Big Brother 24 Day 53 - Michael wins the Power of Veto

August 27, 2022

1:26 PM: Feeds went down for the veto player pick.

1:54 PM: Feeds returned. The veto players are Turner, Brittany, Taylor, Alyssa, Michael and Monte. Terrance will be the host.

7:31 PM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

10:30 PM: Feeds returned. Michael won the Power of Veto.

11:08 PM: Monte commented that Michael was going twice as fast as him during the veto competition. Turner said he went twice as fast as everyone. Turner assumed that he will use the veto on Brittany, and then they will have to go from there.

11:13 PM: Brittany told Michael this is precisely why this move didn’t make sense for Turner to make. She asked if he is going to use the veto on her. Michael said yeah but he would like to talk to Monte and Taylor because he would like to push for Kyle to go up.

11:23 PM: Michael told Brittany he thinks that they should have a conversation with Monte and Taylor about Kyle’s remarks about Cookout 2.0. He explained that he did not want to proceed with that if those two are not comfortable with it. Brittany agreed. If they are okay with it, Brittany wanted to let Alyssa know what Kyle has been saying. Alyssa said she gets the feeling that Kyle is ready to jump ship. Brittany said she hopes that Monte and Taylor understand but it will be hard for them knowing that they didn’t say any of this last week.

12:15 AM: Michael told Turner he plans to bring him to the movie reward that he won. He said he is likely going to pick Alyssa, and then there would be one more person. As for the plan for the week, Turner said getting Taylor out is his goal since he feels betrayed by her. Michael confirmed that he would like to use the veto on Brittany. Turner said he is fine with that since he likes Michael and Brittany. In terms of a replacement, Turner said it would likely be Alyssa or Terrance. Michael said he doesn’t have a preference between the two.

12:59 AM: Michael told Taylor that maybe they can all talk tomorrow because the options are if he leaves it the same, it’s Taylor, and if he pulls anyone down then Monte goes up. Michael said they are against them either way so he would rather try to get Turner to put someone else up. He suggested that they may be able to formulate a plan of attack. They agreed that they have nothing to lose.

2:14 AM: Turner told Alyssa that Michael said he is going to use the veto on Brittany. He suggested that tomorrow they get in a room with Kyle, Terrance and Monte to discuss who is comfortable being a pawn this week. Turner explained that’s how they have handled every other week and it goes seamlessly.

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