BBCAN4 Day 15 - Loveita nominates Cassandra and Christine

March 11, 2016

9:00-10:00 AM: Cassandra spoke to Loveita, telling her that she campaigned so hard for her last week because everyone wanted her out. Loveita asked about Cassandra being upset when she won HoH last night. Cassandra said that it was a joke and she thought that Loveita would get her humour. Loveita said that she needs to ask the same question that she asked Kelsey. She the questioned if she can trust Kelsey. Cassandra said that she can trust Jared and Kelsey 100% when they give their word. As for Raul, Cassandra said that she does not trust him as much and cannot read him. Cassandra said that Jared and Kelsey have told her that they are not coming after Loveita and they have bigger fish to fry. Cassandra then pointed out that Dallas, Maddy and Ramsey wanted Loveita out and were going to vote her out. Loveita said that they are huge targets and this is her HoH so she will not be wasting her time on them. After talking to Cassandra, Loveita spoke with Raul in order to see where his head is at. Raul said that he gave his word that he would keep Loveita safe if he won HoH. He also explained that the point of changing the votes to keep her was that they wanted to work with her. Loveita mentioned that even though the two have not made a commitment to each other and have not talked much, there is reason for them to work together because they are real with each other and don’t fake it. Loveita said that people would never suspect that they are together, which is the way that they would need to keep it.

10:00-11:00 AM: Tim headed to the HoH room. He told Loveita that she needs to think about what the next stage of the game will be once the trios are no longer together. He added that Loveita is in a good position because people have bigger targets than her. Tim suggested nominating two people from the same side, since it would result in fewer people being upset with her. Loveita said that she was thinking the same thing. She then discussed that Kelsey was horrible to her and turned this place into high school. However, Loveita said that she is not wanting to play emotionally. Tim believed that Jared is not in solid with Kelsey and Raul, since he kind of got stuck with them and is looking for a way out. Tim mentioned that nominating Christine is something that would not be considered rocking the boat. Loveita said that someone else would need to go up next to her that would ensure that she leaves. Tim threw Cassandra’s name out there and assured Loveita that he would not ever go against her for making that move. Loveita expected that Cassandra would claim that she rallied the votes for her, even though it was an 11-1 vote. Loveita was concerned that Cassandra was pissed off that she won HoH. Though Cassandra said that it was a joke, Loveita felt that it was a serious moment between Cassandra and Kelsey. Tim asked if Dallas and Maddy are options for nominations. Loveita said no. Tim then suggested that Jared, Kelsey our Raul has to go. Loveita was unsure. Tim encouraged her to think about what she would be thinking if she were at home watching. Loveita figured that her fans would be telling her to get Kelsey out. With that being said, Loveita told Tim that her gut is telling her to keep Jared, Kelsey and Raul safe. The talk then turned back to possibly targeting Christine, though Loveita wanted to gather more information before reaching a conclusion.

