Big Brother 22 Day 61

October 4, 2020

1:33 PM: Cody told Nicole that Enzo made a weird comment to him, saying he bets that Cody told Nicole about Tyler exposing the The Committee and also about The Wise Guys with Christmas, Enzo and Memphis. Cody said he denied having told her about The Wise Guys but he claimed that he told her about Tyler’s comment in order to ensure that she would want him out. Nicole brought up Christmas and Memphis having a weird connection. Cody suggested that it’s more of a personal thing than a game connection. Cody told Nicole that Memphis is talking about holding in something to say to her about how he really feels. Nicole said everyone in the house should assume that they would win sitting next to her, and they are idiots if they think otherwise. Cody said he doesn’t think anyone has any idea how much Nicole has done in the game. Nicole told Cody that Tyler is the biggest snake that she has ever played with, and she has seen through him since Day 4. Nicole added that she can’t believe people think she is a snake compared to Tyler. Nicole said that sitting next to Christmas should be the easiest thing since she knows nothing.

2:13 PM: Tyler told Nicole that he hasn’t wanted to bother her since he doesn’t want to come off as insincere. Nicole said that he doesn’t bother her at all. Tyler asked if she knows how she is voting. Nicole said she has no idea but she doesn’t really have anybody at this point. She said that neither Tyler nor Christmas have talked to him about it at all. Tyler said he knows that Memphis is probably not going to keep him, but Enzo might if that’s what Cody wants. Nicole said if that’s what Cody and Enzo want, that’s what she will do. Tyler said that he wants to go farther with Nicole and only did that stuff to get at Dani. Nicole said she gets it.

2:34 PM: Christmas spoke to the cameras. She said that one of her allies is going to go home and it decreases her chances at final two. Christmas said she really hopes she wins HoH. She wondered if the boys would throw HoH to her but she hoped that she could win it on her own anyway. She said her saving grace is that Cody cannot win the next HoH. Christmas said she would obviously have to nominate Cody and Nicole, and she has good reason since things haven’t been the same with Nicole after the vote and Cody put her up.

5:13 PM: Memphis told Enzo he is sure that Tyler will be asking everyone if he is staying but he is not going to tell him which way he is voting until Thursday morning. Memphis said that next week will be interesting. They discussed that Nicole will have to go. Memphis said that the best way to pull that off without making Cody mad would be having him on the block next to her. In order to do that, Memphis figured that Christmas would have to win HoH or the PoV. If he wins HoH, Memphis said that he would nominate Christmas and Nicole. Enzo said he will tell Cody that he made him happy by keeping Nicole, so now he has to make him happy by getting rid of her. Memphis figured that Cody wouldn’t fight it since it will look suspicious if he does.

5:30 PM: Christmas told Enzo that Nicole is going to be shook heading into the HoH competition because she will be coming off of slop and she knows that her and Cody will be targeted. Christmas mentioned Tyler saying that nobody has come up to him to say that he has their vote, but it’s cool since he will get to go see Angela. Christmas brought up that they receive video messages in the jury house.

5:34 PM: Feeds went down.

6:13 PM: Feeds returned.

6:39 PM: Cody told Nicole that Christmas’ false sense of confidence drives him absolutely nuts. Cody pointed out that they could send her home with the snap of a finger. Nicole said Christmas thinks that the game revolves around her and she has not even asked her for a vote because she feels like she does not need it. Cody said that he wants Nicole to win HoH so badly in order to put Christmas up, and then he will win the veto and send her packing. Nicole said she will put Christmas and Memphis up but she doesn’t care which of the two go. Nicole mentioned hating how smart Memphis is in the mental comps, as it intimidates her.

7:08 PM: Feeds went down.

8:21 PM: Feeds returned but remained on Nicole who was alone in the have-not room.

9:36 PM: Feeds went down.

10:20 PM: Feeds returned to the houseguests in bed.

10:40 PM: Cody said that this week has definitely been interesting. He said he has played out every single scenario in his head, which he did not do his first time around. He added that he was always thinking about things but not to this extent. He thanked Derrick for that. Cody said he needs a little bit of luck to be on his side for the next HoH since he cannot compete. Cody said that Tyler is super sneaky. He figured that he won’t be on the block unless Christmas wins HoH. Cody said that Enzo or Nicole have to win HoH. He figures that Nicole is due and she will win HoH.

12:35 AM: Tyler told Enzo that he tried to tell Cody that he is going home if he doesn’t use the veto on him. Tyler said he also talked to Nicole a little bit and she said that she will keep him if Cody and Enzo want to. Enzo said he has to talk to Nicole still cause she is up in the air. Enzo brought up that if Cody is having meetings alone with Nicole, telling her not to keep Tyler, there will be nothing that he can do. Tyler asked what Cody is telling Enzo. Enzo said he is undecided because he is scared that Cody would come after him. Tyler said he thinks that he is gone but he is still going to try. Tyler told Enzo that he would for sure beat Christmas in the final two. Enzo said that she is hated by a lot of people. Tyler said that she didn’t play that great of a game either. Tyler told Enzo that Nicole would be tougher to beat since she is in an alliance with everyone, even though she did nothing. Enzo said he thinks that Cody would beat everyone in the final two.

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