Big Brother 22 Day 52 - Cody nominates David and Kevin for eviction

September 25, 2020

10:29 AM: Enzo was the first to speak to Cody. He said he had to listen to Kevin all night. He said that he encouraged Kevin to come tell everything to Cody even though in his mind he was thinking that Kevin is going up anyway. Enzo said that he almost wants to backdoor Christmas this week. Cody was adamant about not wanting to send David home. He said that they can seriously discuss it if Kevin wins the veto, as he would put Christmas up as the replacement nominee. Enzo let Cody know that Memphis made a second Wise Guys alliance with him and Christmas, so he advised Cody not to say anything about The Wise Guys in front of Christmas. Enzo suggested that getting rid of Christmas would allow them to be even closer to Memphis. Cody again said that he is open to targeting Christmas if Kevin comes down. Cody figures that Dani, Enzo and Nicole would be the three votes, and then he could break the tie. Cody said that his ideal hit list would be Kevin, Christmas and Dani in that order.

11:20 AM: David and Enzo chatted about Christmas having rushed up to the HoH room. They laughed about how she is probably throwing everyone under the bus. Enzo let David know that he will be going for the money if he is in the veto competition.

11:27 AM: Christmas asked Cody if David is his number two target after Kevin. Cody said yeah. He told her that he has his feelings about things but doesn’t know if he wants to act on it right now. Cody said that they will have to see how the week plays out. Christmas mentioned that the alliance has been running so well. Cody agreed and said that he would rather get screwed by sticking to it than being the one to go against it. Before Christmas left the room, she asked that Cody let her know if her name comes up in any way that he needs clarification on. After she left, Cody said that was an interesting thing to say on her way out.

12:07 PM: Cody reassured David that the two of them are tight. He explained that there is other stuff going on that he has to appease even though it’s not what he wants to do. Cody said there is someone he knows has been saying his name and dragging him. Cody assured David that he will see to it that he does not get screwed.

1:32 PM: Cody and Memphis had their chat. Memphis let Cody know that he would not go for the money in the veto competition. They agreed that keeping nominations the same is best for their games.

1:35 PM: Cody let Nicole know that he does not want David to go if Kevin wins the veto. Nicole asked if Christmas is going up. When Cody confirmed that she would be the replacement nominee, Nicole said that’s so stupid. She said that Cody is doing Dani’s dirty work. Cody disagreed. He listed off the others who are left and are not coming after him. As for Christmas, Cody said that he would be her next target after Dani. Cody told Nicole that Enzo said he has a Final 3 with Christmas and Memphis. Nicole said it’s fine and it’s up to Cody but she did not like that she would be expected to vote her out and lose another jury vote. Cody pointed out that everyone has to go.

1:56 PM: Christmas let Kevin know that she feels terrible and guilty about picking him to be a have-not. She apologized for not giving Kevin a warning. Kevin said it’s okay. Christmas claimed that she had a lot of push for it. Kevin asked who pushed her. She did not say. Kevin told Christmas not to worry about it.

2:04 PM: When Nicole left the HoH room, Dani asked from the kitchen if Nicole is finally done. Nicole said that Cody was called to the DR. Dani said that Nicole was upstairs for an hour. Nicole denied it. Dani said she is actually not kidding.

2:06 PM: Nicole filled Enzo in on what Dani said. She claimed that Dani screamed it to the whole house. Nicole said that she was only in there for 15-20 minutes. Enzo said that Dani has been very messy this season, which Nicole agreed with. Nicole brought up that Christmas is not coming after them at all, but Dani wants her gone because she would be her target.

2:32 PM: Cody told Tyler that Dani told Da’Vonne about her power so now Kevin knows. He explained that Kevin was told by Da’Vonne that if a power gets used, it’s Dani. Cody mentioned that Dani wants David to go this week. Tyler said of course she does. He said that when he asked Dani about the two votes, she claimed that one was probably David and the other was Christmas trying to flip the votes. Cody said it one million percent was not David. He assumed that Dani was one of them. Tyler admitted that he had thought there was no way it was Christmas until she was kind of weird about it when he asked her. Cody said it may have been Christmas and Nicole then. Tyler said that it also could have been Dani and Nicole.

