BBCAN4 Day 25 - Dallas decides not to use the Power of Veto

March 21, 2016

9:00-10:00 AM: Outside by the hot tub, Dallas told Jared that they should focus on the brothers like they initially said. Dallas said that the brothers are sketching him out and he would rather have Jared in the house. Jared said it will all depend on who is in power next week. Dallas expected to be nominated if Kelsey or Raul win HoH, but he looked for assurance that Jared would not nominate him if he wins HoH. Dallas said that he would nominate the brothers and a pawn if he wins HoH. Jared felt that it would be difficult to do now that everyone has seen Dallas call him out. Jared did not want to commit to it but said that he will think about it. Dallas pointed out that the brothers will continue to get a free pass as long as the two of them are after each other. Dallas and Jared agreed to keep the conversation between the two of them.

11:00-12:00 PM: The veto ceremony took place. Dallas decided not to use the Power of Veto, meaning that either Kelsey or Raul will be evicted on Thursday. Up in the HoH room, Joel and Mitch discussed the plan for the vote. Joel said that Raul has a strong social game but Kelsey’s unbreakable bond with Jared is more solid than the bond that Raul and Jared have. Mitch was still pushing for Kelsey to go. He expects that Cassandra and Tim will vote to keep Kelsey in order to stay closer with Jared. Mitch thinks that Kelsey would nominate Loveita if she got in power. Joel said that he doesn’t think that Loveita would come after him but he isn’t sure that he can push people too much to keep her safe. Mitch pointed out that Loveita is spending a lot of time in the HoH room this week and people are noticing it. Joel said that he does not know what to tell her. He said that he likes Loveita but does not want her to make it so obvious that they are together. Mitch told Joel that he may need to have a talk with Loveita about it. Joel and Mitch worried that they would be the next in line to be targeted if Loveita is on the block and she wins the PoV.

12:00-1:00 PM: Loveita joined Joel and Mitch. Mitch told Loveita to be careful because the more that she and Kelsey fight, the more people will want Kelsey to stay. Loveita expects that Kelsey would nominate her next to either Joel or Maddy. Mitch suggested that Loveita tell people that she is undecided in terms of her vote. Loveita said that she would be targeting Jared at this point, since Jared has done nothing for her game. Loveita told Joel and Mitch that she is committed to them for as long as it lasts. Mitch said the same and told Loveita that it would be best if the three of them are not seen together so often. Out by the hot tub, Cassandra, Dallas, Nikki and Tim were chatting. Phil was listening in by the door and overheard talks about himself. He then confronted the group. Dallas told Phil that he feels as though his game is exposed. Cassandra, Nikki and Tim were also present. Dallas told Phil that he is not at the top of his totem pole and he has bigger fish to fry, though people are starting to see that the brothers are playing both sides of the house. Phil denied it and said they are talking to people as friends. Dallas then said that Big Brother Canada is likely mimicking the US version and that Phil and Nick will be playing on their own by jury. Cassandra, Nikki at Tim left the room. Phil told Dallas that he should be trying to make sure that he is on their side if he thinks that they are going to split. Dallas said he tried but Phil didn’t want that. Phil let Dallas know that he will not put him on the block if he wins HoH next week.

Dallas brought up that there is room in the backyard for more photos because Paige’s was removed, so he thinks that they will have the brothers split. Phil mentioned that he already knew that Dallas was talking to Joel and Loveita about that. Dallas said that there is a rat in the Joel and Loveita group since they have told Phil his theory in less than 12 hours. Dallas explained that he will be targeting Jared and whichever nominee remains. Phil said that he doesn’t understand why Dallas constantly brings up that the brothers may split. He was also frustrated with Nikki for saying that the brothers got something in the high roller room when they spent 24 hours in there after the first HoH competition. Phil said the Nikki thing bothered him the most since he supports her when she is upset and has been there for her. Inside, Phil spoke to Nikki and said that it sucks that she is saying that they got a power or something inside of the high roller room, because all they did was sleep in there and then leave. Nikki said that she didn’t understand that such a comment would be so severe. Nikki apologized and said that she does not think before she speaks. Phil and Nick said that they already told Nikki that they did not get anything in the high roller room. Tim said people in the game will spread false information, yet the brothers are asking Nikki to take their word as gospel.

1:00-2:00 PM: Phil filled Nick in on what happened outside with Dallas. Phil said that he made a huge statement, being calculated but classy. He figured that it would let people know that when he hears something he would go talk to people and they should listen and believe him. Nikki spoke to the brothers and said she doesn’t think before she speaks and she apologizes. Nikki said she will only be there for a week or so more and she is sorry that she doesn’t take the game as seriously as she should. Nikki said that she loves the brothers and they will be her friends when she leaves, unlike most of the people in the house. Phil told Nikki that he would take her to the Final 2. Nikki said that she feels awful and it was never her intention to throw them under the bus. Nick said that they knew that and that is why they had to talk to her about it. Nikki told the brothers that she will make it clear that it was just her theory and that she doesn’t know anything. Nikki asked the brothers to please not be suspicious of her, since she is their friend and is loyal to them. Aside from the brothers, Nikki said that the only others that she sees herself being friends with after this are Joel, Mitch, Ramsey and Tim.

