Big Brother 22 Day 60 - Cody wins the Power of Veto

October 3, 2020

12:54 PM: Christmas asked Memphis who is likely to go up between him and Enzo if Tyler wins the veto. She added that they know Cody will not nominate Nicole. Memphis said he doesn’t know. Christmas said she believes that Enzo has an alliance with Cody and Nicole. Christmas said she thinks that Enzo would keep Memphis over her if they end up nominated together, so he would stay over her. Christmas talked about the need to put Cody and Nicole up next week, and she said that it might be in their best interest to keep Nicole since Cody is a comp beast. Memphis said that he is not against that idea.

12:57 PM: Tyler told Enzo about The Committee. He said that he has wanted to be out of it and the plan was for Enzo to go third in the triple, but and Christmas did not want that to happen. Tyler said he took the first shot by voting Nicole out and then putting her on the block next to Dani. Tyler said that Cody wants him out because he didn’t take the shot at Enzo like Cody and the rest of the alliance wanted him to. Enzo said that the two of them need to stay tight and that he will have a talk with Cody about using the veto on Tyler if he wins it.

1:08 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

4:50 PM: Feeds returned. Cody won the Power of Veto.

4:52 PM: Christmas and Enzo discussed that Cody is not going to use the veto. Christmas said she isn’t sure which way Cody is leaning in terms of who he wants to go this week. Enzo said it doesn’t matter since she has him and Memphis.

4:58 PM: Memphis told Christmas to remain calm. While she thought that she was, Enzo brought up that she was already asking about his vote. Memphis reassured her that they are good since they are aligned as The Wise Guys.

5:00 PM: Enzo let Tyler know that Christmas is already campaigning. He told Tyler to take some time to himself but then start playing the game.

5:42 PM: Enzo told Cody that Memphis definitely wants Christmas to stay, as he is pushing him hard already. Enzo also filled Cody is on Christmas campaigning to him and Tyler telling him about The Committee. Enzo said Tyler claimed that he would be the replacement nominee if one was needed and that he has been pushing Cody to tell him about The Committee because the three of them were his priority.

5:44 PM: Tyler told Cody and Enzo that he is a goner. Cody disagreed. Tyler worried that Memphis and Nicole have not said a word to him. Cody reassured Tyler that Nicole is not going to base her vote off of what Memphis wants, and she will want to know what he and Enzo would like to see happen. Tyler questioned why Nicole would vote for him to stay when he nominated her and voted her out. Cody said they will sell it that Christmas jumpstarted the whole thing, seeing as she immediately called Tyler in after she won the veto. Tyler still was not convinced. He asked if Cody would use the veto on him to put Memphis up if Nicole makes it clear before the veto ceremony that she will vote him out. Cody said maybe but she has already told him that she wants Christmas out.

6:23 PM: Cody let Nicole know that Tyler told Enzo about The Committee. Nicole said she told Cody that he should have done it. She asked how Enzo feels about it, and Cody said that he doesn’t care. Cody mentioned that keeping Tyler gives Memphis a target but who knows what Tyler will end up saying that could change that. Nicole said she is down for whatever. She later said she cannot stand Tyler and would rather get rid of him. Cody brought up that if Memphis is dead set on keeping Christmas, and they push too hard the other way, it could lead to Memphis and Tyler teaming up. They want back to talking about keeping Christmas. Nicole said they need to make sure that Memphis would nominate Christmas if she stays. Cody said he hopes that it would happen since Christmas went against him during the triple. Nicole said the fact that Tyler told Enzo about The Committee shows that he is willing to do anything. She added that she is ready to send him home. Cody said that they can do it. He suggested that they need to keep him at ease and then blindside him.

6:59 PM: Enzo and Nicole discussed that if Christmas stays, they need to make sure that Memphis would nominate her. Nicole said it’s fine if she is up next to Christmas since they have the votes, but it would be an issue if Cody or Enzo go up instead of Christmas. Nicole said she is probably not going to keep Tyler but she will pretend that she is going to.

7:40 PM: Christmas checked in with Cody. He said that he doesn’t have a target but Christmas has been more upfront with him than Tyler has been throughout. Cody explained that he didn’t have a lot of options for nominations and he does not have any negative feelings towards her. Christmas said that if she does stay, she hopes that Cody takes into consideration her character throughout the season and also how she played during her pervious season. Cody reassured Christmas that he doesn’t have any doubts when it comes to her.

8:28 PM: Cody and Memphis discussed that Christmas is losing it. Cody explained his thought process that Tyler was the one behind the flip votes during the triple. He said that Tyler brings up that he wanted Dani out and David would be more likely to go after Dani than Nicole would be, so it was a thought out process for him. Memphis said it really showed him that Christmas and Tyler are working together. Memphis said he is holding back from saying what he really wants to say to Christmas in case they keep her. Cody said that Tyler will want to go after the big players such as Memphis and himself. Memphis suggested that Tyler bombing the veto comp is reason to send him out since it will not happen again. Cody agreed. Memphis admitted that he goes into every competition scared that Tyler is going to win. Memphis told Cody that he will be putting Christmas up if he wins HoH next week. He asked if Nicole is on board to put her up as well. Cody confirmed that she is.

8:43 PM: Enzo joined Cody and Memphis. Cody said they were talking about Tyler being the smarter choice to target. Enzo said it’s the smarter choice for Cody since his HoHs have been weak so far and he needs something to say in the final two. Cody said it’s not for that reason but rather that Tyler is not going to screw up again if he stays. Enzo said that he could win out. Memphis said if he were Tyler, he would be laughing in the DR if people kept him this week.

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