In the storage room, Cassandra and Joel talked things over. Joel said that he walked in on Maddy telling Dallas that she is scared that Loveita will make as stupid move. Cassandra said that Loveita is still acting like she can’t trust her, even though she fought for her last week. Cassandra asked Joel to let Loveita know that she had her back last week. Cassandra asked who Joel wants to be nominated. Joel felt that Jared, Kelsey and Raul would go right back after Loveita even if she keeps them in the game this week. Cassandra said that Loveita could for sure put Raul up and she would be okay with it. Joel said that Raul leaving would be good for his game, though getting Kelsey out of the game would cripple Jared. Joel wondered who had more say between Jared and Kelsey. Cassandra said that it’s pretty even but Jared is the better strategic player. They agreed that Kelsey knows a lot more about the game than she lets on. Joel was concerned that Raul would come after him and Loveita. Cassandra said that they are after Dallas. She did not think that Loveita would be willing to touch Dallas, Maddy or Ramsey this week. Cassandra told Joel that the whole house wants Dallas, Maddy or Ramsey out, so going after them would be a good way for her to get back in with the group. Cassandra added that Loveita is getting close to Nikki and Nikki hates Dallas, so targeting Dallas is what they need to make happen this week. Cassandra said that Jared wouldn’t turn his back on them but Dallas would. She mentioned Dallas and Raul as potential nominees. Joel said that he would want Dallas or Raul to go this week. Cassandra told Joel that they could make it to the end but it is imperative that they get Dallas out this week and then the brothers out next week. Joel said that the brothers are not at the top of his hit list. The talk wrapped up with Cassandra’s goal being to get Loveita on board with targeting Dallas.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds were down for a short while. When they returned, Loveita was talking to Mitch about targeting someone from the Jared, Kelsey and Raul trio. Her concern was that the two that remain would target her. She said that she trusts Jared. Mitch said that Jared would likely stick to his word but Kelsey and Raul would nominate her even if they say that they will not. Loveita thought that it may be a good idea to talk to Jared about letting Kelsey or Raul go. Joel then joined them. Loveita said that the conversation with Kelsey did not feel like it was real. Loveita pointed out that Jared, Kelsey and Raul cut a deal with her once she already had the votes, so it is not valid. Loveita made it clear that she wants to work with Joel and Mitch. She said that everyone else is secondary for her. Mitch suggested that Loveita could talk to Jared about how losing one person from his trio would lessen the target on his back. Mitch also added that not nominating the trio would only get more people after Loveita, since those three may still be after her anyway. Loveita quickly spoke to Cassandra in the bedroom. She told her that she likes her as a person but needs to know that she can trust her. Cassandra assured Loveita that she can be trusted and that she will not be going on the block if she wins HoH. Cassandra admitted that she likes Kelsey as a person but understands if she needs to be nominated.

Loveita headed back to the HoH room to let Joel and Mitch know that Cassandra is on board with getting Kelsey out. Loveita considered nominating Christine alongside Kelsey. It was then time to talk to Jared. Loveita asked who he values more out of Kelsey and Raul. Jared said that he would prefer to have Kelsey stay if he has to choose between them. Loveita told him that she cannot get blood on her hands just to save the trio. Jared said that he was a bit confused based on the conversation that they had last night. Loveita told him that she trusts his word but cannot say the same for that of Kelsey and Raul, since their emotions could override their word. Jared felt that it would have been better for Loveita to stick with the idea of the six person group. Loveita then brought up that they could make a deal not to target each other until jury. Jared headed out to find Kelsey and Raul. While she waited for them to join her, Loveita said that revenge isn’t the answer and forgiveness always wins.

1:00-2:00 PM: Kelsey and Raul entered the HoH room. Loveita explained that she would like to make a jury deal. Kelsey mentioned that she would like Cassandra to be in their group. Joel was in the room at this point. Loveita continue to ask if there was anyone else that they wanted in on it. After a couple of minutes, Kelsey eventually mentioned that Mitch and Joel could be involved too. Loveita asked to speak to Raul alone. She told him that she does not know if she can trust them. Raul said that he has given his word multiple times and is not going to beg her for this. Raul pointed out that she just finished making a deal with them, so it scares him that she is already questioning things. Meanwhile, Kelsey was talking to Cassandra and told her about the conversation. Kelsey felt that Loveita wanted to work with them now only because she has no one else. Kelsey said that she sort of wants to vote Loveita out. Cassandra said that she regrets campaigning for her. Back in the HoH room, Loveita told Mitch about how Kelsey excluded him and Joel from the jury group until the end of the conversation, even though Joel was in the room. Loveita did not feel that the talk was sincere, though she still thought that it may be beneficial to take the deal.

2:00-3:00 PM: After a quick chat with Christine in which Loveita felt that she did not get much information, Loveita asked to talk to Phil. Loveita said that she trusts Phil and will not be nominating him, though she does not know what to do. Loveita said that Kelsey does not like her. Phil felt that that was valid, adding that Kelsey has said that she doesn’t like having to act fake with her. Phil also told her that Jared would understand if Kelsey left, since he is a reasonable guy. Mitch joined the conversation and told Loveita that going after the big targets is the smarter move but not the safe move. They discussed that two of the three from the trio would have to be nominated if Loveita chooses to target one of them. Mitch suggested that it would be best to take out one half of the showmance if Loveita does indeed target the trio. The other option that Loveita considered was nominating Cassandra and Christine. Both Mitch and Phil said that they would support Loveita. Phil said that Cassandra has individual talks with everyone in the house. After Loveita had mentioned bullying in the house, Mitch told her that nominating the bullies is the move that she should make if she feels that way. Loveita was concerned that people were telling her that but would not make the same move themselves if they were the ones that would have to get the blood on their hands.

