April Lewis
Ashlea Evans
Beau Beasley
Eric Littmann
Howie Gordon
Ivette Corredero
James Rhine
Janelle Pierzina
Jennifer Vasquez
Kaysar Ridha
Maggie Ausburn
Michael Donnellan
Rachel Plencner
Sarah Hrejsa



Ivette and Beau
Michael and Kaysar
Maggie and Eric
April and Jennifer
Sarah and James
Ashlea and Janelle
Rachel and Howie


Big Brother 6

Summer Of Secrets

Julie announced that it will be the Summer of Secrets and that each of the houseguests is entering the house and playing the game with someone that they already know. The twist is that each pair believes that they are the only ones playing the game with a secret partner. If one of the duos makes it to the end of the game and are the last two houseguests standing, the winner will take home $1,000,000 and the runner up will receive $250,000.

Move In Day

Group 1: April, Jennifer, Ashlea, Howie and James.
Group 2: Kaysar, Beau, Maggie and Rachel.
Group 3: Janelle, Sarah, Ivette, Eric and Michael.

HoH Competition - "Wipeout"

The houseguests were divided into two teams. Each team must get in to the pool and get on top of their surf board. The houseguests must work together to balance on the board while grabbing coconuts off of the tree and tossing them into the mouth of the figure. You can only do so when all 7 team members are on the surf board. The team that has the most coconuts in the mouth after 10 minutes will win food for the week. The losing team will be on peanut butter and jelly.

The winning team will battle one another for Head of Household.

Orange Team: Sarah, James, April, Janelle, Rachel, Maggie and Howie.
Blue Team: Kaysar, Ashlea, Jennifer, Eric, Beau, Ivette and Michael.

The orange team won by a score of 23-7. The orange team then competed for HoH.

Rachel won the first HoH of Big Brother 6Rachel won the first HoH of Big Brother 6Rachel won the first HoH of Big Brother 6

Order to drop out of the competition: James (10 minutes), Janelle (41 minutes), April (2 hours 15 minutes), Sarah (2 hours 15 minutes), Maggie (2 hours 22 minutes), Howie (2 hours 35 minutes).

Rachel won HoH.

Rachel won the first HoH of Big Brother 6Rachel won the first HoH of Big Brother 6Rachel won the first HoH of Big Brother 6

Nomination Ceremony

Rachel nominated Ashlea and Kaysar for eviction.

Rachel nominated Kaysar and Ashlea for evictionRachel nominated Kaysar and Ashlea for evictionRachel nominated Kaysar and Ashlea for eviction

Veto Competition - “Rec-tangled"

Veto Players: Rachel, Ashlea, Kaysar, Eric, Howie and Maggie.
Host: Ivette.

Blue Team: Eric and Kaysar. Orange Team: Ashlea and Howie. Yellow Team: Maggie and Rachel.

Rachel won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 6Rachel won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 6Rachel won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 6

Each team will stand in front of their own rectangular cage and will lock themselves together to their rope. At the centre of the rope is a veto medallion. In order to free the veto medallion, you must climb your way through the rectangle until you and your partner are completely untangled from he cage. Once you are completely untangled, you must grab the set of keys from the veto medallion, unlock the rope from your waist, slide off the veto medallion and place it on the post. Only one person can place the medallion. The first to do so will win the Power of Veto.

Rachel won the Power of Veto.

Rachel won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 6Rachel won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 6Rachel won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 6

Veto Ceremony

Rachel decided not to use the Power of Veto.

Rachel won the Power of Veto


Ashlea was evicted by a vote of 9-2.

Votes to evict Ashlea (9): Michael, Maggie, Ivette, April, Howie, Beau, Jennifer, Sarah and Eric.
Votes to evict Kaysar (2): Janelle and James.

Kaysar Ridha and Ashlea Evans nominated for evictionAshlea was the first houseguest to be evicted.Ashlea Evans with Julie Chen.

HoH Competition - “Fast And Easy”

Julie will ask a series of true or false questions about the Big Brother house. If you get the question wrong, you are eliminated. If you all get the question right, the person who answers the slowest will be eliminated. The last person standing will become the new HoH.

Question 1: True or false, all of the fish in the house are yellow?
Answer: True. Everyone answered correctly. Beau answered the slowest and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 2: True or false, 15 houseguests moved in to the Big Brother house?
Answer: False. Everyone answered correctly. Kaysar answered the slowest and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 3: True or false, in the first competition you picked coconuts off the trees?
Answer: True. Everyone answered correctly. Maggie answered the slowest and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 4: True or false, there are two hot tubs in the backyard?
Answer: False. James answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 5: True or false, the Head of Household room is on the first floor?
Answer: False. Everyone answered correctly. Sarah answered the slowest and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 6: True or false, the team that lost the first food competition could only eat yams?
Answer: False. Everyone answered correctly. April answered the slowest and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 7: True or false, there are more men than women living in the house?
Answer: False. Michael answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 8: True or false, the gold room was discovered by Rachel?
Answer: True. Everyone answered correctly. Jennifer answered the slowest and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 9: True or false, the gum ball machine only accepts nickels?
Answer: False. Everyone answered correctly. Ivette answered the slowest and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 10: True or false, the kitchen cabinets are green?
Answer: False. Everyone answered correctly. Howie answered the slowest and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 11: True or false, there are only two safes in the gold room?
Answer: False. Janelle answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Eric won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Eric nominated Janelle and Michael for eviction.

