Big Brother 22 Day 53 - Cody wins the Power of Veto

September 26, 2020

1:22 PM: Nicole told Christmas that she talks game with her the most and trusts her the most. She said she felt a connection with her from Day 1. When Christmas asked if Nicole feels like she has people who wouldn’t target her right away, Nicole said she doesn’t think that Christmas will. Christmas mentioned Cody as someone who wouldn’t go after Nicole. Nicole said he might not. She added that she doesn’t know what Enzo or Memphis would do but she likes them.

1:31 PM: Tyler told David he thinks that Dani and Nicole are wanting to keep Kevin if nominations stay the same. Tyler encouraged David to make a deal with Cody so that he would vocalize his preference of keeping David.

1:33 PM: Feeds went down to pick players for the veto competition.

1:49 PM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Cody, David, Kevin, Enzo, Nicole and Tyler. Memphis will be the host.

2:20 PM: Nicole asked Cody if it will look weird if she guns for the veto. Cody said not at all. Nicole said that she will do everything she can to win the veto, and she will not be taking any prizes. Cody said that he really wants Nicole to win because he doesn’t want to have put Christmas on the block. Cody figured that it would be easier to have that conversation with Christmas if she is going up next to Kevin as opposed to next to David. Nicole brought up that she talked to Dani last night. Cody said Dani already told him that Nicole is on board with going after Christmas now. Nicole asked Cody not to tell her that she isn’t actually for that.

2:31 PM: Memphis asked Enzo to hear him out since he might need to go for the veto. Memphis explained that Cody may end up putting Christmas up if the veto is used. Memphis worried that Dani and Nicole, along with whoever comes down, would vote to evict Christmas. Enzo said that he will go for the veto, not the prizes. He said he knows that Christmas has their backs. They agreed that Kevin has got to go if the nominations stay the same.

3:00 PM: Christmas and Tyler discussed who may go up if the veto is used. Tyler said it would probably be one of them or Memphis. Christmas said that Cody has got to be noticing Dani. Tyler said he doesn’t think that Cody wants Dani to know that he is noticing her. Tyler talked about wanting Dani and Nicole to go once David and Kevin are gone. Christmas agreed. She noted that Dani has it out for her.

3:03 PM: Enzo asked Cody what Tyler would do if Christmas and David were on the block. Cody said that he would want David to go. Enzo let Cody know that Memphis is worried about Christmas going on the block. The two assumed that Dani must have told him that. Cody briefly said that he would put Dani up if he found out that she told Memphis that, but he quickly backtracked and said that it would make no sense to do that when so many people are targeting Dani. Enzo suggested that getting rid of Christmas would be good since it would take her away from Tyler. Cody added that it would do the same with Memphis as well.

3:31 PM: Memphis told Cody that in order for The Wise Guys to get to the final three, they cannot have any hiccups. He said that the nominations need to stay the same so that they can get Kevin out and move on. Cody agreed and said that he doesn’t want to have to nominate anyone else. Memphis said he talked to Tyler about the importance of gunning for the veto.

5:34 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

10:58 PM: Feeds returned. Cody won the Power of Veto.

11:05 PM: Cody told Christmas that he is so pissed that David took the $10,000 because Dani is now going to try to use that as a reason to get him out. Christmas said she is still good with evicting Kevin. Cody said that he is not going to do what Dani wants. Both agreed that they feel some type of way about Dani. Christmas mentioned that Dani threw her name out there in week one, shut up for aw while, and then she has heard from four people in the past week that Dani is dropping her name.

11:10 PM: Enzo and Tyler discussed that they had planned to go for the money once the nominees were out, but David went for it in the first round. Enzo said that they might have to send David home because of it. Tyler said he knows that Cody wants Kevin out. Enzo said they can get rid of Kevin. Tyler let Enzo know that there is a curse and that the winner of OTEV has never won the game. Enzo said he feels better now. Enzo finished second to Cody in the competition.