Loveita spoke to Ramsey and asked him if Dallas or Maddy would come after her. Ramsey said that he did not think so. Ramsey admitted that he is targeting Cassandra and Kelsey, though he did not know which one he would want to see leave first. Loveita cut their talk short, saying that Ramsey is safe so she does not need to waste her time talking to him. Tim took another turn talking to Loveita. He suggested nominating Kelsey in order to see how she reacts. If she acted emotionally instead of attempting to find middle ground by agreeing on a backdoor target, Tim said that it would mean that Loveita was right all along about Kelsey being fake. Loveita felt that it would be a risky move. Tim told her that Jared will not shed a tear over losing Kelsey. Tim said that Kelsey or Raul need to go this week. Loveita agreed but then brought up that Cassandra is not trustworthy. Tim found it odd that Cassandra had forgotten about him so quickly. They both agreed that Cassandra would take Kelsey’s place in the trio if Kelsey were to leave. Nikki told Loveita that her alternative option of nominating Cassandra and Christine would be a complete waste, so her best bet is to nominate Kelsey and Raul.

3:00-4:00 PM: Loveita chatted with Dallas and Maddy in order to question them about whether or not they turned on her last week. Maddy said that she hates Kelsey and would not have went to that side. Loveita asked if Maddy would nominate her if she wins HoH. Maddy said that she would go after Jared, Kelsey and Raul before she would even think about targeting someone else. Dallas also said that those three need to be broken up. Dallas and Maddy made it clear that the only reason that those three got on board with keeping Loveita was that she was going to stay regardless of which way they voted. Loveita let Dallas and Maddy know that they are safe. Kelsey took the time to speak to Loveita again. Loveita said that she has heard that the only reason that they flipped was because they knew that she had the votes. Kelsey told her that what she is hearing is not true at all and it is comes down to people telling her what she wants to hear in order to stay safe. Loveita admitted that she got the feeling that Kelsey would still be after her, even after their conversation. Kelsey said that they keep having to have these conversations over and over. They discussed that there will always be trust issues but it works both ways and they would have to work on getting over it together. Loveita told Kelsey that she is not going to commit to anything but Kelsey will see where she stands when the nominations happen.

4:00-5:00 PM:. Earlier in the day, Joel asked Cassandra out on a date. He asked Loveita if he could use the HoH room for the date. Loveita said yes. They had their date and were enjoying a meal. Joel acted very awkward throughout it. Eventually Joel got up in the middle of it and told Cassandra that he is not vibing right now and needs some time. He then walked out on her. Many of the houseguests comforted him, including Nick who told him that nice guys finish last but they finish happy. Cassandra, unsure of what just happened, was called to the diary room. She told the other that she had just been rejected. Upon her return, she asked Joel if it was something that she said. Joel said that the first date was a lot to process and a lot of pressure. He asked for some alone time and headed back into the HoH room and smiled at the camera. Cassandra. After another houseguest checked on him and left, Joel said “sucker!”. It became clear that Joel was taking part in a task. Feeds eventually went down. When they returned, the houseguests found out that Joel was doing a task and that the had won them some alcohol.

8:00-9:00 PM: Phil lectured Nick about how his relationship with Maddy is hurting his game. Phil said that he wouldn’t even talk to Maddy if he was hammered at a bar, yet Nick is risking $50,000 to cuddle with her. Phil said that it is a slap in the face and hurts him. He told Nick that they worked so hard to get to this point and he has been working hard to put them in a good position. Phil told Nick that all that he needs to do is joke around and talk about life to make them cruise to the end. Phil said that Nick is an idiot sometimes and is very selfish. He let Nick know that he would not forgive him if he ruins this opportunity for him. Phil said that he would ask Big Brother to split them up so that he could nominate and evict Nick, just because he is hurting his game. The brothers later spoke to Loveita, who had still not reached a conclusion about her nominations. Phil told her that both he and Cassandra were her strongest campaigners last week. Loveita will still stuck on the face that Cassandra said that the bitch won HoH again. Phil pointed out that Jared and Kelsey wanted Loveita out. Loveita said that the people in the house need an attitude adjustment and have to treat people properly. Phil suggested that she should use that in her speech and make the move, implying to go after the trio. However, Loveita said that she is not going to do that and get all of the blood on her hands when nobody will have her back next week. She said that she has offers on the table to keep her safe and has to take those into consideration. She then said that even though people say that they will back her if she targets big players, a word means nothing. Phil pointed out that you could say the same thing for the word of those that are offering her deals.