In the have-not room, Dallas spoke to Maddy and told her that he wants to go up to the HoH room and ask Joel and Loveita which one of them told Phil about his theory. Dallas said he would not be surprised if they had a prior alliance. Maddy thought that Dallas should confront Loveita but not Joel. Dallas felt as though it would be more effective to get them both into the room at the same time in order to see their facial expressions. Dallas mentioned that Jared was the only other person that knew about his theory. Dallas said Loveita has got to go. Upstairs, Phil told Mitch about the confrontations with Dallas and Nikki. Phil said that it is the TSN turning point and that he is done talking to Dallas. Mitch said it doesn’t bother or scare him that the brothers may split. The two agreed that they trust Jared. They also agreed that Kelsey has got to go and Raul has got to stay. Kelsey joined them. Phil said that he would like to work with Jared, Mitch and either Raul or Kelsey. Kelsey told Phil that if the four guys are going to work together they will have to be more sneaky about it. Kelsey said that breaking up Dallas, Maddy, Ramsey, Joel and Loveita is something that needs to be done. After Kelsey left, Mitch asked if they should go straight for Dallas. Phil said 100%. After Dallas, Mitch wanted to know who would be next. Phil said Loveita, Maddy and he guesses Ramsey. Both agreed that Ramsey will likely do well in the game because he is at the bottom of the other side.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kelsey told Cassandra that she believes that her going home is the best decision for the group. Cassandra questioned who the group is, since Tim, the brothers and herself are on board to keep Kelsey. Cassandra didn’t understand why Kelsey is pushing to leave as opposed to letting everyone decide what to do with their votes. Kelsey asked Cassandra to respect her decision if she decides to leave. Cassandra told Kelsey that she trusts her 100% and wants her to stay for her own game. She said that she does not have that same game relationship with Raul and therefore she will be voting for Kelsey to stay. Cassandra said that Kelsey cannot simply decide that she is going to leave and expect everyone to vote that way. Kelsey told Cassandra that she can trust Raul as much as she trusts her. Cassandra and Jared told each other than they have 100% trust in each other. The three discussed how people do not trust the brothers. Cassandra felt that it was because people give info to Phil but he does not give anything back. Kelsey encouraged Cassandra and Jared to work on their relationships with the brothers because they have given her good advice and can be beneficial to their games. Cassandra asked what they should do in the event of a double eviction or instant eviction this week. Kelsey suggested nominating Dallas and Maddy but then changed her response to Dallas and Loveita. Cassandra said that she would do the same.

3:00-4:00 PM: Ramsey spoke to Phil and told him that he would throw HoH competitions if he were in Phil’s position. Ramsey explained that the brothers appear to be in good with everyone, so it would be tough for them to choose who to nominate. Phil suggested that Ramsey throw the HoH competitions as well. He said that Ramsey has a couple of targets in front of him at this point. Phil let Ramsey know that both Mitch and himself want him to stay in the game and expect that he will do well. Ramsey told Phil that there are only two others that he would put on his level in terms of how much he trusts them, but Phil is at the top of the list. They discussed that Mitch is so self aware and really understands where he fits in in the game. Mitch joined them and told Phil that the make or break point of his game will if he correctly decides when he needs to turn it on win competitions. Phil advised Ramsey to work on building his relationships with houseguests such as Mitch. Mitch suggested that Ramsey continue to play the game that he is playing, laying low. Mitch said that Ramsey is associated with a side but it will be different in the long run. Ramsey brought up that they are each on a side but are at the bottom of it. Mitch agreed.

Up in the HoH room, Dallas spoke to Loveita and told her that the is concerned about how his theory about the houseguest’s photos has been leaked to Phil. Loveita said everyone has been talking about it for weeks, but Dallas told her that Phil specifically mentioned that he told her and Joel about it last night. Loveita wanted to bring the brothers into the room to tell them that it was not her. Dallas told Loveita not to blow it up. He asked if she has something going on with the brothers. Loveita assured him that she does not. Loveita gave Dallas her word that she will leave the house fighting for him and fighting for Joel. They discussed the vote. Loveita told Dallas that she is willing to vote whichever way Dallas and Maddy are. Dallas said Maddy wants Kelsey to go, so he is on board with that. Loveita figured that Raul would break away from Jared if Kelsey is the one to go this week. The two thought it may be best to tell everyone that they are undecided about which way to vote. Moving forward, Dallas said that they need to keep the target on Jared’s side. The two pointed out that their side is actually better than Jared’s side at the competitions but they need the target to remain on them. Loveita mentioned that they should have used the PoV last week in order to backdoor Jared.