Janelle was nominated for eviction.Eric won HoH and nominated Janelle and Michael for eviction.Michael was nominated for eviction.

Veto Competition - “High And Dry"

Veto Players: Eric, Janelle, Michael, Howie, James and Rachel.
Host: Beau.

Each team will play by clipping themselves to the steel beams. Each person will have their own track. The object is to scoop water from one platform, fly across the yard and pour it into the tank on the other side. As the water rises, so will the ball inside. Once the ball pops through the hole on top, you must put it into the tube. The person who does so in the quickest time will win the Power of Veto.

James completed the competition in a time of 6:31.
Michael completed the competition in a time of 6:44.
Janelle completed the competition in a time of 6:48.
Howie completed the competition in a time of 7:45.
Rachel completed the competition in a time of 8:30.
Eric completed the competition in a time of 9:03.

James won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

James decided not to use the Power of Veto.


Michael was evicted by a vote of 9-1.

Votes to evict Michael (9): April, Beau, Howie, Ivette, James, Jennifer, Maggie, Rachel and Sarah.
Votes to evict Janelle (1): Kaysar.

Janelle and Michael nominated. Michael was evicted. Janelle and Michael nominated. Michael was evicted. Janelle and Michael nominated. Michael was evicted. Michael with Julie Chen.

HoH Competition - “Majority Rules”

Julie will ask the houseguests for their opinion on the different houseguests and life in the house. When you answer, answer the way that you think the majority of the group’s opinion will be. The houseguests that answer with the majority will advance. The last houseguest standing will become the new HoH.

Majority Rules HoH competition. Big Brother 6. Kaysar won HoH.Majority Rules HoH competition. Big Brother 6. Kaysar won HoH.Majority Rules HoH competition. Big Brother 6. Kaysar won HoH.

Question 1: Who does the majority think is more likely to send flowers after the first date, Howie or Kaysar?
Majority: Kaysar. Beau was eliminated from the competition.

Question 2: Who does the majority think is more intelligent, James or Eric?
Majority: James. Howie and Ivette were eliminated from the competition.

Question 3: In this week’s food competition, “Snack Shack From Hell”, what does the majority think was the grossest dish served, Turkey Pot Poi or Iced Clam Sundae?
Majority: Iced Clam Sundae. Nobody was eliminated from the competition.

Question 4: Who does the majority think is more likely to dress their pet in clothes, Beau or Janelle?
Majority: Beau. Nobody was eliminated from the competition.

Question 5: Who does the majority think is more likely to secretly read a boyfriend’s email, Jennifer or Sarah?
Majority: Jennifer. April was eliminated from the competition.

Majority Rules HoH competition. Big Brother 6

Question 6: What does the majority think is more annoying, houseguests who don’t wash their dishes or houseguests who don’t wash their clothes?
Majority: Houseguests who don’t wash their clothes. Nobody was eliminated from the competition.

Question 7: Who would the majority rather be stuck in an elevator with, Ivette or April?
Majority: April. Rachel and Sarah were eliminated from the competition.

Question 8: Who would the majority choose to babysit their kids, Howie or Janelle?
Majority: Janelle. Jennifer was eliminated from the competition.

Tiebreaker Question: How many total coconuts were on both trees combined in the opening competition “Wipeout”?
Answers: Janelle 36, James 95, Maggie 97, Kaysar 100.
The correct answer was 184.

Kaysar won HoH.

Majority Rules HoH competition. Big Brother 6Kaysar and Janelle Big Brother 6

Nomination Ceremony

Kaysar nominated James and Maggie for eviction.

Kaysar nominated James and Maggie for evictionKaysar nominated James and Maggie for evictionKaysar nominated James and Maggie for eviction

Veto Competition - “Knight Moves"

Veto Players: Kaysar, James, Maggie, Howie, Ivette and Janelle.
Host: April.

Big Brother veto competitionBig Brother chess veto competitionBig Brother chess veto competition

Everyone will choose a spot on the board. They will then take turns moving as a knight would, in an L-shaped path. Each time a houseguest makes a move, the square they land on will be removed from the board. That square becomes out of play for the rest of the game. When a houseguest can’t find a square to move to, they are out of the game. The last houseguest remaining will win the Power of Veto.

Order to be eliminated from the competition: Ivette, Maggie, Janelle, Kaysar, Howie.

James won the Power of Veto.

Big Brother chess veto competitionBig Brother chess veto competitionJames won the Power of Veto

Veto Ceremony

James used the Power of Veto on himself. Kaysar named Eric as the replacement nominee.

James Rhine Power of VetoKaysar nominates EricKaysar nominates Eric


Eric was evicted by a vote of 5-4.