9:00-10:00 PM: Big Brother announced that two houseguests broke the have-not rules last week. Those two were Cassandra and Joel. As a result, they were made the only two have-nots for this week.

12:00-1:00 AM: The feeds returned following the nomination ceremony. Loveita nominated Cassandra and Christine for eviction. Cassandra was in the have-not room with Joel. Cassandra pointed out that Loveita told her that she was good right before the nominations. Cassandra felt that Loveita is threatened by her and wants her out. The two counted the votes. Joel thought that Cassandra would have the votes to stay. In the bedroom, Maddy said that they need to make big boy moves. She questioned why they are getting all of the girls out. Christine said that it was such a waste of an HoH. Maddy said that you would think that Loveita would have learned from her first HoH. Christine said that the house would have been happy to see Jared, Kelsey or Raul go. Tim joined the girls and said that he wants to use the PoV if he wins it. He also said that they could try to convince Loveita to make a backdoor move. Cassandra joined them and said that she doesn’t think that there is a backdoor plan in place, cause Loveita has no clue what she is doing. Dallas headed to the HoH room to question what just happened. Loveita said that she was trying to stay alive in the game. She told Dallas that people should not be dissing what she just did. Dallas told her that Cassandra and Christine are sheep and are floaters. Loveita was not happy with the comment and asked Dallas to leave.

1:00-2:00 AM: Christine and Kelsey chatted about the nominations. Christine said that she has been telling people that she is not playing the game, even though she has been from Day 1. Kelsey said that it’s similar for her as well. They discussed that they both wanted Loveita out but nobody would listen. They also agreed that they should have tried harder to get her out. Kelsey said that the bad part about it is that now she is supposed to work with Loveita, but she does not want to. Christine suggested that Kelsey make whatever deals she has to with Loveita, then backdoor her right after. In the kitchen, Cassandra told Loveita that she had her back 120% and was with her until the end. Loveita said that she is weary of Cassandra due to the comment that was made after the HoH competition. Cassandra countered that by saying that she was not weary of her when she campaigned for her last week. Though Cassandra insisted that the comment was a joke, Loveita felt that it was not. Cassandra let Loveita know that everyone is laughing about what a weak move she made, because it was. She also told Loveita that she is smart for going after the person that had her back, would have voted how she wanted and would never have nominated her. Dallas and Maddy told Christine that they want to keep her around and they will do what they can to ensure that she stays. In the HoH room, Loveita asked Mitch how he thinks that the votes will go. He said that his initial thought is that Christine will go because Jared, Kelsey and Raul will have Cassandra’s back. Loveita wanted Cassandra to go.

2:00-3:00 AM: Loveita asked Cassandra to talk. Cassandra told her that she doesn’t know what kind of deals she made but those people are likely to go back on them and vote her out next week. Cassandra admitted that she made a mistake by making that comment, even though it was a joke. She told Loveita that she understands where she is coming from. She insisted that Loveita had her trust 120%. Cassandra explained that the people that Loveita should be trusting are the ones that had her back when she was at the bottom. Loveita questioned what they can do to fix this. Cassandra told her that she will go home if the nominations remain the same, though she is willing to put this in the past and work together if she stays. She then suggested that Loveita backdoor the brothers. Cassandra said that both sides are after the brothers, so backdooring them would repair a lot of relationships. Cassandra felt that it could be explained to the others that the backdoor was the plan all along. Loveita said that Cassandra made a good point. Cassandra then said that people respect big moves and that getting the brothers out would be just that. Loveita said that she sees where Cassandra is coming from but she wanted to head to bed and sleep on it. She agreed to talk more in the morning.

3:00-4:00 AM: Loveita told Joel that Cassandra as not joking, no matter what she says. Loveita said that she wants Cassandra to go because she cannot trust her. Loveita mentioned that her nominations were made for a reason and she is standing by them because she believes that she has good intuition.

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