Big Brother 24 Day 72 - Alyssa is evicted; Taylor wins HoH and nominates Brittany next to Turner

September 15, 2022

11:40 AM: Brittany told Alyssa she asked Turner if he had told her about his vote yet and he said no because it’s going to be uncomfortable and he does not want to have to do it. She said he also brought up not wanting to make Monte or Taylor mad. Brittany let Alyssa know she even asked if he would give her a sympathy vote and he said that he was not planning to do so. Brittany said Turner could be lying to her since she could flip if he gave any indication that he was willing to throw a sympathy vote to Alyssa. Brittany reiterated that she will be keeping Alyssa.

1:26 PM: Taylor asked Brittany if she has still got her. Brittany said yes. She asked if Taylor knows what Turner is going to do. Taylor said he is keeping her. Brittany said she is surprised as she thought that he would at least give Alyssa a sympathy vote.

1:48 PM: Brittany let Alyssa know that Taylor said Turner is voting to keep her. Brittany said she will vote to keep Alyssa regardless because she doesn’t have anything to lose and she would hate to not do it on the off chance that Turner flips. Brittany said she can tell Taylor that Alyssa deserved a sympathy vote and she knew that Turner wasn’t giving one. Brittany said Alyssa should tell people that this conversation was to let her know that she doesn’t have her vote but in actuality she is voting to keep her. Brittany figured that Turner is 80% likely to evict Alyssa.

1:54 PM: Alyssa told Turner that Brittany said she is not voting to keep her. Alyssa said it’s now down to Monte. She asked if she still has Turner. He confirmed that she does. Alyssa said it means so much to her to have a chance. She added that if she leaves today, Turner is still her best friend. She let him know that she would not put him up if she wins HoH, plus she would take him to the end. In the event that Monte breaks the tie to send her out, Alyssa said she would do major damage control for Turner in the jury house.

2:25 PM: Alyssa told Turner that she is going to go talk to Monte. She asked Turner to wish her luck, which he did. After Alyssa left, Turner turned to the cameras and smirked.

3:07 PM: Alyssa spoke to Monte, telling him that Brittany will not be voting for her. She said she still feels good about Turner which means that he would be put in an awkward position to break a tie. Alyssa said it’s all love no matter what he decides to do. Monte admitted that he is leaning towards keeping Taylor because his biggest concern is making sure that Brittany doesn’t win HoH. Alyssa said she appreciates the honesty.

3:33 PM: Monte filled Taylor in on his talk with Alyssa. He said he let her know that he was leaning towards keeping Taylor.

3:36 PM: Alyssa told Turner that Monte is leaning towards keeping Taylor. She asked if she still has Turner. He said yeah.

6:30 PM: By a vote of 2-1, Alyssa was evicted from the Big Brother house. Monte broke the tie after Brittany voted to evict Taylor.

6:54 PM: Taylor won HoH, securing herself a spot in the final three.

7:13 PM: Turner told Monte that Brittany flipped the vote. Monte said he knows she did and could tell based on her reaction after she left the diary room when casting her vote. Turner asked if Taylor knows. Monte said he will talk some sense into her if not. Turner said it will be three on one in the veto competition. Monte said they are good as long as Brittany doesn’t win it, as they can vote to keep each other.

7:28 PM: Brittany told Taylor that she is going to have to win the veto since the guys will take each other. She mentioned that she got scared when the vote was split and said thank God that Monte pulled through. Brittany said it was hard this morning when she had to let Alyssa know that she was not keeping her. She pointed out that this was good jury management from Turner. Taylor said she isn’t mad since at this point it is just about winning.

7:37 PM: Monte told Taylor it was obvious who voted which way based on seeing Brittany’s reaction when she left the diary room and wouldn’t look at anybody. Turner said he didn’t think Brittany was actually going to do that. Taylor said this week is just about winning. She mentioned Brittany saying she was surprised to hear that it was a split vote, adding “I am so glad that Monte followed through”. Monte said she is so manipulative. Taylor said it’s the game and she will never fault someone for playing.

8:19 PM: The houseguests noticed that “nominations today” was on the living room screen.

8:23 PM: Taylor whispered to herself that Monte and Turner could go on the block. She said she needs to make sure that Turner goes this week. She then said that Brittany and Turner will go up since it’s easy because she can say that one of them is lying to her.

