Big Brother 22 Day 47

September 20, 2020

11:17 AM: Kevin told David that he wont be mad if he decided to flip his vote in order to reposition himself. Kevin said it would be more annoying to get to jury and then find out the real story. Kevin began to say that he wouldn’t even be mad if Nicole had done it. David said he wouldn’t be surprised if it was her, since he definitely doesn’t think that it was Da’Vonne after his conversation with her. David also told Kevin that he wouldn’t be mad if it was a strategic move on his part to create a divide between him and Da’Vonne in order to bring Da’Vonne closer. David brought up that he was once beating Nicole in backgammon and then she gave him a tip that almost caused him to lose the game. He said it made him think about Nicole continually saying that “Ian is my best friend”. David concluded that Nicole had to have voted Ian out.

12:01 PM: Memphis told Christmas that he gave Da’Vonne a bit of information last night about there being something going on between Nicole and Tyler, and then two hours later Nicole came up to him saying she heard that her name has come out of someone’s mouth as a target. Memphis clarified that he is not targeting Nicole since there are still four people who have to go before he even thinks about her. Memphis thinks that Dani and Nicole are setting themselves up to be disloyal to The Committee. Christmas said they are looking to have someone take the shots that they can’t take. Memphis said thatchy need to nip it in the bud by evicting Da’Vonne. He also talked about needing to get The Committee on board with going after David and Kevin in the event of a double eviction.

2:38 PM: Christmas suggested to Tyler that they could get someone to let Da’Vonne know right before she leaves that Nicole was the flip vote. Tyler said that they could let her know in their goodbye messages. Christmas added that it will have more validity if they both do it.

2:48 PM: Christmas told Dani she doesn’t think that Tyler is going to use the veto unless Memphis tells him to. In the event that things stay the same, Dani said that Kevin is the obvious choice to go. She argued that he is better at competitions and that Da’Vonne is not coming after them. Christmas said she has similar thoughts but Da’Vonne has not been engaging with her at all. She said she would like to make sure that they are still good. Christmas brought up that Da’Vonne should sweeten the deal with Memphis in order to help her cause. Dani told Christmas she knows that David is closer to Kevin than he is to Da’Vonne.

3:30 PM: Christmas informed Memphis that Nicole started pitching for Kevin to go out of the blue this morning, and then Dani did the same thing. Memphis said that this situation has shined a lot of light on things.

3:33 PM: Kevin told Da’Vonne he doesn’t think that the veto is going to be used, since someone would be talking to one of them if it were being used. Da’Vonne said she is waiting for Dani and Nicole to say something to her but she figures that they don’t know what’s going on since the guys are the one making the move. Da’Vonne thinks the guys assume that Dani and Nicole have made an alliance with her and Kevin.

3:38 PM: Tyler told Dani that when Memphis brought up backdooring David, he questioned why they aren’t splitting Da’Vonne and Kevin up. Dani brought up that David is closer to Kevin than he is to Da’Vonne. Tyler said Da’Vonne lies to him so he wants her out but he will do what the group wants. Dani said that she would prefer to see Kevin go since he is coming in second in every competition and he is coming after them. Tyler suggested that they come together as an alliance to make the decision. Dani asked Tyler if he thinks that he would be able to cut a deal with Da’Vonne. Tyler figured that he would be able to if he were to use the veto on her. He said that if he did happen to use the veto, it would be on Da’Vonne.

4:02 PM: Da’Vonne and Kevin discussed creating a story to feed to Memphis. The focus was on making it seem as though David spilled to them about a plan that he was let in on, starting with last week’s vote. As for this week, they discussed saying David told them that the plan was for Memphis to get them on the block to take one of them out. Kevin said that it will start a war with everybody since Memphis and Tyler will be dragged into it. Da’Vonne said it’s perfect since people will start telling on themselves. Kevin argued that the weakness in the plan is that he is the one delivering the information. Kevin told Da’Vonne that people would see through it since he did something similar on his season. Da’Vonne countered that by saying that Kevin is the right person to do it since David would confide in him before he would confide in her.

4:38 PM: Tyler told Memphis that he was talking to Dani. They discussed that she is being so obvious about wanting to keep Da’Vonne. Memphis didn’t understand why she is being so stupid when she is a good player. Memphis told Tyler he can let The Committee know that he is not planing on using the veto since there are already two people outside of the alliance on the block, and then he can tell him to pick which of the two will go. Memphis planned to then say Da’Vonne.

