Big Brother 22 Day 56

September 29, 2020

12:38 PM: Feeds returned after being down for half an hour. The houseguests got a message from Dr. Will.

12:41 PM: Enzo told Nicole he thinks that this will be a fast forward week leading into a double eviction. Nicole said that’s fine with her. Enzo agreed. Enzo wondered if Julie would pop up on the TV to tell them to come to the living room.

1:00 PM: Kevin told Enzo that he has no one now. He said that if he were to stay, it would be the equivalent of a Final 2 on his end, and he would never nominate Enzo and would always be a guaranteed vote for him. Kevin said that he needs four people. He brought up that David giving up the chance for safety in the first round is something that they could say they don't respect as All Star players. Enzo encouraged Kevin to speak to Christmas and also to Memphis. Enzo said he can’t see Kevin getting four votes, so he needs to get Cody on board cause he sees Cody voting him out as of now.

1:14 PM: Cody and Memphis discussed that Christmas and Dani are after each other and they know it. Cody feels like Dani is trying to drag him into it. He said that they can do it themselves. Cody mentioned that Tyler even told him to put Dani up as the replacement, but he didn’t want to say to him that he can be the one to do it. Cody talked about not wanting to take Dani out when those three can go after each other. Cody said the only one who may not be going for this HoH is Enzo. Memphis said that they, as The Wise Guys, have to convince Enzo to go for it.

1:27 PM: Kevin told Tyler that the week he was on the block next to Ian, David suggested that Dani and Tyler may be working together so they should force Dani to show her cards. Kevin said that Da’Vonne encouraged him to talk to David. Kevin told Tyler that once everyone was saying that they kept Tyler, he didn’t want to be the only one to say the opposite but he wants to come clean on that. Kevin explained that he is trying to get one more week in the house, and he would be fine with Tyler putting him on the block next week if he wins. Kevin pointed out that he would never take this for granted and take money over a shot at safety. Kevin told Tyler that he can be a guaranteed vote for him over the next 3-4 weeks, plus he could also offer to pick him to play in the veto competition if he gets houseguest’s choice. Tyler brought up that if the vote had come down to a tie, he would have been gone with Dani’s tiebreaking vote, making him a casualty for them to find out where Dani stood. Kevin said he understands that. Tyler let Kevin know that he wants to find out where everyone else stands in regards to the vote.

1:49 PM: Dani told David that whoever stays will be one of the ones on the bottom and she is right there with them. David said that he would like to stay and he feels that he will be a big target that wont be a lot of blood on people’s hands. David suggested that he could be a shield to Dani if she feels like she is on the bottom. Dani said that it will probably be a double this week based on the message that they got. David said it sounded to him like they need to get three or four of them out of there quickly. David told Dani that she put her neck out there for him and he took it wrong. David said he doesn’t want Dani to feel like she is his next target. David let Dani know that if he can get her vote and he somehow wins HoH, he would like to have a good talk with her to hear her thoughts and ideas. David added that he should have trusted her a long time ago when she was telling him things.

2:19 PM: David let Tyler know that he spoke to Dani and said that he is probably going to get him out. David said that he is trying to find a way in with Dani but it’s BS. Tyler said that’s good that David did that. Tyler told David he thinks that Kevin is going to go unless people are pulling something that he doesn’t know about. Tyler claimed that nobody is saying anything to him. He added that David and Enzo are all that he has. David said the house may be trying to target the three of them. Tyler said everyone is going to expect him to put David up but he will shock them. Tyler talked about nominating Dani. Tyler said that Dani and Nicole need to go once Kevin is gone. He explained that those two will never vote against each other. David argued that Christmas and Memphis may not either. Tyler said that’s true but Dani and Nicole have Cody as well.

2:23 PM: Kevin made a quick pitch to Dani. He reassured her that her name has never come out of his mouth. Dani said she knows that and that she has never wanted him out of the house.

2:41 PM: Dani asked Tyler what they are going to do in a double if someone uses the veto. Tyler said they need to agree on a pawn that they will not vote out. He mentioned Memphis specifically, saying that he would not vote him out since he’s stick to the six. Dani said she is worried that someone in the alliance may take a shot. The two discussed that nobody is saying anything to them, so they may be at the bottom. They agreed that three people are leaving this week based on the message that they heard. Tyler asked if they are voting to evict Kevin this week. Dani said she doesn’t want that but it’s fine since Cody is making it non-negotiable. When Dani asked Tyler who he thinks would put them up, Tyler said Christmas and Memphis might. Dani said she feels like Tyler is really close to Christmas, which he denied.

3:01 PM: Nicole told Cody she feels guilty because she told Christmas that Dani is coming after her. She justified doing it by saying that it was not new news, since Christmas said that four others had already told her about it. Cody told her that she is playing Big Brother and Dani was willing to throw them under the bus.

3:11 PM: Kevin told Cody that he has to put all of his chips on the table and adhere to what he offers. Kevin explained that he just wants to buy himself one more week. He proposed a truce to Cody. He asked that Cody let the house decide what happens this week. Cody said he has talked to everyone and thinks it could go either way. Cody said that’s fair of Kevin to ask. Kevin told Cody that he will not put him on the block if he wins during this sped up week, and then Cody can put him back up if he wins after that.

