Committee to make him mad at Cody. Cody then asked if he should tell Enzo. Nicole said that he should at some point, and he should tell Enzo to trust her. The two then discussed that they would be willing to vote Dani out if she were to end up on the block.

6:01 PM: Memphis told Enzo that he is racking his brain on this Dani thing. The guys discussed that Da’Vonne, Dani and Nicole must have something. Memphis said that they need to vote Da’Vonne out if nominations stay the same. Enzo said that they have the votes to evict her.

6:07 PM: Memphis let Tyler know about the deal that he made with David. He said that he is not worried about David for that reason. They discussed that Dani is obvious in terms of wanting Da’Vonne to stay. Tyler suggested that the girls are trying to keep Da’Vonne around to be a warrior against them. Memphis talked about going to Kevin to let him know that they are vouching for him to stay.

8:51 PM: Nicole told Dani it seemed like Da’Vonne was fishing for info from her, so she wanted to know if Dani told Da’Vonne about the plan. Dani said she didn’t say anything to anyone but Cody. Nicole said that Da’Vonne shouldn’t know then, making her good mood bizarre to her. Dani said she thinks that Memphis is mad at all of them. She guessed it was because he wanted them to super throw the veto. Dani said she promised him that she did not try her hardest but she didn’t want to make it obvious that she threw it. Nicole said Dani was really fast since she tried her hardest and got this time.

8:55 PM: Tyler let Enzo know that Dani and Nicole are still trying to keep Da’Vonne. Enzo said he wants Da’Vonne out. They discussed that the two of them, Christmas and Cody have the votes to evict her.

10:33 PM: Nicole told Dani that Da’Vonne thinks Tyler is responsible for this due to the vote last week. Dani said Da’Vonne told her she thinks that Tyler will choose not to use the veto because he wants her gone. Dani said she plans to work hard on Tyler to try to get him to use the veto so that they can backdoor David. Dani pointed out that she and Nicole are safe with Da’Vonne and Kevin for at least a week or two. She said that they can get Kevin out next. She figures that Kevin would nominate Cody and Tyler, and then they could vote Tyler out. Dani added that David doesn’t trust either of them or Memphis, so there is no reason to keep him there. Dani expects that Cody will try to convince Tyler not to use the veto. Nicole asked Dani what she is going to do if she doesn’t use the veto. Dani said that she will vote to evict Kevin. If people don’t want that, Dani said that they will persuade them.

10:45 PM: Memphis told Nicole that he is frustrated. He said that everyone always looks out for themselves but he feels like he has been one of the biggest team players yet people did not do the one thing that he asked for. Memphis said the outcome that he was shooting for was good for The Committee yet there is no trust there. Nicole said she tried in the veto comp but she didn’t try that hard, cause she didn’t want to make it look like she threw it. Memphis said that he easily could have put David on the block, so he kind of took this as a slap in the face. Nicole said she was shocked by Tyler’s time. Memphis expressed that he was not happy about Dani’s time either. Nicole said that she is down to do whatever Memphis wants this week.

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