Big Brother 22 Day 67 - Nicole wins the Power of Veto

October 10, 2020

11:51 AM: Nicole reassured Christmas that she does not want her to leave. She explained that she did not want to put two big targets next to each other and she needed Christmas on the block so that she couldn’t use the veto on Memphis. Christmas told Nicole that she doesn’t want the guys to pull them along only to pluck them off. Nicole agreed. The two discussed that Enzo has a flawless social game. As for Cody, Christmas said that he cannot be beaten. Nicole said the fact that Memphis created The Committee is huge for him in terms of jury. Nicole said she will take Christmas to final three if she wins the veto next week. Nicole said there is no else better that she would like to take to the final two. Nicole said people would be stupid not to want to sit next to her, since the jury will say that she sat in The Committee and did nothing for 65 days.

12:43 PM: Nicole spoke to the cameras, saying she survived the block next to David. Nicole argued that it’s a huge game move since this is David’s first time and it’s her third time plus she is a winner. Nicole said that she is absolutely crushing this season. Nicole thinks it would be best for her to sit next to Christmas and Cody in the final three because she will make it to the final two either way. However she thinks that Enzo going next week is only going to happen if Christmas wins HoH and she wins the veto.

12:52 PM: Christmas spoke to the cameras. She said it’s best for her to sit next to Nicole followed by Memphis. Christmas said that she will keep Nicole safe if she wins veto next week. Should Memphis stay this week, Christmas said that he would be a great option for the two girls to work with moving forward as well. Christmas talked about Memphis needing to win the veto so that they can get Cody on the block and sent out of the house.

1:11 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

5:39 PM: Feeds returned. Nicole won the Power of Veto.

5:39 PM: Christmas let Memphis know that she is going to talk to Nicole in order to feel her out. Christmas said that Memphis has got to offer Nicole something. Memphis said she has a better rapport with Nicole that he does, so she needs to feel her out. Christmas said she thinks that Nicole would be receptive to a deal. She mentioned that Nicole has another big target in the house but she doesn’t know which one it is. Memphis said they will have to make sure that Nicole doesn’t know that they are working together. Christmas suggested that Memphis think of a deal to offer Nicole, whether it be taking her to final two or using the veto on her next week.

5:43 PM: Nicole let Cody and Enzo know that she is going to keep the nominations the same. She said she is happy that Memphis is going home this week. She added that Memphis thinks she sucks at this game but not anymore.

5:45 PM: Memphis talked to Cody and Enzo about how this couldn’t have worked out any better since Nicole can send Christmas out. Memphis said Christmas has already been telling him that it’s not over. Cody assumed that she would try to get him backdoored. Memphis said Christmas told him that she will go get Nicole to use the veto.

6:06 PM: Enzo told Cody she knows that Nicole wants Memphis out but what’s better for their game. He figured that they could convince Nicole either way. He brought up that Memphis would not cut them next week. Cody said it would come down to how badly they would end up screwing Nicole, and whether or not she would cut one of them if she then went on to win the veto. Enzo said that Memphis would cut Nicole if he were to win the veto. He then said that he might cut Cody instead. Cody said he thinks that either nominee would cut him next week.

6:51 PM: Cody let Nicole know that Christmas already went to Memphis to say that she will get her to use the veto. Nicole said that Christmas is crazy. Nicole said she feels like Enzo would probably cut her next week. Cody said he doesn’t believe that for a second. As for this week, Cody said that getting rid of Memphis does nothing for him but getting rid of Christmas is beneficial to him. Nicole asked whether or not he is fine with getting rid of Memphis. Cody said that getting rid of Memphis is better for her so he will get rid of him. The two agreed that Christmas will be easier to beat in competitions moving forward. Cody said that they are in such a good spot to get to the final two together since Enzo isn’t going to beat them in anything.

7:08 PM: Christmas suggested to Memphis that he talk to Nicole about getting Cody or Enzo out, telling her that he will keep her safe if he wins the veto next week, or that he will even throw the veto competition to her if he can. Christmas said that she is working a similar angle but with a different deal so that it doesn’t seem like they are saying the same thing. Christmas said that it may even be worth telling Nicole that Cody will win against all of them even if he is telling Nicole that he will take her to the end.

7:23 PM: Cody and Nicole discussed that they may be able to win out from this point forward. They talked about Janelle and Kaysar having tried to warn people about them early on in the game. Cody said he wants to win HoH so badly. Nicole said she wants him to have it so that there is no way that they end up on the block next to each other.

7:28 PM: Memphis told Enzo that Christmas is saying she is going to try to convince Nicole to backdoor one of the guys. Memphis said there is not a bone in his body that thinks Nicole would use the veto, since it would be the dumbest thing to use it. Memphis told Enzo that they need to keep saying “Wise Guys” to Cody in case he wins the veto next week. Enzo said they have to feed it to Cody that Memphis will cut Nicole over him next week.

8:10 PM: Memphis told Enzo that Christmas was telling him he had to go talk to Nicole right now. Memphis said Nicole made the nominations so if she wants to backdoor someone, she will. Memphis told Enzo that he is playing along with Christmas so she thinks that he is not safe. Memphis figures that Nicole will tread lightly in terms of saying who she wants to go in order to avoid showing her cards. Memphis added that she might not care who goes. Memphis said he doesn’t have to make a deal with Nicole and lie to her if Cody and Enzo are good, since he and Nicole are not going to pick each other anyway. However he said that they will have to have a conversation if they end up telling him that Nicole wants him to go.

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