Votes to evict Eric (5): Janelle, Sarah, James, Howie and Rachel.
Votes to evict Maggie (4): Jennifer, April, Beau and Ivette.

Eric and Maggie Big Brother 6Eric is evicted Big Brother 6Eric with Julie Chen. Big Brother 6

HoH Competition - "Power Roller"

Each houseguest will step up to one of the lanes and will be given one roll of the ball. The goal of the competition is to get closest to the hole at the end of the lane without your ball falling in. Whoever comes closest to that hole will become the new HoH. If your ball falls in any of the holes, you are out of the game.

Janelle Big Brother 6 HoHJanelle Big Brother 6 HoH

Janelle rolled first.
Howie rolled second. Janelle was closer, eliminating Howie from the game.
Ivette rolled third. Janelle was closer, eliminating Ivette from the game.
James rolled fourth. Janelle was closer, eliminating James from the game.
April rolled fifth. Her ball rolled into a hole, eliminating her from the game.
Beau rolled sixth. Janelle was closer, eliminating Beau from the game.
Jennifer rolled seventh. Her ball rolled into a hole, eliminating her from the game.
Maggie rolled eighth. Her ball was closer than Janelle’s, eliminating Janelle from the game.
Rachel rolled ninth. Maggie was closer, eliminating Rachel from the game.
Sarah rolled tenth. Maggie was closer, eliminating Sarah from the game.

Maggie won HoH.

Maggie Big Brother 6 HoHMaggie Big Brother 6 HoHMaggie Big Brother 6 HoH

Nomination Ceremony

Maggie nominated James and Kaysar for eviction.

James Big Brother 6Maggie Big Brother 6Kaysar Big Brother 6

Veto Competition - “Couch Potato"

Veto Players: Maggie, James, Kaysar, Beau, Janelle and Sarah.
Host: Rachel.

Big Brother 6 veto competitionBig Brother 6 veto competitionBig Brother 6 veto competition

Each houseguest has a television with their photo above it. The goal is to turn your TV on and get it to Channel 5. Instead of pushing buttons, you are going to throw balls at them. Once you hit the on/off button, your television will be on Channel 0. You then have to turn the channel up or down by hitting the buttons with the tennis balls. The first to get their TV to Channel 5 will win the Power of Veto.

Sarah won the Power of Veto.

Big Brother 6 veto competitionSarah won the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6Sarah won the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6

Veto Ceremony

Sarah used the Power of Veto on James. Maggie nominated Janelle as the replacement nominee.


Kaysar was evicted by a vote of 7-1.

Votes to evict Kaysar (7): Ivette, April, Howie, Beau, Rachel, Jennifer and Sarah.
Votes to evict Janelle (1): James.

HoH Competition - “Eliminator”

By answering a question correctly, you earn the power to eliminate another houseguest from the competition. The houseguests will be asked a series of questions. The first person to buzz in will get to answer. They will have 5 seconds to answer. If they answer correctly, they must eliminate someone from the competition. Answer incorrectly and you will be eliminated. The last houseguest standing will become the new HoH.

Question 1: At the end of the food competition “Spelling Bee”, who was selected to spin the wheel?
Answer: Kaysar. Sarah answered correctly and eliminated Jennifer from the competition.

Question 2: In the veto competition “High And Dry”, which houseguest finished with the slowest time?
Answer: Eric. Ivette answered correctly and eliminated James from the competition.

Question 3: In the veto competition “Knight Moves”, houseguests had to move on the chess board like what letter?
Answer: L. Janelle incorrectly answered “knight" and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 4: In the food competition “Spelling Bee”, how many words were misspelled?
Answer: 4. Sarah answered correctly and eliminated Ivette from the competition.

Question 5: How many “Admit One” movie tickets…?
Answer: 6. Howie answered correctly and eliminated Beau from the competition.

Question 6: In the veto competition “Couch Potato”, what colour was the on/off button?
Answer: Red. Rachel answered correctly and eliminated April from the competition.

Question 7: When Jennifer won the bonus prize in the food competition “Matching Munchies”, what two numbers were revealed for the safe?
Answer: 46 and 57. Rachel answered correctly and eliminated Sarah from the competition.

Question 8: In the veto competition “Couch Potato”, the television set had to land on what channel?
Answer: 5. Howie answered correctly and eliminated Rachel from the competition.

Howie won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Howie nominated James and Sarah for eviction.

Veto Competition - “A Lotta Pinata”

Veto Players: Howie, James, Sarah, Ivette, Jennifer and Rachel.
Host: Janelle.

Big Brother sequestered the competitors in different rooms of the house. One at a time they were called out to the backyard to compete. Each of the competing houseguests had a piñata hanging in the backyard. Each competitor gets 10 pieces of candy and must deposit the candy into at least two of the pinatas. After all 6 competitors have had their turn, the houseguests will break open their pinata. The houseguest that has closest to 20 pieces of candy without going over will win the Power of Veto.

