Big Brother 22 Day 72 - Memphis is evicted; Enzo wins HoH

October 15, 2020

5:40 PM: By a vote of 2-0, Memphis was evicted from the Big Brother house.

9:17 PM: Feeds returned. Enzo is the new HoH.

9:43 PM: Enzo spoke to the cameras about how this is going to be hard to do since Cody wants Christmas out but he doesn’t. Enzo said that they will have to see what happens on Saturday since nominations don’t matter.

10:10 PM: Enzo told Nicole that Christmas was already asking him what he is doing. Enzo said he was like “relax” cause he just won and doesn’t know what he is doing.

10:14 PM: Nicole told Cody that she is going nuts and feels like she is about to lose her mind. Nicole was annoyed that Christmas feels so close to Enzo that she has already went to him about getting them on the block. Nicole figured she’s closest to Enzo of anyone in the house. Cody said she is not close to anybody. Cody pointed out that Enzo has no power in this situation since it comes down to who wins the veto. Cody added that Enzo only won HoH because he threw it to him. Nicole said that Enzo showed his true colours today. She thought that he was selfish because he was trying to avoid pissing Christmas off in the competition, even coming closer to Cody that he did to her. Nicole wondered if Enzo is secretly hoping that one of them leave. Nicole later took it back, saying that it wasn’t selfish but it was an eye opening move. Nicole added that she would take Christmas to the final two over Enzo at this point. The two agreed that Christmas cannot get to the final three. Cody said Enzo was suggesting that he would want Christmas there but he told him there isn’t a chance in hell that he is taking Christmas to the final three if he wins the veto. Nicole said they will know something is up if Christmas isn’t put on the block tomorrow.

12:42 AM: Feeds went down for Enzo’s HoH room reveal.

1:07 AM: Feeds returned.

2:11 AM: After the girls cleared out of the HoH room, Enzo told Cody that Christmas knows that she is going home. Cody said they have got to win the veto. He said that Enzo needs to sweep the week. Enzo said he has been studying but he doesn’t over study. Cody told Enzo that he sucked at the competition today since he didn’t help him at all. Cody said that he was the only one attacking Christmas. Enzo argued that they did it the right way since he stayed behind Cody and they would have trapped each other had they done it any other way. Cody said that Enzo was playing Switzerland, trying not to make it seem like he was closing Christmas off. Cody brought up that he is going home if Christmas wins the veto. Enzo said he needs Cody in the house since Nicole wouldn’t take him over Christmas, which is why they should get rid of Nicole. He questioned why Nicole is all of a sudden in the greatest spot, seeing as they have always got rid of the better player but they wouldn’t get rid of Nicole who is the better player than Christmas is. Cody said there is no way that he is not sending Christmas home. Enzo said that because’s Cody knows that Nicole is taking him to the final two. Cody pointed out that Christmas has wanted him out for two weeks. Enzo let Cody know that he wants him in the final two and people will be talking about them since neither of them will have been nominated all season long. Cody said they have to win the veto or else he will be on the block. Enzo said he is scared of going to the final three with Nicole because Cody will throw the competition. Cody argued that he wouldn't do that since he wants to get to the end with Enzo.

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