Big Brother 24 Day 59 - Alyssa and Terrance are nominated for eviction

September 3, 2022

10:29 AM: Alyssa asked Michael if he got any clarity from his conversations last night. Michael said he has one specific person in mind who he has heard threw his name around in the past, so he just has to figure out who to put next to that person. Michael clarified that Alyssa is not the person he is talking about. Alyssa said she appreciates that. She suggested that and Michael could work together moving forward. Alyssa said the trust has to start somewhere, so she understands whatever Michael has to do. Michael pointed out that there is a small pool of people to pick from. He added that he will be picked based on where he thinks that the votes will go.

10:41 AM: Terrance told Michael he knows that the choice for nominations comes down to him, Alyssa and Monte. Michael admitted that Terrance’s guess was accurate. Michael said he would likely want nominations to stay the same no matter what combination he puts up. Terrance explained that if he were able to stay, he would still like to work with Michael. Michael asked if Terrance has heard his name coming up. Terrance said everybody has been talking about how they are fighting for second, third and fourth place at this point.

10:51 AM: Michael told Brittany that Alyssa and Terrance were the first two up to his room this morning. Brittany said they know that they are going up. Michael thought so too. Michael said Terrance implied that Monte should go up since he is coming after him. Brittany said Monte is smart enough not to tell her that but it sounds like he is saying it to Taylor. Michael said Alyssa knows that he has someone in mind to go home this week, and he believes that people are indeed supportive of Terrance going home this week.

3:27 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

4:31 PM: Feeds returned. Michael nominated Alyssa and Terrance for eviction.

4:31 PM: Michael brought up to Terrance that people said he was wanting to keep Kyle. Terrance said he felt a way about it but it became clear that it was a hard no, but he as a black man had the right to say that he wanted to keep him given that the transgression was against him. Terrance suggested that he was wanting to keep him as a teachable moment. Michael said he also heard that him getting picked for veto last week took away a potential plan, as someone told him that Terrance said “well there goes Plan A”. Terrance pointed out that he wasn’t even in power last week to execute any plan. Michael said he asked Terrance if his name was floating around. Terrance told Michael it didn’t matter what he said since he was going to go up anyway. Terrance said he will be going to jury and can play the game from there by being instrumental in making sure that the right people win. Terrance said it’s easy to keep putting him up, so he will take himself off of the table and then they can figure out how to really play the game. Terrance said his game is going to start at jury when he brings the information that he has, because the jury will feel a different way about certain people if they make it to the finale. Terrance explained that Michael is doing well in the competition aspect of things but he will have to face the jury as well, and once he gets there they can have freer conversation about what happened last week with Kyle.

4:32 PM: Turner let Alyssa know that she is not Michael’s target. He said Alyssa has his vote until the end. Alyssa said Michael is claiming that everyone is on board with Terrance going this week.

4:44 PM: Monte asked Alyssa how she is feeling. Alyssa said it has been a long week but Michael said she is not the target. Monte then asked how she is doing in general. Alyssa said she is struggling with the fact that Kyle, someone who she loved and was in a relationship with, lied to her a lot.

4:46 PM: Michael told Brittany, Taylor and Turner that Terrance basically said he is going to go taint the jury against him, saying his game is done and now he gets to go influence the jury based on his morals and values. Michael said Terrance told him that he has done a good job in the house but this will be a whole different beast.

4:49 PM: Terrance told Alyssa and Monte that he is tired since what Michael told him is it came back to him that he wanted to keep Kyle. Terrance said as a black man he has every right to consider that option. Terrance said he snapped and said the game will be played from a different perspective in jury. Terrance said he means that. Terrance added that how he feels about what happened with Kyle will be brought up this week.

6:12 PM: Brittany asked Alyssa if she is okay. Alyssa said yeah because she touched base with Michael and he made it clear what his intentions are. Alyssa said Michael told her that he is open to using the veto if there are any talks of things flipping. Alyssa said she is wanting to work with Brittany and Michael, so she is willing to use this week as an opportunity to prove herself. Brittany said she has not heard anything about anyone wanting to evict her this week. Alyssa said she feels really good with Taylor as well.

6:23 PM: Alyssa let Brittany know that she would like to go far with her and she would not hit the block if she stays and wins. Brittany said she does too. She mentioned that she would like to take the week to think about something that she can do in the game that would be solely attributed to her name. Alyssa said Brittany has her own veto win, was a big part of another one, and she was a part of the power alliance. Brittany said that’s true but she doesn’t want to evict the only person she might win against. Brittany said she would never regret working with Michael but nobody can win against him. Alyssa suggested It’s all about the timing and it’s possible that she could win Part 1, Brittany could win Part 2, and then it’s up to them who goes. Alyssa said Brittany is someone she would genuinely like to see at the end. Brittany said the same to Alyssa as well.

6:39 PM: Michael told Alyssa that Terrance has basically given up and said he now gets to go to jury and influence them. Michael said Terrance made it very clear that he is going to tank him in the jury. Michael said he plans to give Terrance his space but he is not going to respond to any amount of threatening. Michael explained that Terrance seems to hold him responsible for the whole situation with Kyle and how he handled it. Michael mentioned that all he can do is have a conversation with him and explain his thought process.

8:37 PM: Terrance told Monte he let Michael know that he is doing phenomenally in this part of the game but there is a lot he is going to have to answer for once he gets to jury, specifically in terms of what happened with Kyle. Monte said jury management is a real thing. Terrance brought up that Brittany needs to go if there ever comes a time that Michael is safe and she is on the block. Terrance stressed that he does not want either of those two to win the game. Monte said he wishes they were honest and didn’t keep saying that exposing Kyle was not good for their games. Monte voiced frustration that Taylor is falling for Brittany and Michael’s reputation as good people up until this point. Monte said it should have been clear as day to Taylor once Michael used the veto on Brittany over her, as that could have been Brittany’s chance to speak up to white America about how damaging silence can be. Monte said what they did was 100% a game move.

9:26 PM: Brittany told Michael she had an interesting conversation with Alyssa who seems to want to be the new Monte in terms of working with the two of them and Taylor. Michael said he is not saying no to it. He added that they need to see how Alyssa reacts to coming off of the block this week if she stays.

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