Rachel - 3 Howie, 3 Rachel, 2 Ivette, 2 Jennifer.
Sarah - 9 Howie, 1 Sarah.
Howie - 5 James, 5 Sarah.
Jennifer - 4 James, 3 Jennifer, 3 Sarah.
Ivette - 9 James, 1 Sarah.
James - 4 Howie, 4 Rachel, 1 Ivette, 1 Jennifer.

Results: James 18, Howie 16, Sarah 10, Rachel 7, Jennifer 6, Ivette 3.

James won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

James used the Power of Veto on himself. Howie nominated Ivette as the replacement nominee.


Sarah was evicted by a vote of 6-1.

Votes to evict Sarah (6): Maggie, Janelle, April, Beau, Rachel and Jennifer.
Votes to evict Ivette (1): James.

Big Brother 6 Sarah evictedBig Brother 6 Sarah evictedBig Brother 6 Sarah and Julie Chen

America’s Choice

America was given the opportunity to vote one of the first four evictees back into the house. Ashlea left sequester and was ineligible to be voted back in, so it came down to Michael, Eric and Kaysar.

More than 5 million votes were cast. Julie revealed to America and to the houseguests that the top two vote getters were Eric and Kaysar.

Big Brother 6 Kaysar voted back inBig Brother 6 Kaysar voted back inBig Brother 6 Kaysar voted back in

Julie then told the houseguests that the top vote getter will be walking through the front door. It was then that Julie announced that Kaysar was voted back in to the game, receiving 82% of the vote.

Big Brother 6 Kaysar voted back inBig Brother 6 Kaysar voted back inBig Brother 6 Kaysar voted back in

HoH Competition - “Pressure Cooker”

There are 9 buttons located on the inside wall of the pressure cooker. Each houseguest needs to choose and hold down a button. When Julie says go, the pressure cooker will lock shut. Whoever holds on the longest will become the new HoH.

In the pressure cooker, it takes 3 people to let off steam. In order to unlock the door, 3 people must let go of their button to let them out. After those 3 people exit the box, the door will not open again until 3 more people release the button. As long as you are in the game, there is no eating, drinking or bathroom breaks.

Within the pressure cooker are 8 boxes. If you let go of your button, you must open one of the boxes. Each box has a surprise inside. Some surprises are good and some are not so good.

Julie opened the purple box, which contained flies.

After 5 hours, Howie announced that the houseguest may not sit or kneel and can only squat.

Howie opened the green box, which contained dead fish.

After 6 hours, Howie announced that it is midnight and the peanut butter and jelly food restriction has been lifted. He said that there is tons of fresh food in the storage room.

Beau opened the blue box, which contained a cocktail bar.

Janelle opened the red box, winning a Netflix subscription, DVD player and 42 inch plasma TV.

April opened the orange box and won $3,000.

After 9 hours, Howie told the houseguests that they must choose one hand and can only use that hand for the remainder of the competition.

Ivette opened the black box, which contained an air horn.

James opened the silver box, which contained pizza.

Maggie opened the gold box, which contained rotten eggs.

Order to drop out of the competition: Beau (6 hours 25 minutes), Janelle (7 hours 10 minutes), April (8 hours 31 minutes), Ivette (10 hours 24 minutes), James (10 hours 36 minutes), Maggie (10 hours 37 minutes), Rachel (10 hours 50 minutes), Kaysar (13 hours 53 minutes).

Jennifer won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Jennifer nominated Janelle and Rachel for eviction.

Veto Competition - “Coast For The Most"

Veto Players: Jennifer, Janelle, Rachel, April, Howie and Kaysar.
Host: Maggie.

There is a large table that has five rings, each representing a week someone was evicted from the Big Brother house. There are also five coasters with the faces of the evicted houseguests on them. The object is to land the evicted houseguest’s coaster on the week that they were evicted. If you get the right coaster on the right week you will win that amount of points. The houseguest with the highest amount of points will win the Power of Veto.

Points: Rachel 6, Janelle 5, April 4, Howie 4, Kaysar 3, Jennifer 1.

Rachel won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Rachel used the Power of Veto on herself. Jennifer nominated Kaysar as the replacement nominee.

Jennifer nominates Kaysar - Big Brother 6Jennifer nominates Kaysar - Big Brother 6


Kaysar was evicted by a vote of 7-0.

Votes to evict Kaysar (7): April, Beau, Howie, Ivette, James, Jennifer and Rachel.
Votes to evict Janelle (0): None.

Kaysar is evicted - Big Brother 6Kaysar is evicted - Big Brother 6Kaysar is evicted - Big Brother 6

HoH Competition - “Face The Facts”

Each houseguest has been given a five-sided device with the faces of four evicted houseguests. The fifth side will only be used if your answer is “none of the above”. The houseguests will be read a series of questions about the competitions. If you answer incorrectly, you will be eliminated. The last houseguest standing will become the new HoH.

Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6

Question 1: Which evicted houseguest won the “Sold Out” competition to watch the film Four Brothers?
Answer: Sarah. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 2: In the veto competition “High And Dry”, which houseguest finished in second place?
Answer: Michael. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 3: In the food competition “Snack Shack From Hell”, which houseguest ate the snails and noodles?
Answer: None. Maggie answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 4: In the food competition “Will Spell For Food”, who passed on the word jalapeño?
Answer: Sarah. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 5: After the HoH competition “Majority Rules”, which houseguest handed over the HoH key to Kaysar?
Answer: Eric. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 6: In the veto competition “Rectangled”, which houseguest untangled the orange rope?
Answer: Ashlea. Howie and Ivette answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.

Question 7: Which evicted houseguest misspelled two words in the food competition “Will Spell For Food”?
Answer: None. James and Rachel answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.

Tiebreaker Question: How many light bulbs did it take to spell “sold out” in the luxury competition?
Answers: April 145, Beau 175, Janelle 275.
The correct answer was 286.

Janelle won HoH.

Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6

Julie told Janelle that she needs her to go immediately to the diary room. Julie instructed the other houseguests to have a seat in the living room. Julie then informed the viewers that another houseguest will be evicted within the next 48 hours. Julie then told Janelle that it is a double eviction week. She was told that she will only have a couple of minutes to decide on her nominations.

Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6

Nomination Ceremony

Janelle nominated Jennifer and Maggie for eviction.

Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6Janelle wins HoH - Big Brother 6

Veto Competition - “Goal For It"

Veto Players: Janelle, Jennifer, Maggie, April, Howie and Ivette.
Host: Rachel.

Janelle won the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6Janelle won the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6Janelle won the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6

One at a time, the houseguests will step up to centre ice. They must place one or more pucks on the circle and shoot them into the goals in order from left to right. The houseguest who can score all 6 goals in the fastest time will win the Power of Veto.

Howie scored all 6 goals in a time of 2:41.
April scored all 6 goals in a time of 2:33.
Janelle scored all 6 goals in a time of 1:45.
Ivette failed to beat Janelle’s time, scoring 5 goals in 1:45.
Maggie failed to beat Janelle’s time, scoring 3 goals in 1:45.
Jennifer failed to beat Janelle’s time, scoring 5 goals in 1:45.

Janelle won the Power of Veto.

Janelle won the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6Janelle won the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6Janelle won the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6

Veto Ceremony

Janelle used the Power of Veto on Maggie. Janelle nominated Ivette as the replacement nominee.

Janelle with the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6Maggie - Big Brother 6Ivette - Big Brother 6


Jennifer was evicted by a vote of 5-1.

Votes to evict Jennifer (5): Beau, Maggie, Howie, James and Rachel.
Votes to evict Ivette (1): April.

Jennifer evicted from Big Brother 6Jennifer evicted from Big Brother 6Jennifer evicted from Big Brother 6

HoH Competition - “On The House”

Julie will ask 10 questions. If you buzz in and get the answer right, you will earn one point. If you get the answer wrong, you are eliminated. At the end of 10 questions, the houseguest with the most points will become the new HoH.

Beau wins HoH - Big Brother 6James Rhine - Big Brother 6

Question 1: What two colours are the stools in the kitchen?
Beau buzzed in and correctly answered orange and red.

Question 2: How many seas are on the map?
Ivette buzzed in and correctly answered 17.

Question 3: What are the numbers on the subway?
Howie buzzed in and incorrectly answered 17, 46 and 57.
Howie was eliminated from the competition.

Question 4: What colour are the squares on the downstairs bathroom door?
Ivette buzzed in and incorrectly answered red and grey.
Ivette was eliminated from the competition.

Question 5: What is the combination to the gym door?
Beau buzzed in and correctly answered 5-3-4.

Question 6: What colour is the rug in the gold room?
Rachel buzzed in and correctly answered white.

Beau wins HoH - Big Brother 6

Question 7: How many PB&J sandwiches were pulled out of the first gold safe?
James buzzed in and correctly answered 11.

Question 8: How many safes in the gold room are the same size?
Rachel buzzed in and incorrectly answered 1.
Rachel was eliminated from the competition.

Question 9: What famous landmark is framed above the desk in the HoH room?
April buzzed in and incorrectly answered Paris.
April was eliminated from the competition.

Question 10: How many key slots are in the nomination box?
James buzzed in and correctly answered 13.

Points: Beau 2, James 2.

Tiebreaker Question: How many puzzle pieces are on the wall?
Beau buzzed in and correctly answered 4.

Beau won HoH.

Beau wins HoH - Big Brother 6Beau wins HoH - Big Brother 6Beau wins HoH - Big Brother 6

Nomination Ceremony

Beau nominated Howie and Rachel for eviction.

Howie Big Brother 6Beau Big Brother 6Rachel Big Brother 6

Veto Competition - “Get Your Pairings Straight"

Veto Players: Beau, Howie, Rachel, April, James and Janelle.

James win the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6

The houseguests were kept in different rooms of the house, going outside one at a time to compete. The houseguests’ faces are floating in the pool. It is up to you to get them out of the pool and match them up with their secret partner. The houseguests must swim to the bottom of the pool to unhook a face, then run over to the board to drop them in to the slots. Only one face can be moved at a time. The object is to have the pairs matched side by side. The houseguest to complete the competition in the shortest time will win the Power of Veto.