9:08 PM: Taylor received her HoH room.

9:19 PM: Taylor let Brittany know that she will be going on the block next to Turner. Brittany asked what Taylor would do if she were to win the veto. Taylor said she would use it on Brittany. Brittany said she would then vote Turner out. She talked about Monte not knowing the show too well in terms of what happens at final three, so they would have the best shot at getting to the final two if he is still there. Brittany expects Turner to evict her if he wins the veto. If Monte wins, she said she would be so nervous. Taylor suggested that Monte is on board with keeping Brittany. Brittany asked about putting Monte and Turner on the block instead. After discussing the idea, they acknowledged that the initial nominations don’t matter anyway.

9:49 PM: Taylor told Monte that Brittany is going to keep him. Monte said he thinks that she would prefer to sit next to Turner over him since she has been in constant communication with him about a final two or game related things, whereas she has not spoken to him. Monte pointed out that everyone stops talking to the person that they are going to target, which is him in Brittany’s case. Taylor said Brittany expects to lose to both of them but thinks that it would be a landslide against Turner. Taylor made it clear that her ideal final three is with Brittany and Monte.

9:51 PM: Turner asked Brittany if they can chat real quick. She didn’t give a yes or no response. He said he wishes that she would have told him ahead of time. Brittany said there isn’t really anything to say. Turner said he gets it from a game standpoint but he did not like that she used his friendship with Alyssa in order to try to get a sympathy vote. Turner said it’s slimy and not respectable. Brittany ultimately thanked him for his thoughts and walked away.

9:55 PM: Turner headed up to the HoH room and told Monte and Taylor that he is so pissed. He filled them in on his talk with Brittany. Turner cried and said it’s disgusting that Brittany used his vote against him.

10:00 PM: Taylor told Monte it makes her furious that her best shot at getting to the final two is with him and Brittany cause she doesn’t want to reward someone for playing the way that Brittany has. Monte said he respects what she wants this week and will make his pitch for what he thinks is best as well. Taylor said she is flirting with the idea of not nominating Monte in exchange for him agreeing to keep Brittany. Monte said he did not want to lie so he would not commit to it at this time. He asked if Taylor would be open to discussing it if it came down to it. Taylor said it’s about who she can beat and who she can trust. Taylor explained that she can beat Brittany and she can trust Monte. Monte brought up that Brittany is stronger in mental competitions than Turner is. Monte let Taylor know that he would never prioritize Turner over her if it came down to making that decision for a final two.

10:20 PM: Turner let Taylor know that he is not doing well with what happened with Brittany. He said he never would have done something like that to Brittany. Turner asked what Taylor is thinking about doing. She said she plans to nominate him next to Brittany. Turner said he is fine with going up as long as Brittany is nominated. Turner said he does not care if he comes in second or third to Monte or Taylor as long as they are the final three. He added that he does not want Brittany in the house even if she has nothing on her resume and they have 30 things.

10:34 PM: Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony.

11:32 PM: Feeds returned. Taylor nominated Brittany and Turner for eviction.

11:43 PM: Brittany told Taylor she cannot believe that Turner is actually saying she flipped her vote. Taylor asked about what happened in the bathroom, bringing up that Turner said he asked her about the vote. Brittany said no and told Taylor that Turner was just sitting there being pouty, likely because he was caught and knows that Taylor is now HoH.

12:51 AM: Taylor asked Monte how Turner is doing. Monte said he is pissed. Taylor said Brittany is denying that anything happened in the bathroom. Monte said Turner could have made something up but he said very specific things that Brittany had said so he doesn’t think that Turner could be faking a funk on all of it. They agreed that Turner is really hurting.

1:00 AM: While Monte was alone, he said it’s pretty obvious that Brittany planted that vote against Turner. Monte said all he needs to do is win the veto competition to add something to his resume. Monte clarified that all he really has to make sure is that Brittany does not win the veto. Monte said he understands why Taylor would want to take Brittany to final three, as she would then take Brittany to final two for the easy win. Monte said that is not what’s best for him, as it’s best to take Taylor and Turner. Monte pointed out that there is a greater risk of Brittany winning mental comps so she must go.

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