3:14 PM: Enzo told Tyler that he plans to make a big move if he wins HoH. Tyler said that Dani is sensing that people are after her since she keeps pulling him into rooms. Enzo said that Dani will go after Christmas but he is scared for Tyler as well. Tyler said he thinks that he would go up next to Christmas. Tyler suggested that they need to clip both Dani and Nicole on Thursday.

3:31 PM: Cody, Enzo and Tyler discussed Kevin’s campaign pitch. Cody said he respects that Kevin is giving everything that he has got but he is playing up that he is a weak player when he is not. Cody added that it frustrates him that David is clueless, but he wont be neutral at all since David is lost when it comes to the game. Tyler said he thinks that David wants to go after Dani. Cody agreed. They talked about him wanting to go after Memphis too.

3:37 PM: Nicole asked Christmas if she wants Kevin to go. Christmas said yeah because Cody is the HoH and that’s what he wants. Nicole said she just wanted to make sure. She said that she is on the same page.

3:45 PM: Kevin spoke to Memphis about his vote. He said that Memphis can nominate him next week and he will not be salty. Memphis was straight up with Kevin that he does not have his vote as of now. Memphis explained that Kevin is the bigger threat since David doesn’t know what he is doing in the game. Kevin asked that Memphis keep an open mind since he has no reason to go after him.

3:54 PM: Kevin pitched to Nicole. He said that he is trying to buy himself one more week by working something out that he can stick to without betraying anyone. Kevin let Nicole know that she will not be his target and he would not put her on the block. Nicole said that if Kevin is not putting her up but David is, she needs to find a way to make something happen. Nicole told Kevin that it would be smart for her and Dani to keep him but they cannot do it themselves. She said that he would have to promise two others safety. Kevin said he is trying to figure out who the right people are. Nicole asked if Kevin and Cody can get along. Kevin said that he just talked to him. Nicole threw Enzo’s name into the mix as well.

4:13 PM: Nicole headed to the HoH room to talk to Cody and Enzo. She suggested that they could keep Kevin and tell him that he cannot come after them. Cody said that Kevin would still nominate whoever he wants. Nicole said that Kevin wants to work with her, Dani and Enzo, so they would only need to get him to agree not to go after Cody. Both Cody and Enzo said that Kevin is making the same deal with everyone. Nicole said that’s fine then, and they can vote to evict him.

4:24 PM: Kevin pitched to Christmas, saying that he will not put her up or backdoor her for at least the next three HoHs. Kevin said he needs four votes so there are only two people that he has not made this offer to. He said that he has touched based with Dani and Nicole, and he is going to talk to Enzo.

4:36 PM: Dani asked Christmas if they are voting to evict Kevin. Christmas said she doesn’t know since Kevin has a completely different take since he is telling her that Cody is neutral. Dani questioned since when. Christmas said she is going to double check with Cody. Dani admitted that she would prefer to see David go first but she doesn’t trust either of them so she guesses that it doesn’t really matter.

4:45 PM: David asked Kevin how he is feeling. Kevin said he is still under the impression that he is leaving. David asked if Kevin can leave him with any info that could potentially keep him out of this position in the future if Kevin is indeed going to leave. Kevin said yes but he still needs to talk to people.

7:51 PM: Dani told Nicole that if David wins HoH, they will have to convince him that Memphis was going to backdoor him. Nicole agreed.

8:58 PM: Kevin spoke to the cameras. He said he doesn’t think that he has the votes. He noted that things seem different this time compared to the other times that he was on the block. He pointed out that Memphis flat out said that he is not keeping him, Enzo will not keep him without Cody’s approval, and Nicole seems to be patronizing him for a jury vote.

9:42 PM: Cody told Enzo that Memphis said he will nominate David and Nicole with Nicole being a pawn. Cody believes that he really means it that Nicole would be the pawn. Enzo said he doesn’t care who goes as long as they are protected. He also said that if Memphis proves himself to them again, they will have to clip Christmas.

9:44 PM: Memphis joined Cody and Enzo in the HoH room. Enzo said he hates that they are keeping David this week, but he is respecting Cody’s HoH. Memphis said that David’s time in the game is limited. He talked about the need to get him out next week and to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

10:08 PM: Enzo told Cody that Memphis really is going to nominate David and Nicole, and he thinks that is being honest about wanting to get rid of David. Cody agreed. Enzo believes that Memphis wont come after them until the final four. Cody said that Nicole is going to put up David and Memphis but he would almost rather she went after Tyler than Memphis. Enzo said that they are iffy about Tyler, while Cody added that it would clip an ally of Christmas’. Should Memphis nominate David and Nicole, and someone uses the veto, Cody said they could maybe get him to put Tyler up so that they could send him home. Enzo brought up Tyler saying that Dani and Nicole have got to go next. Cody said he may use that with Nicole in order to get her to target Tyler over Memphis.

10:44 PM: Christmas snd Memphis discussed the message from Dr. Will. Memphis said the only thing he can think about is that there will be three evictions but he doesn’t get why they would hint to that and ruin the surprise. When Christmas mentioned a triple eviction, Memphis said he doesn’t think that there would be enough time for that. They also discussed that it wouldn’t be good in terms of drama or gameplay. Christmas asked Memphis if Enzo is 100% locked in. Memphis said that he is.

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