Big Brother 24 Day 44 - Indy is evicted; Michael and Terrance win HoH

August 18, 2022

7:23 PM: By a vote of 7-1, Indy was evicted from the Big Brother house.

7:53 PM: Michael and Terrance won HoH. Michael will be the HoH inside and Terrance will be HoH for the group living outside for the week.

1:27 AM: Feeds returned. The house is divided as follows:

Big BroChella: Michael, Brittany, Jasmine, Monte and Taylor.
Dyre Fest: Terrance, Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle and Turner.

2:26 AM: Michael received his HoH room.

2:48 AM: Jasmine told Michael she appreciates him picking her. Jasmine said she feels like Kyle or Turner will go home from the other group. Michael said he thinks that he will have to nominate Monte since he has a good shot at winning the veto and if he is not nominated, he could force him into putting someone up who he doesn’t want to if he uses it. Michael explained that he picked Brittany so that he could ideally have one of the two votes aligned with what he is thinking. Jasmine asked what happens if Monte wins the veto. Michael said he doesn’t know. As for who goes up next to Monte, Michael said he isn’t sure how to make that decision. Jasmine said she assumes it will be between her and Taylor, and obviously she does not want to go up but she would like to know beforehand if she is. Jasmine mentioned that she would not want to go up on her birthday week. She said that if Taylor goes up, she would give her word that she would vote to keep Taylor.

3:12 AM: After Jasmine left the room, Michael said to the cameras that “she is going on the block”.

3:12 AM: Terrance started his one on ones with Turner. Terrance said the plan is still the same but they have to act like they are talking. Terrance asked who they should put up. Turner said the only way it wouldn’t work is if Joseph wins the veto, since everyone else could use it. When Terrance again asked who to put up, Turner said the obvious way to go about it would be to nominate the showmance.

3:14 AM: Michael told Monte that Jasmine thinks he wants him out this week. Monte thanked Michael for picking him. He said he wasn’t sure if Michael was going to pick Kyle over him in order to avoid having Kyle choose between Alyssa or someone else. Michael said he thought about that.

3:19 AM: Terrance told Turner he has to sell that he is going after a showmance but nothing is going to happen to Kyle or Turner. Terrance said Alyssa and Turner are going to be the only ones who know the plan.

3:21 AM: Terrance told Alyssa that she needs to trust him. He said he plans to tell Joseph that he wants to get rid of a showmance, as he does not want him to be gunning as hard for the veto. Terrance mentioned putting Alyssa up initially. He said he is not going to let anything happen to her. Alyssa argued that Joseph will not try any harder or less hard if he is on the block. She suggested putting Joseph up. Terrance called Alyssa and Turner hard nos for him, so Kyle would have to go up with Joseph. Terrance said the two of them, Kyle and Turner could all lock in. Alyssa said they need to do that.

3:30 AM: Terrance told Joseph that he cannot put Alyssa up or else he would be going back on his word. Joseph asked if she can even go up as a pawn. Terrance said he asked her and she said no. Terrance mentioned that Kyle has got to go up but he had wanted both of them on the block. Joseph said he probably will not stay if he goes on the block next to Kyle. Joseph explained that he has voted for Terrance every time. He said Alyssa and Kyle are a unit. Terrance said Kyle is who he wants out. Joseph assured Terrance that he would not send Alyssa home over Kyle.

3:32 AM: Michael explained to Brittany that he picked Jasmine first as he worried that Terrance would take her to protect her. From there, he said he picked her to keep her safe and give him someone whose vote he could trust to bring it to a tie. He said he then wanted Joseph and Monte to be separate teams and ideally wanted Joseph and Taylor on different sides. Leaving Kyle for Terrance was done as Michael thought that he might be able to take a shot and suddenly Joseph is gone without them having had to play a part in it. Michael said he thinks that Jasmine and Monte being on the block come eviction night would be ideal, and then they can figure out what they want to do. If they get Alyssa and Jasmine out, Michael brought up that the last remaining non-Leftover in Terrance would not even be able to compete next week. Brittany said they would be final seven for sure as long as nobody turns.

3:48 AM: Terrance let Kyle know that he had promised both Alyssa and Turner that he would not put them up and vice versa. Terrance said he only has four options to pick from but he would like get Joseph out this week. Kyle said Terrance just needs one person he feels 100% wants Joseph gone, then he can keep that person off of the block to be the vote that forces a tie and leaves it up to Terrance. Kyle suggested that Alyssa is that person and she is likely on the same page as Terrance in terms of getting Joseph out. Kyle said that if he and Joseph are on the block, Alyssa can send Joseph home. Kyle added that the only way things go wrong is if Joseph wins the veto.

3:55 AM: Michael told Brittany that their options are tough competitors or weak competitors who have cannibalized their own the second that things looked bleak. They discussed that nobody even tried to keep Indy. Michael said they can have conversations with Monte and Taylor about what they will do when they get to seven, then if Monte says “we will figure it out when we get there” it means that he already has his plan figured out. It was discussed that Taylor would have to go up and Monte would have to go home if Jasmine were to win the veto. If Monte wins the veto, Michael said Taylor would go up since he is not going to risk Brittany being on the block. Michael added that he does not want to be in that scenario since it would be showing his cards to Taylor.

4:22 AM: Michael told Taylor that Jasmine thinks Monte is his target and that’s why he picked him. He said he thinks he will have to explain that he is putting her up next to him because she has not hit the block yet. Michael said Jasmine’s compelling argument for not going on the block is that it is her birthday week. They laughed that she has tried this for three weeks in a row now. Taylor said they can fight to keep nominations the same and then vote her out. Taylor said she spoke to Monte about chatting with the four Leftovers in the house to plan in case something catastrophic happens outside. Taylor said Monte acknowledged that there is a situation in which Joseph doesn’t return, and he feels distant from Kyle and Turner. Taylor asked what will happen if Jasmine wins the veto. Michael said he does not want to lose her or Brittany this week.

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