Big Brother 22 Day 66 - Nicole nominates Christmas and Memphis for eviction

October 9, 2020

11:23 AM: Nicole spoke to the cameras. She said she already wants to cry because she has to put people on the block. Nicole said she feels bad and she did not get enough sleep. She mentioned that Memphis put her up first and Christmas tried to get her out, so it makes sense to nominate them and she should not feel bad about it.

11:29 AM: Memphis told Nicole that his game plan was to get The Committee as far as possible and then win competitions to get himself to the end. He claimed that he did not make any deals outside of The Committee and that puts him in a position to cut a deal with her. He said that if Nicole can keep him off of the block this week, he will vote however she wants him to vote and he will take her to the final three if he wins the final four veto competition. As part of the deal, he said that Nicole would have to agree to take him as well. Nicole said she sees two duos with her just sitting there. Memphis said that’s not necessarily true since he would have targeted Christmas had he won HoH. Memphis said that if he doesn’t go on the block, he will take it as Nicole accepting his deal.

11:40 AM: Nicole spoke to the cameras to say that Memphis’ proposal was not a good one. She pointed out knowing that he has two final three deals, so he was lying to her and she is the only one that he does not have a deal with at this point.

11:47 AM: Nicole let Christmas know that she is trying to figure out the best move for her given that there seem to be two close pairs. Nicole said she has no reason to put Cody and Enzo up since they have not done anything to her. She made it clear that she does not want Christmas to go if she ends up on the block. Christmas suggested that Nicole look at the stats and hierarchy in the house. She said it goes Cody, Memphis, her, Enzo and then Nicole. Nicole said that her best bet is targeting someone who is good at competitions but she does not think that it would be best to put the two best up as her initial nominees. Nicole explained that one of them would stay and be after her.

12:50 PM: Nicole told Cody about the hierarchy that Christmas mentioned that had him at #1. She said Christmas also told her that the jury loves two people; Cody and Enzo. Nicole told Cody about the deal that Memphis proposed to her. Nicole said he is still going on the block because it is a terrible deal. Nicole said Memphis talked about how he would only take someone to the end if he thought that he could beat them, insinuating that he would take her. Nicole told Cody that she will take him to the final two even though she will lose 9-0, because she is loyal as hell. Cody disagreed that she would lose 9-0.

1:15 PM: Cody, Enzo and Nicole talked about getting to the final three together and then battling it out in the final competitions. Nicole said Christmas and Memphis are clueless and think that she has nobody in the game.

4:15 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

5:25 PM: Feeds returned. Nicole nominated Christmas and Memphis for eviction.

5:25 PM: Memphis told Christmas that if she wins the veto, Nicole will nominate Enzo. Christmas said she doesn’t want Nicole to vote Memphis out, as she knows that Cody will keep Enzo. Christmas said that they have to start planting seeds and laying the framework for a deal.

5:37 PM: Memphis told Cody that Christmas has no idea what’s going on. He said Christmas told him that they need to put someone else up and get them out of there. Memphis said that she is crazy. Cody said she is so ready to be cutthroat and he feels like a lot of it is directed towards him. Memphis said that Christmas assumes a lot but she doesn’t know what’s going on. Memphis said he feels good since he and Cody have built something awesome.

5:41 PM: Nicole questioned why Christmas looked so mad. Cody said Christmas is mad that he isn’t on the block. Cody explained that Christmas already grabbed Enzo and said that they need to win the veto to get Cody on the block. Nicole said it’s hilarious that she already did that.

6:14 PM: Enzo told Nicole that Christmas came to him before nominations. He said Christmas told him that it would be a great shot to break Cody and Nicole up if he wins the veto and she is on the block next to Memphis. Enzo said it’s ridiculous and he wants them both out. Nicole said he doesn’t care which of them goes. Enzo said Cody has had it with Christmas. Enzo suggested that Memphis is the head of the snake. Enzo added that he is more scared of Memphis since he is good at every comp that he is in. Enzo let Nicole know that he is going to try to win the veto to keep nominations the same. Enzo said Christmas told him that she may even throw the veto to him. Enzo figured that it was an excuse in case she loses to him.

7:32 PM: Enzo told Nicole that he doesn’t trust Christmas at all. They agreed that Christmas is only sticking around because she is up against bigger competitors. Nicole thinks that she will have to talk Cody out of wanting to target Christmas this week. Enzo said Memphis is the target and they can worry about Christmas next week. Nicole said she shouldn’t have told Cody that Christmas had listed him as #1. Enzo said Memphis is the snake whereas Christmas is messy and saying stuff about all of them. Nicole said there is no one left for her to convince.

8:58 PM: Memphis told Cody that Christmas is probably upstairs trying to cut a deal with Nicole for next week. He said Christmas has no idea about the two of them or the three of them including Enzo. The guys discussed that Christmas has no idea what’s going on in the house. Memphis guaranteed that Christmas is throwing him under the bus in case there is a split vote. Cody said she is beat and it is not going to be a split vote.

9:53 PM: Cody told Enzo that Memphis was getting bent out of shape about Christmas being in the HoH room. Enzo said he knows that he is the target. While Enzo thinks that Memphis is using Christmas to do his dirty work in terms of trying to get Cody on the block, Cody thought that Christmas was behind that. The guys discussed that Memphis is a strong competitor. Cody said it’s a toss up who would win in final two if anyone but Christmas is there. If Christmas makes it, Cody believes that whoever is sitting next to her would win the game.

10:04 PM: Nicole asked Cody and Enzo if they are still good with getting Memphis out. Cody said he is always good with getting Memphis out. Enzo said he is the better player. Cody added that Memphis is the gamer out of the two. Cody said he is telling Memphis that he is good even if nominations stay the same. Cody told Nicole that he would like to tell Memphis on Thursday. Nicole didn’t want Memphis to know. She didn’t understand why they keep wanting to tell people. Cody said he wont if they want to blindside Memphis. Nicole eventually said to tell him.

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