Big Brother 22 Day 49

September 22, 2020

10:27 AM: Kevin told Memphis that he hasn’t been campaigning a lot because he is trying to spend his last bit of time with Da’Vonne. Memphis encouraged Kevin to talk to everyone. He said he thinks that they will give him straight answers.

11:24 AM: Dani let Da’Vonne know that Kevin plans to campaign today and then again tomorrow evening to spread it out. Da’Vonne said that she is going to talk to Denzel (David) and ’Tis the Season (Christmas). Dani asked if she is not going to talk to Memphis Claus. Da’Vonne asked what that’s going to do. Dani said that he has sway over his wife (Christmas). Da’Vonne said she will talk to Memphis and the other two. Dani said she will let Da’Vonne know if she finds out what’s up this week. Dani told Da’Vonne that it’s always worth fighting but sometimes it seems like it’s for nothing this season.

11:45 AM: Feeds went down.

3:45 PM: Feeds returned.

3:52 PM: Da’Vonne told Dani she definitely thinks that Christmas is playing the rat role, running back and forth. Da’Vonne said that she will either make it far or get caught in her own trap. Da’Vonne wondered if the deep deep information that Bayleigh shared with Christmas was then shared with others. Dani said that she wouldn’t put anything past her.

4:26 PM: Da’Vonne told Christmas that she tried to reassure her that they are good after she made her a have-not, but she wanted to know where she stands. Da’Vonne explained that she would like to know if this is her week because she wants to be able to prepare her house and because she wants to be able to wear a cute dress when heading out there to Julie. Da’Vonne said she would still act as if she didn’t know anything even if Christmas told her. Da’Vonne pointed out that honesty goes a long way if she is heading to the jury house. Christmas said she has heard that there was a conversation about Kevin staying, and it was pushed that way because of Da’Vonne’s speech.

4:29 PM: Enzo asked Kevin if he has talked to Christmas. Kevin said not yet but Memphis said that he has her vote. Kevin talked about being unsure of whether or not there is a girls alliance. Enzo said that Da’Vonne would have three votes there if so. Kevin said that she will get David’s vote as well. Kevin told Enzo that he needs help because he has no influence. Enzo let Kevin know that he likes having him in the house and that he would like for him to win HoH because he knows that Kevin would have the balls to make a move.

6:09 PM: Cody told Enzo that Christmas and Dani are always running around talking. Enzo said that he likes Nicole the most out of the girls. Cody agreed. Cody mentioned that he was talking to Christmas last night and she said Dani was trying to figure out who her targets would be three weeks from now. Cody said he told Christmas to be careful since it’s almost like Dani is trying to pull information from her to use it against her. As for this week, Enzo said that Da’Vonne going is best for their games. Cody said that she has too many people protecting her so he is going to take the shot while they have her on the block.

6:17 PM: Da’Vonne told Kevin she got confirmation from someone she trusts that she is leaving this week. Kevin said that makes no sense since nobody knows. Da’Vonne said it’s done. Kevin pressed Da’Vonne for information on who told her that. Da’Vonne refused to tell. Da’Vonne said it was confirmed to her that it had nothing to do with her speech. Da’Vonne told Kevin that he has to campaign as if he doesn’t know, since she promised not to tell anyone.

7:15 PM: Tyler told Christmas that people must have heard their names mentioned by the yeller. He brought up Kevin telling Dani that he heard his name during her HoH week. Tyler said Dani is now telling Cody that he and Christmas are super tight.

7:29 PM: When Kevin spoke to Nicole, she let him know that the guys seem to really want Da’Vonne out. Nicole explained that they haven’t said that but the fact that Da’Vonne thinks it makes her think it. Kevin said that’s the only place that he has heard it as well.

7:55 PM: Kevin asked Cody if he thinks that he has a shot at staying. Cody nodded. Kevin then asked if Cody would support him. Cody once again nodded. Kevin said that he would do the same for Cody. Cody told Kevin that he has him.

8:46 PM: Nicole asked Christmas is everyone is still thinking of voting Da’Vonne out. Christmas said nobody has talked today. Nicole said that she is good with whatever and she just wants to be on the same page as everyone. Christmas agreed.