3:01 PM: Kevin asked Cody what he can do to not be nominated. He asked that Cody please not nominate him. Cody asked if he would have been nominated had Kevin won. Kevin said no. He said he is sure that Cody is aligned with Dani, so ask her because he told Dani who he would nominate. Cody asked if Da’Vonne advised Kevin on who to put up. Kevin said no. He let Cody know that Da’Vonne wanted him out. Kevin talked about Da’Vonne saying she felt that Memphis was being weaponized to come after her since the others couldn’t due to the Slick Six. Kevin said Christmas pulled him into the storage room to say someone said to pick him to be a have-not in order to weaken him. Cody said that people always try to pawn things off on others.

3:33 PM: Feeds were down for a portion of the Cody and Kevin conversation. Kevin told Cody that if he is picking up what he is picking up, they have issues with each other and he is being nominated. Cody said he doesn’t know who he wants to go home but he wants to nominate to get the least blood on his hands. Cody said that he does not have a target and he is willing to do anything. Kevin asked if the person going up next to him will be able to say that they didn’t have a conversation in which they were told that they were safe. Cody reiterated that he does not have a target. Cody said he hopes that Kevin respects his decision. Kevin said he can feel some type of way and he is going to be boring on the jury cause he will already know what he is going to do. Kevin said it’s clear that there is an energy shift when he comes into the room. Kevin said he is picking up that they are on opposite sides and Cody thinks in his head that he was coming after him, so they are having a tit for tat. Kevin told Cody he seems to be setting up that he doesn’t have to vote for him. Cody asked if whoever nominates him and gets him out will not get his vote. Kevin said he feels like Cody is cornering him into that. Cody brought up that Kevin chose his side by sticking to Da’Vonne and not telling him that she was coming after him. Kevin asked if he should have chose Cody who would never talk to him and the conversation would shift whenever he walks into the room. Cody asked if it’s only him. Kevin said the world doesn’t revolve around Cody and it’s not poor him for having to put him up. Cody said Kevin is now throwing digs and he will tell him straight up that he is going on the block. Kevin said they have a difference of opinion and he is not trying to throw digs, so he apologizes. Kevin said he can see that Cody is big mad. He told Cody that it has been a blast and thanked him for talking.

3:51 PM: Cody filled Dani in on his conversation with Kevin. Cody said it showed that there is something about his personality that Kevin does not like. Dani said she has been telling him that Kevin doesn’t like him but he did not believe it. Cody said that he was blown away and that he would have snapped if someone was talking to him like that outside of the house. Dani asked Cody what he was talking to Nicole about for an hour. Cody said he doesn’t even know. He added that he mentioned the plan to nominate Christmas if the veto is used, then Nicole brought up that Ian and Da’Vonne have already had to go. Dani argued that Nicole isn’t even that close to Christmas anymore. Cody and Dani agreed that Christmas should be Cody’s pick if he gets houseguest’s choice. Dani’s logic was that Cody could say he is going to put her up since people might think that they are close after he picked her.

4:24 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

5:21 PM: Feeds returned. Cody nominated David and Kevin for eviction.

5:35 PM: Christmas told David she is sorry. She said that he doesn’t seem to be the target based on Cody’s speech. She encouraged David to win the veto. David said his frustration is that from a viewer’s standpoint, it’s the same thing every week. He added that it has got to be a boring season to watch. Christmas told David that she will be going for prizes if she is picked to play in the veto competition. She told David that she will be fighting for him to stay if he nominations remain the same.