Results: James 5:47, Janelle 5:51, Howie 6:20, Beau 6:37, Rachel 8:52, April 9:53.

James won the Power of Veto.

James win the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6Ivette - Big Brother 6James win the Power of Veto - Big Brother 6

Veto Ceremony

James decided not to use the Power of Veto.

Howie Big Brother 6James Big Brother 6 - Veto winnerRachel Big Brother 6


Rachel was evicted by a vote of 5-0.

Votes to evict Rachel (5): Maggie, Janelle, April, Ivette and James.
Votes to evict Howie (0): None.

Rachel was evicted from Big Brother 6Rachel Big Brother 6Rachel and Julie Chen - Big Brother 6

HoH Competition - “High, Low”

The houseguests will be asked questions about the Big Brother game. Each question will contain a number. The answer will be higher or lower than the number given. If you think the answer is higher, you will take a step up. If you think the answer is lower, you will take a step down. The last houseguest standing will be the new HoH.

Question 1: Of the 14 houseguests, how many are taller than 6’0? Is the answer higher or lower than 3?
Answer: Higher (4). Howie, Ivette and Maggie answered incorrectly and were eliminated from the competition.

Question 2: Of the current houseguests, how many have never won HoH? Is the number higher or lower than 4?
Answer: Lower (3). Everyone answered correctly.

Question 3: How many veto competitions have been played so far this season? Is the number higher or lower than 9?
Answer: Lower (8). Everyone answered correctly.

Question 4: How many nights have you spent in the Big Brother house? Is the answer higher or lower than 50?
Answer: Higher (53). James answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.

Question 5: How many houseguests went from being HoH to being tossed out at the next eviction ceremony? Is the number higher or lower than 4?
Answer: Lower (3). Everyone answered correctly.

Tiebreaker Question: In the veto competition “Goal For It”, how many hockey pucks were in the red bin?
Answers: Janelle 85, April 100.
The correct answer was 155.

April won HoH.

Janelle Big Brother 6April won HoH - Big Brother 6

Nomination Ceremony

April nominated Howie and Janelle for eviction.

Howie Big Brother 6April Big Brother 6Janelle Big Brother 6

Veto Competition - “Playing It Dirty”

Veto Players: April, Howie, Janelle, Beau, Ivette and Maggie.
Host: James.

Before the houseguests is a giant mud pit divided into 6 lanes. At one end of the lane are 4 veto symbols locked to a pole. The object is to be the first to unlock the veto symbols, carry them across the mud and drop them into he frame on the other side. The keys are hidden under 10,000 pounds of mud. The houseguest to finish first will win the Power of Veto.

April won the Power of Veto.

April Big Brother 6 - Power of Veto winner

Bonus Prize: Each houseguest had one silver veto. The first to unlock a golden veto and place it into the frame will win the combination to the second gold safe.

Janelle was the first to get the silver veto.

Janelle won an all-inclusive trip for two to the Bahamas.

Veto Ceremony

April used the Power of Veto on Janelle. April nominated James as the replacement nominee.

April - Big Brother 6 - Power of VetoJanelle with the Power of VetoJames Rhine - Big Brother 6


James was evicted by a vote of 4-0.

Votes to evict James (4): Maggie, Beau, Ivette and Janelle.
Votes to evict Howie (0): None.

Howie and James - Big Brother 6James - Big Brother 6James and Julie Chen - Big Brother 6

HoH Competition - “Playing It Straight”

Each houseguest will have two turns to roll their bowling ball down the narrow beam. Each trench along the way has a point value from 0 through 6. If your ball makes it all the way through the end of the beam and goes through the hole you will receive 10 points. If your ball falls short at the end of the beam, you will receive 0 points. The houseguest with the highest point total from both rolls will become HoH.

Maggie rolled a 2 and a 5 for a total of 7 points.
Beau rolled a 5 and a 6 for a total of 11 points.
Ivette rolled a 5 and a 4 for a total of 9 points.
Janelle rolled a 6 and a 2 for a total of 8 points.
Howie rolled a 6 and a 6 for a total of 12 points.

Howie won HoH.

After the competition, Julie informed the houseguests that it is a double eviction week and that Howie had to nominate two houseguests for eviction immediately.

Nomination Ceremony

Howie nominated Beau and Ivette for eviction.

Howie - Big Brother 6Ivette - Big Brother 6

Veto Competition - “Roll Me A Veto"

Veto Players: Howie, Beau, Ivette, April, Janelle and Maggie.
Host: Holly King.

Each houseguest will start with 10 casino chips. They may bet up to 5 chips per play. Once everyone has placed their bets, it’s time to roll the dice. If you were to roll “Week 1” and “Veto”, you would need to know who won veto in the first week. If you answer correctly, you will double your money. Answer incorrectly and the house will take your bet. On one dice is “Crap Out” which means that all bets are lost. The game will end once each player has had a chance to roll. The player with the most chips at that time will win the Power of Veto.

