Big Brother 22 Day 73 - Enzo nominates Christmas and Nicole

October 16, 2020

11:04 AM: Enzo told Christmas that Nicole scares him more than Cody does in the final three. He said that they have to talk together if one of them win the PoV. Christmas reiterated that one of them has to win the PoV and then they will have to pry into their games before deciding who to take with them. Enzo said he thinks that Nicole will cut Christmas over Cody. Christmas said they cannot give her that option. She suggested that they have to put Cody on the block in order to shake him heading into the veto competition. Christmas said it’s straightforward and Enzo can put it in a way that Cody is going up because he is the only one of the three that has not yet been nominated. Enzo said she is making good points and he had not thought of that.

11:13 AM: Enzo told Christmas that Nicole is in the best spot of anyone since she wont get cut no matter who wins the veto. Christmas said that they will sit down and talk about what to do once one of them win the veto. Enzo argued that Nicole is playing better under pressure whereas Cody is cracking under pressure. Enzo said that Christmas can beat Cody in endurance, he can beat him in the questions, and then he could even throw part three to her since he wouldn’t care at that point. Enzo said that neither of them could take him to the final two. Christmas said that Cody would be spooked if he knows that they think that he is the weaker link.

11:18 AM: Feeds went down.

1:50 PM: Feeds returned. The houseguests had a luxury competition. Nicole and Memphis won $10,000.

1:55 PM: Christmas cried while talking to the cameras. She said she doesn’t care that she didn’t win $10,000 but she is really upset that she went against her intuition and betrayed Memphis by not picking him. She added that she is happy that Nicole won the money but wishes that she won with someone like Da’Vonne instead.

2:02 PM: Christmas said it pisses her off that Enzo hasn’t told her that he would not put her on the block. She thinks that he is trying to keep his relationship intact with Cody, so she is likely going to go up next to Nicole.

3:57 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

4:50 PM: Feeds returned. Enzo nominated Christmas and Nicole for eviction.

5:48 PM: Cody asked Nicole if Christmas is livid. Nicole said that Christmas wont even speak to anyone aside from replying “yes” when she asked her if she is okay. Nicole wondered if she was blindsided by going on the block. Cody said he doesn’t know but he thinks Enzo said that she wanted to know.

5:54 PM: Cody told Enzo that Christmas wont talk to anyone. Enzo said he has had it. He said he explained to Christmas that he cannot put Cody up since he doesn’t want to anger the best competitor in the house. Cody said he is getting himself locked in for tomorrow’s competition.

6:22 PM: Nicole told Cody that she expected this when Christmas went on the block. Cody said there is a big difference when you go on the block and feel like the target as opposed to just going up. Cody said they have to go into the veto competition and do their thing or else he will see them in a week.

7:29 PM: Enzo told Cody he feels bad for whoever wins the comp tomorrow, as Christmas will be all over whoever it is. Cody said that he has got to win it. Enzo figured that Christmas will be telling him that he has to get rid of Nicole. Cody said it’s do or die for his game. Enzo said he tried talking to Christmas yesterday but it probably doesn’t matter now that he put her on the block, as she is angered and she is not going to listen to him. Cody said that he is going home if he doesn’t win the veto. Enzo disagreed. He said that Cody is only going if Christmas wins the veto.

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