BBCAN4 Day 31 - Tim informs Maddy that she will be nominated

March 27, 2016

11:00-12:00 PM: Tim informed Maddy that he said he would nominate the person with the third most amount of points if the veto were to be used. He informed Maddy that it was her. Tim told Maddy that he does not want her to go and he would help her to stay. Tim pointed out that if Maddy had not nominated Dallas there would have been someone else getting those points and going up in her place. Tim said he cannot go against his system or else he would look like a hypocrite for doing so. Tim asked if Ramsey thinks he could work better with Dallas or with Maddy. Maddy said with her. Tim figured that Ramsey would have a greater chance of going home against Dallas than Maddy would, though Maddy disagreed. Tim suggested she could talk to Ramsey about not using the PoV if she thinks that Ramsey would be safe. Maddy felt that she would not have the votes to stay. Tim told her that the girls will not go against him if he asks them to vote Dallas out. Maddy agreed that Tim asking them would make it more likely that they keep her. Maddy figured that the only sure votes she would have are Jared, Mitch and Ramsey. Tim assured Maddy that he would break the tie in her favour if it came down to it. Maddy was still worried that Cassandra would not go against Dallas. Tim said he would cut her off if she votes Maddy out. Tim let Maddy know that the girls got cranky that he was eating dinner with her last night. Maddy didn’t understand why they don’t like her. Tim said the girls did not get along from the get go. Maddy mentioned having made a move for the benefit of the whole house by taking Loveita out. Tim told her that she did it for free and she should have asked people to keep her safe in exchange for doing so. Tim told Maddy that the problem with her game is that she is not thinking about the game and is doing things the way that she would in the outside world. Tim added that the move to take out Loveita, a number for her side, wronged those in her alliance.

12:00-1:00 PM: Maddy and Tim continued to talk things over. Maddy said Jared and Raul did agree to keep her safe in exchange for targeting Loveita. Tim said that deal gives her power and she needs to hold them to it. Tim advised Maddy to use her power more wisely the next time that she gets it, not giving it away. Tim said she could put the girls up if she sees that as the best move. Maddy said she has no vendetta against them and would not do that. Tim told her to make sure that the girls know that. Tim again went back to telling Maddy to get the power back in her game and not give it away. Maddy said it’s not a matter of giving it away so much as it is her not knowing what she is doing. Tim explained that she could show the others that she is vulnerable and knows that she has made mistakes. Maddy was concerned that people’s perception of her would not change and would be stuck in their heads even if she tried to change it. As for the campaign, Tim told Maddy to present the reasons why it would be dumb to keep Dallas. The two points that he made were that Dallas is the strongest player in competitions and that he is able to intimidate people into doing what he wants. Tim figured that Maddy could get the other votes that she needs by the end of the day, but he said doing it this early will give Dallas the opportunity to counter all of her arguments. Tim let Maddy know that he had Cassandra and Nikki promise not to vote her out. For today, Tim said it would be best that Maddy focus on believing in herself because she will need to be able to do that to survive in this game. After the talk with Tim, Maddy told Ramsey that she is going on the block because she received the third most nomination points. Maddy mentioned Tim saying that he would be done with Cassandra and Nikki if they voted her out. Ramsey felt that Tim was not playing the game the way that people think, because he would be willing to do something like nominate Cassandra and Nikki. He was surprised to hear that Tim had asked them to promise to vote Dallas out. Maddy felt victimized by Cassandra and Nikki. She explained that she has not done anything wrong to those two girls. Maddy thought that Jared would be on board with helping her out this week. She said it would have been so easy for her to send Jared or Raul out the door on double eviction night. Maddy admitted that Dallas scares her because he is able to do what he needs to do in order to get votes. Maddy did believe that Tim truly wants to get Dallas out of the house. She said you can see it in his eyes when he talks about him. Maddy thought that Tim was infuriated when speaking about Dallas. Ramsey wondered what had changed in order to cause that.

2:00-3:00 PM: Big Brother called the houseguests to the living room. Big Brother said he has been a very patient Big Brother but is now losing his patience with their naughty behaviour. He went on to say that they have repeatedly ignored his instructions over the past couple of weeks. The rule violations included sleeping during the day, talking about production, mistreating microphones, being slow to wake up in the morning, singing and talking about their diary room sessions with other houseguests. As a result of the rule violations, Big Brother removed access to hot water and made the hot tub off limits until their behaviour improves.