Chip Totals: April 19, Ivette 19, Janelle 19, Maggie 19, Howie 17, Beau 16.

Tiebreaker Question #1: Who was not evicted Week 6?
Answer: Janelle.
April answered correctly and bet 19 chips.
Ivette answered incorrectly and was eliminated from the competition.
Janelle answered correctly and bet 19 chips.
Maggie answered correctly and bet 19 chips.

Tiebreaker Question #2: Who was the replacement nominee in Week 4?
Answer: Janelle.
April answered correctly and bet 37 chips.
Janelle answered correctly and bet 38 chips.
Maggie answered correctly and bet 38 chips.

Tiebreaker Question #3: In the veto competition “Playing Dirty”, how many total keys were buried in the mud?
Answers: Janelle 72, Maggie 96.
The correct answer was 138.

Maggie won the Power of Veto.

Janelle - Big Brother 6Maggie Big Brother 6Maggie Big Brother 6

Veto Ceremony

Maggie decided not to use the Power of Veto.

Maggie - Big Brother 6Beau and Ivette Big Brother 6


Beau was evicted by a vote of 3-0.

Votes to evict Beau (3): Janelle, April and Maggie.
Votes to evict Ivette (0): None.

Beau and Ivette - Big Brother 6Beau evicted from Big Brother 6Beau and Julie Chen - Big Brother 6

HoH Competition - “Magnetic Attraction"

The houseguests will be asked 8 questions based on the questionnaires that they filled out prior to entering the Big Brother house. The houseguests must answer “blue” or “red” by placing the magnet on the board in front of them. Each correct answer is worth one point. The houseguest that earns the most points will become the new HoH.

Question 1: Who said they get the most compliments about their smile, Kaysar or Michael?
Answer: Kaysar. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 2: Who said they have a bad habit of cracking their knuckles, Sarah or James?
Answer: Sarah. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 3: Who said the craziest thing they have done as a result of a dare is getting on stage with a naked girl in Key West, Beau or Ivette?
Answer: Ivette. Ivette, Janelle and Maggie answered correctly.

Question 4: Who once dressed up as Britney Spears for halloween, Jennifer or April?
Answer: Jennifer. April, Ivette and Maggie answered correctly.

Question 5: Who would title their autobiography “I Had A Blast Living A Normal Life”, Eric or Maggie?
Answer: Maggie. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 6: Who said their shortest job consisted of 3 days of selling blood plasma, Rachel or Howie?
Answer: Howie. April, Ivette and Maggie answered correctly.

Question 7: Whose first job was working at a Dairy Queen, Janelle or Ashlea?
Answer: Janelle. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 8: Who said the body part he likes most on a woman is her buttocks, Kaysar or Michael?
Answer: Kaysar. Everyone answered incorrectly.

Results: Ivette 7, Maggie 7, April 6, Janelle 5.

Tiebreaker Question: In the HoH competition “Playing It Straight”, what was the total amount of points scored for all the houseguests combined?
Answers: Maggie 1, Ivette 35.
The correct answer was 47.

Ivette won HoH.

Nomination Ceremony

Ivette nominated Howie and Janelle for eviction.

Howie Big Brother 6Ivette Big Brother 6Janelle Big Brother 6

Veto Competition - “Morph-O-Matic”

Veto Players: Ivette, Howie, Janelle, April and Maggie.

Big Brother Morphamatic veto competitionBig Brother Morphamatic veto competitionBig Brother Morphamatic veto competition

The houseguests were called to the backyard one at a time to compete. The photos of three houseguests were combined into one. The houseguests must correctly identify which three houseguests’ photos the new photo is comprised of. The quickest person to correctly identify all of the houseguests in the 6 photos will win the Power of Veto.

Big Brother Morphamatic veto competitionBig Brother Morphamatic veto competitionBig Brother Morphamatic veto competition

Results: Janelle 2:30, Ivette 3:28, Maggie 3:59, April 4:16, Howie 9:18.

Janelle won the Power of Veto.

Big Brother Morphamatic veto competitionBig Brother Morphamatic veto competitionBig Brother Morphamatic veto competition

Veto Ceremony

Janelle used the Power of Veto on herself. Ivette nominated April as the replacement nominee.


Howie was evicted by a vote of 2-1.

Votes to evict Howie (2): Maggie, Ivette*.
Votes to evict April (1): Janelle.
Ivette cast the tiebreaking vote.

HoH Competition - “Before Or After”

Julie will ask 7 questions about events that happened in the Big Brother house. The houseguests will have to decide if it happened before or after another event. Each correct answer is worth one point. After 7 questions, the person with the most points will become the new HoH.

Question 1: Did Kaysar receive an MP3 player for his birthday before or after America voted him back in the house?
Answer: After. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 2: Did James win his fourth veto competition before or after Jennifer was evicted from the house?
Answer: After. Janelle and Maggie answered correctly.

Question 3: Did Howie meet Holly from BB5 before or after he got his lightsaber?
Answer: After. Janelle and Maggie answered correctly.