4:41 PM: Christmas checked in with Da’Vonne. She explained that she is sensing Da’Vonne is being distant with her. She asked if it’s legit or if Da’Vonne is just trying to keep up appearances. Da’Vonne said she doesn’t feel that way. She added that this house can making you paranoid at times. Christmas talked about Da’Vonne putting her on slop. Da’Vonne said it’s not like she put her on the block. Christmas let it be known that she didn’t like that Da’Vonne said it was due to her putting her on the block.

4:53 PM: Christmas told Nicole that she has tried to mend things with Da’Vonne multiple times now. She claimed that she would not have nominated Da’Vonne and would not have put her on slop if she had the chance to do so. Nicole told Christmas that she tried and that’s all that she can do.

4:57 PM: Da’Vonne asked David how he managed to escape the block this week. David said that he got lucky. David admitted to being surprised that he wasn’t picked to play in the veto competition. David said she knew that Nicole would save her. David asked if Da’Vonne didn’t think that he would have done the same. Da’Vonne said no. When last week’s vote was discussed, David explained that Nicole seemed closer to Cody than to Ian. Da’Vonne disagreed.

5:44 PM: David let Da’Vonne know that he wants her to stay this week. He said that he would never vote to evict an African American female, so she has his vote without a doubt. Da’Vonne asked if David was aware of who was going on the block this week. David said no. She also asked if he was aware of a plan to get her and Kevin in trouble last week. David again said no.

6:14 PM: Nicole told Cody she thinks that Tyler wants Da’Vonne to go. Cody said that he 100% does.

7:17 PM: Memphis let Kevin know he doesn’t think that Tyler is going to use the veto. He explained that Tyler sees Da’Vonne as a threat. Memphis said that it seems to be the house consensus, and he will let people know that he is leaning towards getting Da’Vonne out if they ask him. Memphis clarified that this was not the original plan but Tyler is not wanting to use the veto.

7:24 PM: Da’Vonne filled Kevin in on her talk with David. Da’Vonne said she assumes that David is telling Kevin that he wants to keep him just like he is saying that to her. Kevin said no, and that’s why he feels like she is staying. Da’Vonne told Kevin that she is down to try to pull off the plan that they had discussed earlier in the day. Kevin said that it will lead to a fight so he needs to think about it some more. He suggested that it will not work and that it will cause him to lose David’s vote. Kevin said he doesn’t think that the plan would result in Tyler using the veto. Da’Vonne said she is on board with whatever Kevin wants to do.

8:09 PM: Nicole told Christmas that Memphis allegedly told Da’Vonne that he was saying to throw the veto comp. Nicole said she heard it from Dani so she doesn’t know if Dani told Da’Vonne the plan and is now trying to cover for herself, or if it’s the truth. Both agreed that it wouldn’t make sense for Memphis to have said that.

8:14 PM: Da’Vonne let Nicole know that she is struggling with Christmas. She said she is tired of having to reassure her. Nicole explained that Christmas needs constant reassurance from her as well and she is not going to be coming after Da’Vonne. Da’Vonne brought up Memphis telling her and Kevin that everyone was told to throw the veto competition. She said he then told her that the plan didn’t work since nobody threw it. Da’Vonne thinks that Memphis does want to backdoor David but that Tyler went against it due to the vote last week.

8:47 PM: Nicole asked Enzo if he cares what happens this week. Enzo said that he doesn’t care. Nicole talked about letting Cody decide. She said that Cody and Dani seem to be on different pages this week since Cody wants Da’Vonne to go.

8:50 PM: Enzo told Cody that Christmas is crazy. They discussed that she does not trust Dani at all. Cody briefly talked about letting Dani know that, but Enzo figured that it would get right back to Christmas if so. Cody let Enzo know that Dani was talking to him about keeping Da’Vonne. Both agreed that Da’Vonne has got to go.

9:01 PM: Da’Vonne told Dani she feels like she needs to go harder on Memphis. Dani wasn’t sure if he would have enough pull. She pointed out that people didn’t care that she was HoH last week. Da’Vonne said she could tell Tyler that David has said that he wont stop until he gets Tyler out for what he did to Bayleigh. Dani said she likes where Da’Vonne is going with that since Tyler is very worried about how he looks with the Bayleigh situation. Da’Vonne said she could get really dirty and nasty, saying David is telling everyone that Tyler is responsible for Bayleigh’s anxiety, which is true. Dani said that they would have to put that nicely if she were to say that.

