Big Brother 24 Day 37 - Daniel is evicted; Taylor wins HoH

August 10, 2022

6:36 PM: By a vote of 8-1, Daniel was evicted from the Big Brother house.

6:53 PM: The HoH wall competition got underway.

7:40 PM: Taylor won the HoH competition. Order to be eliminated from the HoH competition: Jasmine (5 minutes), Brittany (16 minutes), Terrance (18 minutes), Monte (28 minutes), Alyssa (28 minutes), Indy (40 minutes), Turner (44 minutes), Joseph (45 minutes), Kyle (47 minutes).

8:24 PM: Brittany told Taylor that Alyssa, Indy and Jasmine were in complete silence when she won. Taylor said she knows. Brittany said she celebrated loudly then noticed that Terrance was looking at her, but she doesn’t care anymore since they don’t have to hide it.

8:32 PM: Turner asked Terrance how he feels about Taylor winning. Terrance said he is trying to figure that out. He mentioned that he has always fought for Taylor, so he hopes that it carries some weight with her. Turner said he feels 100% fine but Terrance should be too.

8:44 PM: Kyle spoke to the cameras and said he is proud of getting second place on the wall. Kyle said Taylor earned it fair and square as he couldn’t hold on another minute and was never going to throw it to her.

8:45 PM: Indy asked Kyle if he made a deal with Taylor. Kyle said he didn’t even think about it while he was up there. Indy brought up that if Taylor doesn’t put Monte up, they have to be working together. Kyle said she might put him and Joseph up. Indy suggested that Terrance may go up. She brought up Taylor saying that she wouldn’t nominate a girl yesterday but she said you never know. Kyle said it will probably be him with Terrance or Turner.

9:00 PM: Brittany told Michael that Jasmine is sitting back with her cane with a salty look, while Indy is giving her a look and Alyssa is looking dodgy as well. Michael said they know what’s going on at this point, with the only piece of the puzzle that they don’t know being Joseph and Kyle. Michael didn’t want them to continue to be able to play the middle and look like they were great players at the end.

9:06 PM: Monte wondered if the plan is still to hold their card close to the chest. He told Kyle and Turner that it might be obvious once Taylor makes her nominations. Monte figured that Indy will go up next to Alyssa or Terrance since she has said she will not nominate Jasmine due to her being a black woman.

9:13 PM: Joseph asked Kyle, Monte and Turner who they are thinking should go up. Monte named Alyssa, Indy and Terrance. Joseph said they could try to backdoor Alyssa. Monte said based on the HoH competition, he might be more worried about Indy winning than Alyssa.

9:27 PM: Kyle told Taylor that she crushed the competition. He admitted that he did not throw it and said it means more that she beat everyone. Kyle said he hopes she doesn’t hold it against him that he didn’t throw it. Taylor said she would never do that.

9:33 PM: Jasmine told Alyssa, Indy and Joseph that she caught Brittany and Taylor celebrating in the storage room. Jasmine said she is going to beg not to be put up on her birthday week.

9:49 PM: Joseph told Brittany that Jasmine said she caught her and Taylor celebrating. Brittany said they weren’t hiding it so Jasmine didn’t catch her doing anything. Brittany added that Jasmine is a mean girl and is salty that someone she was mean to won HoH.

10:01 PM: Jasmine asked Taylor if she is going to talk to people tonight. Taylor said she should. Taylor let Jasmine know that she is not going home this week. She pointed out that it’s Jasmine’s birthday. Jasmine thanked her.

10:15 PM: Kyle told Alyssa that he doesn’t really like Indy. Alyssa said she doesn’t love her either. Kyle said she and Jasmine are not nice people. Alyssa talked about Jasmine saying she can make Brittany cry if she wants to.

11:07 PM: Taylor let Alyssa know that she is safe. She added that Jasmine is not going home during her birthday week. Alyssa said she knows people are going to pitch her to go after the showmance. Taylor said she made a deal with Kyle on the wall that she would not put him up, plus she told Alyssa that she is good, so that’s not happening. Alyssa assured Taylor that she and Kyle are not the same person and said she is playing her own game.

11:22 PM: Taylor told Brittany and Michael that Alyssa was asking about protecting her showmance, and she told her not to worry about it. Taylor said she also told the girls that she is not coming for them and she can stick to that because she said that they are not her targets, not that they wouldn’t be pawns. Michael asked if she is going after Terrance. Taylor confirmed that she is. Brittany told Taylor the girls were mad she was happy that Taylor won.

12:31 AM: Taylor came out of the diary room for her HoH reveal.

1:03 AM: Terrance told Taylor that everything she has been through has been for this. Terrance told Taylor that she cannot dim her light under any circumstance, and he wants her to stay who she is and move how she wants to move. Terrance said this is her game. Taylor said a lot of people in this house are expandable to her. Terrance said he supports her 1000% in however she moves. Taylor asked if there is a target the majority of the house wants to see go this week. Terrance said he isn’t sure but the majority seemed to want Monte to go last week.

