Big Brother 22 Day 77

October 20, 2020

2:02 PM: Nicole told Cody her pitch. She said that they have been working together since Day 1 and she has had his back for the entire season. Nicole said she thinks she has a good chance at beating Enzo in Part 2, and she will take Cody to the final two if she does win. Nicole asked if Christmas really said that she would take Cody to the final two. Cody said she did and she told him that his best chance to get there is by keeping her since she will 100% take him. Nicole said that Christmas is not taking Cody to final two, so his best option is to keep her. Nicole swore on everything that she would take Cody. Nicole said she is pissed that Christmas tried to suggest otherwise.

2:04 PM: Christmas checked in with Enzo to see if Cody has said anything. Enzo said he ever so gently massages it into Cody’s head that Nicole is a champion. Enzo said he feels like Cody knows he wants Christmas in the final three. Enzo suggested that Christmas throw him under the bus or do whatever she has to do. Enzo said she can tell Cody that the two of them can take him out. Christmas said she will talk to Cody again today for a few minutes to push that they can dominate the competitions. Enzo said he is regretting winning HoH since he wishes that Christmas had won instead, as he wants her in the final three since he will have a tough argument against Cody and Nicole. Enzo encouraged Christmas to campaign to Cody even though he doesn’t think that it will work. Christmas agreed that she would like to exhaust all options.

2:11 PM: Cody told Nicole that Christmas pitched to him yesterday and said that she is his best chance to get to the final two. Cody said Christmas also pointed out that Nicole is a winner. Nicole said that’s why it’s great to sit next to her since nobody is going to vote for someone who has already won the game. Cody brought up that someone said they would vote for Nicole if she makes it to the end as a previous winner. Nicole said that she will not be able to beat Cody in the endurance competition. When Cody said that Christmas told him the same thing, Nicole said that she would throw it to Cody. Nicole added that she will probably win Part 2, and she will take him to final two. Nicole brought up that she gets nervous talking in front of people, so Cody will be able to outdo her in the final two speeches. Nicole said Cody would be a great winner and she would like to sit next to the person that she thinks played the best game. Cody said it’s comical when she tries to hit his ego with her pitch. Nicole said that if Enzo somehow beats her in the HoH competition, she deserves to go and she will not speak one word of game to him. When Nicole asked Cody what he thinks the jury thinks of Enzo’s game, he said he has no idea. Nicole let Cody know that he has her vote no matter what but don’t cut her.

2:22 PM: Enzo spoke to the cameras. He said he has to win a comp, get himself into Part 3, and then he can decide who he is taking. Enzo said that Nicole is not sweeping anything when she already has $500,000. Enzo added that Nicole will get 2-3 votes if that, because she has not done enough to win this game. Enzo thinks that Nicole made it to the end because she was carried there. Enzo said that Cody is his guy and he wants to be sitting in the end with him, but it may be his piece to the puzzle to cut Cody. Enzo then wondered if he has done enough jury management to be able to beat Cody.

9:10 PM: Christmas let Cody know that she wants to keep touching base with him but does not want to bug him. Christmas said she has to do whatever she can for her family in order to make it to the next round. Christmas said she was shocked when she went up and was furious because when Enzo put her on the block the first time he said that it would not happen again. Christmas also said that Enzo changed his mind about evicting Nicole during the triple at the last second, after he had already confirmed with her that he was voting her out. Christmas stated that Enzo has wanted Nicole out since the beginning of the season. Christmas claimed that Enzo wanted to box Cody out during the HoH competition, and he has expressed to her that he wants to take her to final two since he cannot win against Cody or Nicole. Christmas reiterated that if Cody takes her to final three, she will take him to the final two. Christmas said she feels like she is in a position where she has to expose everything so he understands why she would take him to final two. She clarified that she is not even asking that Cody take her to final two, as he can do whatever he wants. Cody said it has been clear all season that Enzo plays all sides and then doesn’t have to win competitions. When Christmas asked if Cody has any questions for her, he said that he does not and it’s just a lot to think about right now.

9:19 PM: Enzo told Nicole that Cody asked if he is telling Christmas that she has hope. Enzo said he will tell her that she is gone if Cody wants, and he is telling her that he doesn’t know anything since Cody is the one that has the power. Enzo questioned why it’s on him when Cody has the power.

9:59 PM: Enzo told Cody and Nicole that he gives it to Christmas for trying to stay. Nicole said if that’s who Cody wants to sit by, it is what it is. Enzo said she is hated the most and is an easy win. Enzo asked if Christmas said that. Cody confirmed that she said he would blow her out. Cody said that Enzo is giving Christmas all of his talking points. Enzo pointed out that he always says he loves Nicole but she is a champion. Cody asked if he is saying that he should get rid of her. Enzo said you have to take her to the final three and then beat her. Cody joked that he could just beat her right now. Nicole said she had their backs. Enzo laughed that they should take her to final three and then cut her. Nicole said she will go out third but doesn’t want to go out fourth.

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