3:00-4:00 PM: Maddy spoke to Mitch and said the only people she knows for sure will vote for her are Jared, Mitch and Ramsey. Mitch told her that Raul will likely vote for her if both he and Jared are. Mitch said Dallas is such a big competition threat and Raul will likely see that. Mitch told Maddy that it is more of an uphill battle for Dallas than her and he would have to pull off a spectacular move to stay in the game. Mitch said he would vote Dallas out if Maddy is up on the block next to her. Maddy said Tim told her a lot of stuff that she did not necessarily want to know, such as that Cassandra and Nikki got mad at her for sitting with Tim last night. Maddy believes that she has not done anything to those girls. Mitch said it’s a shame that the girls are not sticking together at this point. He told Maddy that he does not want another girl to go and he sees Maddy as someone that he can communicate with on a better level than with Dallas. Maddy pointed out that she went out on a limb for the whole house and got rid of Loveita for everyone, showing that she is not there to have Dallas boss her around. Mitch said he understood the move and was happy that she did it cause it is a move he isn’t sure that he could have made at this point. Mitch told Maddy he thinks that she will be fine this week.

4:00-5:00 PM: Maddy and Mitch continued to talk, with Mitch telling Maddy that he has noticed that the conversations on Wednesday are the ones that decide what will happen on Thursday. Maddy said she sees two different methods of campaigning, one being to show that she is vulnerable and the other being to campaign against Dallas by telling people why he should not stay. Mitch said he is willing to figure out what Dallas’ campaign is so that he can let Maddy know. Mitch explained that Maddy will gain valuable information while on the block, as she will be able to see who is not committing to keeping her and will only end up doing so because the rest of the group is. Mitch told Maddy that she has a solid upper hand in this vote because she is starting off with three solid votes and only needs half of the remaining five. Mitch said it is likely that Jared will campaign to get Dallas out. Mitch said he is willing to campaign for Maddy. She told him that Ramsey is willing to do the same. They discussed coordinating their campaign pitch once the veto ceremony takes place and the nominations are finalized. Maddy told Mitch that she feels like she should sign the cheque over to Nikki and Tim right now. Mitch said they can talk about that next round and hopefully people will deal with it sooner than later.

5:00-6:00 PM: Dallas campaigned to Nikki, telling her that in no way, shape or form is he after her. He said that he is willing to cut a two or three week deal with her. Nikki said she would like to wait and see that Maddy actually does go up on the block before committing to anything. Dallas said he understands. He told her that going up against Maddy is his only chance of survival. Nikki asked who had confirmed that they are voting for Dallas already. He revealed that Cassandra and Joel told him that they would vote for him. Nikki told Dallas that she really likes him and would be sad to see him go. She said she likes that Dallas knows where he stands. Dallas said Nikki’s vote could make or break him, so he would definitely owe her and be willing to cut a deal. Dallas figured that he would be heading home if it comes down to a tie, because he received the most nomination points against him and Tim would likely stick to that.

Up in the HoH room, Tim told Cassandra that Dallas has already started his campaigning and told the brothers that Maddy is going after them next week. Cassandra said Maddy is saying that. Cassandra told Tim that Dallas wants to cut a deal with him. Tim admitted that he does like Dallas but said he still thinks that he should go. Cassandra said it doesn’t matter to her and it is up to Tim. Tim told Cassandra that it is really up to her and Nikki to decide. Cassandra said Nikki wants to keep Dallas if Maddy is nominated. Tim planned to give Nikki an ultimatum that she would be dead to him in the game if she were to go against what he advised on this one. Tim mentioned a plan to make a deal with Maddy that she cannot nominate Cassandra or Nikki next week if they keep her this week. Cassandra thought that it would be a good idea.

Out in the backyard, Dallas campaigned to Nick. He had already campaigned to Phil and told him many of the same things. Dallas informed Nick that Maddy came up to him last night and said his best bet would be to try to get the brothers nominated. He said Maddy then added that she wants the brothers out because they are annoying. Dallas told Nick that Maddy is playing him and would target them next. Dallas vowed to go after Jared and Raul if he stays in the game. He also pointed out that Jared or Raul would come after him if he is in the game. Dallas said he is willing to cut a two week deal with the brothers. Dallas thought that he could possibly even get Ramsey to vote for him because Maddy is playing a selfish game and would throw him under the bus just as quickly as she threw him under the bus. Nick told Dallas that he will think about it and needs to see whether or not Maddy actually goes up on the block before making a decision.

