Big Brother 22 Day 58 - Kevin, David and Dani are evicted

October 1, 2020

5:19 PM: Kevin was evicted by a vote of 6-0.

5:34 PM: Memphis won HoH.

5:39 PM: Memphis nominated David and Nicole for eviction.

5:46 PM: The veto players are Memphis, David, Nicole, Christmas, Dani and Tyler.

5:48 PM: Christmas won the Power of Veto.

5:54 PM: Christmas decided not to use the Power of Veto.

6:03 PM: By a vote of 3-2, David was evicted from the Big Brother house. Christmas and Tyler voted to evict Nicole.

6:22 PM: Tyler won HoH.

6:28 PM: Tyler nominated Dani and Nicole for eviction.

6:34 PM: The veto players are Tyler, Dani, Nicole, Christmas, Cody and Enzo.

6:37 PM: Tyler won the Power of Veto.

6:42 PM: Tyler decided not to use the Power of Veto.

6:49 PM: Dani was evicted by a vote of 4-0.

10:09 PM: Feeds returned. Cody is the new HoH.

10:11 PM: Tyler told Enzo he feels bad that he voted differently than him and Cody. Enzo said he took the easy route by going with what Memphis wanted. Tyler said thank God Cody won HoH.

11:28 PM: Nicole asked Cody if he thinks that Memphis would take someone down if he wins the veto, implying that Christmas and Tyler would be on the block. Cody said that’s what he is nervous about. Cody told Nicole that it’s important to win the comps. Nicole said Memphis is so good at winning comps. Cody told Nicole that Memphis really wants Tyler out and he really wants Christmas out. Cody stressed that the veto is important since they will not have control of the votes if Memphis wins it and takes someone down. If Christmas goes, Cody said that they could send Memphis or Tyler out next. Cody said that he wants to clip Christmas from both of them. Nicole agreed.

11:50 PM: Memphis told Enzo he thinks that Christmas and Tyler will go on the block. Enzo agreed. They stressed the importance of the veto. Memphis said that they can leave Christmas on the block and tell her that they have the votes and don’t need to put targets on their backs. Memphis said they have to make sure that Cody is on the same page in terms of getting Tyler out. Enzo asked if Memphis would have been upset if Nicole left over David. Memphis said it would not have mattered to him one bit. Enzo told Memphis that he went with him even though people were trying to flip it. Memphis said his biggest point he is going to make to Cody is that he does not want Tyler competing with the three of them in the final four.

12:17 AM: Nicole is the only have-not for the week. Enzo chose her.

12:27 AM: Nicole questioned why Enzo would make her weak for the veto by making her a have-not. Cody said it’s all in her head. He talked about winning the veto and running 150 laps in the yard when he was a have-not. Cody pointed out that have-nots suck by Monday or Tuesday but the veto is on Saturday.

12:36 AM: Cody told Nicole that Christmas needs to go this week and Tyler has to go right after. Nicole brought up that Christmas seems weirdly confident after the competition. Cody said she might think that Nicole is going on the block. Nicole said Christmas told her that Cody will hopefully keep the girls off of the block this week, and Nicole said she will wait for her face to pop up and then play for the veto. Nicole didn’t understand why Christmas would expect to stay off of the block. Nicole said both Christmas and Tyler admitted that they voted her out right away, saying they thought that it was flipping. Nicole said they are screwed if Memphis uses the veto. Cody didn’t think that Memphis would do that to him.

12:48 AM: Enzo joined Cody and Nicole. He said it’s three against three. Cody said Christmas and Tyler are going to go up, they need to win the veto, and then Christmas will go home followed by Tyler. Enzo brought up that Christmas and Tyler wanted Nicole out. Nicole said that they are dead to her. Enzo said they found out that Christmas and Tyler are very close. Cody asked Enzo which one should go. Enzo said that Christmas is all over the place. Cody said he is more confident that he can beat Christmas than he can beat Tyler, even though he wants to clip her first. Enzo said it’s whatever Cody wants to do.

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