Question 4: Did Beau win the martini bar before or after Maggie’s birthday?
Answer: Before. Janelle answered correctly.

Question 5: Was Eric evicted before or after the first safe in the gold room was opened?
Answer: Before. Everyone answered correctly.

Question 6: Did Sarah eat turkey pot poi in the food competition before or after she unlocked the gym door for the first time?
Answer: Before. April and Janelle answered correctly.

Question 7: Did Janelle receive a phone call from Michael before or after April won HoH?
Answer: After. April and Janelle answered correctly.

Results: Janelle 7, April 4, Maggie 4.

Janelle won HoH.

Janelle Big Brother 6Janelle Big Brother 6

Nomination Ceremony

Janelle nominated Ivette and Maggie for eviction.

Ivette Big Brother 6Janelle Big Brother 6Maggie Big Brother 6

Veto Competition - “The Missing Link”

Veto Players: April, Ivette, Janelle and Maggie.

Each houseguest has an identical link of covered clues. When the game begins, they may pull off the covers of the game board. In order to answer each clue, you must place the face of a houseguest on both sides. Some clues have multiple answers. The first houseguest to complete their chain wins the final Power of Veto.

Ivette won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony

Ivette used the Power of Veto on herself. Janelle nominated April as the replacement nominee.

Ivette Big Brother 6Janelle Big Brother 6


April was evicted by a vote of 1-0. Ivette cast the sole vote to evict.

April evicted from the Big Brother 6 houseApril and Julie Chen - Big Brother 6

Final HoH Competition - Part 1 - "The Key To Being Safe"

In front of the houseguests is a safe. Hanging above are keys with each of their names. The houseguests will balance on the raised rim of the large combination dial while holding on to their individual key. If you step off or let go of your individual key, you will be eliminated. The houseguest that can hang on the longest will win the first part of the Final HoH competition, advancing to Part 3.

Janelle Big Brother 6

Order to drop out of the competition: Janelle (3 hours 45 minutes), Maggie (4 hours 20 minutes).

Ivette won Part 1 of the Final HoH competition. Ivette advances to Part 3 of the Final HoH competition.

As a reward for winning Part 1 of the Final HoH competition, Ivette was given the combination. Inside the safe was a message that told Ivette that her prize is awaiting her in the backyard. She won a pair of Vespa scooters.

Final HoH Competition - Part 2 - “Pad-Locked”

In front of each houseguest is a giant padlock. On go, they must pull off the covers from the top of the padlock to reveal 8 clues. Once the houseguest thinks that they know the answer to a clue, they must rotate their padlock combination dial to the right answer. When they think that they have all eight digits in the right order, they can attempt to unlock their lock. The first person to do so and put their key on the post will advance to Part 3 of the Final HoH competition.

Janelle won Part 2 of the Final HoH competition. Janelle advanced to Part 3 of the Final HoH competition.

Final HoH Competition - Part 3

Julie will read the beginning of a statement made by the Big Brother jury while they were at the jury house. Then, Julie will give two choices of possible endings. It is up to the houseguests to decide which is the correct one. Each correct answer is worth one point. The houseguest with the most points will become the final HoH of the season.

Question 1: Howie said the most annoying thing about living in the Big Brother house was A) hearing people say they wanted to leave or B) the Girl Scout Troop?
Answer: A. Ivette answered correctly.

Question 2: Rachel said the most shocking moment in the house was A) the fight between Michael and Eric or B) the fight between Howie and April?
Answer: A. Neither Ivette nor Janelle answered correctly.

Question 3: Beau said if I had to spend a romantic night with a houseguest I would choose A) Howie or B) Michael?
Answer: B. Neither Ivette nor Janelle answered correctly.

Question 4: James said the hottest guy in the house was A) Kaysar or B) himself?
Answer: A. Ivette answered correctly.

Question 5: Jennifer said the biggest mistake I made in the game was A) backdooring Kaysar or B) not sticking up for Michael?
Answer: B. Janelle answered correctly.

Question 6: April said the houseguest who deserved to win the America’s Choice phone call was A) Ivette or B) me?
Answer: B. Janelle answered correctly.

Points: Ivette 2, Janelle 2.

Tiebreaker Question: What is the combined total of all votes cast to evict this season?
Answers: Ivette 66, Janelle 66.
The correct answer was 74.

Tiebreaker Question #2: How many hours have you lived in the Big Brother house from the night you entered until 5 PM this evening?
Answers: Ivette 1875, Janelle 1900.
The correct answer was 1797.

Ivette won HoH.


Janelle was evicted by a vote of 1-0. Ivette cast the sole vote to evict.

Janelle - 3rd place - Big Brother 6Janelle and Julie Chen

Jury Vote

Beau voted for IVETTE
April voted for MAGGIE
James voted for IVETTE
Rachel voted for MAGGIE
Janelle voted for IVETTE
Jennifer voted for MAGGIE
Howie voted for MAGGIE

Maggie won Big Brother 6 by a vote of 4-3.

Maggie won the $500,000 first place prize. Ivette won the $50,000 prize as runner up.