1:09 AM: Taylor told Indy that all of the girls are fine. She said she has an idea who people want out but she needs to figure out how to go about it. Indy suggested that Monte should be backdoored rather than put on the block initially. Taylor asked if she knows who would be comfortable being a pawn. Indy said she could ask Kyle and Turner. Taylor threw Terrance’s name in the mix.

1:21 AM: Taylor reiterated with Alyssa that she is not putting girls up. Alyssa asked if that includes as a pawn. Taylor said she has to figure that out but would prefer to put two guys up. Taylor asked if there is an obvious target for the house. Alyssa said she doesn’t know how Taylor’s relationship is with Monte. Taylor said her target was always Daniel even when the house was shifting to going for Monte. Alyssa worried that people would pitch to target the showmance. Taylor said she doesn’t want Alyssa up there as a pawn or as a backdoor option. When Alyssa asked if she has any thoughts on a target, Taylor said Monte but it would need to be a backdoor.

1:33 AM: Jasmine told Taylor that they started off slow but now she has gotten to know the real her. Jasmine brought up having used her as a pawn. She insisted that she would not have put her up if she thought that she was in danger, otherwise it would have been two men on the block. Taylor asked who the house target is. Jasmine said there were two last week and one is gone, so she would think that the other one is the target this week. Jasmine added that she cannot see why that person, Monte, would not be the target moving forward. They discussed that a backdoor is likely the best route to take. Jasmine brought up that the girls do not need to tear each other down and that they can show It’s possible for women to work together. Jasmine asked what would happen if Monte happens to win the veto. Taylor said the target would be another guy. Taylor talked about nominating Terrance and Turner as pawns.

1:59 AM: Taylor told Brittany that Alyssa, Indy and Jasmine have all been pushing that the target is Monte. Brittany said she understands why Taylor doesn’t want to target Jasmine but it irks her that Jasmine doesn’t offer Taylor that same respect. Brittany said it’s Indy and Alyssa as well. Brittany mentioned that she probably would have gone after Jasmine had she won, since it’s so fake when they say girls girls girls. Taylor said she would love to put two guys up as a pawns and send a guy out the door.

2:05 AM: Taylor told Brittany, Monte and Turner that she said to Joseph and Kyle on the wall that they are safe if they fall, but Kyle didn’t hear her. Taylor said she is telling people on the other side that her target is Monte. Taylor said two guys will be pawns. She explained that she would love to nix Jasmine but they know what she said about that. Taylor told Turner that it will likely be him nominated next to Terrance. Turner said he is fine with being on the block but he questioned if it would look shady after he saved her, because even Terrance said there is no way that he would go up. Taylor said no since she made it clear to Jasmine that she thinks Turner can play and win veto. Turner asked what Taylor would do if Terrance were to win the veto. Taylor said she could put Monte and Turner up to fight for the veto. Turner pointed out that someone else could win and not use it. Turner asked if Taylor would consider nominating Alyssa and Indy so that side of the house will implode, even though she made a promise to them. Brittany said the girls that Taylor is protecting don’t operate that way with her and say the opposite things behind her back, which is hard to watch. Taylor said she can nominate Indy next to Terrance.

2:24 AM: Taylor told Michael that she is gunning for Terrance. Taylor said she made promises to Alyssa, Indy and Jasmine that a girl will not go, which is true, but she had to rethink how the week would play out now that the twist is over. Taylor explained that after going through the possible combinations it only makes sense to put Indy and Terrance up. Michael asked if Terrance was given any sort of heads up. Taylor said no but he told her that he is on board with whatever the plan is. Taylor said her only concern is if Terrance wins the veto, as she would have to put another girl up because she does not want to have a Leftover on the block come eviction night. Michael asked Taylor how she feels about Joseph and Kyle’s double agent thing. Taylor said she doesn’t think it’s necessary now that Festie Besties are done.

2:55 AM: Kyle congratulated Taylor. Taylor asked if he didn’t hear her saying he is fine. Kyle said he did but he wanted to battle it out since they would have made similar decisions either way, and Taylor beat him 1000%. Taylor said she told Alyssa and Indy that she wouldn’t come after them and she said she wont nominate another black woman in Jasmine. Kyle said he respects that but Jasmine was downstairs saying she doesn’t know how to fake it with Taylor. Kyle said there are three other viable options but he wanted her to know that information. Taylor said she was considering nominating Terrance and Turner but it seems like it will be Indy and Terrance on the block. Kyle said he loves their odds of winning the veto and keeping nominations the same. Kyle told Taylor that he will support whatever decision she makes. He added that he really likes Alyssa but he is with the Leftovers until the end. Taylor said she doesn’t think the double agent thing needs to continue but she understands if it has to happen up until the vote.

3:18 AM: Joseph encouraged Taylor to do whatever helps her game this week in addition to helping the Leftovers. Taylor said she is thinking of nominating Indy and Terrance with Terrance being the target.

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