Big Brother 22 Day 69 - Nicole decides not to use the Power of Veto

October 12, 2020

10:33 AM: Memphis told Enzo that Christmas is trying to flip things in order to get Cody on the block and then Christmas and Nicole may make a deal to vote Cody out even without Enzo’s vote. Memphis said he told her that if she wants to do it, do it. He mentioned that they will still have Wise Guys 2.0.

10:36 AM: Enzo let Nicole know that Memphis said she is thinking about flipping things. Nicole said Christmas has been sitting in her HoH room the whole time that she has been doing her hair. Enzo asked what he should tell Christmas. Nicole said to tell her that he is going to keep her. Enzo confirmed that he is. Nicole said that right before the veto ceremony she is going to break it to Christmas that she is not going to use the veto.

10:50 AM: Enzo told Cody and Nicole that Memphis came to him and he really thinks that Nicole is going to use the veto. Nicole said Memphis came to him last night and said that putting Cody up is the best move that she could make since Cody would win next to anyone. Nicole told Cody that there is not one positive about putting him on the block. Nicole said her jaw was dropping due to how eager Memphis was to get Cody on the block.

10:59 AM: Christmas told Memphis that she has not got a chance to talk to Nicole yet this morning. Memphis said Nicole told him that she wanted to meet this morning either way. Christmas encouraged Memphis to go to her. Memphis figured that Nicole would pull her in first since she would be the one being taken off of the block. Christmas said she has to let Nicole know that she doesn’t think the boys would keep her if she stays on the block.

11:17 AM: Nicole told Cody that she is freaking out. She explained that she doesn’t want Christmas and Memphis to think that she is really close to Cody until the goodbye messages. She wants Christmas to believe that she is alone. Cody said he and Enzo are going to play it up to Memphis that he is safe and that they are going to blindside Nicole. He encouraged Nicole to tell Christmas that Memphis is the bigger threat. Nicole said Memphis keeps pushing that Cody and Enzo have a final two.

11:25 AM: Enzo told Memphis that he wants him to stay until the end. Memphis asked if Nicole will be mad if it stays the same and they keep him. Enzo said who knows. Memphis said it’s an interesting dynamic right now and he has no idea what Nicole is going to do. He said he told her that it’s a big move if she nominates Cody. He figured that it would make sense to use the veto since she thinks that Christmas would take her to the final two. Enzo asked if Memphis thinks that Nicole would win in the final two. Memphis said in a normal season he doesn’t think that she has done enough to win, but she has a shot being a winner who made it all the way to the end of an All Star season. Memphis added that she should have been first out since she is a winner.

11:37 AM: Christmas asked Enzo if he is nervous. Enzo said he talked to Nicole and she is definitely contemplating making the move. Christmas said she doesn’t know what Cody and Enzo have but the two of them and Memphis have something great going. Enzo said he knows that if Cody goes on the block, he is gone. Christmas said that Cody has had flawless jury management and he would be better off taking her or Nicole, so Cody being in the house is pushing Enzo out. She also said she thinks that Cody would take Nicole. Enzo said he thinks that Nicole would take Cody over him as well.

11:38 AM: Memphis checked in with Nicole who told him that she still doesn’t know what she is going to do. Memphis said if she wants Christmas to stay, he is confident that he can get the votes to stay. Memphis admitted that he could be completely wrong. Nicole said that she may want Christmas to go since she owed her something when she voted her out, but she does not want her to freak out this week. Nicole said she thinks that the guys are sick of Christmas and will vote her out. Nicole said she thought about putting Cody up but Christmas leaving is great for her game. Nicole said she thinks that she will leave nominations the same. Memphis said he is fine with that. Memphis told Nicole that he does not want to compete with Cody in final three and he is down to go there with her and Enzo.

11:51 AM: Christmas told Nicole she is concerned that Cody and Memphis could strike a deal in the next few days. Nicole said she doesn’t think it’s smart to keep Memphis around, and she really does think that Enzo is keeping her. Christmas said her concern is that Cody will clip one of them next week, and she knows that he will win at least one of two competitions. Christmas said she really thinks that Cody will win the whole game. When Christmas said she is worried that she may not stay, Nicole reiterated that it would be stupid to keep Memphis, and she is 99.9% sure that Christmas will stay over him.

12:11 PM: Feeds went down for the veto ceremony.

12:58 PM: Feeds returned. Nicole decided not to use the Power of Veto. Christmas and Memphis remain nominated.

12:58 PM: Nicole told Cody that Christmas was insulting her as she was trying to manipulate her, telling her that Memphis’ first choice is to sit next to her because she is the worst one there. Nicole said Christmas even apologized a couple of times for being so pushy. Nicole asked Cody who he would want out this week, Christmas or Memphis, if he was HoH. Cody said Memphis. Nicole asked if Cody is for sure taking her to the final three. Cody said that he is bringing her to the final two. Nicole said the same, and added that she will do it even though people will give her crap about it for the rest of her life.

2:36 PM: Memphis asked Christmas if she is going to start campaigning tonight. She said no. When he asked if she is going to start tomorrow, Christmas again said no. Memphis asked what she means. Christmas said that their minds will already be made up. Memphis encouraged her to at least talk to them. He mentioned that they probably look at him the same way that they looked at Tyler on the block next to her.

3:24 PM: Enzo told Cody that Memphis is spinning and trying to figure out a way to stay. Cody asked if he ever said anything to Enzo about putting him up. Enzo said no. Enzo also brought up that Memphis would get rid of Nicole next week. Cody said he is one billion percent wrong. Enzo said he thinks Nicole would keep him over Christmas but he thinks that Christmas would cut him over Nicole. Cody said he thinks Christmas would break him and Nicole up, which was his reasoning for wanting to put Enzo up to make it seems like he is closer to Nicole. Enzo agreed.

5:44 PM: Feeds went down.

8:00 PM: Feeds returned for 11 minutes. The houseguests were eating dinner.

9:10 PM: Feeds returned for 16 seconds to Nicole alone in the HoH room.

9:16 PM: Feeds returned for 9 minutes. Nicole talked to the cameras about her thoughts on evicted houseguests.

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