5:53 PM: Kevin spoke to David. He told him that there is no scenario in which David is in danger this week. David said he doesn’t feel as strongly about it as Kevin does. David asked Kevin about his conversation with Cody. Kevin said that Cody got big mad. Kevin explained that Cody was going on about how it sucks to be HoH, and he was not having it, so Cody finally straight up told him that he was going on the block after 45 minutes of talking. David pointed out that this season’s HoHs, with the exception of Enzo and Memphis, cry about having to make decisions. Kevin said that not everyone has to like Cody, and he will go to jury and act however he wants to act. Kevin brought up Cody questioning that he cannot see this as a good move. Kevin said he sees it as Cody having isolated him and pretending to be nice to him since week one, yet he only talks to him right before competitions.

6:23 PM: Cody told Christmas that Kevin said something like Christmas came up to him and said that she made him a have-not because someone told her to weaken him. Christmas said that is 100% not true.

6:29 PM: Christmas spoke to the cameras about Kevin being a snake. She said that he could have a team but he decided to throw his girl under the bus. She said that Kevin is exhausting and she has legit done so much for him in this game. Christmas called herself Kevin’s only ally. She said that she even gave him her fried rice and made dinner for him.

7:29 PM: Cody asked David if he was getting what he was saying this morning, since he did not want him to be blindsided. David said yeah. Cody mentioned that his conversation with Kevin went really poorly. David asked what happened. Cody clarified that his conversation with Kevin was nothing like the one that he had with David, since he did not tell Kevin the things that he told David. David talked about how it must be boring for the viewers to see the same thing week after week. Cody said Kevin started taking jabs at him personally, so he said the conversation is done and there is nothing more to be discussed. David said that Kevin was probably disappointed since he had already been nominated four times and got a sense that he was going up once again.

8:08 PM: David told Kevin that he wants to make a deal with him. He said if either one of them get off of the block, they do not vote each other out no matter who is up next to them. Kevin said deal. They shook on it. David said he doesn’t know who would go up. Kevin said Enzo told him that he wants someone to win so he can see who Cody would put up. David said that it would be very telling. Kevin figured that anyone who gets put up next to them would be a high value target. Kevin said that it would be a very revealing moment. The two agreed that they have a high probability of winning the veto since most of the others would go for prizes. Kevin said that depending on who gets picked, he will aggressively talk to them about throwing the competition. David said these people already know what they are going to do if they get picked, but it’s still worth a shot.

8:30 PM: Dani told Cody that Christmas wants to go to the end with guys such as Memphis and Tyler. Cody said they are at the point where they have to win another HoH. Dani said it’s so annoying because she really wants David and Kevin gone because they are coming after them and not the other members of The Committee, but she is so ready to go after people in The Committee as well. Cody said he really wants Kevin to go this week, and then he wouldn’t want to cut David until five or six. Dani said she doesn’t think that David is going to do anything either, but he would probably put her up next to Nicole since he feels like Nicole set him up. She said it will come down to whether or not David can win anything. Cody said Tyler wanted him to pick him to play in the veto competition, but he told him that he trusts Christmas more to not go for prizes. Dani figured that she would have a hard time passing up a phone call from her son. Cody thinks that Memphis would be willing to forego that in order to fight for the veto.

10:06 PM: Nicole asked Dani who she wants to leave the most this week, Kevin or Christmas. Dani said she really wants Kevin to go but she also really wants Christmas gone. Dani said she feels like everyone is getting ready for war and they are trying to keep David because he will come after the two of them and Cody. Dani said she feels like she is in a weird spot since she really wants both nominees out but she wants Christmas to go as well. Dani figured that the best way to guarantee them another week is to keep Christmas but it’s only one week. Dani said she doesn’t think that Christmas and Tyler will go after Enzo before they take a shot, so it’s tough. Dani mentioned she thinks that Memphis is on their side, so getting Christmas out may allow them to bring Tyler in and keep the target on David and Kevin, but they cannot mend anything with those two. Both agreed that the other Committee members are not going after Enzo. Dani said that if Christmas goes up, it’s up to the two of them and Enzo to decide what they want to do. Nicole said that if they sent her out, they would have to win HoH. Dani told Nicole that they may be able to strong arm whoever is left on the block into making a deal with them. Nicole wasn’t sure that they would stick to it.

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