11:16 PM: Dani and Memphis discussed that they are blown away by what David did. Dani wondered if Cody told David that he is a pawn. Memphis said that he might have. Dani said that she doesn’t want to vote for David to stay. Memphis said that he doesn’t either. Christmas said that she wants to talk to Cody since it’s not her decision. When Dani pointed out that they vote, Christmas said that Cody is HoH. Dani said that she has zero respect for David in the game. Memphis said that he would have no problem sending David out on Thursday.

11:28 PM: Christmas told Memphis that they are not sending David home. Memphis said that he is an idiot. Christmas said he is an idiot that they are going to keep around for one more week. Memphis said he gets it but you cant do stuff like that. Christmas suggested that Dani must have told David that he is good with everyone. Christmas told Memphis that they should touch base with Cody.

11:35 PM: Cody questioned David about going for the $10,000 right away. David explained that he is donating any extra money that he wins. Cody told David that he has to tell everyone that. Cody reassured David that Kevin is leaving. Cody warned David that Dani is trying to plant seeds about him.

11:47 PM: Memphis confirmed with Cody that he wants Kevin to go. Cody said he was pissed but he went up to David and he said that he is donating everything extra. Christmas asked if he is pulling a Frankie. Cody and Memphis discussed that what David did is a bad look for someone on the block. Cody said that Dani is going to try to use that as a reason to get David out. Memphis said that she already tried it with them. Christmas said Dani told them that she is voting David out no matter what. Cody said Dani told him that Memphis doesn’t want to send Kevin home. Memphis and Christmas said that is not what he told her. Memphis said that Dani will be a lost cause but they don’t need her vote. Cody and Memphis agreed that this makes David an easier target next week.

12:04 AM: Dani told Nicole that she is not voting for David to stay. Nicole said this just shows that he is not good at the game so they should keep him around. Dani disagreed, telling Nicole it shows that he thinks that he is safe. Dani said she is not going to go against everyone but she will make everyone vote David out. Dani told Nicole that Kevin would not put them up. Nicole eventually said that she would rather get David out if he is coming after them. Dani brought up Cody promising to take David out this week when she agreed to let Da’Vonne go last week.

12:49 AM: Nicole asked Cody and Enzo if Christmas and Memphis were mad. Cody said they were pissed about what David did but they are not switching the vote. Nicole said Dani told her that everyone is pissed and that she is voting David out no matter what. Cody said of course. Cody said David says that he is donating any extra money to charity. Nicole said David told him that he dropped out due to his arm strength. Cody said David told Enzo that he panicked, so he is all over the place.

1:03 AM: Cody told Enzo and Nicole that if Dani is the solo vote, that is going to be so bad. Nicole said Dani told her that she is not voting against everyone but she will get everyone to flip. Nicole asked that they not say that she is telling them this stuff. Nicole said that David going is better for her game but she will send out Kevin since it’s not her HoH and she is happy to be safe. Nicole said Dani told Christmas and Memphis that Cody doesn’t vote when they said that they wanted to see what he wants to do. Cody brought up that he does have a vote since they need four votes and there are not four out there for her to get. Nicole said she doesn’t trust Kevin since he heard that “Nicole flipped” and he will never get that out of his mind. Nicole figures that David is coming after her as well since she flipped. Cody said that this information cannot leave the room but David told him directly that he is going after Memphis. Nicole said it’s Cody’s HoH so they need to get the guy out who is targeting him the most in order to protect him, so Kevin needs to go.

1:30 AM: Cody told Dani and Enzo that what David did shows that he is clueless and he will have absolutely nobody in this game, so he will be back on the block next week. Dani said she has zero respect for him in this game. She asked if part of them wants to send David to Da’Vonne with that DVD of what he did. Cody said he is not flipping over that when Kevin was getting personal with him. Dani brought up what she said to Cody last week when she did what he wanted. She said it’s fine and she will do what he wants again, but they had better vote to keep her if David puts her up next week. Dani said that David would nominate her and Nicole. Cody said that he would have no problem using the veto. Enzo said that David wont win HoH.

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