Big Brother 22 Day 70

October 13, 2020

2:21 PM: Enzo asked Memphis what Christmas has been saying to him. Memphis said that they have just been chatting. When Enzo asked what Nicole has been saying, Memphis said he thinks that she wants Christmas to go. Memphis said one of the three of them will win HoH and then they just have to win the veto, so there is no reason why they can’t end up in the final three. Enzo said he has to talk to Cody because Christmas seems too happy. Memphis said she told him that their minds are already made up, so she probably just feels it that she is going.

2:25 PM: Memphis told Cody that there is no reason why they can’t make it to the final three. Cody agreed and said they just have to make sure that they are locked in for the veto.

2:27 PM: Enzo told Cody he thinks that they have to get rid of Christmas. He mentioned that Memphis will cut Cody but not until the final three. Cody disagreed. He questioned why Memphis would go to Nicole in order to try to get him backdoored if he doesn’t want him out right away. Enzo said that he is going to be evicted if he is sitting next to Nicole. Cody disagreed, saying that Christmas will want to break him and Nicole up. Enzo suggested that Cody talk to Memphis one on one to see what he would do if Cody and Nicole were on the block next to each other. Cody figured that Memphis would lied to him, especially since he did not come to him about Christmas trying to get him backdoored. Cody said that he has zero trust in Memphis at this point.

3:09 PM: Christmas asked Nicole if she was able to get a read on Cody. Nicole said she got no alone time with him last night or today. Christmas said that Enzo has reassured her multiple times in the past but she needs to talk to Cody. Nicole said she has no worries about it at all. She let Christmas know that she had to lie to Memphis by telling him that Christmas is the target, otherwise he might be able to get the guys on board with keeping him. The girls then discussed going to the end of the game together. Christmas said that Enzo would be the best one to take to the final three with them, since it would allow them to win their way to the final two.

3:29 PM: Enzo told Cody he feels like Christmas is HoH this week since she is up in the HoH room every day. Cody said that what she is doing is obvious and transparent, as she was only up there to try to get him backdoored and now to pitch to Nicole that they are together. Enzo figured that she is telling Nicole that it is girls vs boys at this point.

4:17 PM: Nicole asked Cody if he still thinks that getting rid of Memphis is the best move. Cody asked what she thinks. Nicole said she just doesn’t want Christmas to win next week, and she talked about how she knows that she needs to be more locked in, but she wants Memphis to leave. Cody said that he isn’t worried about Christmas being locked in, since they will be too.

4:33 PM: Christmas checked in with Enzo. Enzo told her that they need each other in the final three. Christmas agreed. Enzo said he knows that he can’t win against Cody and that he probably can’t win against Nicole either. Enzo added that Cody and Nicole came into the house with something. Christmas said that they had the same mentor. Enzo said they were on the phone for three months before this thing started. Enzo reiterated that he cannot beat Cody. Christmas said that Cody has to go and that she will protect Enzo if she wins the veto. Enzo said that he will break Cody and Nicole up as well. Enzo let Christmas know that Cody and Nicole want to keep her, which is what he wants.

6:10 PM: Christmas went to Nicole to tell her that Enzo said Cody is on board with keeping her. Nicole said that’s awesome.

6:12 PM: Cody told Memphis that he doesn’t know what to say to Christmas. Memphis said he doesn’t even know what Christmas could say to him since she just spent the past 48 hours trying to get him backdoored. Cody said he might tell her straight up that he is not voting for her. Memphis said he did that with Ian and Kevin, and he thinks that it could go a long way since it’s the respectful thing to do. They discussed that Enzo needs to be better in the veto competition next week. Cody said it will b easy money for the two of them to be up against Enzo in the final HoH competition.

8:01 PM: Nicole went to Cody to let him know that Christmas came to her and said that Enzo told her that Cody is keeping her since she is less of a threat. Cody was not happy with Enzo having told her that.

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