9:22 PM: Da’Vonne asked Kevin what he thinks is missing in regards to the plan. Kevin said the Memphis angle makes sense in terms of telling him that David said the plan the whole time was to target him or Da’Vonne, not David. Da’Vonne felt that that was perfect, but Kevin said it’s about figure out what’s missing. Da’Vonne said to make sure Memphis knows Kevin feels a certain kind of way since Memphis told him that he wouldn’t put him up, and Da’Vonne trusted him as well. Kevin said that a fight will happen, the tea will be spilled, and then Tyler won’t use the veto anyway. Kevin worried that it could blow up in his face. He said there is a 98% chance that Tyler wont use the veto, and he is throwing away David’s vote for a 2% chance that this works. Da’Vonne said that David isn’t voting for Kevin anyway, so what does it matter. Kevin said that David is controlled by others so he needs to see where Tyler’s head is at. Kevin told Da’Vonne that he is trying to figure out a way to do this plan without blowing up either of their games. When Kevin again brought up losing David’s vote, he said that David is a slave to his masters but this would give him reason to disobey and vote him out. Da’Vonne told Kevin not to say that cause that is not nice. Da’Vonne added that David is going to save face by keeping her after betraying her, even if he is the only vote for her. Kevin suggested getting the message delivered from Dani or Nicole. Da’Vonne explained that Tyler doesn’t trust Dani and Nicole would not do it since she does not have that relationship with Tyler.

9:58 PM: Feeds went down.

12:10 AM: Feeds returned.

12:10 AM: Memphis told Christmas he let Da’Vonne know that he made a deal with the people playing in the veto comp to have them throw it. Christmas asked if that was after the veto. Memphis said that it was before. Christmas said that’s why Da’Vonne didn’t care that she didn’t win. Memphis said the fact that Tyler won threw everything for a loop, as did the fact that Dani came close, so what he said to Da’Vonne was out the window at that point. Christmas asked if Memphis told Da’Vonne that he was going to backdoor David. Memphis said yeah. Christmas said that it will get back to David, but Memphis said that it hasn’t yet. Memphis told Christmas that he isn’t worried about it at all. Christmas figured that Da’Vonne will blame Dani when she goes. Memphis said she knows that she is going home.

12:25 AM: Da’Vonne told Dani that if she goes, Dani and Kevin are likely the next two targets. Da’Vonne told Dani that if it is her time to go, don’t vote against the house. She explained that she doesn’t want people to have any more reason to go against her. Dani said that she is not giving up since there is always at least a slight chance in this game. Dani told Da’Vonne that if the veto isn’t used, they have to figure out a way to convince them that Kevin is the bigger threat.

12:34 AM: Dani told Nicole that Cody and Tyler want Da’Vonne gone. Nicole said that they could probably convince them not to. Dani wasn’t so sure.

12:35 AM: Da’Vonne let Dani know that she isn’t going to bother talking to Tyler, because the guys knew that she was waiting to yet they are cracking jokes and trying to make sure that she cannot get him alone. Dani and Nicole encouraged Da’Vonne to talk to Tyler. Dani said that when it comes to Tyler, you have to pull on his heart strings. Da’Vonne said she is a little annoyed because Enzo initiated the joke about Tyler being afraid to come into the bathroom to brush his teeth since she was sitting there.

12:45 AM: Tyler told Cody and Enzo that Dani wants Da’Vonne to stay so badly. Cody said there is no shot that he is keeping Da’Vonne. He talked about Dani pushing hard for her to stay. Tyler said that Memphis now wants Da’Vonne to go too.

12:54 AM: Dani told Nicole that she is so over Memphis right now. She brought up him implying that he and Tyler are the best players and that they are going to have to go against each other at some point. Dani said that the boys club also bugs her even though she doesn’t feel like they are so on the outs. Nicole agreed. Dani said she is frustrated because she does not agree with Cody that Da’Vonne needs to go. She said it doesn’t make sense since Kevin is actively coming after them while Da’Vonne is not, but she doesn’t know if it’s worth sticking their necks out for it. Dani said she thinks that they need to go through Christmas. Nicole asked who the votes would be. Dani said her, Nicole, Christmas and David, but Christmas wont want to go against the others. Dani told Nicole that Memphis is bringing up how The Committee has to be Final 6 even though he previously talked about getting Tyler out at eight. Dani said she doesn’t want The Committee to make it to six. She said that she does not want to go against Enzo, and she wants Christmas, Tyler and Memphis gone.

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