6:00-7:00 PM: Maddy told Phil that she really needs space from Nick. She told Phil not to say anything, though Phil asked if he can. Maddy said that Phil can tell him if he wants to. Maddy explained that she is really flattered that Nick wants to be around her but she is in love with her boyfriend at home and this is not good for her game. Maddy said that Nick is in her space all the time. Phil thanked Maddy for saying that, adding that he does not want Nick to be hanging out with a girl all of the time. Maddy did not think that Nick would get so close to her. Maddy felt that she could not be making the necessary connections with other people due to what has been going on with Nick. Nick then joined them. Phil explained that the two of them need their space and there is no love to be found in the Big Brother house. Phil told Nick that Maddy loves her boyfriend. Nick said that is fair. Maddy spoke to Nick and told him that she misses her boyfriend so much and it is hard having someone so on her case all of the time. She said that she feels really awkward and that’s why she has not been able to full on cuddle with him. Nick assured Maddy that his feelings are nowhere near the point where he would be hurt by this. Nick said it’s cool and things will be fine between the two of them.

8:00-9:00 PM: Jared and Mitch talked about the vote. Jared said that he will be on board with keeping Raul if Mitch feels that it is best for their game to do so. Jared said he had Kelsey to keep him sane for a month, so even if Mitch needs Raul in for that reason he would understand. Mitch said that the decision is likely to come down to what the other side wants. Jared agreed. They then discussed the plan of action for dealing with Dallas. Mitch wondered if they would be able to deal with him socially or if they would have to win HoH and take him out. Jared wasn’t sure, since Dallas changes his mind all of the time. Both agreed that the sooner they can get Dallas out the better. Raul joined them and informed the guys that Cassandra and Loveita are hanging out together. All three felt as though the fights between the two were fake. Jared said that he knows that Cassandra would not screw him over, which means that Mitch and Raul would be safe with her by association. He told them that Phil is the person that Cassandra is most concerned about. Jared and Mitch told Raul that it is best for their games if he stays and the three of them stick together. Kelsey then joined them and asked about the vote. Jared admitted that it is best that Raul stays. Kelsey agreed. However, Jared does not think that Raul currently has the votes to stay. Kelsey urged him to give the others reasons to keep Raul, but Jared told her that it would only lead to people voting him out instead.

10:00-11:00 PM: Mitch asked Maddy to talk, as he had heard that Maddy thinks that he hates her. He said that he does not hate Maddy or anyone else in the house. He let Maddy know that he likes her more than a lot of people in there. Mitch also brought up that he has heard that Dallas and Maddy want him out of the game. Maddy assured Mitch that she does not want him out of the game. Mitch explained that he is not necessarily tied to Jared, Kelsey and Raul. He pointed out that he was involved in the conversation about nominations and was okay with losing one of those three because he knows that they would win the game if they aren’t split up. Maddy told Mitch that her side welcomes anyone that wants to be welcomed, though they wondered if Mitch would go tell everything they say to Jared. Maddy said that they plan to target the three (Jared, Kelsey and Raul) until they are gone. Mitch admitted that Dallas is a big target but added that it is sometimes good to keep big threats in the game.

11:00-12:00 AM: Joel told Cassandra that he doesn’t like that people are painting him as all of these different things now just because Loveita is leeching on to him. Cassandra said that she does not want Loveita hanging around her either. She figured that the only reason that Loveita does it is because she has no other friends in there. Cassandra reminded Joel that she had told him to distance himself from Loveita last week. Joel then told Mitch and Nikki about his issues with Loveita, saying that she is always two feet away from him and always in his HoH room. Nikki said that Loveita is in his room from the time she opens her eyes in the morning, while Mitch said that she has been in the HoH room from the time she walked into the house. Nikki observed that Loveita has been around even when Joel is talking to someone else. Joel told her that he does not know what to say. Nikki said that it was draining to be in the HoH room last week because it was all game talk all the time. Mitch agreed that Loveita has become consumed by the game. Joel didn’t understand how someone that is consumed by the game cannot see that what she is doing is making them a target. Joel worried that Loveita would have a tantrum if he tried to talk to her about his concerns.

12:00-1:00 AM: Cassandra asked Raul if he is campaigning. Raul told her that both he and Kelsey have decided that they will not campaign against each other and that they will let fate decide. Cassandra asked Raul if he would prefer to target Dallas or Loveita first. He said that he has been thinking about it. Cassandra told him that she would like to target Loveita first. Raul wondered if it would be smart when they know that Dallas will be coming after them. Cassandra said that Loveita would be coming after them too. Cassandra then asked Raul which houseguests he thinks will definitely vote against him. Raul said Ramsey and possibly Maddy too because he does not talk to them.

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