Big Brother 22 Day 65 - Tyler is evicted; Nicole wins HoH

October 8, 2020

8:52 AM: Feeds went down and remained down for the entire day.

5:41 PM: By a vote of 3-0, Tyler was evicted from the Big Brother house.

9:07 PM: Feeds returned. Nicole is the new HoH.

11:38 PM: Feeds went down for Nicole’s HoH room reveal.

12:06 AM: Feeds returned. Nicole received her HoH room.

12:37 AM: Memphis told Christmas he thinks that the two of them will be on the block together. Christmas said there are so many different ways that it can go. Christmas said she figured out the path for her, Enzo and Memphis to all be safe but they would all have to be on board with it. Christmas explained that whoever is not nominated out of her, Enzo and Memphis needs to have the veto thrown to them so that they can force Nicole into having to put Cody on the block. Memphis said he feels very comfortable as long as the two of them are not on the block together.

1:00 AM: Nicole told Cody that Enzo feels bad because he hasn’t been winning. She said that he doesn’t need to stress and he shouldn’t feel bad that he didn’t do well tonight. Cody said that they are now one step closer. Nicole added that they are in the final four. She asked if Enzo trusts her fully. Cody said one million percent. Cody said Enzo is pumped that Nicole won but he stresses because of the things that he says to other people.

1:32 AM: Nicole joked with Cody that he had better win the veto so that she is not tempted to put him on the block. Cody said he would stay but she would want to make him sweat. Cody then said that he could put Enzo up next so that everyone will have been nominated. Nicole asked if Enzo is going to freak out if he goes up if Christmas or Memphis come off of the block. Cody said that the three of them can have a conversation about it. Nicole said she would have to ask them which one wants to go up. Cody said it doesn’t matter. Nicole said that she would have to try to get Enzo to volunteer. Nicole mentioned wanting it to be a 1-1 vote if Enzo goes up, so that she can send Christmas or Memphis out. Cody said that they could split the vote even if nominations stay the same. Nicole did not want that to happen.

2:25 AM: Enzo said he likes Memphis but did not want him winning his fourth HoH. Nicole said that he has got to go so that he cannot win anything else. Enzo said that he is the target. Enzo added that he wants to win the veto so that Christmas and Memphis come to him trying to get Cody backdoored. Nicole said they would then have to convince her to put Cody up, but Cody pointed out that she wouldn’t even have a choice.

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