Big Brother 24 Day 73 - Monte wins the Power of Veto

September 16, 2022

8:31 AM: Feeds went down for the veto competition.

10:15 AM: Feeds returned. Monte won the Power of Veto.

10:55 AM: Taylor encouraged Brittany not to give up. Brittany said she doesn’t even know what she could say to Monte. Taylor told her to leave it to her. Brittany said of course she will talk to Monte but she wishes that she had come clean with him rather than trying to protect Michael who wasn’t even there at the time. Brittany figured that Monte would not have brought Turner to the final four and put Taylor in jeopardy if he didn’t plan on getting him to the final three.

11:10 AM: Monte and Taylor kissed in the HoH room. Taylor said they went from enemies to lovers to final two. Monte said that’s exactly what he was thinking. Taylor said they have to make sure that they are in the final two seats. Monte agreed. Taylor brought up that Turner would beat both of them. Monte said he knows. Taylor explained that just like Monte was able to say last week that his hands were going to be tied if she won the veto, she can say the same this week in terms of not being able to control what happens. Taylor let Monte know that she prefer Brittany stays but acknowledged that he has the final say. Monte said he has a lot to think about.

11:22 AM: Monte told Turner he is looking him in the eyes and letting him know that he is taking him. Monte added that he would not be able to stomach evicting Turner this week. Turner reassured Monte that he will take him if he is at the end. Monte said Brittany would take Taylor and Taylor would take Brittany, so this is the logical choice for him. Monte asked that Turner avoid acting comfortable this week, otherwise Brittany and Taylor will be campaigning to him.

11:43 AM: Brittany asked Taylor if she had a chance to talk to Monte at all. Taylor said he is not ready to make a decision yet. Taylor said the good thing is that it’s an ongoing conversation as opposed to him not wanting to reveal what he is doing until the last minute. Brittany questioned how Monte wouldn’t know what he is doing when they have all thought about it by now. She said she will not get her hopes up since it would not make any sense on his part to take her over Turner. The only argument Brittany brought up is that Turner would win over Monte.

11:52 AM: Brittany spoke to the cameras and said that she is going home this week. She added that she does not deserve Taylor.

11:52 AM: Monte spoke to the cameras about how he is not going to carry someone to the final three just because he can beat them easier. Monte believes that taking Turner to the final three would ensure that he makes it to the final two no matter who wins HoH. If Brittany went to the final three, Monte said she would pick Taylor and vice versa.

1:14 PM: Taylor told Turner thank God that Monte won. Turner said he talked to him and he did not tell him anything but he fully trusts him to do what they have discussed. Turner said he doesn’t think Monte feels good about Brittany being at the end with him. Turner said he thinks he has shown his character to Monte over the past few months. Turner told Taylor he would appreciate it if she were to vouch for him when she talks to Monte. Turner asked if he should campaign this week. Taylor said no. Turner let Taylor know that he feels really good with her and Monte, and thinks that they deserve to be at the end together. Taylor said she feels good about Turner but is scared of him. Turner brought up that he has the worst jury management in the house.

4:04 PM: Feeds returned after being down while the houseguests received video messages from home.

4:35 PM: Taylor let Brittany know that she is working on getting her to the end. Brittany asked what her gut is saying. Taylor said her gut tells her that if she cries, begs and pleads, Monte will keep her.

4:52 PM: Taylor told Monte she asked Turner if he has a final two with him and he said no. Monte said he already told her that. Monte asked if they have a final two. Taylor asked if that’s what they are calling it. Monte said he is going to pick Taylor, and Taylor said the same back to him. Taylor explained that they can deny having a final two if they don’t say those words out loud.

6:54 PM: Brittany told Taylor she doesn’t expect Monte to pick her because he knows that she would pick Taylor over him at the end. Brittany asked if Monte and Taylor have a final two. Taylor said no. Taylor said it may make sense for Monte to take the two of them if he is confident that he can beat both of them.

7:25 PM: Monte told Turner it feels good knowing that they will not be seeing the jury house. Turner said it’s amazing.

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