9:19 PM: Da’Vonne told Dani that she spoke to Christmas and was told that she is leaving this week. Dani asked if Christmas was nice. Da’Vonne said she was scary nice and even said she wants to be educated about the Black Lives Matter movement. Da’Vonne said she went to Tyler to ask why she is on the block but Tyler played it off as though he is not working with anyone and nobody tells him anything. Da’Vonne didn’t buy it and said that she will have to see if David will tell her since she thinks that he knows something due to being associated with the guys. Da’Vonne said that she may be wrong about Dani and Nicole being connected to the others since they haven’t been informed about the plan. Dani said it’s because they know that she is close to Da’Vonne.

10:20 PM: Dani told Nicole that Da’Vonne said Christmas told her that she is going home. She said Da’Vonne thinks that the two of them are on the outs, and she feels bad because she feels like she keeps saying she doesn’t know what is going on. Nicole asked what they should do. Dani said to keep doing it but then be as honest as possible in their goodbye messages. Dani explained that she has always wanted Da’Vonne there and she could never imagine her not being there in the final four or five. Dani said she cannot fight for someone who is not fighting for themselves. Nicole said she still thinks that there is a chance. Dani said there is zero chance. She pointed out that Cody does not want her there. Dani said she told Cody that she will give him this one if she and Nicole get their way next. Dani told Nicole that Da’Vonne leaving is not detrimental to her game but she wants her there, and she cannot stick her neck out again. Nicole said she cannot hold onto this lie any longer. Dani said that she has to for two more days. Dani mentioned that it’s slightly beneficial if Da’Vonne leaves since they would look a certain way if they she stayed and neither of them were willing to put her up.

10:36 PM: Kevin talked to Da’Vonne about a theory that Nicole voted to evict Ian. Da’Vonne said he could be right but she doesn’t think so. Kevin pointed out that the only receipt that she has is Nicole’s word. Da’Vonne said that David’s word is trash to her since he has lied to her multiple times, whereas Nicole has yet to do that. Kevin said that from his perspective Nicole knows that Da’Vonne trusts her and she is using it against her. Da’Vonne disagreed. Kevin said that Dani and Nicole have something with Cody and Tyler and that’s more valuable than what they can offer. Da’Vonne agreed but still didn’t think that Nicole would lie to her.

11:10 PM: Nicole told Christmas that she is struggling in regards to lying about her vote. She said that she is about to crack but it would blow up The Committee if she were to tell Da’Vonne the truth. Nicole said that she would do it and blow up her own game if it didn’t impact others. Christmas suggested telling her in a goodbye message, which Nicole said she thinks that she is going to do.

11:20 PM: David told Kevin that he was leaning towards keeping Da’Vonne on Sunday but that is no longer the case. Kevin said he is glad since he has had David’s back and is trying to convince Da’Vonne that there is some type of bigger manipulation going on when it comes to last week’s vote. Kevin informed David that Da’Vonne is going to confront Nicole about the vote tonight because he told her that she needs to get to the bottom of it because it was Nicole. Kevin brought up that he could tell people that David betrayed him if it would help their games. David thought that it would be worthwhile since it would prevent them from being put on the block next to each other.

11:35 PM: Da’Vonne asked Dani if she asked Nicole to change her vote at the last minute. Dani said no. She questioned why she would do that. Da’Vonne said to protect her in case it went crazy. Dani swore on everything that she did not. Da’Vonne the asked what Dani thinks about her trying to convince David that she believes him that Nicole flipped and that she will be going after Nicole if she stays, in hope of that information getting back to Tyler. Dani said she is down. Da’Vonne said she feels like it is her only move.

11:52 PM: Dani filled Nicole in on Da’Vonne’s plan. Nicole said she does not like it. She worried that Da’Vonne would begin to believe that it actually was her. She also worried that it would give David reason to put her on the block. Dani said that they will not listen to David anyway but she can tell Da’Vonne that she is scared.

12:07 AM: Kevin told Da’Vonne he still believes that David is the one that flipped. Da’Vonne agreed. Kevin brought up that David tried to manipulate people with his power and he may be trying to manipulate them into believing that it was Nicole who betrayed them. Kevin said he cannot tell David that he doesn’t believe him since he has to work with David if he stays.

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