7:00-8:00 PM: Nikki, Phil and Tim chatted in the HoH room. Phil said that Dallas is pretty good at the game and pretending that he is being honest. Phil told Tim that he is good with whichever of the two nominees stays this week. Tim said he is going to make Maddy promise not to nominate Cassandra, Nikki or the brothers if she stays and wins HoH next week. Tim explained that it does not mean that they have to keep Maddy safe next week. Phil said he is on board with it. Nikki said she trusts Tim and would never go against him. Tim told them that he talked to Maddy this morning and she has no game. Nikki and Phil compared notes on Dallas’ campaign pitch. Nikki said that Dallas offered her two weeks safety, which is no good to her. Nikki wondered how he could only offer two weeks when he knows he is going this week. Nikki thought that Dallas should be saying that he should be saying he would never put them on the block. Phil mentioned that Maddy knows Nikki does not like her. Nikki questioned how she would know that. Phil said Dallas may have made it up. Tim let Nikki know that Maddy feels there is no way in hell that she will get her vote. Nikki thought that Maddy saying that means that she will come after them. Tim said he made her promise that she will not. Nikki was upset that there is a rumour going around that she hates Maddy. Tim said Maddy sees Cassandra latching on to Nikki and thinks that they are a united force against her, but he convinced her that it is not the case. That being said, Tim told Nikki that it is fine if either she or Cassandra put Maddy up. Nikki clarified that she is on board with keeping Maddy around because she respects Tim decision to get Dallas out.

11:00-12:00 AM: Maddy spoke to Cassandra and told her that the girls need to stick together. Cassandra agreed but said sometimes she feels as though Maddy does not like her. Maddy said it’s just her and it’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t like her. Cassandra asked if Maddy thinks she is going against her. Maddy said yeah and Cassandra knows she isn’t going against her. Maddy assured Cassandra that she will not go against her or Nikki unless she literally has to. Maddy pointed out that they are not physical threats. Cassandra said Tim is the one that told her that. Maddy denied it. Cassandra said she would not go against Maddy unless she heard she was coming after her. Cassandra said she is all about women sticking together. Maddy questioned that and said Tim told her differently and said she wants to vote her out. Maddy said it’s fine and she doesn’t care. Cassandra wondered why Tim would say that. Cassandra was unsure of who Maddy would go after if she won HoH. Maddy told her that she would nominate the brothers and someone like Nikki. Maddy said she is there to get Phil and Nick out of the house. As for Ramsey, Maddy assured Cassandra that he would trust her if he knows that she trust her. Cassandra returned to the HoH room and told Nikki and Tim what happened. Nikki said that Maddy is a compulsive liar. Tim said she is not a liar but she was taking stuff out of context.

12:00-1:00 AM: Maddy spoke to Ramsey about her conversation with Cassandra. Maddy pointed out that Cassandra is a good person to keep around because you would beat her in a landslide at the end. Ramsey wasn’t so sure that it would be a good move, considering he feels that Cassandra is after him. Maddy tried to convince Ramsey that she is not. Maddy said she knows for a fact that Cassandra did not nominate Ramsey. She also said Cassandra is not going to be in power anyway. Ramsey told her that you do not need to be in power to have power. While Maddy was trying to sell Ramsey on keeping Cassandra around, Cassandra was doing the opposite with Maddy. Cassandra told Nikki that Maddy is a liar and she needs to go.

1:00-2:00 AM: Tim talked to Nikki about Maddy. He said that she seems to really struggle with female relationships. Tim thought that Maddy would always feel as though the girls will be against her. Nikki said that Maddy just needs to be nice. Tim said she seemed to do a pretty good job of it this afternoon. Nikki agreed and said that Maddy would be loved if she acted like this all of the time. Tim hoped that Maddy could continue to turn things around so that Ramsey could be targeted ahead of her next week. Tim let Nikki know that Maddy agreed that it would be stupid to target the girls when they are two of the people that she can beat in competitions. Nikki assured Tim that she will be voting Dallas out this week. Tim said there is still plenty of time for things to change but the issue with Dallas is that he too will come after them at some point. Nikki figured that it would be in two weeks since he keeps offering two week deals. Tim said he will be done with Cassandra if she goes against him on this one.

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